Sunni & Shiite fighting Daesh is better than clowns McCain & Graham wanting US ground troops


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
What a nut announced GOP presidential candidate Sen Lindsay Graham is for calling for US ground troops dying in Iraq. This is the better way. Get over your Iranaphopia Republicans.

Thousands of Shia militiamen and Sunni tribal fighters were gathering outside the western Iraqi city of Ramadi on Monday night, promising to reverse the Iraqi army’s humiliating defeat by Islamic State jihadists.

Militias from the so-called Popular Mobilisation Committees, a grouping of largely Shia, pro-Iran groups, were called up by the prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, as the army fled on Sunday.

They had been held back previously because of fears of sectarian clashes with residents and tribes in the city, capital of the Sunni heartland province of Anbar.

According to local media, 3,000 fighters had gathered by Monday morning at the former British RAF base of Habbaniya, now an Iraqi army hold-out in the province, most of which is now under the control of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

But thousands of Sunni tribesman were also gathering west of the city. Sunni tribes have been divided in their loyalty between the government and their co-religionists in Isil.

Shia militias and Sunni tribal fighters join forces against Islamic State in Ramadi - Telegraph
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Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.

Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


So I can count on conservatives supporting a U.S. / Iran coalition as Sunnis and Shiites assemble a force to kill and destroy Daesh in Iraq.
Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


So I can count on conservatives supporting a U.S. / Iran coalition as Sunnis and Shiites assemble a force to kill and destroy Daesh in Iraq.
There's no such coalition. Isis will grow and spread.
Better way is not sanction Iran, but not actively trade with them too much either.

Sunnis and Shiites have been fighting each other for centuries, and even if we go back into Iraq to 'nation-build', they will still be fighting for centuries more.

Unfortunately, it looks like Syria and Iraq are being ethnically cleansed of Christians and the 'not right kind' of Muslim.

ISIS = New Ottoman Empire/New Barbary Pirates
Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


Morsi is gone - sentenced to death. The time you go back to Morsi was the elected President of Egypt. Did you want Obama to support a coup of a democratically elected leader. Morsi did himself in. Good riddance. Nobody from the US licked Morsi's boots. Your imagination is running wild.
Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


Morsi is gone - sentenced to death. The time you go back to Morsi was the elected President of Egypt. Did you want Obama to support a coup of a democratically elected leader. Morsi did himself in. Good riddance. Nobody from the US licked Morsi's boots. Your imagination is running wild.
Egypt hasn't changed, just went from one kind of despot to another.

The current Egyptian government is even more authoritarian and pro-Sharia than the Muslim brotherhood - Egypt is more like Saudi Arabia now.
Tipsy 11515607
Isis will grow and spread.

They can't grow and spread in Iraq now that Popular Mobilisation Committees, a grouping of largely Shia, pro-Iran groups, were called up by the prime minister, Haider al-Abadi and Sunni tribal fighters will rather fight with the Shiites to rid Iraq of daesh terrorist scum.
hipster 11515648
Egypt hasn't changed, just went from one kind of despot to another.

The current Egyptian government is even more authoritarian and pro-Sharia than the Muslim brotherhood - Egypt is more like Saudi Arabia now.

That is a wild claim. What do you back it up with?
The dumbfuck YOU voted for is the one poking the terrorists in the eyes. Lindsey Grahams opinion is moot at this point but that stupid fuck in the oval office is just making shit worse.
We need a president with a backbone and one that is willing to either shit or get off the pot.
So what will the far left drones like this one say when Hilary puts boots on the ground?
The current Egyptian government is even more authoritarian and pro-Sharia than the Muslim brotherhood - Egypt is more like Saudi Arabia now.

Current Egyptian Prez el-Sisi has run roughshod over the Muslim Bro-hood, Hamas terror-rats and Jihadists in general. He excoriated Muslim clergy in a New Years Day speech before Al-Azhar and the Awqaf Ministry in which he said that the “corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries” are “antagonizing the entire world” and that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) “is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”

Egypt s Sisi Islamic Thinking Is Antagonizing the Entire World Raymond Ibrahim
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Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


Morsi is gone - sentenced to death. The time you go back to Morsi was the elected President of Egypt. Did you want Obama to support a coup of a democratically elected leader. Morsi did himself in. Good riddance. Nobody from the US licked Morsi's boots. Your imagination is running wild.

Don't hand me that shit that Obama didn't put the MB in place in Egypt. I know it and fucking more importantly Egyptians know it.

