Suicide By Commercials


Sep 23, 2010
Advertising dollars are supposed to sell products. Every business that advertises on television knowingly supports government propaganda. Americans who are punished the most by the government are the very ones who end up paying for their own destruction. Laughingly, Bill O’Reilly, the most financially successful propagandist on subscription television says the Internet is the problem.

NOTE: Subscribers to subscription television even pay to broadcast the product commercials. People who buy newspapers and magazines also pay for the advertising. The difference is that nobody has to buy a newspaper; whereas, everybody is forced to pay for television advertising.

There is no justifiable reason for the tax deduction for advertising. There is no better reason for eliminating the tax deduction for advertising than this:


On Friday morning, Politico published on the previously unknown and "closely held" details of former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton's contract with NBC News. According to the story, Clinton was given an annual salary of $600,000 when she joined NBC News as a "special correspondent" in November 2011. Based on these figures, Clinton has earned about $26,724 for each minute she subsequently appeared on air.


In total, Clinton's segments from the past 2 years and seven months lasted just shy of 58 minutes.

This means, based on our analysis, Clinton earned $26,724 per minute she was on air. That amounts to $445 per second. In other words, it's good to be a former (and potential future) First Kid.

It Looks Like Chelsea Clinton Made $26,724 For Each Minute She Appeared On NBC
Hunter Walker
Jun. 13, 2014, 6:31 PM

It Looks Like Chelsea Clinton Made $26,724 For Each Minute She Appeared On NBC - Business Insider
Hey, I just got a new job! I signed up to be one of those folks who go around puttting a gun to peoples' heads to force them to pay for TV access.

Dumb shit.
Hey, I just got a new job! I signed up to be one of those folks who go around puttting a gun to peoples' heads to force them to pay for TV access.

Dumb shit.

Here's another way you may have responded:

"If you don't like supporting advertisers stop watching television." (Minus the snide comments and name-calling).
Hey, I just got a new job! I signed up to be one of those folks who go around puttting a gun to peoples' heads to force them to pay for TV access.

Dumb shit.

To blastoff: The tax code forces everybody to pay for the commercials even if they do not own a television set.

Here's another way you may have responded:

"If you don't like supporting advertisers stop watching television." (Minus the snide comments and name-calling).

To DriftingSand: Were it not for my wife, I would not have a television set in my home. She watches some of the “entertainment” shows and a few movies. As it stands, I watch TV in order to analyze the government’s lies. There is no other logical reason for an adult to watch TV.

NOTE: The government cannot sell it’s agenda if it remains silent. That is the one good thing about television. When the government is talking the government is lying. Lying in print never worked as well as does lying on television. In short: Big government, the welfare state, open-borders, and all of the rest of it was not possible before television. If you have any doubts check out how television sold the idea that nothing can be done about illegal immigration. Also note how television sold the idea that there are institutions that are too big to fail; hence, bailouts are a good thing. None of it could have sold in print only.
Judi McLeod’s great piece tells us what television commercials bought:

Even with ObamaCare knocking millions of average people off vital health insurance; even in the face of Obama hollowing out a mighty American military the rest of the world depends on, ordinary Americans still dare to fight back against an out of control BHO.

So in his sixth painful year in office, Obama has unleashed their most vicious enemies against We the People. In the space of only a few weeks, he’s released from Guantanamo detention the Taliban’s top five most dangerous terrorists; 37,000 illegal aliens found guilty by the courts, including murderers and rapists; up to 120,000 ‘children‘ flooding the borders, many without parents and relatives; thrown in the towel on Iraq, allowing the takeover of major Iraqi cities by caliphate-seeking, al Qaeda offshoot ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant)—and now is allowing into the U.S. bloodthirsty Mexican gang members, including those from the dreaded Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13).


It is not only self-serving Congress allowing the anarchy of Obama, but the Mainstream media propagandizing a softer image of him.

Elected officials who refuse to take a stand for the population they were elected to serve and mainstream media scribes propagandizing Obama’s image should hang their heads in shame, but, like Obama, never will.

Nowhere in the rhetoric spewed by elected officials and nowhere in mainstream media accounts is it often mentioned that, while Obama and Company pretend to care about the minors flooding America’s southern borders, Obama is putting the children of American parents in grave danger.

Obama unleashing America’s Enemies
By Judi McLeod June 15, 2014

Obama unleashing America?s Enemies

One thing about the current Administration stands out for me. It took a thousand years of political evolution for so many brilliant men and women to come together in one place at one time to create America. It has taken little more than a century of Socialism’s evolution for so many envious, vicious, men and women to come together in one place at one time to tear down America’s greatness.
NBC's hiring of Chelsea Clinton as a "special correspondent" in its news division was widely recognized as an exercise in corporate cynicism when it was announced in November 2011.


