Suicide Bombers – Why?

Perhaps I'm just dense but I cannot get my mind behind the reasoning of strapping explosives to ones body and then blowing them – and oneself – up.

Perhaps it is that the life that person lives is so horrid that they believe they will have a better life if they kill others – non believers – and themselves. At least that seems to be the programming from leaders of the Muslim society – the “teachers” who play such an important part in their lives.

And then there is this – how can any sane human being talk someone else, especially young people with their lives ahead of them – to kill themselves? In the name of a religious belief. A religion claiming to be one of peace.

I wish someone who supports the cult could explain to me the positive side of doing this. Don't give me platitudes and quotes from your so-called holy book. Give me a real reason why anyone should shorten their lives and that of others who have no idea of what or why they are victims.

How is it fundamentally different than enlisting in the military as an 11B in a time of war?

I know this may be difficult for you to understand but enlisting to learn to be and act as an infantryman is designed to KILL THE ENEMY while keeping yourself and your comrades ALIVE!
It's simple. they are being told they will have a glorious afterlife filled with virgins who will cater to their needs for eternity.

This is something we need to expose, and we need to outlaw these kind of teachings.
Perhaps I'm just dense but I cannot get my mind behind the reasoning of strapping explosives to ones body and then blowing them – and oneself – up.

Perhaps it is that the life that person lives is so horrid that they believe they will have a better life if they kill others – non believers – and themselves. At least that seems to be the programming from leaders of the Muslim society – the “teachers” who play such an important part in their lives.

And then there is this – how can any sane human being talk someone else, especially young people with their lives ahead of them – to kill themselves? In the name of a religious belief. A religion claiming to be one of peace.

I wish someone who supports the cult could explain to me the positive side of doing this. Don't give me platitudes and quotes from your so-called holy book. Give me a real reason why anyone should shorten their lives and that of others who have no idea of what or why they are victims.
Islam is a death cult. You can tell from listening to these vermin talk that they are not interested in living. They want to die. Islam tells them that no joy is to be found in the real world. Happiness is to be obtained only in heaven.
Same thing as the Kamikaze's. They're nut jobs with nothing to lose. Give them some jobs and education, something to lose, and we'll cut down on suicide bombings.

Or we could continue propping up dictators, overthrowing governments, fighting proxy wars, and taking resources over there.
One of the terrorists, the bomb maker, was a well educated, gainfully employed electrician. That blows a giant hole through your stupid Left wing delusion.
Oh the guy who WAS NOT one of the suicide bombers? Huh. Thanks for the info.
It still sinks your argument that prosperity is the antidote to terrorism.

Osama Bin Laden was a privileged man too, hi-speed.
Prosperity is the antidote to suicide bombing. Can you not read?

The men who took down the World Trade Center were mostly prosperous Saudi Arabians, so your theory is obvious horseshit.
Islam is not a religion of peace.

Islam is an anachronistic Warrior Religion - its founder and foundations and dogma and teachings and political activism are all soaked in oceans of blood.
Same thing as the Kamikaze's. They're nut jobs with nothing to lose. Give them some jobs and education, something to lose, and we'll cut down on suicide bombings.

Or we could continue propping up dictators, overthrowing governments, fighting proxy wars, and taking resources over there.
One of the terrorists, the bomb maker, was a well educated, gainfully employed electrician. That blows a giant hole through your stupid Left wing delusion.
Oh the guy who WAS NOT one of the suicide bombers? Huh. Thanks for the info.
It still sinks your argument that prosperity is the antidote to terrorism.

Osama Bin Laden was a privileged man too, hi-speed.
The U.K. Had a medical doctor who tried to blow up Glasgow airport. The 7/7 bombers were not poorly educated or unemployed. I'm sure if the demographics are looked at, most of the Western islamo suicide killers are not uneducated and not poor. Quite the opposite.
Perhaps I'm just dense but I cannot get my mind behind the reasoning of strapping explosives to ones body and then blowing them – and oneself – up.

Perhaps it is that the life that person lives is so horrid that they believe they will have a better life if they kill others – non believers – and themselves. At least that seems to be the programming from leaders of the Muslim society – the “teachers” who play such an important part in their lives.

