Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

really news story showing one muslim beheaded for not praying five times a day. got that?
Who is making anything up?

You are one of the biggest supporters for surrender and defeat of the US in Iraq

not in the least. I think it is hilarious that I predicted that, rather than post a link to one news source that reported one muslim being beheaded for the crime of not praying five times a day, that rather than admit you had no such link, that you would attack me and claim that I was a terrorist lover. It is standard RSR behavior when you are caught in a lie.
not in the least. I think it is hilarious that I predicted that, rather than post a link to one news source that reported one muslim being beheaded for the crime of not praying five times a day, that rather than admit you had no such link, that you would attack me and claim that I was a terrorist lover. It is standard RSR behavior when you are caught in a lie.

Your past support for your parties Surrneder bill, and your defense of those who slander/insult the troops - is proof enough of my statement

You are an appeaser and supporter of surrender in Iraq
Round and round we go. He's all yours Cons. He really is an embarrasment to the board. Can we have a rule, where only adults get to debate? ;)

A day in the life of an RSR debate

RSR: They now behead people in the town square for not praying 5 times per day wacko town.... Somalia. Is that what you got?

RSR replies: are you saying they are NOT beheadiong people when they do not pray five times per day

As far as i read, its a threat, no one has been beheaded.
why did you make this false assertion. When you know there have been no such incidents? How about you defend your generalizations and lies.

RSR replies: It is the "in" things these days to bash Christians and Christianity - but it is racist to point out the facts about Islam and the terrorists who take it to the extreme

You still haven't documented your statement that muslims actually are being beheaded for not praying five times a day.

RSR: Libs like you are a hoot. They will defend the terrorists and their murderous ways

really RSR…one news story showing one muslim beheaded for not praying five times a day. got that?

RSR replies: Ah, the chief supporter for the surrender to terrorists has bellowed in

The better question is why did you make this false assertion?
When you know there have been no such incidents?

RSR replies: I see the biggest defenders (liberals) of the terrorists are speaking up loud and clear. These are the folks you libs want us to appease and surrender to

Do you have evidence of actual beheadings?

RSR replies: Typical of liberal debate tactics.You make a statement - the libs asks for a link - your provide it - and the lib askes for more proof

You still haven't documented your statement that muslims actually are being beheaded for not praying five times a day. So, your assetion was false unless you can show otherwise.

RSR replies: Who is making anything up? You are one of the biggest supporters for surrender and defeat of the US in Iraq
Your past support for your parties Surrneder bill, and your defense of those who slander/insult the troops - is proof enough of my statement

You are an appeaser and supporter of surrender in Iraq

my party has never put forward a "surrender bill". ANd the bill that my party did put forward, which fully funded the war efforts in Iraq, but set troop withdrawal deadlines was supported by a large majority of americans.

I do not want "defeat" for America in Iraq. I want America to start fighting the war against Islamic extremism instead of tying up the bulk of our fighting forces going after a handful of deadenders in their final throes. Do you honestly think that when we leave, the Iraqi army is not going to quickly come unglued and become two separate sunni and shiite armed militias that will start in to killing one another?

What does That have to do with the fact that 3000 Taliban suicide bombers can have a graduation ceremony in Afghanistan - where the bulk of our enemy has been all along - invite the press and NOBODY could do diddly about it because we do NOT have our forces concentrated where our real enemy is?

Your cowardly slander of any veteran who does not agree with George Bush would get your beaten to a bloodly pulp at MY American Legion post. I guarantee it.
my party has never put forward a "surrender bill". ANd the bill that my party did put forward, which fully funded the war efforts in Iraq, but set troop withdrawal deadlines was supported by a large majority of americans.

I do not want "defeat" for America in Iraq. I want America to start fighting the war against Islamic extremism instead of tying up the bulk of our fighting forces going after a handful of deadenders in their final throes. Do you honestly think that when we leave, the Iraqi army is not going to quickly come unglued and become two separate sunni and shiite armed militias that will start in to killing one another?

What does That have to do with the fact that 3000 Taliban suicide bombers can have a graduation ceremony in Afghanistan - where the bulk of our enemy has been all along - invite the press and NOBODY could do diddly about it because we do NOT have our forces concentrated where our real enemy is?