This was not NBC's first effort to kiss up to a powerful family, or the last. In 2009, the network hired George W. Bush's daughter Jenna as a correspondent for the "Today" show. Subsequently Meghan McCain, daughter of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Abby Huntsman, daughter of one-time GOP presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman, had gigs as political commentators on MSNBC.

Clinton's hiring was announced with an extra helping of PR malarkey, however. To hear the words of then-NBC News President Steve Capus, Clinton represented the second coming of Nellie Bly. "Given her vast experiences, it's as though Chelsea has been preparing for this opportunity her entire life," he said.

Why did NBC reportedly pay Chelsea Clinton $600,000 a year?
Michael Hiltzik
Los Angeles Times
June 16, 2014, 12:08 PM

Why did NBC reportedly pay Chelsea Clinton $600,000 a year?*-*Los Angeles Times

Here’s the thing that is so troubling. The media destroyed President Nixon simply because the Washington Post hated him for becoming president in 1969 after they were all sure Don Hewitt of 60 Minutes fame buried him in 1960. Apparently, Richard Nixon was too bad to suck up to.

Since Nixon, the media has been sucking up to the bad as well as the good. Beginning with the Clintons the bad outnumbered the good. Beginning with Taqiyya the Liar the ratio of bad to good has grown to a 100 to 1 with the good on the short end.
One thing about the current Administration stands out for me. It took a thousand years of political evolution for so many brilliant men and women to come together in one place at one time to create America. It has taken little more than a century of Socialism’s evolution for so many envious, vicious, men and women to come together in one place at one time to tear down America’s greatness.

This is really scary when you realize that Joe Biden has never been right about anything:

Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is "ending" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not "decimated." They are emboldened and on the march.

The Collapsing Obama Doctrine
Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.
By Dick Cheney And Liz Cheney
Updated June 17, 2014 7:34 p.m. ET

Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney: The Collapsing Obama Doctrine - WSJ

See the this thread for a bit more about the Obama Doctrine:

Sign o the times. Retired basketball players sell foot spray, retired baseball players sell pain cream and even golfers sell prescription drugs. Who would have thought that Tommy Lee Jones would be selling insurance and actor and former senator would be selling mortgages. The actress babes sell weight loss stuff and cosmetic junk that they would never use themselves. They ought to pass a law that you can sue the actor if there is a problem with the junk he is selling.
And there is no advertising on the internet............??

To BobPlumb: There is —— but government propagandists in the media are not getting richer on tax dollars off of Internet advertising.
They need to regulate commercials a little better. They outlawed cigarette ads but they advertise drugs to kick the habit and usage sometimes results in "fatal episodes" or "thoughts of suicide" (or murder?) . You have law firms advertising to sue drug companies for the legal use of the product that resulted in death or injury but switch channels and the drug companies are still selling the product.
They need to regulate commercials a little better. They outlawed cigarette ads but they advertise drugs to kick the habit and usage sometimes results in "fatal episodes" or "thoughts of suicide" (or murder?) . You have law firms advertising to sue drug companies for the legal use of the product that resulted in death or injury but switch channels and the drug companies are still selling the product.

To whitehall: Good points.

Eliminate the advertising tax deduction and 99 percent of the problems disappear.

Disallowing commercials on subscription TV is also a good idea. In television’s infancy most Americans said they would gladly pay a dollar or two a month for commercial-free programing. When subscription TV finally became a reality everybody ended up paying a helluva lot more than a dollar or two a month for commercials.

Incidentally, a one hour news show has at least thirty minutes of commercials, lead-in times, etc. Someday when I have the ambition I am going to record some shows. Then, using the cursor that pops up at the bottom of the screen when I fast forward through the recording I can get an exact count of how much actual programing is in one hour.

Instead of learning how many minutes an overpaid talking head is on the air every hour, it would be nice to know how much a word he or she is paid. It’s a lot.
Need I say more!

Chelsea Clinton hasn't been on NBC News for FOUR months but still earns $50,000 a month even though the show she was on was scrapped

Chelsea Clinton joined NBC in 2011, but her last segment aired in January
Contract has now switched from annual to month-to-month because she will not stay with the network if her mother runs for president
Was originally a special correspondent for Rock Center with Brian Williams but show was pulled in June last year
Clinton is due to have a baby this fall but it's unclear if she will continue to work after the birth
She and her husband bought a $10.5million apartment last spring

By Associated Press
Published: 06:10 EST, 19 June 2014 | Updated: 09:38 EST, 19 June 2014

Chelsea Clinton hasn't been on NBC for 4 months | Mail Online

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