And then there is this – how can any sane human being talk someone else, especially young people with their lives ahead of them – to kill themselves? In the name of a religious belief. A religion claiming to be one of peace.

I wish someone who supports the cult could explain to me the positive side of doing this. Don't give me platitudes and quotes from your so-called holy book. Give me a real reason why anyone should shorten their lives and that of others who have no idea of what or why they are victims.

Dear longknife
The same way some people are "divinely inspired" and driven to do great things that save lives of others, there are those given dark tasks to do as part of the learning curve humanity also has to go through.

Some people are just programmed to kill, and if you look at the depictions of what the hijackers did on 9/11, their prayers beforehand included praying to be forgiven.

So this is like Judas being called as the one to betray Jesus,
because if his sacrifice never happened then humanity couldn't be saved.

Some things are meant to happen so this pushes humanity toward better in the future. When we forgive and let go, we can deal with the parts we are supposed to correct and improve on.

Some parts in the script of life are written where tragedies happen, people die too young, innocent lives are lost, so the next chapter brings motivation to move forward in positive ways and do better next time.

We can agree to love each other more.
Forgive each other more.
Embrace our differences and help our neighbors work through grievances in civil constructive ways that restore justice and rebuild relations instead of destroy out of protest.

Instead of being angry we need our compassion to be greater and overpower that anger where it is like the ocean drowning out anything else in comparison.

When our love is greater than our fear, then more good will come out of it and we will not see as many negative angry things done out of retaliation, ill will, and unforgiveness. We can uproot and replace all the negative causes and sources with positive and clean out the garden of weeds so only the good things grow and bloom in abundance. the unwanted weeds will eventually lose out to love and goodness that take over and multiple pushing anything negative out of the way.

May more love, more wisdom more insights and inspiration be yours that we may grow forward from this day and become a closer more collaborative society. As we resolve conflicts and divisions, we get rid of weak spots and we strengthen the fabric of society. The more we connect, the more good will and healing energy flows, then this wards off the negative impulses that seek to reject and destroy.

Love casts out fear.
Love conquers all. Love never fails.
It's simple. they are being told they will have a glorious afterlife filled with virgins who will cater to their needs for eternity.

This is something we need to expose, and we need to outlaw these kind of teachings.
We need to arrange a date for them.
Islam is not a religion of peace.

Islam is an anachronistic Warrior Religion - its founder and foundations and dogma and teachings and political activism are all soaked in oceans of blood.

the political jihadism is warfare

Even America had conquest, warfare and genocide in our history
but that doesn't mean it is part of the Constitutional laws we live by in civilian society.

The strategies and commands in warfare are different.

President Bush, Lt. Col. Allen West, and many of our troops may have given or acted on orders to "shoot first ask questions later" which is part of the military policies. But if anyone were to take those same instructions and policies, and start shooting civilians without due process, that's illegal!

So no, you cannot take political policies and beliefs out of context.

The Muslims I know are like the Christians and other religious groups who are LAW ABIDING, and taught to respect civil authority and the laws of the land as part of their practice in Obedience to God. Because God created natural laws that govt is based on, of course believers would follow those laws of peace and justice given by the same God.

The people acting lawless, killing in the name of Antichrist but claiming it is God's authority, are as far removed from the true meaning of religion as Hitler and the people running the Holocaust camps were. They were doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the Bible says and means, yet they prayed and sang hymnals as Christians do in groups and believed they were doing right by God. Sorry, but that is not the meaning of that faith, and neither is what the Jihadists are doing, taking laws into their own hands.
Perhaps I'm just dense but I cannot get my mind behind the reasoning of strapping explosives to ones body and then blowing them – and oneself – up.

Perhaps it is that the life that person lives is so horrid that they believe they will have a better life if they kill others – non believers – and themselves. At least that seems to be the programming from leaders of the Muslim society – the “teachers” who play such an important part in their lives.

And then there is this – how can any sane human being talk someone else, especially young people with their lives ahead of them – to kill themselves? In the name of a religious belief. A religion claiming to be one of peace.

