Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

Pray five times daily 'or face beheading'
ANYONE who does not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an official in a southern Somalian town declared yesterday, adding that the new edict will be implemented in three days' time.

Shops, tea houses and other public places in Bulo Burto, 124 miles north-east of the capital, Mogadishu, should be closed during prayer time and no-one should be on the streets, said Sheik Hussein Barre Rage, the chairman of the town's Islamic court.

His court is part of a network backed by armed militiamen that has taken control of much of southern Somalia in recent months. It has brought with it a strict interpretation of Islam that is alien to many Somalis.

Those who do not follow the prayer edict after three days have elapsed "will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law", Sheik Rage said.

"As Muslims we should practice Islam fully, not in part, and that is what our religion enjoins us to do."

He said the edict, which covers only Bulo Burto, was being announced over loudspeakers throughout the town.

Somalia's Islamic courts have made varying interpretations of Koranic law, with some applying a more strict and radical version of Islam than others.

Some of the courts have introduced public executions, floggings of convicts and bans on women swimming at public beaches in the capital, Mogadishu.

The most controversial measure has possibly been a law banning the sale and chewing of khat, a leafy stimulant consumed across the Horn of Africa and in the Middle East. Khat is hugely popular among Somalians.

After complaints about the lack of consistency in interpretation of the law from residents in Mogadishu, the umbrella Council of Islamic Courts set up an appeals court with better-educated judges in October.

This article:

Hmmmm.....this is another D minus effort. Perhaps D plus, if I could be charitable.

Why are you providing us outdated information? The islamist militias in this article were defeated and routed out of power by government forces at the end of 2006... and those who lived fled into the hills and jungles.
I dont know how he gets anything done correctly, hopping around on his right foot, and only using his right hand, he hates the left SOOO MUCH:mad:
Hmmmm.....this is another D minus effort. Perhaps D plus, if I could be charitable.

Why are you providing us outdated information? The islamist militias in this article were defeated and routed out of power by government forces at the end of 2006... and those who lived fled into the hills and jungles.

One would think the left would stand up for human rights in this case - but since when have the left ever said anything critical about Islam and Muslims?
One would think the left would stand up for human rights in this case - but since when have the left ever said anything critical about Islam and Muslims?

Hmmmm....well, we'll have to give this an "F" for effort. You totally avoided the point, and tried to divert.

The issue is: why did you provide outdated information about somalia - one that isn't relevant today, since the somali islamic militias were defeated and crushed?
The better question is why did you make this false assertion?

When you know there have been no such incidents?

False eh?

How Do You Defeat an Ideology When No One Fights
Somalia: Sheik Hussein Barre Rage in southern Somalia, who also serves as the chairman of the Islamic courts, has stated that in the town of Bulo Burto, you will be beheaded if you do not pray towards Mecca five times during the day. During prayer times, all shops are expected to be closed as well. If you are caught not praying, you "will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law." "As Muslims we should practice Islam fully, not in part, and that is what our religion enjoins us to do." - Fox News
Wow. How do you defeat an ideology which leads to this type of law? Actions do speak louder than words, for words are useless in today's society. Say something about the Somali town and you are denounced as a racist or trying to impose your beliefs on someone else. Yes, it is so-o-o terrible that I believe killing someone for missing a prayer is too harsh. Shame on me. I should be reeducated to believe everything is totally relative, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong. If you think that's the case, please go to this town and don't pray. Let's see you preach relativism to the local Sheik.
Will anyone stand up for what is right? Why is this radical Islam spreading so fast? (See first question) Look at the world from 600-900 A.D. Islam spread from Saudi Arabia all the way across northern Africa, even taking over Spain and parts of France in this short period of time. Then take 900-1300 A.D. Islam spread down the west coast of Africa and all the way through northern India (and it was not by peace. Notice the Hindu Kush Valley in India. It literally means "Kill Hindu" because thousands of Indians died on forced marches across the mountains to be sold as slaves in the Islamic markets.). Who would dare stand up to this? See the Crusades. And look at how they are demonized. Some have called it Europes first "imperialistic war." Just imagine a map in which the entire Middle East, West Asia, North Africa, Spain, parts of the Balkans and Greece were taken in just a few hundred years. Now imagine the areas of Spain and parts of curent Israeli coast taken and advances halted in the Balkans. Yes, it seems who was imperialistic.
Is that what we are afraid of? Will we be demonized in history for "imposing" our values on people? If the same liberal ideology is in charge, yes it appears we will be. But it is precisely becasue the liberal ideology is in charge now that we do nothing, nor say nothing. Hopefully history will know exactly where the blame should fall.
Hmmmm....well, we'll have to give this an "F" for effort. You totally avoided the point, and tried to divert.

