Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

I'll take this mean that you're angry and upset. If you're not emotionally or intellectually prepared to have your thoughts / expressions challenged in a public forum, reconsider your participation.

By posting in a public forum such as this, you give approval to others to challenge your comments. You must expect that not everyone is going to simply roll over and accept your one-line quips. I tried to answer your earlier comments as thoroughly and as completely as I could. You didn't like the answer.

Don't go away mad...

I challenged your Plagiarism, you have yet to reply:cuckoo:
Hollie is soo full of it her eyes have turned brown. :badgrin:

When you catch her in blatant lies like I have several times. She will claim that you are angry or upset because of her answers. Which really aren't answers but lame off topic excuses to mask her pathetic lack of knowledge about the topic at hand. :cuckoo:
The Messiah is all through the OT. He is veiled. The veil is taken off when Jesus appears. In Luke it says the veil was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died. In the OT, the veil pointed to the messiah.

My point was that, as far as Jews are concerned, Jesus is not in the Torah. So saying Mohammed isn't in scriptures doesn't really mean anything. It may be important to Christians, it may be important to Jews, but that doesn't negate that Muslims, at least as far as I understand, believe much of the old and new testaments, just not entirely in line with either Judaism or Christianity. So they can certainly be an Abrahamic religion without the Bible or Torah mentioning Islam or Mohammed.

Muslims don't belive in the Torah or the Bible only the Quran and Hadith, the only reason there is any similarity is because Mohammed plagiarized certain parts of the bible he thought would be useful in his bid for control. Another big difference is that Christianity is just an extension of Judaism and thats why its considered an Abrahamic religion Islam has no such historical connections.


its considered an Abrahamic religion because they believe that the "great nation" that God promised to create from the decendants of Ishmael are them.

Consider for a moment that this may be true. The Hebrew people are the decendents of Isaac, the Arbaic people decended from Ishmael, both peoples ( and thus their religions ) decend from Abraham. And those people are both fighting for the birthright they feel is rightfully theirs as the decendants of Abraham.
I'll take this mean that you're angry and upset. If you're not emotionally or intellectually prepared to have your thoughts / expressions challenged in a public forum, reconsider your participation.

By posting in a public forum such as this, you give approval to others to challenge your comments. You must expect that not everyone is going to simply roll over and accept your one-line quips. I tried to answer your earlier comments as thoroughly and as completely as I could. You didn't like the answer.

Don't go away mad...

I challenged your Plagiarism, you have yet to reply:cuckoo:
Hollie is soo full of it her eyes have turned brown. :badgrin:

When you catch her in blatant lies like I have several times. She will claim that you are angry or upset because of her answers. Which really aren't answers but lame off topic excuses to mask her pathetic lack of knowledge about the topic at hand. :cuckoo:

My answer to your post is only a page or two back. If you care to review that and either ask for clarification or challenge the text, feel free. But to whine and complain because your feelings were hurt is just sour grapes.

So what was in my post that you feel constitutes a "pathetic lack of knowledge". Be specific and provide relevant examples. Provide the exact comment you are floundering with and I can provide clarification.

Or, you can continue to behave like a child who has been scolded and sent to his room for a time out.
My point was that, as far as Jews are concerned, Jesus is not in the Torah. So saying Mohammed isn't in scriptures doesn't really mean anything. It may be important to Christians, it may be important to Jews, but that doesn't negate that Muslims, at least as far as I understand, believe much of the old and new testaments, just not entirely in line with either Judaism or Christianity. So they can certainly be an Abrahamic religion without the Bible or Torah mentioning Islam or Mohammed.

Muslims don't belive in the Torah or the Bible only the Quran and Hadith, the only reason there is any similarity is because Mohammed plagiarized certain parts of the bible he thought would be useful in his bid for control. Another big difference is that Christianity is just an extension of Judaism and thats why its considered an Abrahamic religion Islam has no such historical connections.


its considered an Abrahamic religion because they believe that the "great nation" that God promised to create from the decendants of Ishmael are them.

Consider for a moment that this may be true. The Hebrew people are the decendents of Isaac, the Arbaic people decended from Ishmael, both peoples ( and thus their religions ) decend from Abraham. And those people are both fighting for the birthright they feel is rightfully theirs as the decendants of Abraham.

