Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

Lets not play coy, the edict says anyone not praying 5 times a day will be beheaded, and one of the articles i gave you was published by a correspondent in mogudishu.

What do you want, me to fly there?, with a camera, and ask the nice islamo nazi's to let a jew film them beheading someone.

oh and by the way, here is some evidence, as too what somalias human's right record is by a very conservative group :rolleyes: , amnesty international.

NOw, i dont know about you, but i dont need to see video of beheadings, to know that when islamo nazi's make threats, they carry them out, see taliban, and 9/11. Bin ladin didnt just say, or threaten us, like the articles threaten somali's he acted on it.

oh...and for the record, that wasn't your question when you first posed changed it and expanded it here when restating it.

now. answer mine.
we are talking the fact, that a court has been set up to kill anyone not by lethal injection, but by be-heading if they dont pray 5 times a day. The reports will come in soon, of fatalities and you know it mr.

My god, arab muslims are butchering black muslims and sunni's and shiites have been slitting each other throats for 1,000 years, and you think the islamic court is joking. Perhaps instead, they give them, a haircut as a parting gift instead, come to think of it, i would hate to see the islamic version of the price is right. your bid: allah, yours?, death to america?, yours: jihad!


oh...and for the record, that wasn't your question when you first posed changed it and expanded it here when restating it.

now. answer mine.

So we've established that RSR was incorrect when he/she stated that people were and are being beheaded for not praying five times a day. Good. It only took 50 posts, to get someone to admit that. Like pulling teeth. So some asshole threatened to behead people for not praying. But it never happened.

As for the "Just wait and see! This town will soon start beheading people...someday!" storyline.......

I'm afraid that's just not possible. As was noted 50 posts ago, the town is no longer under control of islamic militias. The government forces routed and crushed the islamic forces in somalia. Unless one stays glued to Fox News, this was all over the international news 6 months ago.

So we've established that RSR was incorrect when he/she stated that people were and are being beheaded for not praying five times a day. Good. It only took 50 posts, to get someone to admit that. Like pulling teeth. So some asshole threatened to behead people for not praying. But it never happened.

As for the "Just wait and see! This town will soon start beheading people...someday!" storyline.......

I'm afraid that's just not possible. As was noted 50 posts ago, the town is no longer under control of islamic militias. The government forces routed and crushed the islamic forces in somalia. Unless one stays glued to Fox News, this was all over the international news 6 months ago.

Ahh so Somalia is perfectly safe now with no Islamic control anywhere at all? Maybe you should tell the Somali Government that and their allies.
I really wish liberals would stop down playing the threat from islamo-nazi terrorism.

Every time, something happens, or some criticizes islamo nazi terrorists, I hear the same thing from the far left and many liberals, its not all of them and its not that big a threat.

Your heads are deeply buried in the sand, recently I realized, we are not fighting them over there so they wont come here. They are already here, and as we speak, planning, and trying to carry out attacks inside the u.s., its sad, that many liberals in the the u.s.a, for years said, hey jews in israel, make peace with the people blowing up your kids, well, one day, when your kids get blown up, at a pizza parlor, or a night club, i want to see you say make peace. Oh, wait it already happened, and you still dont take the threat as seriously as you should and you want peace.

Not all granted, their are some good democrats who understand the threat, and we can disagree about iraq, im not sure what to do their, but im talking about, show me how many conservatives marched against invading afghanistan, :p.

I really wish liberals would stop down playing the threat from islamo-nazi terrorism.

I don't play it down. I just want us to go after and focus on the right people.

Not every muslim theocrat, or islamic group is the same. Nor, do they all pose a threat to the american homeland. Some theocrats are just that....theocrats. I don't like theocrats of any religion, but that doesn't mean their out to take over my country.

Likewise, it's idiotic to lump all muslim nationalist or jihaddist groups together. Some of them have regional goals, and have never demonstrated any interest in attacking Nashville or Lubbock, Texas.

I prefer to be smart about this. Sure, we can run around like paranoid chickens with our heads cut off, chasing every monster we think we see under the bed. But, CIA professionals will tell you, that some muslim extremists are a threat to the United States, and other aren't. Why waste resources, and paralyze yourself with fear? Why not be smart about fighting terrorists?
Ahh so Somalia is perfectly safe now with no Islamic control anywhere at all? Maybe you should tell the Somali Government that and their allies.

I give this, perhaps a C plus, for an attempt at diversion, or changing the topic.

fact is, it took 50 posts to get anyone to admit that the claim of RSR was false.
Where do you PROVE your assertion that they have ACTUALLY beheaded people?

You and deadcandance need to quit playing your dishonest little game. The article makes the claim. Neither you nor deadcandance have provided one shred of evidence that I have seen to refute what the article states.

You just keep demanding proof, while providing none of your own. If you can impeach the article, go for it. If you can't, you've got no argument.
I give this, perhaps a C plus, for an attempt at diversion, or changing the topic.

fact is, it took 50 posts to get anyone to admit that the claim of RSR was false.