The issue is: why did you provide outdated information about somalia - one that isn't relevant today, since the somali islamic militias were defeated and crushed?

Perhaps you could enlighten me. What is outdated about an article from Dec 2006? That's hardly a lot of significant amount of time in the big scheme of things.

Are you saying that your assertion that the somali islamic militias were defeated and crushed is what has rendered RSR's link obsolete?

If so, do you have a link to provide that verifies your assertion?

And before you get all jumpy, I'm just aksing legitimate questions.
Correct me if I am wrong, but is it not RSR's link, and not RSR making the assertion?


RSR asserted that they were beheading people, AND that is was happening now.

RSR flunked on both assertions. Suprising that you would gallop in to try to rescue him...he's an embarrasment to the board don't you agree?

Here's what RSR posted:

-RSR: “They now behead people in the town square for not praying 5 times per day”

Pray five times daily 'or face beheading'


ANYONE who does not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an official in a southern Somalian town declared yesterday, adding that the new edict will be implemented in three days' time.

So, some "official" said they would behead people.

That Hardly, backs up what RSR said. He said they WERE beheading people, NOW.

Neither case was he right. No evidence was proferred that this "officials" edict was every carried out -- plus, it's NOT happening "now". The islamic militias were routed and driven from power.

I can find quotes of christian theocrats proclaiming that we should stone prostitutes to death.

But, if I claimed it was actually happening, without providing evidence, I would be the laughing stock of the board.

RSR asserted that they were beheading people, AND that is was happening now.

RSR flunked on both assertions. Suprising that you would gallop in to try to rescue him...he's an embarrasment to the board don't you agree?

Here's what RSR posted:

So, some "official" said they would behead people.

That Hardly, backs up what RSR said. He said they WERE beheading people, NOW.

Neither case was he right. No evidence was proferred that this "officials" edict was every carried out -- plus, it's NOT happening "now". The islamic militias were routed and driven from power.

I can find quotes of christian theocrats proclaiming that we should stone prostitutes to death.

But, if I claimed it was actually happening, without providing evidence, I would be the laughing stock of the board.

Eh, I have posted multiple links showing the offical and the courts said it was a crime not to pray five time per day

I also posted a link showing how Muslims treat and feel about women. I am surprised the left is not outraged - where is the NOW gang?

RSR asserted that they were beheading people, AND that is was happening now.

RSR flunked on both assertions. Suprising that you would gallop in to try to rescue him...he's an embarrasment to the board don't you agree?

Here's what RSR posted:

So, some "official" said they would behead people.

That Hardly, backs up what RSR said. He said they WERE beheading people, NOW.

Neither case was he right. No evidence was proferred that this "officials" edict was every carried out -- plus, it's NOT happening "now". The islamic militias were routed and driven from power.

I can find quotes of christian theocrats proclaiming that we should stone prostitutes to death.

But, if I claimed it was actually happening, without providing evidence, I would be the laughing stock of the board.

Dude, I'm not galloping to anyone's rescue. I went from the thread title, tot he last few posts which have nothing to do with the thread title, and I read the linked article RSR provided.

The questions I have asked are because I am not all that up to speed on current events in Somalia. So you're seeing something that isn't there.

At this point, we have an article from RSR dated Dec 2006, and your word that it is outdated and that what the article alleges is not currently taking place.

But i guess it never occurred to you some people might just be interested in what's going on rather than partisan sniping? Thanks anyway. I'll see what google has to offer.
Dude, I'm not galloping to anyone's rescue. I went from the thread title, tot he last few posts which have nothing to do with the thread title, and I read the linked article RSR provided.