I wish someone who supports the cult could explain to me the positive side of doing this. Don't give me platitudes and quotes from your so-called holy book. Give me a real reason why anyone should shorten their lives and that of others who have no idea of what or why they are victims.
Give me death or give me liberty...I will learn Arabic, insinuate myself into Saudi Muslim culture. A Christian Jewish suicide cell bent on destroying Islamic culture. And then on Ramadan, blow myself up and the innocent worshipers on Ramadan. I am being sarcastic. Only MUSLIMS do that. But we are paranoid? Who does that? Please. If Muslims piss off Buddhists into riots, Islam isn't the PASSIVE victims LIBs make them out to be.
You don't know this guy. He's nuts. He converted to Islam.
Best decision I ever made. ..... :thup:
So when's the wedding???
Islam is lucky that we aren't like them................Come up to them and say Convert or Die............choose...............

We are a hell of lot better than they are on the battlefield..............
The solution is simple, actually: kill enough and the rest will fall into line. If they don't, then wipe them out to the last man, woman, and child.
Perhaps I'm just dense but I cannot get my mind behind the reasoning of strapping explosives to ones body and then blowing them – and oneself – up.

Perhaps it is that the life that person lives is so horrid that they believe they will have a better life if they kill others – non believers – and themselves. At least that seems to be the programming from leaders of the Muslim society – the “teachers” who play such an important part in their lives.

And then there is this – how can any sane human being talk someone else, especially young people with their lives ahead of them – to kill themselves? In the name of a religious belief. A religion claiming to be one of peace.

I wish someone who supports the cult could explain to me the positive side of doing this. Don't give me platitudes and quotes from your so-called holy book. Give me a real reason why anyone should shorten their lives and that of others who have no idea of what or why they are victims.

How is it fundamentally different than enlisting in the military as an 11B in a time of war?

I know this may be difficult for you to understand but enlisting to learn to be and act as an infantryman is designed to KILL THE ENEMY while keeping yourself and your comrades ALIVE!

It is not difficult to understand at all. If you are willing to die for something, what makes "Allah" different than "the man next to you"? Why is a cop willing to go into a shoot out? Why is a fireman willing to go into a burning building? People forfeit their lives routinely for something they believe in. You believe in one thing. They believe in something else. Doesn't make it fundamentally different that you would die for one thing and they would die for another.
Indeed Islam allows or condones taxing or hate or arrest or attacks on apostates or agnostics, what's wrong with hating THAT? And the fact Islam doesn't do much to STOP their hate and violence, why do libs ignore that?
How is that remotely similar?

You are willing to die for one thing. They are willing to die for another. In the end, the dead are equally dead.
So the defender and the aggressor are equal, huh? It's this kind of moral equivocacy that's rotting the fabric of our society.

You're a loser.

And you apparently are a judgmental idiot, but that does not change that the willingness to die for something you believe in is fundamentally the same regardless of what it is you believe in.
Suicide bombing is martyrdom in Islam.

It's the jihad war, the reward of virgins....and more things like that.

Sick, sick, sick.
Same thing as the Kamikaze's. They're nut jobs with nothing to lose. Give them some jobs and education, something to lose, and we'll cut down on suicide bombings.

Or we could continue propping up dictators, overthrowing governments, fighting proxy wars, and taking resources over there.
One of the terrorists, the bomb maker, was a well educated, gainfully employed electrician. That blows a giant hole through your stupid Left wing delusion.
Oh the guy who WAS NOT one of the suicide bombers? Huh. Thanks for the info.
It still sinks your argument that prosperity is the antidote to terrorism.

Osama Bin Laden was a privileged man too, hi-speed.
Prosperity is the antidote to suicide bombing. Can you not read?

The men who took down the World Trade Center were mostly prosperous Saudi Arabians, so your theory is obvious horseshit.
Give them something to lose, jobs, educations and that will reduce suicide bombings. It is not "prosperous" people blowing themselves up in cafe's. 9/11 was the peak of terrorism and an exception. My theory is very much correct.

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