Such tragedy: Double Killings could have been prevented


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Sorry but this was out of fear. Fear that these things cannot be cured, but they can be. Which is an added tragedy, since this could be prevented. So sad that people do not have this knowledge, and this man killed himself and his wife, fearing there was no cure! Even schizophrenia has been cured. Why isn't this knowledge made commonplace and taken seriously?

After Wife Ends Up In Hospital On Life Support Her Husband Posts On Facebook Shoots Her Then Shoots Himself

My fellow liberals want to hold people accountable, for spreading fear and perceptions that black people are more likely to be thugs, so it's better to shoot first and ask questions later and expect the law to be on your side.

What about holding liberals accountable for demonizing Christianity; taking "separation of church and state" so far as to reject, blame, and EXCLUDE Christians as unequal, even falsely accusing practices such as Spiritual Healing as unsubstantiated when this can be proven by medical research and scientific process.

Isn't that spreading negative stereotypes and obstructing knowledge or research into Spiritual Healing that HAS been shown to cure both physical and mental illness, including Schizophrenia and even criminal addictions?

How many lives and minds could be saved if the knowledge of Spiritual Healing as natural and effective was
proven and made commonplace instead of DISCRIMINATED against because the Christians practice this?
So, you're saying they should have prayed away the mental illness?


In some cases, where this is what applies to that person, yes.

In fact, Luddly I know of one case where I called in for prayer help myself!
A friend of my neighbor downstairs had collapsed and I was calling for help for that.
I didn't know what the problem was at all, but the young man was rambling and not making any sense.

It turns out his father had already gone through transgender reassignment and
was presenting as female. And now he was "questioning" if he needed to do the same.

My friend Olivia came over and prayed for all of, because she sensed very negative
spirits in the house. My whole district has a history of being "cursed" with conflicts
because of disturbed gravesites desecrated, and the whole spirit has been disrupted.
People have even reported seeing or hearing distressed spirits roaming around,
and one friend of this neighbor did prayers before (he was Pagan and tried to use
natural earth-based rituals but my friend Olivia is Christian and uses those prayer to cast out
the unhappy spirits or demons).

What Olivia reported afterwards was that she was called to pray for someone else
but stopped on the way because this was an emergency. Both people were afflicted
by spirits of the other gender confusing them. And when she prayed, both people were
freed from this obsession and both returned to their natural way of thinking as their natural born gender,
without any more of this fear that they were the other gender.

So I consider this a SEPARATE type case.

When people have demonic influences, like my friend who was abused
and had "demon voices" raging in his head, that is NOT natural and NOT their natural personality!

This is NOT the same as people like my friend
Ian I met online who was one of these "women personalities/souls
born in a male body" When I shared with Ian online,
it was clear his personality was female and opened up and responded
when I addressed Ian as HER and SHE. That was the REAL Ian,
who later became TESS.

So these cases are NOTHING alike.

And it is grossly unfair and causing suicidal despair
to treat these cases as each other. Totally tragic
as suicides or attempts could be prevented on both sides
by quitting this assumption all cases are the same.

They are not.

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