The solution would be for the gods to make their appearance known, bring a whistle, put on their black and white striped referee shirts and ref the match.

Seems so god damned simple.
Muslims don't belive in the Torah or the Bible only the Quran and Hadith, the only reason there is any similarity is because Mohammed plagiarized certain parts of the bible he thought would be useful in his bid for control. Another big difference is that Christianity is just an extension of Judaism and thats why its considered an Abrahamic religion Islam has no such historical connections.


its considered an Abrahamic religion because they believe that the "great nation" that God promised to create from the decendants of Ishmael are them.

Consider for a moment that this may be true. The Hebrew people are the decendents of Isaac, the Arbaic people decended from Ishmael, both peoples ( and thus their religions ) decend from Abraham. And those people are both fighting for the birthright they feel is rightfully theirs as the decendants of Abraham.

The solution would be for the gods to make their appearance known, bring a whistle, put on their black and white striped referee shirts and ref the match.

Seems so god damned simple.

If God appears to everyone, where does faith come in?
I challenged your Plagiarism, you have yet to reply:cuckoo:
Hollie is soo full of it her eyes have turned brown. :badgrin:

When you catch her in blatant lies like I have several times. She will claim that you are angry or upset because of her answers. Which really aren't answers but lame off topic excuses to mask her pathetic lack of knowledge about the topic at hand. :cuckoo:

My answer to your post is only a page or two back. If you care to review that and either ask for clarification or challenge the text, feel free. But to whine and complain because your feelings were hurt is just sour grapes.

So what was in my post that you feel constitutes a "pathetic lack of knowledge". Be specific and provide relevant examples. Provide the exact comment you are floundering with and I can provide clarification.
LOL, you are so full of yourself that I almost feel embarrassed for you. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

its considered an Abrahamic religion because they believe that the "great nation" that God promised to create from the decendants of Ishmael are them.

Consider for a moment that this may be true. The Hebrew people are the decendents of Isaac, the Arbaic people decended from Ishmael, both peoples ( and thus their religions ) decend from Abraham. And those people are both fighting for the birthright they feel is rightfully theirs as the decendants of Abraham.

The solution would be for the gods to make their appearance known, bring a whistle, put on their black and white striped referee shirts and ref the match.

Seems so god damned simple.

If God appears to everyone, where does faith come in?

Faith in god would not be a requirement if god was extant. If something is known to exist, there is no requirement for faith. I actually cannot comprehend what would happen (how humanity would react), if suddenly god (or gods) made themselves known.

A god of any particular denomination would, I think, alienate most other believers on the planet. An angry rabble of believers comprising most of the believers on the planet could be a disaster.

On second thought, my idea was horrible.
Hollie is soo full of it her eyes have turned brown. :badgrin:

When you catch her in blatant lies like I have several times. She will claim that you are angry or upset because of her answers. Which really aren't answers but lame off topic excuses to mask her pathetic lack of knowledge about the topic at hand. :cuckoo:

My answer to your post is only a page or two back. If you care to review that and either ask for clarification or challenge the text, feel free. But to whine and complain because your feelings were hurt is just sour grapes.

So what was in my post that you feel constitutes a "pathetic lack of knowledge". Be specific and provide relevant examples. Provide the exact comment you are floundering with and I can provide clarification.
LOL, you are so full of yourself that I almost feel embarrassed for you. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

Does this mean you won't be extending her an invitation to join your harem?
Hollie is soo full of it her eyes have turned brown. :badgrin:

When you catch her in blatant lies like I have several times. She will claim that you are angry or upset because of her answers. Which really aren't answers but lame off topic excuses to mask her pathetic lack of knowledge about the topic at hand. :cuckoo:

My answer to your post is only a page or two back. If you care to review that and either ask for clarification or challenge the text, feel free. But to whine and complain because your feelings were hurt is just sour grapes.

So what was in my post that you feel constitutes a "pathetic lack of knowledge". Be specific and provide relevant examples. Provide the exact comment you are floundering with and I can provide clarification.
LOL, you are so full of yourself that I almost feel embarrassed for you. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

And still, you won't make the simple effort to advise what you feel constitutes a "pathetic lack of knowledge". You can't find the courage to be specific and provide relevant examples of where you're confused.

