Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Enough for now......................Liberals have enough LIES to answer for already.................

Everyone knows it..............

And they can't hide the Lies anymore.
LOL, this is where your entire world falls apart the entire "Dossier is unproven and has been for over a year. It was the ONLY evidence used to get a FISA Warrant. That makes any and ALL evidence or potential evidence null and void because it was illegally obtained. You guys are having a BAD week.
Lying doesn’t help you. Parts of the dossier were confirmed.

Afraid not son. If it has I'm all eyes, lay it on me.
The dossier, which was published by BuzzFeed News in January, has been partially confirmed, though its most salacious allegations have not been.

Translation: the dossier exists (that's the partially confirmed bit), the contents other than the punctuation are largely crap.

that would be false. the slightest bit of fact checking would tell you that.

but please, continue to deny reality if it makes you feel better about Donald.

Poor Bitter Pillian. The whack with the Reality Stick must smart quite a bit.

Here's a very succinct quote from Daniel Greenfield which shows why the Attempted Coup is worse than Watergate:

A clear and simple fact emerges from the memo.

Top figures in the DOJ and the FBI, some loyal to Obama and Hillary, abused the FISA process in the hopes of influencing or reversing the results of an election by targeting their political opponents. The tool that they used for the job came from the Clinton campaign. Using America’s intelligence services to destroy and defeat a political opponent running for president is the worst possible abuse of power and an unprecedented threat to a democratic system of free open elections.

We have been treated to frequent lectures about the independence of the DOJ and the FBI. But our country isn’t based around government institutions that are independent of oversight by elected officials. When unelected officials have more power than elected officials, that’s tyranny.

A Justice Department that acts as the Praetorian Guard for a political campaign is committing a coup and engaging in treason. The complex ways that the Steele dossier was laundered from the Clinton campaign to a FISA application is evidence of a conspiracy by both the DOJ and the Clinton campaign.

The Memo Reveals the Coup against America
Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. The memo points out the lack of disclosure regarding who paid for Steele's dossier, Ohr's wife's work for Fusion GPS, the fact that the Yahoo News story was planted by Steele... for starters.

These are material facts not provides to the FISA court. The law requires evidence that would be favorable to the target to be presented. The Dem Embeds conspired to not do so.

You made that shit up. You have no idea if any of those were even necessary disclosures or disqualifying omissions.

I most certainly did not. I actually read the memo; clearly you did not. But that's hardly a surprise as I doubt that reading comprehension is one of your core skill sets.
Courts have already ruled previously that a biased purpose or partisan purpose for the evidence to have been gathered by an informant or otherwise... that the Justice Department uses to submit to the FISA court.... is no reason to throw out or not use the factual evidence submitted....

There is nothing factual in the opposition research provided by the Clinton Campaign which the FBI laundered to gin up FISA warrants to spy on a political campaign.
Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



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Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. The memo points out the lack of disclosure regarding who paid for Steele's dossier, Ohr's wife's work for Fusion GPS, the fact that the Yahoo News story was planted by Steele... for starters.

These are material facts not provides to the FISA court. The law requires evidence that would be favorable to the target to be presented. The Dem Embeds conspired to not do so.

You made that shit up. You have no idea if any of those were even necessary disclosures or disqualifying omissions.

I most certainly did not. I actually read the memo; clearly you did not. But that's hardly a surprise as I doubt that reading comprehension is one of your core skill sets.
The memo is not the FISA affidavit.

Then by all means, let's make that public so we can all read it.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.

I think you missed the main point of that memo, which was that the FBI/DOJ used that unverified dossier that was paid for by the Dems and written by a confirmed Trump hater to get the FISA court to approve surveillance of American citizens several times. Whether that dossier or any part of it was true is beside the point; when the FBI/DOJ goes to the FISA court they're supposed to provide ALL information about the sources of the data they're using to support their case. They are not supposed to leave anything out, but they did exactly that for political purposes and I don't know why every American isn't super pissed about that. Not to mention worried about politicized agencies trying to advance their political agenda instead of doing their jobs in an unbiased manner.
I think you missed the main point of that memo, which was that the FBI/DOJ used that unverified dossier that was paid for by the Dems and written by a confirmed Trump hater to get the FISA court to approve surveillance of American citizens several times.
I think that you miss the point that if it was used, the information had to have been verified and that the feelings of the informant are irrelevant when the information provided is correct as it had to be as a renewal requires that usable Intel was gathered during the last warrant period.

