Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

The LRA is not a "Christian" group. Do your homework.

Initially it was an outgrowth and continuation of the larger armed resistance movement waged by some of the Acholi people against a central Ugandan government which they felt marginalized them at the expense of southern Ugandan ethnic groups. Ideologically, the group is a syncretic mix of African mysticism, Acholi nationalism, Islam, and Christian fundamentalism.

Lord's Resistance Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But comparing it to Islam is a good analogy.

Your own bolded text highlights the word "Christian".

Your own link suggests both the name and goal of the group are based upon the Ten Commandments. It does have other influences, definitely, but at its heart it is as much Christian as many so-called Islamic groups are Islamic.

Your link tells us: "Although the LRA has been regarded primarily as a Christian militia,the LRA reportedly evokes Acholi nationalism on occasion"

Trust me - I have done more than a little homework on this!

So have I. We have been involved with the Invisible Children for years and my son has spent time in Uganda. There is NOTHING "Christian" about Joseph Kony. And if you did your homework, you would know that comparing a couple hundred evildoers to millions of Sharia loving Muslims is dishonest.

I have no problem with Sunni Man and others spewing their archaic, misogynistic, totalitarianism, but I reserve the right to say, practice it in the fucking desert.
Most Christians will tell you the the whole Bible is 100% the inerrant word of God and that they believe in it 100%

Yet they will play a shell game when asked certain questions.

And say "Well that was in the O.T. and we believe and follow the N.T."

No shell game, just ignorance on your part. There are two covenants and Christians live under the New Covenant. Choosing to remain ignorant after being given the truth is a sure sign of cultic thinking on your part.
Yeah. The difference between Christianity and Islam?

Christianity grew up.

Oh, and the Islamic response after hundreds of years of murder and mayhem all over the earth?

Keep doing it.

OHHHHHH...Its different now so that makes past sins alright...
I didn't say that, did I?

Christianity has moved beyond violence. Islam hasn't.

But you won't condemn Islam for doing now what you condemn Christianity for having done but does no longer.

What are you afraid of?
And the fact that El was a mountain god before He was Yahweh?
I don't think you read the article correctly.

Christianity has moved beyond it? That's your answer? Lol

You're making exceptions in your philosophy for your own belief system.

In the really real world, that's known as hypocrisy.
So typical. Failure to condemn anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic theocracy by demonizing a secular govt that happens to be founded by Christians. Way to go.
Failure to condemn anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic theocracy by demonizing a secular govt that happens to be founded by Christians.
Bet ya can't say that sentence out loud 3 times really fast without messing up. :cool:
So typical. Failure to condemn anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic theocracy by demonizing a secular govt that happens to be founded by Christians. Way to go.

Oh Ill condemn it all you want.

the problem I have is people condemning something while holding something equally evil up as an shining example of what is correct.
The only one comparing hypotheticals were you and Sunni.

What we have now is the best there is.
I didn't say that, did I?

Christianity has moved beyond violence.

Right....ever heard of the Lord's Resistance Army?

Would you like to tell us how non-violent Chrsitian countries like Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia and Venezuela are?

Every country listed has experienced Christian strange you forgot that.

I am way behind in following those SA and CA countries. Have they adopted the tactics of suicide bombings and IED's to kill innocents?
Most Christians will tell you the the whole Bible is 100% the inerrant word of God and that they believe in it 100%

Yet they will play a shell game when asked certain questions.

And say "Well that was in the O.T. and we believe and follow the N.T."

No shell game, just ignorance on your part. There are two covenants and Christians live under the New Covenant. Choosing to remain ignorant after being given the truth is a sure sign of cultic thinking on your part.
Right wing Christians like Buford responding to people exposing his innate hypocrisy.

1) The people doing those evil deeds aren't really Christians. (even when they claim to be christians)

2) That's in the O.T. and we go by the N.T. (although we believe in the whole Bible)

3) True christians would never do anything do that. (ie, christians are perfect; just ask Buford)

4) We are in the new covenant; not the old covenant; so it don't count. (christian shell game; keep your eye in the pea; as I quickly move the shells around)

5) I am going to get my gun in the name of Jesus and kill them all. (spreading the Gospel)
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Most Christians will tell you the the whole Bible is 100% the inerrant word of God and that they believe in it 100%

Yet they will play a shell game when asked certain questions.

And say "Well that was in the O.T. and we believe and follow the N.T."

No shell game, just ignorance on your part. There are two covenants and Christians live under the New Covenant. Choosing to remain ignorant after being given the truth is a sure sign of cultic thinking on your part.
Right wing Christians like Buford responding to people exposing his innate hypocrisy.

1) The people doing those evil deeds aren't really Christians. (even when they claim to be christians)

2) That's in the O.T. and we go by the N.T. (although we believe in the whole Bible)

3) True christians would never do anything do that. (ie, christians are perfect; just ask Buford)

4) We are in the new covenant; not the old covenant; so it don't count. (christian shell game; keep your eye in the pea; as I quickly move the shells around)

5) I am going to get my gun in the name of Jesus and kill them all. (spreading the Gospel)


If we are going to repeatedly have to have this conversation where some lame ass racist is looking for justification for his or her hatred by painting Islam as an inherently violent religion, then everyones going to see the following statement/argument from me repeatedly.

Judging Islam based on the actions of Al Queda is like judging Christianity based on the actons of the Ku Klux Klan.
I didn't say that, did I?

Christianity has moved beyond violence.

Right....ever heard of the Lord's Resistance Army?