Just drop the f-bomb and walk away.
My answer to your post is only a page or two back. If you care to review that and either ask for clarification or challenge the text, feel free. But to whine and complain because your feelings were hurt is just sour grapes.

So what was in my post that you feel constitutes a "pathetic lack of knowledge". Be specific and provide relevant examples. Provide the exact comment you are floundering with and I can provide clarification.
LOL, you are so full of yourself that I almost feel embarrassed for you. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

Does this mean you won't be extending her an invitation to join your harem?


Sunni dude needs a night out with the boys to yuk-it-up over a few beers.
Does this mean you won't be extending her an invitation to join your harem?
Heck no!! Not even as a 4th wife; I do have standards ya know. :cool:

Although, I might take her in as a concubine.

Just so I could beat her on a regular basis just for fun. :razz:
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We have had this discussion before and been told it just isn't true. That there is no effort by Islam to convert other Countries, that there is no danger that Islam would create a climate where Western Democracies were converted to Sharia law and no longer democratic at all.

I have told you all that Islam preaches that it must take over the planet. That is it's goal. Islam believes that all the world must be Islamic. And they do not believe in separation of Church and State. Islam teaches that Allah must run every thing including the Government.

There are two schools of thought on how to achieve this goal. One is that they must just bide their time and allow their birth rate and monolithic approach to convert those Countries currently not Islamic. The second is that by violence they can achieve more quickly the goal.

Sunni man has admitted to us at last that HIS goal and that of his religion is the overthrow of the democratic Government of the US and replace it with Islamic rule and Sharia law.

“Sunni man” knows how to push the buttons of certain gullible rightists.
Does this mean you won't be extending her an invitation to join your harem?
Heck no!! Not as a 3rd wife; I do have standards ya know. :cool:
No child over 9 yrs. old?

Although, I might take her in as a concubine.
Muhammud (swish), took concubines. To emulate the life and behavior of muhammed (swish), is what being a pious moslem is all about.

Just so I could beat her on a regular basis just for fun. :razz:
Speaking of beating:

YUSUFALI: Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).

PICKTHAL: Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.

SHAKIR: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
SHAKIR: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
I like Shakir's translation the best of the 3 examples you provided. :cool:
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SHAKIR: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
I like Shakir's translation the best of the 3 examples you provided. :cool:

It is a lovely admonition, yes? Keep your b*tches (all of em') in line.

Surely (and I don't mean to call you Shirley), Allah is High, Great.
SHAKIR: Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.
I like Shakir's translation the best of the 3 examples you provided. :cool:

It is a lovely admonition, yes? Keep your b*tches (all of em') in line.

Surely (and I don't mean to call you Shirley), Allah is High, Great.
Why would you call other women "B"'s ??

Isn't that rather degrading towards your sisters?

And yes, Allah is Great; and I am glad to see you acknowledge it. :cool:
I like Shakir's translation the best of the 3 examples you provided. :cool:

It is a lovely admonition, yes? Keep your b*tches (all of em') in line.

Surely (and I don't mean to call you Shirley), Allah is High, Great.
Why would you call other women "B"'s ??

Isn't that rather degrading towards your sisters?

And yes, Allah is Great; and I am glad to see you acknowledge it. :cool:

Do you acknowledge the persecution of Sufis by Sunnis, both historically, and the fairly recent mass killings by Saddam?
I like Shakir's translation the best of the 3 examples you provided. :cool:

It is a lovely admonition, yes? Keep your b*tches (all of em') in line.

Surely (and I don't mean to call you Shirley), Allah is High, Great.
Why would you call other women "B"'s ??

Isn't that rather degrading towards your sisters?
It’s mild by comparison to their treatment by men in the Islamist Middle East. I think it’s degrading to put women in sacks, for example, to treat them like property and to make them feel less than human.

And yes, Allah is Great; and I am glad to see you acknowledge it. :cool:

Keep in mind, The Islamic Moon God is only half great absent his partner: muhammud (swish).

I’m afraid that in hierarchy of gods, the Islamic Moon God is an also-ran.

To the back of the line then for your gods.
It’s mild by comparison to their treatment by men in the Islamist Middle East. I think it’s degrading to put women in sacks, for example, to treat them like property and to make them feel less than human.
We really could care less what radical feminist lesbians like you think about how we treat our women.

True story :cool:

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