Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?
Why do you continue to blatantly lie Hollie?

I have Never sent you a message to you mail box; not ever.

So I give the Mods permission to search and post the results.

And once again prove you a liar.

And once again. I am fine with the mods reviewing your behavior.
Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?
Why do you continue to blatantly lie Hollie?

I have Never sent you a message to you mail box; not ever.

So I give the Mods permission to search and post the results.

And once again prove you a liar.

I find it funny that you have continued to ignore the answers we'eve given and instead resort to trivial matters that have nothing to do with the issue and ad hominem
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Kindly take the above as an allowance to jihad the bejezzus out of my mail in-box with more derogatory name-calling. OK pumpkin?
Why do you continue to blatantly lie Hollie?

I have Never sent you a message to you mail box; not ever.

So I give the Mods permission to search and post the results.

And once again prove you a liar.

And once again. I am fine with the mods reviewing your behavior.
It is your lies and behavior that needs investigated; not mine.

btw When are you going to address the question and explain the theological divide between Christianity and Islam?? :cool:
I find it funny that you have continued to ignore the answers we'eve given and instead resort to trivial matters that have nothing to do with the issue and ad hominem
Look Neo, your answer was rather light on theology and heavy on ideology.

In other words, your answer wasn't much of an answer.

Sorry........ :cool:
Why do you continue to blatantly lie Hollie?

I have Never sent you a message to you mail box; not ever.

So I give the Mods permission to search and post the results.

And once again prove you a liar.

And once again. I am fine with the mods reviewing your behavior.
It is your lies and behavior that needs investigated; not mine.

btw When are you going to address the question and explain the theological divide between Christianity and Islam?? :cool:

"Hollie" has been revealed as not only a Liar, but also a plagiarist
Why do you continue to blatantly lie Hollie?

I have Never sent you a message to you mail box; not ever.

So I give the Mods permission to search and post the results.

And once again prove you a liar.

And once again. I am fine with the mods reviewing your behavior.
It is your lies and behavior that needs investigated; not mine.

btw When are you going to address the question and explain the theological divide between Christianity and Islam?? :cool:

I find it funny that you have continued to ignore the answers we'eve given and instead resort to trivial matters that have nothing to do with the issue and ad hominem
Look Neo, your answer was rather light on theology and heavy on ideology.

In other words, your answer wasn't much of an answer.

Sorry........ :cool:

Ok i'll boil this down to TWO words one word for each of your brain cells so your selective vision won't ineterfere this time.






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The big lie from Islam and their syncophant media is that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are "Abrahamic religions". Nothing in the Scriptures about Islam or Mohammed.

Is there anything about Jesus in the Torah? :eusa_eh:

The Messiah is all through the OT. He is veiled. The veil is taken off when Jesus appears. In Luke it says the veil was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died. In the OT, the veil pointed to the messiah.

My point was that, as far as Jews are concerned, Jesus is not in the Torah. So saying Mohammed isn't in scriptures doesn't really mean anything. It may be important to Christians, it may be important to Jews, but that doesn't negate that Muslims, at least as far as I understand, believe much of the old and new testaments, just not entirely in line with either Judaism or Christianity. So they can certainly be an Abrahamic religion without the Bible or Torah mentioning Islam or Mohammed.
Is there anything about Jesus in the Torah? :eusa_eh:

The Messiah is all through the OT. He is veiled. The veil is taken off when Jesus appears. In Luke it says the veil was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died. In the OT, the veil pointed to the messiah.

My point was that, as far as Jews are concerned, Jesus is not in the Torah. So saying Mohammed isn't in scriptures doesn't really mean anything. It may be important to Christians, it may be important to Jews, but that doesn't negate that Muslims, at least as far as I understand, believe much of the old and new testaments, just not entirely in line with either Judaism or Christianity. So they can certainly be an Abrahamic religion without the Bible or Torah mentioning Islam or Mohammed.

Muslims don't belive in the Torah or the Bible only the Quran and Hadith, the only reason there is any similarity is because Mohammed plagiarized certain parts of the bible he thought would be useful in his bid for control. Another big difference is that Christianity is just an extension of Judaism and thats why its considered an Abrahamic religion Islam has no such historical connections.
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Ok i'll boil this down to TWO words one word for each of your brain cells so your selective vision won't ineterfere this time.
Here, let me make it even easier for you to understand. :cool:

Christianity = Lies

Islam = Truth

See now youre overstepping.