My god. Think for yourself, man!
Breaking News: This Just In!!

After Reading Nunes Memo, Mike Cernovich Worries The FBI Will Execute Alex Jones | Right Wing Watch

Mike Cernovich, a self-described “New Right” media personality who often peddles conspiracy theories, said that after reading the declassified memo written by Rep. Devin Nunes, he wondered if the FBI would kill Infowars radio host Alex Jones.
In a live stream video this afternoon, Cernovich said that reading the memo disturbed him and made him believe the FBI would stop at nothing to frame innocent people for crimes. He then pondered whether the FBI would take steps in the future to frame him, or perhaps Jones.

Are they going to frame Alex Jones, maybe? Maybe they’ll execute him at this point. What won’t they do? That is the only question now that I have about our justice system is what won’t they do?” Cernovich said. “We know they’ll frame people. We know that they’ll commit perjury. We know that they’ll lie in warrant applications. We know that they framed Gen. [Mike] Flynn. What won’t they do?”

Translation: the dossier exists (that's the partially confirmed bit), the contents other than the punctuation are largely crap.

that would be false. the slightest bit of fact checking would tell you that.

but please, continue to deny reality if it makes you feel better about Donald.

Poor Bitter Pillian. The whack with the Reality Stick must smart quite a bit.

Here's a very succinct quote from Daniel Greenfield which shows why the Attempted Coup is worse than Watergate:

A clear and simple fact emerges from the memo.

Top figures in the DOJ and the FBI, some loyal to Obama and Hillary, abused the FISA process in the hopes of influencing or reversing the results of an election by targeting their political opponents. The tool that they used for the job came from the Clinton campaign. Using America’s intelligence services to destroy and defeat a political opponent running for president is the worst possible abuse of power and an unprecedented threat to a democratic system of free open elections.

We have been treated to frequent lectures about the independence of the DOJ and the FBI. But our country isn’t based around government institutions that are independent of oversight by elected officials. When unelected officials have more power than elected officials, that’s tyranny.

A Justice Department that acts as the Praetorian Guard for a political campaign is committing a coup and engaging in treason. The complex ways that the Steele dossier was laundered from the Clinton campaign to a FISA application is evidence of a conspiracy by both the DOJ and the Clinton campaign.

The Memo Reveals the Coup against America
A stellar summary
Well if true, that would certainly explain trump’s eagerness to try to end Mueller’s investigation
Trump needs to replace Mueller even if he has to push Sessions out for someone that hasn't recused himself from anything Russia...
The investigation can continue but obviously Mueller can't get the job wrapped up in a timely manner...
Nah, Ken Starr spent 6 years investigating Whitewater; Mueller’s just entering his 9th month.

Look who’s flipped his script ^^^

You kept saying how Flynn hasn’t been convicted... he’s not appeared before a judge... he hasn’t had his day on court... he was setup..,, he was coerced... he’s gonna withdraw his plea... and that he’s gonna walk all because of the Nunes Memo.

I was actually the one to point out to you, the only way Flynn walks is with a pardon.

You now admit I was right and you were wrong by taking up my argument
No we all know Mueller is working for the swamp...we've known it from the start...he will ruin lives to try and get to Trump...I guess you are Okay with it...are you sure you are a liberal? you sound more like a Nazi...sounds like you like Big Government spying on American citizens...that's kind of Nazi like if you ask me...
Cries the poster who now agrees with me that the only way Flynn walks is with a presidential pardon.

What false information?

The dossier. It's made up and unverified information.

Also, omitting the information from court to obtain a warrant is illegal. Is that clear, or you need clarification?
Wrong. Some of it has been verified.

Like what, that Trump was is Russia and that he was looking to expand business over there?

And because that is truth, everything else must be truth?
No one knows which I parts have been verified because Nunes wouldn’t put that in his memo.

But parts were.

When you said some of it was verified, I thought you know exactly what parts.

