Sunni man ADMITS the goal of Islam is to take over non Islamic Countries

The Ku Klux Klan is the moral equivilent. The Westboro Baptist church is the moral equivilent.

So the terrorist arm created by the Democrat party to keep Blacks from voting republican and a few idiots from Dumb Ass, Kansas are equal to all the Islamist terrorist groups and their acts all across the earth. Uh, um, yeah. Nothing needs to be said. It's too obvious.

terrorism is terrorism.
Yet you refuse to condemn Islamic terrorism. No, you condemn only the people who will not harm you.

Neo T -

It simply is not as clear cut as that, as I am sure you realise.

Trying to prsent Christianity as a bastion of peace and beauty makes no sense to anyone who has ever opened the Old Testament.

I think this debate focses far, far too much on scripture anyway. People do not live their lives according to any "pure" definition of scripture, but according to their own interpretation on it.

Few Christians believe in "an eye for an eye", but seem to believe most Muslims do follow the letter of the Koran.

In actual reality - they don't.

Your showing a bit of ignorance here, Jews go by the Old Testament Christians go by the New Testament thats why the Jews have the Torah, because they don't believe in the New Testament.

No, I am not showing any ignorance here, because I am not talking about Judaism - I am talking about Christianity.

The Old Testament is considered scared by all Christian churches, and is thus very much a part of Christian teaching.

Yes the bible is all a sacred text however Christians follow the new Covenant created by Jesus Christ during the last supper thats why were called "Christians" if we followed the old Covenant we would not be Christians, the old Covenant is no more.

And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

Definition of TESTAMENT

a archaic : a covenant between God and the human race
b capitalized : either of two main divisions of the Bible

Testament - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Most Christians will tell you the the whole Bible is 100% the inerrant word of God and that they believe in it 100%

Yet they will play a shell game when asked certain questions.

And say "Well that was in the O.T. and we believe and follow the N.T."

No shell game, just ignorance on your part. There are two covenants and Christians live under the New Covenant. Choosing to remain ignorant after being given the truth is a sure sign of cultic thinking on your part.
Right wing Christians like Buford responding to people exposing his innate hypocrisy.

1) The people doing those evil deeds aren't really Christians. (even when they claim to be christians)

2) That's in the O.T. and we go by the N.T. (although we believe in the whole Bible)

3) True christians would never do anything do that. (ie, christians are perfect; just ask Buford)

4) We are in the new covenant; not the old covenant; so it don't count. (christian shell game; keep your eye in the pea; as I quickly move the shells around)

5) I am going to get my gun in the name of Jesus and kill them all. (spreading the Gospel)

1: Just because someone claims to be something doesn't make it so.

2: Your twisting words as usual.

3: True Christians wouldn't.

4: see post above this one.

5: That last one is only your stupidity.
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Your showing a bit of ignorance here, Jews go by the Old Testament Christians go by the New Testament thats why the Jews have the Torah, because they don't believe in the New Testament.

No, I am not showing any ignorance here, because I am not talking about Judaism - I am talking about Christianity.

The Old Testament is considered scared by all Christian churches, and is thus very much a part of Christian teaching.

Yes the bible is all a sacred text however Christians follow the new Covenant created by Jesus Christ during the last supper thats why were called "Christians" if we followed the old Covenant we would not be Christians, the old Covenant is no more.

And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
So Christians are basically worshipping a cannibal; and must partake in a cannibalistic ritual act. :eek:
No, I am not showing any ignorance here, because I am not talking about Judaism - I am talking about Christianity.

The Old Testament is considered scared by all Christian churches, and is thus very much a part of Christian teaching.

Yes the bible is all a sacred text however Christians follow the new Covenant created by Jesus Christ during the last supper thats why were called "Christians" if we followed the old Covenant we would not be Christians, the old Covenant is no more.

And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
So Christians are basically worshipping a cannibal; and must partake in a cannibalistic ritual act. :eek:

I think my IQ just dropped by 10 points from reading that stupidity you just wrote *sighs* you can't prove im wrong so you resort to uninformed ad hominem
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Reading through this thread most of what I see is "my religion is better than your religion".

Somehow I doubt Jesus or Mohammed would be too impressed by the arguments presented.
Reading through this thread most of what I see is "my religion is better than your religion".

Somehow I doubt Jesus or Mohammed would be too impressed by the arguments presented.

Jesus would probably be saddened and Mohammed would be angry that the muslims hand't just killed the Christians to begin with.
I don't know...I think both Jesus and Mohammed may have gone with peaceful co-existance.

I've been told a few times by Muslims that they have nothing but respect for Christians, and they are also consider Jesus a son of God. It is other religions, like Juadism, Hindi and Buddhism, that they have a real problem with and consider basically perversities.
Reading through this thread most of what I see is "my religion is better than your religion".

Somehow I doubt Jesus or Mohammed would be too impressed by the arguments presented.

Jesus and Mohammed were fundamentally different. Just as Christianity and Islam are fundamentally different.
I am not an Islamic scholar nor a Constitutional one. But I do read the paper and am familiar with the human rights violations in Muslim countries and the problems Sharia is causing in Europe.

Sharia is creeping and it needs to be stopped.

Still got the wife in a burka Sunni?
I've been told a few times by Muslims that they have nothing but respect for Christians, and they are also consider Jesus a son of God.
No muslim considers Jesus to be the son of God.

That is the ultimate blasphemy (shirk) and any muslim who believes such a thing is no longer a muslim. Period.
I've been told a few times by Muslims that they have nothing but respect for Christians, and they are also consider Jesus a son of God.
No muslim considers Jesus to be the son of God.

That is the ultimate blasphemy (shirk) and any muslim who believes such a thing is no longer a muslim. Period.

I apologise - my previous post was wrong.

But it is correct that Muslims regard Jesus to be divine, no?
But it is correct that Muslims regard Jesus to be divine, no?
That is a big NO

We believe Jesus was a prophet, teacher, healer, and performed miracles.

But. was just a mortal man; not divine; and not the son of God.

Which is the central issue of contention between Islam and Christianity.
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I've been told a few times by Muslims that they have nothing but respect for Christians, and they are also consider Jesus a son of God.
No muslim considers Jesus to be the son of God.

That is the ultimate blasphemy (shirk) and any muslim who believes such a thing is no longer a muslim. Period.

I apologise - my previous post was wrong.

But it is correct that Muslims regard Jesus to be divine, no?

Again you prove yourself an ignorant fraud.
I don't know...I think both Jesus and Mohammed may have gone with peaceful co-existance.

I've been told a few times by Muslims that they have nothing but respect for Christians, and they are also consider Jesus a son of God. It is other religions, like Juadism, Hindi and Buddhism, that they have a real problem with and consider basically perversities.

Mohammed preached holy war, not peaceful co-existence.

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