Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

Have YOU ever lived in a Muslim Country as a civilian with no protection of another Government or the military? As a citizen non Muslim?

Sure there is at least one small sect of Islam that doesn't want to kill all unbelievers, rather wait until they all convert. BUT the main sects only differ on HOW they will take over the world in degrees.

Unless Islam has a reformation the RELIGION is a threat to all non Muslims. I could live quite comfortably with the threat if it were just that they want to convert everyone, peacefully. But that is NOT what they want and it is not how they operate.

The majority , the VAST majority want worldwide control by Islam. Just look what the religion does when it gets a large enough minority in a country. They demand seperate laws and control in "their" areas. In Europe " disaffected" youths in Germany, France, Sweden and even Denmark and Netherlands are code words for Muslim rioters, looters and gangs. It has not happened in America yet, but I believe it is just a matter of time. The taxi drivers at a certain airport are a prime example.

More specifically there is a MAJOR threat from armed murderous terrorists that want violence to take over NOW.

When I lived in Beirut, I had absolutely ZERO protection from any government and I was on totally detached duty from the US Navy. US Military personnel assigned to the US Embassy lived in gated complexes and were driven everywhere in armored cars with armed guards. On the other hand, as a UN employee, I was not allowed to even carry a weapon. There were never any guards to protect me. I drove a white Passat and lived in a tiny walk up apartment until the building across the street that housed the Iranian news agency was blown up, the debris destroyed most of my apartment and my stuff so I moved to another equally unsafe apartment closer to the harbor for no reason other than it was that much closer to a potential escape route if the city came unglued. In both apartments, I had muslim neighbors. In both apartments, I was nearby muslim shops and markets and schools and clubs.... and I socialized with many many muslims on a frequent and routine basis. To this day, I routinely correspond with several arab friends I made during my time in the middle east.

Now I know you hate to admit it, but given all that, which one of us probably has a better first hand understanding of what the muslim world is like, what their dreams and aspirations are and what their views of the United States are?
When I lived in Beirut, I had absolutely ZERO protection from any government and I was on totally detached duty from the US Navy. US Military personnel assigned to the US Embassy lived in gated complexes and were driven everywhere in armored cars with armed guards. On the other hand, as a UN employee, I was not allowed to even carry a weapon. There were never any guards to protect me. I drove a white Passat and lived in a tiny walk up apartment until the building across the street that housed the Iranian news agency was blown up, the debris destroyed most of my apartment and my stuff so I moved to another equally unsafe apartment closer to the harbor for no reason other than it was that much closer to a potential escape route if the city came unglued. In both apartments, I had muslim neighbors. In both apartments, I was nearby muslim shops and markets and schools and clubs.... and I socialized with many many muslims on a frequent and routine basis. To this day, I routinely correspond with several arab friends I made during my time in the middle east.

Now I know you hate to admit it, but given all that, which one of us probably has a better first hand understanding of what the muslim world is like, what their dreams and aspirations are and what their views of the United States are?

This is Waaay better.




Far Right to you is Ted Kennedy

You can post your videos that generalize ALL Arab Muslims as seekers of world domination, and I can find just as much evangelical insanity generalizing Christians.

Whats your point.

Besides generalizing entire faiths and populations as extreme religious fanatics?
You can post your videos that generalize ALL Arab Muslims as seekers of world domination, and I can find just as much evangelical insanity generalizing Christians.

Whats your point.

Besides generalizing entire faiths and populations as extreme religious fanatics?


Considering that is what the Muslim terrorists actuallly want to do - how is that generalizing? Where are the Muclim leaders when terrorists behead people for not convertuing, or for their terorists attacks?

Oh, they may be afraid of being killed by the terrorists

Not a Mulsims are terrorists, but all terrorists have been Muslims
Lets see

9-11 terrorists - Muslim

Homicide bombers - Muslims

London bombers - Muslims

Ft Dix plotters - Muslims

JFK plotters - Muslims

Are you seeeing the pattern here?

Muslim is a religion. You do know that right?

What you are doing is generalizing Arabs, and middle eastern peoples as ALL being Muslim extremist terrorists.

Which they are not.

Just like not ALL Christians are Evangelical.

But by your standards. I could categorize all Christians as being Extreme Evangelicals.
Muslim is a religion. You do know that right?

What you are doing is generalizing Arabs, and middle eastern peoples as ALL being Muslim extremist terrorists.

Which they are not.

Just like not ALL Christians are Evangelical.

But by your standards. I could categorize all Christians as being Extreme Evangelicals.

Islam is a blast

We all know that

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