The questions I have asked are because I am not all that up to speed on current events in Somalia. So you're seeing something that isn't there.

At this point, we have an article from RSR dated Dec 2006, and your word that it is outdated and that what the article alleges is not currently taking place.

But i guess it never occurred to you some people might just be interested in what's going on rather than partisan sniping? Thanks anyway. I'll see what google has to offer.

Here's one that I found:

29 May 2007: The Significance of Beheadings in Kenya�s Crime Wave


The recent beheadings of innocent citizens by the dreaded Mungiki sect in Kenya have again brought to the fore weaknesses in Kenya�s law enforcement agencies. Mungiki is an ethnic/faith based vigilante organisation that has metamorphosed into a terror group. In one week, six people in separate residential areas in different districts in the Central Province were beheaded in what appears to have been a coordinated onslaught by the perpetrators. In one district, the murders went beyond beheadings: the victims were dismembered and the body parts scattered in different places. In one area, three legs from different corpses were left together by the roadside and the rest of the bodies are yet to be found. In another district, the head of one victim was spiked onto the roof of a neighbour�s chicken pen and another was placed on a telephone pole. The most gruesome and telling find was when the police stumbled upon Mungiki suspects in possession of male reproductive organs and other paraphernalia associated with the sect in Maragua. More male organs were found later in a separate raid. Suspicions were that a ritual had been taking place.


Beheadings and ritual mutilation are more than just strategies of war, and are time-honoured warrior tactics that are theologically sanctioned (Perlmutter 2005). According to Perlmutter, the symbolism of contemporary beheadings is both political and religious: the political aspects are to instill fear, and the religious aspects morally sanction murder.(1) Hence, for the Kenyan security agencies to equate these tactics with mere criminal violence is strategically unwise and diminishes the true nature of the threat posed by these recent incidents. The mutations the Mungiki sect has undergone from being custodians of culture to extorting protection money from citizens indicates that the recent beheadings could signify yet another shift in the nature of the group�s coherence. Traditional forms of capital punishment that could give cultural explanations for the Mungiki would be the suffocation of culprits in a tree-stump filled with bees. This �sarcophagus� would then be rolled down a hill to agitate the bees to hasten the execution process....
What's that got to do with anything anyone has said in the last thirty posts?

First, Kenya is a christian country. Overwhelmingly christian.

Second, the beheadings are criminal activities perpetrated by the Mungiki sect in Kenya - as your article states. These aren't Muslims.

That may or may not be true:

Kenyan Churches Alarmed By Spread of ‘Mungiki’ Sect
Panafrican News Agency, 3 September 2000

Nairobi - The rapid spread of an unregistered "Mungiki" religious sect, which is advocating female circumcision, has alarmed mainstream churches in central Kenya.

A seminar organised by the National Council of Churches of Kenya or NCCK in Nyeri, about 107 miles north of Nairobi, heard Sunday that the sect, which also wants to ascribe to Islamic laws, is massively recruiting members from the established churches.

Mungiki members also sniff raw tobacco and dried and grounded roots.

This has alarmed church leaders who decided to call on the NCCK to conduct an urgent probe on the activities of the sect and offer guidance on how to confront it.

The sect, whose followers have been involved in daily confrontations with government officials, is also being accused of propagating activities and teachings that go against Christianity.

The Kenyan government views the Mungiki sect, which was founded early this year, as an upshot of a revolutionary society whose aim is to create lawlessness and political instability.

But the concern of Christians is the support the controversial sect has won from the Kenyan Muslim community.

What's that got to do with anything anyone has said in the last thirty posts?

First, Kenya is a christian country. Overwhelmingly christian.

Second, the beheadings are criminal activities perpetrated by the Mungiki sect in Kenya - as your article states. These aren't Muslims.

Your article doesn't have anything to do with Islam, or with anything to do with the last thirty posts.

