Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

what RSR knows and understands about the religion of Islam could fit into a coffee cup and there would still be room for a cup of coffee.
what RSR knows and understands about the religion of Islam could fit into a coffee cup and there would still be room for a cup of coffee.

I know it can be fatal if you do not follow it

They now behead people in the town square for not praying 5 times per day
Oh Mr Arrogrant One - are you saying they are NOT beheadiong people when they do not pray five times per day

Or they kill women who were RAPED?

which muslim state beheads people for not praying five times a day?

Saudi Arabia? Iran? Jordan" Egypt? UAE? Qatar? where is this happening?
Pray five times daily 'or face beheading'
ANYONE who does not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an official in a southern Somalian town declared yesterday, adding that the new edict will be implemented in three days' time.

Shops, tea houses and other public places in Bulo Burto, 124 miles north-east of the capital, Mogadishu, should be closed during prayer time and no-one should be on the streets, said Sheik Hussein Barre Rage, the chairman of the town's Islamic court.

His court is part of a network backed by armed militiamen that has taken control of much of southern Somalia in recent months. It has brought with it a strict interpretation of Islam that is alien to many Somalis.

Those who do not follow the prayer edict after three days have elapsed "will definitely be beheaded according to Islamic law", Sheik Rage said.

"As Muslims we should practice Islam fully, not in part, and that is what our religion enjoins us to do."

He said the edict, which covers only Bulo Burto, was being announced over loudspeakers throughout the town.

Somalia's Islamic courts have made varying interpretations of Koranic law, with some applying a more strict and radical version of Islam than others.

Some of the courts have introduced public executions, floggings of convicts and bans on women swimming at public beaches in the capital, Mogadishu.

The most controversial measure has possibly been a law banning the sale and chewing of khat, a leafy stimulant consumed across the Horn of Africa and in the Middle East. Khat is hugely popular among Somalians.

After complaints about the lack of consistency in interpretation of the law from residents in Mogadishu, the umbrella Council of Islamic Courts set up an appeals court with better-educated judges in October.

This article:
Oh Mr Arrogrant One - are you saying they are NOT beheadiong people when they do not pray five times per day

Or they kill women who were RAPED?

Is that all they do RSR?

Blow themselves up, behead people, and kill raped women?

Hard to believe that they can keep thier numbers over 1 billion.

Why dont we just leave them alone, to erase themselves from the earth?
Is that all they do RSR?

Blow themselves up, behead people, and kill raped women?

Hard to believe that they can keep thier numbers over 1 billion.

Why dont we just leave them alone, to erase themselves from the earth?

Clinton tried leaving them alone - and we got 9-11
one wacko town.... Somalia. Is that what you got?


Why not just admit that all Christians want to kill all abortion doctors?
I read the articles, and its funny that you say, "

RSR-- are you saying they are NOT beheadiong people when they do not pray five times per day

As far as i read, its a threat, no one has been beheaded.

But you say they have, and then ask us to defend their brutality.

How about you defend your generalizations and lies.
Ummm, superlative? Maineman?

You do realize that you're probably arguing with a 14-year old kid, sitting at the computer his Mom bought him, in his underwear?

You must have missed this post - or did you ignore it?

MM you missed RSR's conclusive evidence that ALL muslims are barbaric murderous brutes.

didnt you see the 5$ a year website he linked that PROVES ALL muslims murder women who have been raped?

and muslims WITHOUT A DOUBT behead people who do not pray 5 times a day.

He proved it, RSR proved it. where were you?

I was here and now I am convinced (more than ever) that RSR is a total fuckin retard.

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