Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

I'll wait for the actual memo to be made available to the public. I don't trust any media outlet to tell the truth about it.
But you'll trust the once recused, forever disgraced Nunes? :laugh:

The Summary of EVIDENCE is not a product written by Nunes.

AS YOU ALREADY KNOW AND CHOOSE TO IGNORE, it is a compilation of FACTS and EVIDENCE collected by multiple agencies, Intel Sources, and even the US IG (the one who found the FBI's 'un-recoverable lost' text messages).

Democrats, Obama, his DOJ - LYNCH / HOLDER, his FBI - Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - Can NOT 'SPIN' Your Way Out Of This One!

The memo is the invention of a bunch of partisan republicans cherrypickings. The Russia investigation will go on.

Again, the Summary of EVIDENCE is a compilation of FACTS and EVIDENCE from multiple agencies and Intel sources from within the Federal Govt, to include the US IG (who, again, caught the FBI attempting to HIDE text messages - he recovered the text messages the FBI claimed were 'un-recoverable' because they had never been saved due to a 'glitch').

AGAIN, you can continue to deny REALITY all you want ,but this Summary PROVES Obama Cabinet Members, leaders within the DOJ and GBI conspired together to take down the President of the United States!

You can NOT spin your way out of this one!

Summary of the evidence compiled by Trump surrogate Nunez.

FBI Director Christopher Wray a Trump appointee totally rejected that stupid memo because there was a lot emission and lack of fact checking.

Yes you are right. Someone is going to get in trouble with this one big time.
Mueller investigation will move and will finish he job.

How do you know there was a lot of emission and lack of fact checking?
Do you work for the FBI? If so why are you spouting off here...i.e. like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who also hated Trump and especially people like me?
Obviously you work for the FBI as you indicate you've READ all the information that was confidential...and like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page you can attest that it is "false"?
You do know the FBI is probably monitoring comments like yours i.e. YOU know the memo had a "lot emission and lack of fact checking."
So don't be surprised if you hear from them because if you do that means YOU are NOT qualified to read confidential information and you emphatically claim that there
was lot emission and lack of fact checking."!
False documents from the Clinton campaign were used by the Obama administration to undermine and illegally spy on a (Trump) Presidential candidate and [attempt to]...steal an election seems to be the probable bottom line.

No doubt. Apparently there is a lot more documentation regarding the anti-American, corrupt activities of the FBI, DOJ and the State Dept. Recall when the State Dept. submitted a letter saying they disapprove of The Donald becoming President? The parasites in the Swamp need to be brought to justice. Meanwhile, Swamp Rats at the state levels also need to be exposed since they think the light is not shining on them.
No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.

The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.

I think you missed the main point of that memo, which was that the FBI/DOJ used that unverified dossier that was paid for by the Dems and written by a confirmed Trump hater to get the FISA court to approve surveillance of American citizens several times. Whether that dossier or any part of it was true is beside the point; when the FBI/DOJ goes to the FISA court they're supposed to provide ALL information about the sources of the data they're using to support their case. They are not supposed to leave anything out, but they did exactly that for political purposes and I don't know why every American isn't super pissed about that. Not to mention worried about politicized agencies trying to advance their political agenda instead of doing their jobs in an unbiased manner.





You are out on the moon...looking for Lacy.
The best part of The Dossier is when President Trump in a Moscow Hotel is urinating on Hillary Clinton!

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
From the look of things it's just going to corroborate what Conservatives have been saying all along.

The dems are fucked!!

Some points... FISA court order NEVER knew that Democrats paid for the Steele Dossier. Court didn't know who bankrolled as that was necessary for the FISA warrant to spy
on an American.

They knew it was political source (doesn't make it false), like they knew that Cart Page has long been dealing with Russians and surveillance that has been ongoing since 2013 is bearing fruit.
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump. Remember what Watergate was about? spying on political opponents and covering up. no different here except here the people doing the spying and covering up have great support from much of the media, an entire political party and high ranking feds to protect and turn a blind eye. Nixon had no such protections and had to resign

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump.

The FISA warrant targeted Carter Page who was no longer a member of the Trump Team.

When I first heard about this memo. WOW.......... I thought FBI they raped Trump. To find out it was carter page they’ve been monitoring since 2013.

I did not get a copy of the memo. So now WHAT?

FOX NEWS has been pushing this for over a year now,. They're conspiracy is that this entire Russian investigation is centered around the Trump Dossier file, when it never was. We have tried to explain that to right wingers for the last year on this board, and they never believed it--:badgrin:

It's hillarious, even in this memo that Nunes released, it specifically states in the very LAST sentence that the Russian investigation started late July 2016 and it was over George Papadopoulos --(who has already pleaded guilty, and is working with Mueller.) I don't believe his name is even mentioned in the Dossier file. This guy came out of nowhere.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Carter Page's name is mentioned often in the Dossier file, but again he had an original FISA warrant issued on him in 2013--because he was working with the Russians. The next FISA warrant on Carter Page didn't come out until October 2016--a month after he was gone from the Trump campaign.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

The Dossier file was not delivered to the FBI until January 2017.

What it does confirm now, is that the Dossier file is correct on what it was saying about Carter Page. They have confirmed that with the release of Devin Nunes memo--:eusa_angel:

So this entire thing has blown up on FOX NEWS, Devin Nunes & Donald Trump.

FOX NEWS and other right wing news sources are desperate--and they're going to grasp at straws. It was pretty obvious a couple of months ago when indictments came out.

When the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important that 2 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX NEWS journalists were so embarrased by the cheeseburgers, some threatend to quit.

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This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
The memo says that not a single claim in the memo has been verified. It's a piece of trash. Shit. Crap. Yet, Comey and crew used it to get a FISA warrant to spy on the President.
From the look of things it's just going to corroborate what Conservatives have been saying all along.

The dems are fucked!!

Some points... FISA court order NEVER knew that Democrats paid for the Steele Dossier. Court didn't know who bankrolled as that was necessary for the FISA warrant to spy
on an American.

They knew it was political source (doesn't make it false), like they knew that Cart Page has long been dealing with Russians and surveillance that has been ongoing since 2013 is bearing fruit.

What does "political source?" mean?
Someone call William Mary University and tell them they have an unethical ethics professor.....his name is James Comey the clown...
This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
So if Trump pays Russia for dirt, it's OK?
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
So if Trump pays Russia for dirt, it's OK?

What do you know about this because I'd like to suggest that Mueller contact you in fact I'LL pass this own as tip that YOU KNOW for a fact Trump paid Russia for dirt!

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