Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

But it is correct that Muslims regard Jesus to be divine, no?
That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.

That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.

Many converts to islam seem to be drawn to the "angry Islam" of Sunni, salafi, wahabbi versions without ever understanding the theology and political proscriptions.
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But it is correct that Muslims regard Jesus to be divine, no?
That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.

Fair enough - thanks for the info!
I might also add that the other biggie between the two is "Original sin".

Islam is totally opposed to that concept.

While it is the other central theme in Christianity; and the main reason for Jesus alleged dying on the cross.
But it is correct that Muslims regard Jesus to be divine, no?
That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.

That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:
That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.

That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

I've got to go with Sunni Man on this. I don't see how it could possibly NOT be a major issue of contention. Really, I think it's the major issue of contention between Christianity and every other religion : Christians believe Jesus was the son of god, he was the messiah, he is the way to salvation, etc. Other religions do not. Seems a major point of contention! :lol:
The big lie from Islam and their syncophant media is that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are "Abrahamic religions". Nothing in the Scriptures about Islam or Mohammed.
That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.

Fair enough - thanks for the info!
I might also add that the other biggie between the two is "Original sin".

Islam is totally opposed to that concept.

While it is the other central theme in Christianity; and the main reason for Jesus alleged dying on the cross.

As opposed to Islam allegedly being written by a prophet of the God of Abraham. If Islam is from the God of Abraham, then God is a schizophrenic.
The big lie from Islam and their syncophant media is that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are "Abrahamic religions". Nothing in the Scriptures about Islam or Mohammed.

Is there anything about Jesus in the Torah? :eusa_eh:

Torah=Old Testament so no, it just talks about the Messiah but Jesus is the messiah thats where the New Testament comes and its about Jesus fulfilling the prophecy of the messiah so its a mute point
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That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.

That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.

Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?
That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.

Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?

While i agree with all of the bolded Hollie i have to be Honest, Jesus "is" one of the biggest matters of contention between Christians and Muslims, however its also one of the biggest matters of contention between Christians and Jews and were fine with them so theres more to it then that. The biggest difference between the two is Islam preaches peace through World Domination while Christians only preach peace and fight to defend their peace like we did in the Crusades.
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The big lie from Islam and their syncophant media is that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are "Abrahamic religions". Nothing in the Scriptures about Islam or Mohammed.

Is there anything about Jesus in the Torah? :eusa_eh:

The Messiah is all through the OT. He is veiled. The veil is taken off when Jesus appears. In Luke it says the veil was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died. In the OT, the veil pointed to the messiah.
That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.

Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?

They're very sick.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.

Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?

While i agree with all of the bolded Hollie i have to be Honest, Jesus "is" one of the biggest matters of contention between Christians and Muslims, however its also one of the biggest matters of contention between Christians and Jews and were fine with them so theres more to it then that. The biggest difference between the two is Islam preaches peace through World Domination while Christians only preach peace and fight to defend their peace like we did in the Crusades.
Yeah - Neo, in hindsight that's a fair critique. I can understand that muhammud, in his formulation of Islam wanted to eliminate vestiges of competing beliefs thus relegated earlier historical figures to lesser authority.
The big lie from Islam and their syncophant media is that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are "Abrahamic religions". Nothing in the Scriptures about Islam or Mohammed.

Is there anything about Jesus in the Torah? :eusa_eh:

The Messiah is all through the OT. He is veiled. The veil is taken off when Jesus appears. In Luke it says the veil was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died. In the OT, the veil pointed to the messiah.


Therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall, conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Iammanuel.

Isaiah: Chapter 7 Verse 14


And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of david; and the virgins name was Mary. And the Angel said unto her, fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in they womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.

Luke: chapter 1 verse 26-31

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary they wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Matthew Chapter 1 Verse 20 & 21
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That's not at all a central issue dividing islamism and Christianity.
Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.
I have no idea why you think this long boring post answers the question posed to you?

I had stated that the rejection of the divinity of Jesus and Origina Sin were the 2 main theological poins of contention that divides Christianity and Islam.

You posted that I was wrong.

So I ask you again to enlighten the board as to the major differences in theology and doctrine between Islam and Christianity.

Everyone is still waiting for you answer............
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Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.
I have no idea why you think this long boring post answers the question posed to you?

I had stated that the rejection of the divinity of Jesus and origina sin were the 2 main theological poins of contention that divides Christianity and Islam.

You posted that I was wrong.

So I ask you to enlighten the board as to the major differences in theology and doctrine between Islam and Christianity.

Everyone is still waiting for you answer............
Please open your mind. Islam is a political ideology concerned with conquest and subjugation. That defines the entirety of islamist history.

Both Christianity and Judaism are more temporal and focused on spirituality and a relationship with god.
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Then please enlighten me and the board as to what main theological doctrine divides Christianity and Islam??

Thank You in advance. :cool:

Sure. My observation is that you accept the convert version of U.S. "circumcised" Islam because it appeals to a certain personality type.

As a convert having all the rights, privileges and protections offered by a secular society, converting to a totalitarian politico-religious ideology is safe because you are protected from having any real experience with Islamic middle eastern orthodoxy.

I think the most educated in Islam are often those who are the most extreme. As we have been shown in many published studies, the most dangerous Islamic terrorists are not the stereotypical "Islamic rage boy" types but educated men from middle / upper middle class upbringing. They are the ones who have studied beyond the handful of carefully culled, inocuous-sounding hadith, beyond the carefully packaged "travel brochure" version of Islam and are fashioning their lives according to the complete example of Muhammad (swish) and his companions in crime and totalitarianism.

From the time of Muhammad (swish), through centuries of caliphs and scholars, Islam has been a totalitarian political ideology wrapped in a veneer of religion. And it is utterly totalitarian. How you perform every aspect of your life including how you make love to your spouse, punish those who violate God's will, go to war, give to Islamic charity , eat, wash, borrow money, treat infidels, even how you go to the bathroom —in short, anything you may do in the course of being alive—is strictly regulated by islamist religious mandates. Life for the Muslim is a complex series of bizarre, OCD-like rituals that are commanded by muhammeds (swish) politico-religious ideology.

The point being Islam is not, and has never been, solely a personal and spiritual relationship with God as is Christianity. Islam has always carried with it political baggage and structure, and has always required "submission" of mind, body and will to. This is the undeniable message from the koran, sura, and all the centuries of scholarship.
I have no idea why you think this long boring post answers the question posed to you?

I had stated that the rejection of the divinity of Jesus and Origina Sin were the 2 main theological poins of contention that divides Christianity and Islam.

You posted that I was wrong.

So I ask you again to enlighten the board as to the major differences in theology and doctrine between Islam and Christianity.

Everyone is still waiting for you answer............

I already answered that.

While i agree with all of the bolded Hollie i have to be Honest, Jesus "is" one of the biggest matters of contention between Christians and Muslims, however its also one of the biggest matters of contention between Christians and Jews and were fine with them so theres more to it then that. The biggest difference between the two is Islam preaches peace through World Domination while Christians only preach peace and fight to defend their peace like we did in the Crusades.
Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?
Why do you continue to blatantly lie Hollie?

I have Never sent you a message to you mail box; not ever.

So I give the Mods permission to search and post the results.

And once again prove you a liar.

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