What could be verified are only things that everyone knew already, Trump was in Russia and looking for real estate deals. You lefties are trying to push narrative that "if true that Trump was in Russia" and "if true that he was looking for real estate deals", everything else in the dossier must be truth.

When was the last time you were buying groceries?
No one is saying everything in the dossier must be truth. Try debating what is actually being discussed; not what you wish was.
When you said some of it was verified, I thought you know exactly what parts.

What could be verified are only things that everyone knew already, Trump was in Russia and looking for real estate deals. You lefties are trying to push narrative that "if true that Trump was in Russia" and "if true that he was looking for real estate deals", everything else in the dossier must be truth.

When was the last time you were buying groceries?
Seriously? Who said that "if true that Trump was in Russia" and "if true that he was looking for real estate deals", everything else in the dossier must be truth".?
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was used to allow spying on a candidate. Now, the spying didn't turn anything up, but it was still spying.

no one spied on the candidate. why are you making up things.

you're totally confused.

So they didn't get any information on Trump about which to complain? No Russian collusion to be seen.
Yikes! No wonder this shit works so well on you rubes.

The investigation involving Trump and his people started in Jul of 16.

The FISA warrant in question started in Oct of 16. After Page had left the campaign
If you can't see what has happened with the corrupt Obama clan than you don't want to see it...plain and are a political hack and it shows big time...America first not political party first...

Nothing you've said actually happened.

He’s one of them rightards who refuses to let pesky facts derail his delusions.
I have a feeling this will be rather underwhelming

Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was used to allow spying on a candidate. Now, the spying didn't turn anything up, but it was still spying.

no one spied on the candidate. why are you making up things.

you're totally confused.

So they didn't get any information on Trump about which to complain? No Russian collusion to be seen.

they werent trying to prove about which to complain collusion.

dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
So if Trump pays Russia for dirt, it's OK?

No one paid Russia, dope.
Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy. The memo points out the lack of disclosure regarding who paid for Steele's dossier, Ohr's wife's work for Fusion GPS, the fact that the Yahoo News story was planted by Steele... for starters.

These are material facts not provides to the FISA court. The law requires evidence that would be favorable to the target to be presented. The Dem Embeds conspired to not do so.

You made that shit up. You have no idea if any of those were even necessary disclosures or disqualifying omissions.

I most certainly did not. I actually read the memo; clearly you did not. But that's hardly a surprise as I doubt that reading comprehension is one of your core skill sets.
Courts have already ruled previously that a biased purpose or partisan purpose for the evidence to have been gathered by an informant or otherwise... that the Justice Department uses to submit to the FISA court.... is no reason to throw out or not use the factual evidence submitted....

There is nothing factual in the opposition research provided by the Clinton Campaign which the FBI laundered to gin up FISA warrants to spy on a political campaign.

Sure,dope. All of the dozens of people who worked on the warrants, not to mention the judges themselves, were either fooled or part of your conspiracy.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

I just read the memo and it clearly shows that the FBI and DOJ knew the source material was fake and used it anyway in an effort to stop Donald Trump from being elected president. Mueller should instantly shut down his investigation!
Flynn just filed suit against the DOJ and an emergency injunction request earlier today to vacate his plea.....

Its nice to be vindicated by the facts...

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree... The whole Mueller investigation is in shambles now..

Flynn is "guilty" of lying to Strzok...the fucking irony!!!

Strzork had information with which to entrap him and it was all made possible by the FISA warrant... Which is now shown to have been obtained by fraudulent means.. Those who presented the Dossier knew it was a sham and that the yahoo news report were from the same source and failed to tell the judge all while purporting that they had TWO credible sources when they had none AND NEW IT!

Flynn's plea will be tossed...
Flynn has nothing to do with the dossier.
This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
The memo doesn't make a judgement on the veracity of the dossier, dope.
The memo doesn't say a damn thing about the dossier except that it was paid for by democrats which automatically makes it's contents false in the minds of a committee headed by a republican who was on the Trump transition team and a committee that was was 65% republicans and declassified by a republican president, no real surprise at all.
It doesn’t even mention the Republican who financed the dossier.

This is nothing but a rightwingnut hit piece, put out by the same Yrump lackey who had to step down from an investigation into the White House for colluding with the White House, for the sole intent of ending the Mueller investigation.

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