Your cowardly slander of any veteran who does not agree with George Bush would get your beaten to a bloodly pulp at MY American Legion post. I guarantee it.

rsr, stop slandering maineman, veterans are to be treated with the up-most dignity and respect, and believe me, I once acted like a giant a**hole, to one at an anti-war parade, so i am not lecturing, i am telling you its disrespect and foolery to question patriotism of soldiers past and present.
Will somebody please tell me, why we cant just cut iraq into three sectarian countries with a central government, and seal the borders?

rsr, stop slandering maineman, veterans are to be treated with the up-most dignity and respect, and believe me, I once acted like a giant a**hole, to one at an anti-war parade, so i am not lecturing, i am telling you its disrespect and foolery to question patriotism of soldiers past and present.
Have you re-searched how bad non-muslims have been treated historically in muslim countries, women too, and gays.

Do you know, the level of persecution against non-muslims in the world

do you know honor killing is not in-frequent in the muslim world.

Neither is female genital mutilation, Ive seen a report where its hapenning in northern irraq, but i guess we can trust the saudi's to tell us the truth, since they dont keep records, and most muslim countries dont, and most african countries are muslims.

I have to show you a beheading, for you to believe it happens?. are you kidding me ?

Round and round we go. He's all yours Cons. He really is an embarrasment to the board. Can we have a rule, where only adults get to debate? ;)

A day in the life of an RSR debate wacko town.... Somalia. Is that what you got?

As far as i read, its a threat, no one has been beheaded.
why did you make this false assertion. When you know there have been no such incidents? How about you defend your generalizations and lies.

You still haven't documented your statement that muslims actually are being beheaded for not praying five times a day.

really RSR…one news story showing one muslim beheaded for not praying five times a day. got that?

The better question is why did you make this false assertion?
When you know there have been no such incidents?

Do you have evidence of actual beheadings?

You still haven't documented your statement that muslims actually are being beheaded for not praying five times a day. So, your assetion was false unless you can show otherwise.
I really wish liberals would stop down playing the threat from islamo-nazi terrorism.

Every time, something happens, or some criticizes islamo nazi terrorists, I hear the same thing from the far left and many liberals, its not all of them and its not that big a threat.

Your heads are deeply buried in the sand, recently I realized, we are not fighting them over there so they wont come here. They are already here, and as we speak, planning, and trying to carry out attacks inside the u.s., its sad, that many liberals in the the u.s.a, for years said, hey jews in israel, make peace with the people blowing up your kids, well, one day, when your kids get blown up, at a pizza parlor, or a night club, i want to see you say make peace. Oh, wait it already happened, and you still dont take the threat as seriously as you should and you want peace.

Not all granted, their are some good democrats who understand the threat, and we can disagree about iraq, im not sure what to do their, but im talking about, show me how many conservatives marched against invading afghanistan, :p.
Have you re-searched how bad non-muslims have been treated historically in muslim countries, women too, and gays.

Do you know, the level of persecution against non-muslims in the world

do you know honor killing is not in-frequent in the muslim world.

Neither is female genital mutilation, Ive seen a report where its hapenning in northern irraq, but i guess we can trust the saudi's to tell us the truth, since they dont keep records, and most muslim countries dont, and most african countries are muslims.

I have to show you a beheading, for you to believe it happens?. are you kidding me ?

do you have any evidence of muslims being beheaded for not praying five times a day or don't you?

reallly simple question. a yes or a no will suffice.
do you have any evidence of muslims being beheaded for not praying five times a day or don't you?

reallly simple question. a yes or a no will suffice.

I do not recall you answering me if you had ever lived in a muslim country as a civilian with no backing or protection or seperation for being foreign or Un sponsored military.
Do you want me to fly there and video tape it?, or will some news articles suffice? :rolleyes:

The answer is yes...

do you have any evidence of muslims being beheaded for not praying five times a day or don't you?

reallly simple question. a yes or a no will suffice.
I do not recall you answering me if you had ever lived in a muslim country as a civilian with no backing or protection or seperation for being foreign or Un sponsored military.

oh...and for the record, that wasn't your question when you first posed changed it and expanded it here when restating it.

now. answer mine.

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