Would you like to tell us how non-violent Chrsitian countries like Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia and Venezuela are?

Every country listed has experienced Christian strange you forgot that.
How strange that you blame Christianity for all the violence committed in nominally Christian countries.

Actually, it's not strange at all. It's quite typical of Islamic terrorism apologists.
OHHHHHH...Its different now so that makes past sins alright...
I didn't say that, did I?

Christianity has moved beyond violence. Islam hasn't.

But you won't condemn Islam for doing now what you condemn Christianity for having done but does no longer.

What are you afraid of?
And the fact that El was a mountain god before He was Yahweh?
I don't think you read the article correctly.

Christianity has moved beyond it? That's your answer? Lol

You're making exceptions in your philosophy for your own belief system.

In the really real world, that's known as hypocrisy.
It's not my fault that you're too chickenshit to condemn Islamic terrorism. The fact remains there is simply no Christian equivalent today.
Can you tell us what some of those comparisons are? when people in the west think of Sharia law they think of Usama Bin Ladens face and beheadings.
Western law has a strong basis in the Ten Commandments of the O.T.

The Quran also includes these same 10 laws that are also part of Sharia Law.

Unfortunately, many muslims and christians disobey or ignore what their Holy Book teaches.

I won't argue your points, merely ask a few questions.

1. Iis female genitalia mutilation a common practice in Muslim countries, and why?
2. Why are females not allowed to drive a car, in Saudi Arabia for example?
3. Why are females required to be covered from head to toe and cannot leave their home without being accompanied by a male relative?
4. Since honor killings are acceptable in Muslim countries, do you think they should be acceptable in the United States?

I have many more questions, and if any of these questions are offensive, I apologize for being insensitive.

Are you circumsized?

Male genital multilation is acceptable here in the states.
The real issue is whether muslim women would be denied the protection of our civil courts because even those courts would have to apply sharia law.

Muslims have the same right to prosetelyze as Christians and persuade converts. The difference between islam and Christianity is that Christianity is a choice. Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all. Every person is born into islam. At the moment of your birth, you are a muslim. Every person on earth. To reject allah and be a Christian or a Jew, a Hindu, Buddhist, animist, pagan or any other belief system once you are appraised of the true facts of your birth is to be an apostate. There is no comparable belief in Christianity. In non muslim countries if other religions are permitted to exist at all it is not a right but a privilege for which you are taxed.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I reject the notion that Allah is the God of Abraham.


it doesnt matter what YOU believe. Muslims believe they are worshipping the god of Abrham. Right or not, that makes Allah the god of Abraham in their eyes.

And as they believe they are decended from Ishmael, the first born of Abraham, they are BIBLICALLY Gods children as well. God made promises to Hagar.
I didn't say that, did I?

Christianity has moved beyond violence. Islam hasn't.

But you won't condemn Islam for doing now what you condemn Christianity for having done but does no longer.

What are you afraid of?

I don't think you read the article correctly.

Christianity has moved beyond it? That's your answer? Lol

You're making exceptions in your philosophy for your own belief system.

In the really real world, that's known as hypocrisy.
It's not my fault that you're too chickenshit to condemn Islamic terrorism. The fact remains there is simply no Christian equivalent today.

The Ku Klux Klan is the moral equivilent. The Westboro Baptist church is the moral equivilent.
Christianity has moved beyond it? That's your answer? Lol

You're making exceptions in your philosophy for your own belief system.

In the really real world, that's known as hypocrisy.
It's not my fault that you're too chickenshit to condemn Islamic terrorism. The fact remains there is simply no Christian equivalent today.

The Ku Klux Klan is the moral equivilent. The Westboro Baptist church is the moral equivilent.

So the terrorist arm created by the Democrat party to keep Blacks from voting republican and a few idiots from Dumb Ass, Kansas are equal to all the Islamist terrorist groups and their acts all across the earth. Uh, um, yeah. Nothing needs to be said. It's too obvious.
It's not my fault that you're too chickenshit to condemn Islamic terrorism. The fact remains there is simply no Christian equivalent today.

The Ku Klux Klan is the moral equivilent. The Westboro Baptist church is the moral equivilent.

So the terrorist arm created by the Democrat party to keep Blacks from voting republican and a few idiots from Dumb Ass, Kansas are equal to all the Islamist terrorist groups and their acts all across the earth. Uh, um, yeah. Nothing needs to be said. It's too obvious.

terrorism is terrorism.

Islam believes that there is only one true God who is the father of us all.

so do a matter of fact it is supposed to be the God of its the same God....only two different Religions who make it seem like two different Gods....
I reject the notion that Allah is the God of Abraham.


it doesnt matter what YOU believe. Muslims believe they are worshipping the god of Abrham. Right or not, that makes Allah the god of Abraham in their eyes.

And as they believe they are decended from Ishmael, the first born of Abraham, they are BIBLICALLY Gods children as well. God made promises to Hagar.
I don't care what Muslims believe. I don't care what you believe.

For instance, you believe you are an intelligent person. That is patently false.
Christianity has moved beyond it? That's your answer? Lol

You're making exceptions in your philosophy for your own belief system.

In the really real world, that's known as hypocrisy.
It's not my fault that you're too chickenshit to condemn Islamic terrorism. The fact remains there is simply no Christian equivalent today.

The Ku Klux Klan is the moral equivilent. The Westboro Baptist church is the moral equivilent.
How many people did the Klan kill last week? How many people did the Westboro retards kill last week?

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