‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests

On a day full of criticisms from Donald Trump, political protests, linked arms, players taking a knee or not coming on the field during the National Anthem and renewed pleas for unity from the league NBC and the NFL took a hit last night on Sunday Night Football.

In metered market numbers, the primetime match-up between the 27-10 winning Washington Redskins and the Oakland Raiders snared an 11.6/20.

The worst SNF has performed this season so far, that’s an 8% dip from the early numbers of last week’s Atlanta Falcon’s 34-23 win over the Green Bay Packers. Gaining cheers and boos from fans at FedEx Field in Maryland last night, the third week of SNF for the 2017-2018 season declined 10% from early numbers of the comparable game of last year on September 25, 2016.

Last night’s SNF peaked with a 12.5/20 during the second quarter at 9 – 9:30 PM ET. Not that such a number can feel good to the NFL with ratings down double-digits this season so far after taking a similar tackle last year.

‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests

Let's hope this is just the beginning of the Ground Swell!
The NFL is failing to understand their business model.

It would be interesting to see them function with ZERO assistance from public funds for building stadiums and tax breaks for billionaires.
Meh, what are there, approximately 1,700 players? So, let's say 10% are participating in this nonsense? That's be 170 people out of a nation of 323,000,000 would be what, .0001%? Irrelevant.
Day game ratings were higher .

The night game was a blowout .
Meh, what are there, approximately 1,700 players? So, let's say 10% are participating in this nonsense? That's be 170 people out of a nation of 323,000,000 would be what, .0001%? Irrelevant.
That many Americans don't have national exposure.
Trump took a bad situation and made it worse in the NFL. Not a big deal until contemplating what else the one trick pony has on his plate.
It's not smart to keep alienating those who pay the bills for the NFL.

The NFL is already under fire because 90% of the deceased players analyzed had Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

That is what they should be concerned about...not the fucking flag or national anthem.

Their sport is killing their players.
Once again, Democrats and their Fake News are lying to the People. Most Americans support the President on this. These pampered Democrat athletes live in the greatest country on earth. They truly hit the lottery being born here. So they need to stand for the damn anthem.

And fuck Democrats for politicizing Sports too. It was one of the very few escapes folks had left. Just like politicizing Hurricanes and other shite, now they're politicizing Sports too. Democrats ruin everything they touch. I'll never forgive them for trying to destroy my sports refuge. To hell with em.
The NFL tells players what to do all of the time.

They fined Bud Dupree $12,000 last week for excessively celebrating after a tackle.


The coaches can absolutely tell the players they have to stand or be fined.
Their anti-American behavior is going to blow up in their face. NASCAR has already threatened to fire any pinheads stupid enough to pull this crap.

The NFL players are really stupid....it's got to be the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.
Mn Vikings only team that stood together liking arms in solidarity during the Anthem.
At least 1 team has some class and respect.
It's not smart to keep alienating those who pay the bills for the NFL.

The NFL is already under fire because 90% of the deceased players analyzed had Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

That is what they should be concerned about...not the fucking flag or national anthem.

Their sport is killing their players.
Hey, it’s a free country. Let them die, it’s their choice.
Good lord. Just heard an NFL player....'you know what I'm saying" over and over plus he was speaking ebonics. I need a translator app

Their anti-American behavior is going to blow up in their face. NASCAR has already threatened to fire any pinheads stupid enough to pull this crap.

I have to say, i truly despise Democrats more than i ever have before. I mean, politicizing Hurricanes and other shite was awful enough. But now, politicizing Sports too? They're ruining what few escapes folks had left. Sports is like a refuge from ugly politics for most people. They watch it as an escape from the ugliness.

And now, the Democrats are taking that refuge away from them. Personally, i despise them for it. If they keep it up, not only will i distance myself from Sports, but i'll never support a Democrat again. They better back off destroying my refuge. I'll never forgive them.
Good lord. Just heard an NFL player....'you know what I'm saying" over and over plus he was speaking ebonics. I need a translator app

You know what I am saying=punctuation.
Can be used as a question, statement, attention seeking, exclamation....
Pretty much is ok to use during any pause in conversation.
Hope that helps.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when Celebrity Apprentice is back on the air and Trump is the host

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