Ill defend Islams right to be. But only so long as it defends other religions as well.

Id love to discuss with you why Islam is wrong on Jesus, but I wont do it publicly with all these sunday school theologists adding their misguided opinions into the mix.
light on theology and heavy on ideology.

You're starting to get it.
Hollie translation: I don't know the answer. I was just blowing smoke and got caught in my lies. :cool:

You're angry at my blunt language. I can understand that. Maybe one of the downsides of discussion boards is that absent visual feedback, textual comments tend to be more blunt... me being the blunt'or, you being the blunt'ee. If you had any objection to specifics of my post, you could have raised them.

What I'm left with is you not challenging the thrust of my comments, you're upset that your feelings were hurt.

In some parts of the world, "hurting muslims' feelings" is a Capital offence. We're not in that part of the world, though.
You're angry at my blunt language. I can understand that. Maybe one of the downsides of discussion boards is that absent visual feedback, textual comments tend to be more blunt... me being the blunt'or, you being the blunt'ee. If you had any objection to specifics of my post, you could have raised them.

What I'm left with is you not challenging the thrust of my comments, you're upset that your feelings were hurt.
Angry or feelings hurt; Nope.

I deal with Islamophobes like you almost everyday in real life.

They are fun to toy with; and easy to humble.

True story :cool:
Ok i'll boil this down to TWO words one word for each of your brain cells so your selective vision won't ineterfere this time.
Here, let me make it even easier for you to understand. :cool:

Christianity = Lies

Islam = Truth

Show us the truth of a "perfect system for life", of a "loving god" who commanded his minions to spill out of the Arabian Peninsula and ravage half of Europe.

We need to come to an understanding of the past vs. the present. Most of us know about now, but some of us are less careful about understanding the past. Let's not glamorize islam's "holy warriors" (referencing "truth" as a catch-all slogan to define islamist ideology as correct and inerrant). They were/are ignorant thugs. Shortly after muhammuds death, these heroes plundered their way across the continent until streets literally ran red with blood. they stood on the faces of the poor. They were the top of a ruthless and unforgiving political pyramid which sought to enslave masses of people to fulfill the writ of the religion's founder.
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You're angry at my blunt language. I can understand that. Maybe one of the downsides of discussion boards is that absent visual feedback, textual comments tend to be more blunt... me being the blunt'or, you being the blunt'ee. If you had any objection to specifics of my post, you could have raised them.

What I'm left with is you not challenging the thrust of my comments, you're upset that your feelings were hurt.
Angry or feelings hurt; Nope.

I deal with Islamophobes like you almost everyday in real life.

They are fun to toy with; and easy to humble.

True story :cool:

I'll take this mean that you're angry and upset. If you're not emotionally or intellectually prepared to have your thoughts / expressions challenged in a public forum, reconsider your participation.

By posting in a public forum such as this, you give approval to others to challenge your comments. You must expect that not everyone is going to simply roll over and accept your one-line quips. I tried to answer your earlier comments as thoroughly and as completely as I could. You didn't like the answer.

Don't go away mad...
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Here, let me make it even easier for you to understand. :cool:

Christianity = Lies

Islam = Truth

Please indulge in your indoctrinated delusions elsewhere
Thanks for the invitation; but I really don't plan on attending your church services. :cool:

Thats because your getting your daily dose of Indoctrination in the ways of islam in that pathetic excuse for a church you guys call a mosque, ive always wonder why if Muslims are Independent and faithful why they feel the need to destroy anything Jewish and convert major Christian churches into Mosques, truth is its not Christians who are afraid of Muslims but Muslims who are afraid of Christians.

Tpical Muslim

Typical Christian

Muslims reaction to Christians
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I'll take this mean that you're angry and upset. If you're not emotionally or intellectually prepared to have your thoughts / expressions challenged in a public forum, reconsider your participation.

By posting in a public forum such as this, you give approval to others to challenge your comments. You must expect that not everyone is going to simply roll over and accept your one-line quips. I tried to answer your earlier comments as thoroughly and as completely as I could. You didn't like the answer.

Don't go away mad...

I challenged your Plagiarism, you have yet to reply:cuckoo:

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