Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

You have to agree with Red States here. If you are going to argue that Terrorists are NOT generally muslim then you are a stone cold dope too caught up in todays politically correct society. Almost every single terrorist example in todays society has a muslim involved. Sure you can pull out your BS McVey analogy. That is one freaking person out of many. You all know damn well that the percentage of terrorists who are muslim is extremely high. Not racist just a fact.

Lets see

9-11 terrorists - Muslim

Homicide bombers - Muslims

London bombers - Muslims

Ft Dix plotters - Muslims

JFK plotters - Muslims

Are you seeeing the pattern here?
my problem is the illogical leap from "all terrorists are muslims" to "all muslims are terrorists."

It is the same illogical leap that takes us from the story of ONE somali municipal leader saying that he wanted to behead muslims who didn't pray five times a day to RSR's assertions that muslims behead people who don't pray five times a day.

As I have said, I have lived with muslims... lots of them, and I can say that, from my personal experience, the overwhelming majority of them are peaceful, friendly, law abiding, hard working people.
my problem is the illogical leap from "all terrorists are muslims" to "all muslims are terrorists."

It is the same illogical leap that takes us from the story of ONE somali municipal leader saying that he wanted to behead muslims who didn't pray five times a day to RSR's assertions that muslims behead people who don't pray five times a day.

As I have said, I have lived with muslims... lots of them, and I can say that, from my personal experience, the overwhelming majority of them are peaceful, friendly, law abiding, hard working people.

Its ok to be a right wing racist if you have a news paper article to back up your assertions.
that has been the recurring theme in all of my issues with RSR. He hardly ever posts "facts", and when he does, he misinterprets them.
Weird, I figured that when I make a claim, I should provide evidence to back up that claim.

When RSR says THEY BEHEAD PEOPLE and provides a link to articles that say they have NOT BEHEADED ANYONE, they want to.

Because its RSR and he can never admit being wrong, we should ignore it?

I'm not going to go back and dig up the link. If it's as you say, then his argument has been refuted, no?

Anything after that is just attacking the messenger and not the message.

I see certain posters bitching about the board, but those verysame posters contribute greatly to every thread devolving into personal attacks, and running the spectrum of "hot topics" in each and every thread.

It's getting old. This isn't aimed at anyone specifically, nor one side of the political spectrum or the other. It's a blanket statement covering the fact that it happens from both sides.
All you have to do is prove it wrong. That's the name of the game.

the article proves RSR's assertions wrong on its face. It reports that one somali municipal official wanted to behead any muslim not praying five times a day. Not one actual beheading is mentioned in the article by my reading of it.

RSR claimed that muslims were beheaded for the crime of not praying five times a day.

One muslim obit stating cause of death: beheading because the poor fella didn't pray five times a day.... that's all we're askin' here.
RSR, for example, might state his intention to mate with an alien from another planet. That doesn't get any aliens knocked up.
Hey RGS:

did you MISS this answer or just decide to ignore it?

When I lived in Beirut, I had absolutely ZERO protection from any government and I was on totally detached duty from the US Navy. US Military personnel assigned to the US Embassy lived in gated complexes and were driven everywhere in armored cars with armed guards. On the other hand, as a UN employee, I was not allowed to even carry a weapon. There were never any guards to protect me. I drove a white Passat and lived in a tiny walk up apartment until the building across the street that housed the Iranian news agency was blown up, the debris destroyed most of my apartment and my stuff so I moved to another equally unsafe apartment closer to the harbor for no reason other than it was that much closer to a potential escape route if the city came unglued. In both apartments, I had muslim neighbors. In both apartments, I was nearby muslim shops and markets and schools and clubs.... and I socialized with many many muslims on a frequent and routine basis. To this day, I routinely correspond with several arab friends I made during my time in the middle east.

Now I know you hate to admit it, but given all that, which one of us probably has a better first hand understanding of what the muslim world is like, what their dreams and aspirations are and what their views of the United States are?
Yup, those peaceful arabs tried to blow you up. Good guys.

You are of course aware that the teachings of Allah specifically forbid Muslims from making non muslim friends? Your "friends" are anything but.
You are of course aware that the teachings of Allah specifically forbid Muslims from making non muslim friends? Your "friends" are anything but.

Just like in the bible where it says stone adulterers and those who eat shellfish?

Its all about the interpretation.
Yup, those peaceful arabs tried to blow you up. Good guys.

You are of course aware that the teachings of Allah specifically forbid Muslims from making non muslim friends? Your "friends" are anything but.

So much for the promise made to terrorists


  • $At the Arch.jpg
    $At the Arch.jpg
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Yup, those peaceful arabs tried to blow you up. Good guys.

You are of course aware that the teachings of Allah specifically forbid Muslims from making non muslim friends? Your "friends" are anything but.

quit tap dancing and just answer the question:

Now I know you hate to admit it, but given all that, which one of us probably has a better first hand understanding of what the muslim world is like, what their dreams and aspirations are and what their views of the United States are?
quit tap dancing and just answer the question:

Now I know you hate to admit it, but given all that, which one of us probably has a better first hand understanding of what the muslim world is like, what their dreams and aspirations are and what their views of the United States are?

Your opinion is just that, opinion. And we all know what you think of opinions.
quit tap dancing and just answer the question:

Now I know you hate to admit it, but given all that, which one of us probably has a better first hand understanding of what the muslim world is like, what their dreams and aspirations are and what their views of the United States are?

We know all about Muslim terrorists


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    $At the Arch.jpg
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Weird, I figured that when I make a claim, I should provide evidence to back up that claim.

When RSR says THEY BEHEAD PEOPLE and provides a link to articles that say they have NOT BEHEADED ANYONE, they want to.

Because its RSR and he can never admit being wrong, we should ignore it?

Thousands of people suffer from acute decapitation each year. Liberals think result of the invasion of Iraq and the US's war on terror. Michael Moore is now planning a movie to explore this possibility

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