Like I said, the Mungiki sect isn't muslims. They are a bastardized hybrid religion of Christianity and native african tribal religions:

Seven years ago, self-confessed Mungiki leader Mr Ndura Waruinge, who has since renounced the proscribed sect, confessed that the movement practiced rituals that “blended Christian teachings with traditional African worship practice.”
seriously, did y'all just get on Google, type "beheadings", and assumed anything you landed on or clicked, was related to the Islamic religion? ;)

This was funny. The link to the Kenyan beheading is more closely linked to christianity, than it is to islam. Their "sect" is a self-proclaimed hybrid of christianity and native tribal religions.

Seriously, any whacked out person can cherry pick quotes from holy books, to justify atrocities. The bible teaches us to stone to death prostitutes and unfaithful wives. The koran probably has equally atrocious sanctions.

That's why I don't like any theocrats - christian, muslim, or jew - who take holy books literally.
seriously, did y'all just get on Google, type "beheadings", and assumed anything you landed on or clicked, was related to the Islamic religion? ;)

This was funny. The link to the Kenyan beheading is more closely linked to christianity, than it is to islam. Their "sect" is a self-proclaimed hybrid of christianity and native tribal religions.

Seriously, any whacked out person can cherry pick quotes from holy books, to justify atrocities. The bible teaches us to stone to death prostitutes and unfaithful wives. The koran probably has equally atrocious sanctions.

That's why I don't like any theocrats - christian, muslim, or jew - who take holy books literally.

It is the "in" things these days to bash Christians and Christianity - but it is racist to point out the facts about Islam and the terrorists who take it to the extreme
I know it can be fatal if you do not follow it

They now behead people in the town square for not praying 5 times per day

The better question is why did you make this false assertion?

When you know there have been no such incidents?

False eh?

How Do You Defeat an Ideology When No One Fights
Somalia: Sheik Hussein Barre Rage in southern Somalia, who also serves as the chairman of the Islamic courts, has stated that in the town of Bulo Burto, you will be beheaded if you do not pray towards Mecca five times during the day. During prayer times, all shops are expected to be closed as well. If you are caught not praying, you "will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law." "As Muslims we should practice Islam fully, not in part, and that is what our religion enjoins us to do." - Fox News
Wow. How do you defeat an ideology which leads to this type of law? Actions do speak louder than words, for words are useless in today's society. Say something about the Somali town and you are denounced as a racist or trying to impose your beliefs on someone else. Yes, it is so-o-o terrible that I believe killing someone for missing a prayer is too harsh. Shame on me. I should be reeducated to believe everything is totally relative, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong. If you think that's the case, please go to this town and don't pray. Let's see you preach relativism to the local Sheik.
Will anyone stand up for what is right? Why is this radical Islam spreading so fast? (See first question) Look at the world from 600-900 A.D. Islam spread from Saudi Arabia all the way across northern Africa, even taking over Spain and parts of France in this short period of time. Then take 900-1300 A.D. Islam spread down the west coast of Africa and all the way through northern India (and it was not by peace. Notice the Hindu Kush Valley in India. It literally means "Kill Hindu" because thousands of Indians died on forced marches across the mountains to be sold as slaves in the Islamic markets.). Who would dare stand up to this? See the Crusades. And look at how they are demonized. Some have called it Europes first "imperialistic war." Just imagine a map in which the entire Middle East, West Asia, North Africa, Spain, parts of the Balkans and Greece were taken in just a few hundred years. Now imagine the areas of Spain and parts of curent Israeli coast taken and advances halted in the Balkans. Yes, it seems who was imperialistic.
Is that what we are afraid of? Will we be demonized in history for "imposing" our values on people? If the same liberal ideology is in charge, yes it appears we will be. But it is precisely becasue the liberal ideology is in charge now that we do nothing, nor say nothing. Hopefully history will know exactly where the blame should fall.

Where do you PROVE your assertion that they have ACTUALLY beheaded people?
Where do you PROVE your assertion that they have ACTUALLY beheaded people?

I see the biggest defenders (liberals) of the terrorists are speaking up loud and clear


  • $At the Arch.jpg
    $At the Arch.jpg
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Is that all they do RSR?

Blow themselves up, behead people, and kill raped women?

Hard to believe that they can keep thier numbers over 1 billion.

Why dont we just leave them alone, to erase themselves from the earth?


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