Really? Who has proven the claim made in the article is false?

Diversion would be a) calling a statement made in a linked article RSR's and b) acting as if you have refuted that statement with your opinion.
I really wish liberals would stop down playing the threat from islamo-nazi terrorism.

I don't play it down. I just want us to go after and focus on the right people.

ME: Fair Enough. Im not against prioritizing.

Not every muslim theocrat, or islamic group is the same.

ME: True.

Nor, do they all pose a threat to the american homeland.

ME: True

Some theocrats are just that....theocrats. I don't like theocrats of any religion, but that doesn't mean their out to take over my country.

ME: Youre gonna have to remind of what a theo-crat is, but I think it is a very bad idea, to allow a group of terrorists, muslim or not, to take over any country, I think, its a bad idea, how we thought, we could isolate, radical islam, wouldnt touch us, it was a mid east issue, and look, its taking over europe and then we're next.

Likewise, it's idiotic to lump all muslim nationalist or jihaddist groups together. Some of them have regional goals, and have never demonstrated any interest in attacking Nashville or Lubbock, Texas.

ME: I agree its stupid to lump there all together, we must assess each one's threat, but in the end, they all must be defeated, because in my humble judgment sir, they are a cancer, they may not cause sypmtoms now, but given enough time, they will kill you.

I prefer to be smart about this. Sure, we can run around like paranoid chickens with our heads cut off, chasing every monster we think we see under the bed. But, CIA professionals will tell you, that some muslim extremists are a threat to the United States, and other aren't. Why waste resources, and paralyze yourself with fear? Why not be smart about fighting terrorists?

ME: I think youre right, we should not run around paranoid, and we should fight the most dangerous group(s) first, and eventually, go after the little fish, only after the big fish.

ME: I quite admire your words.
why are we arguing this. Since when do islamo-nazi terrorists NOT keep their word, and forgive me, but your mad, because rsr said: they are be-heading people, as opposed to, they are going to behead people. I get that yes, its a difference, but its going to happen, so why the anger?


So we've established that RSR was incorrect when he/she stated that people were and are being beheaded for not praying five times a day. Good. It only took 50 posts, to get someone to admit that. Like pulling teeth. So some asshole threatened to behead people for not praying. But it never happened.

As for the "Just wait and see! This town will soon start beheading people...someday!" storyline.......

I'm afraid that's just not possible. As was noted 50 posts ago, the town is no longer under control of islamic militias. The government forces routed and crushed the islamic forces in somalia. Unless one stays glued to Fox News, this was all over the international news 6 months ago.
why are we arguing this. Since when do islamo-nazi terrorists NOT keep their word, and forgive me, but your mad, because rsr said: they are be-heading people, as opposed to, they are going to behead people. I get that yes, its a difference, but its going to happen, so why the anger?

Because most libs think WE are to blame when they launch their terror attacks on us
You and deadcandance need to quit playing your dishonest little game. The article makes the claim. Neither you nor deadcandance have provided one shred of evidence that I have seen to refute what the article states.

You just keep demanding proof, while providing none of your own. If you can impeach the article, go for it. If you can't, you've got no argument.

actually, the article makes the claim that one municipal official in one somali town threatened to cut off the heads of muslims that did not pray five times a day. Not one actual beheading resulting from his threat has been noted -either in that article or anywhere else.
my post was about the threats of one somali municipal official. and you said that those are the people that the left wants to surrender Iraq to. Did you get confused trying to follow the conversation of this thread?

Oh..and by the way....Will you ever come up with any instance where a muslim was, in fact, beheaded for the crime of failing to pray five times a day?
my post was about the threats of one somali municipal official. and you said that those are the people that the left wants to surrender Iraq to. Did you get confused trying to follow the conversation of this thread?

Oh..and by the way....Will you ever come up with any instance where a muslim was, in fact, beheaded for the crime of failing to pray five times a day?

The Dems do want to appease and surrender to terrorists

Here is yet another example of the people Dems want to try and appease
The article makes the claim. THAT THEY WILL BEHEAD ANYONE WHO DOES NOT PRAY. Neither you nor deadcandance have provided one shred of evidence that I have seen to refute what the article states. BECAUSE NO ONE HAS BEEN BEHEADED.

You just keep demanding proof, OF ACTUAL BEHEADINGS while providing none of your own. BECAUSE THERE HAVE BEEN NO BEHEADINGS< HOW DO WE DISPROVE RSR's CLAIM? If you can impeach the article, go for it. If you can't, you've got no argument.

Really? Who has proven the claim made in the article is false?

Weird, I figured that when I make a claim, I should provide evidence to back up that claim.

When RSR says THEY BEHEAD PEOPLE and provides a link to articles that say they have NOT BEHEADED ANYONE, they want to.

Because its RSR and he can never admit being wrong, we should ignore it?

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