Sunni-Shia: TrumpUSA Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a fictional interview of two idealistic Internet-bloggers named Ajay and Bianca whose work with Sunni-Shia related journalism and writing wins them the Nobel Prize and draws the attention of a commerce-focused 'TrumpUSA' wrestling with how to negotiate globalization-politics and commerce-culture with anti-terrorism wisdom and Middle Eastern diplomacy in the modern age.

This is the sort of blogging that makes me feel that all I need to make myself feel more optimistic about the notion that we will not endure a 'Trumponomics' reminiscent of the political short-sightedness of the complacent podium our last celebrity-president (Ronald Reagan) --- Reaganomics!

Will Donald Trump be the diplomat we need or the diplomat we were simply willing to tolerate...


INTERVIEWER: How did you two meet?
AJAY/BIANCA: We were both working for National Geographic in Morocco.

INTERVIEWER: You were studying cultural intersections in Casablanca?
AJAY/BIANCA: Precisely. It was very interesting field-work...

INTERVIEWER: Ajay, you're writing a book about Leprechauns?
AJAY/BIANCA: Yes, about Irish folklore surrounding 'fortune deification' in modern culture.

INTERVIEWER: As in the Notre Dame college football team mascot and the Lucky Charms cereal avatar?
AJAY/BIANCA: Correct, and Bianca helps me with Irish mythology (she's Irish, I'm Algerian).

INTERVIEWER: Are you familiar with the Algerian Revolution, Ajay?
AJAY/BIANCA: Yes, I read Frantz Fanon, and Bianca (my wife) and I like the film Battle of Algiers.

INTERVIEWER: So how did you become interested in Sunni-Shia affairs (Bianca)?
AJAY/BIANCA: While in Morocco, Ajay and I started studying fortune-myths from Islam (e.g., Arabian Nights).

INTERVIEWER: So how did you and Ajay connect Aladdin with a Leprechaun?
AJAY/BIANCA: Sunni-Shia 'problems' reflect modern issues regarding the 'marketing of politics.'

INTERVIEWER: I suppose you're familiar with Al Jazeera TV, Ajay?
AJAY/BIANCA: Yes, I've streamed it on my laptop at my office in Amsterdam.

INTERVIEWER: Are you two fans of American culture in general (you're obviously world-travellers)?
AJAY/BIANCA: Yes, we both like Jack Kerouac and American horror films (Texas Chainsaw Massacre).

INTERVIEWER: So what does Aladdin/Kerouac/Leprechaun tell you about Sunni-Shia relations (Ajay)?
AJAY/BIANCA: If Americans make films about the Middle East (e.g., Syriana), they should understand Islam.

INTERVIEWER: How did you first received the news you were considered to win the Nobel Peace Prize?
AJAY/BIANCA: Ajay's fictional short-story about two step-brothers (one Sunni and one Shiite) touched hearts!

INTERVIEWER: You two are being called the 'Internet journalism darlings' of modern diplomacy!
AJAY/BIANCA: Yes, Bianca and I consider ourselves blessed and liken ourselves to Tristan and Isolde.

INTERVIEWER: Sunni-Shia 'problems' require democracy-crusading romanticized 'Tristan and Isolde(s)'?
AJAY/BIANCA: Ajay and I believe that the Internet has the power to circulate ideas valuable to the trade.

INTERVIEWER: President Trump would agree with you that media and politics are linked!
AJAY/BIANCA: He was the owner of Trump Taj Mahal and is versed in 'commerce-culture.'

INTERVIEWER: Ajay's story of the brothers divided by Sunni-Shia problems was praised by the First Lady.
AJAY/BIANCA: Ajay was happy that Melania Trump recognized how social dialogue 'fuels' modernism.

INTERVIEWER: So Ajay is the writer, and Bianca is the muse and cultural professor?
AJAY/BIANCA: Exactly. Bianca reminds me that the Sunni-Shia problem requires media grace...

INTERVIEWER: I think President Trump is happy that 'world citizens' are interested in Islamic culture.
AJAY/BIANCA: Bianca and I think Trump has the shrewdness to cite links between commerce and terrorism.




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