Egyptians hate America now more than any other country and for good reason. Arab Spring kiss my ass :lol:

If I wasn't a dual citizen I'd consider burning the flag too for what that son of a bitch at 1600 did to Egypt.

By the way, do you know what the straw was that broke the camel's back in Egypt for the people?

What act Morsi committed that pushed the populace over the edge?

It's one that should have your fucking hair standing on end.
Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


Morsi is gone - sentenced to death. The time you go back to Morsi was the elected President of Egypt. Did you want Obama to support a coup of a democratically elected leader. Morsi did himself in. Good riddance. Nobody from the US licked Morsi's boots. Your imagination is running wild.
Egypt hasn't changed, just went from one kind of despot to another.

The current Egyptian government is even more authoritarian and pro-Sharia than the Muslim brotherhood - Egypt is more like Saudi Arabia now.

Would you like to back that up?
Tipsy 11515607
Isis will grow and spread.

They can't grow and spread in Iraq now that Popular Mobilisation Committees, a grouping of largely Shia, pro-Iran groups, were called up by the prime minister, Haider al-Abadi and Sunni tribal fighters will rather fight with the Shiites to rid Iraq of daesh terrorist scum.

Whoa whoa whoa there NFBW. NOW the PM is going to cave and finally stop this stupid bullshit ROE of not letting Shias fight in a Sunni zone.

You know Not fooled by I like you. You at least are intelligent, not always up to speed but shit happens quickly over there so hey not your fault, and although many times you and I come at issues from other ends of the spectrum I can respect the fact that I believe you have thought the issue through and through and have given it great thought before you comment.

I can respect that.

You're not stupid. And you really do try to work issues through. This cold must be getting me. :lol: Ok this is the NyQuil talking.
Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


Morsi is gone - sentenced to death. The time you go back to Morsi was the elected President of Egypt. Did you want Obama to support a coup of a democratically elected leader. Morsi did himself in. Good riddance. Nobody from the US licked Morsi's boots. Your imagination is running wild.
Egypt hasn't changed, just went from one kind of despot to another.

The current Egyptian government is even more authoritarian and pro-Sharia than the Muslim brotherhood - Egypt is more like Saudi Arabia now.

Would you like to back that up?
Egypt Germany Press al-Sisi on Rights Violations Human Rights Watch
The joint letter was from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Front Line Defenders, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, and the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT). The organizations said that Germany should continue to freeze transfers of arms and security-related items that can be used for repression until Egypt investigates and brings to justice the security forces responsible for unlawful killings of hundreds of protesters. This should include security forces involved in the killing of more than 1,000 protesters in a single day while closing down two protest sites in Cairo in August 2014.

“German authorities are well aware of the terrible human rights situation in Egypt today,” said Wenzel Michalski, Germany director at Human Rights Watch. “Chancellor Merkel should speak out against Egyptian government policies like shutting down peaceful protests and mass arrests solely for alleged sympathy with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The organizations called attention to a pair of May 16, 2015 court rulings that recommended the death penalty for 122 people, including former President Mohamed Morsy, the noted academic Emad Shahin, and many other Muslim Brotherhood officials. These rulings followed others that, according to the Egyptian Observatory for Rights and Freedoms, convicted 2,381 political dissidents during the first three months of the year. The rulings sentenced 194 people to death and 312 to life in prison. Amnesty International found that Egyptian courts have issued more than 742 death sentences since al-Sisi engineered Morsy’s ouster in July 2013 after unfair trials, some before military courts.

At Least 2 600 Killed After Ouster Of Egypt s Islamist President Morsi Rights Group Says
CAIRO (AP) — At least 2,600 people were killed in violence in the 18 months after the military overthrew Egypt's president in 2013, nearly half of them supporters of the Islamist leader, the head of a state-sanctioned rights body said Sunday.

Mohammed Fayeq, head of the National Council for Human Rights, told reporters that the 2,600 included 700 policemen and 550 civilians who were killed in the period between June 30, 2013 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The council is a nominally independent group sanctioned by the government. It has no judicial or law enforcement powers.
Definitely worse than under Mubarak, and well on its way to becoming the next Saudi Arabia.
Ok for those that want to win the trip to Hawaii with the clear answer on what sent average Egyptians completely over the edge with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood............................................

Drum roll..............................................................

Morsi decided to put in place a new governor.......................................

Drum roll............................................................

In Luxor...................................................................

Drum roll...................................................................

The man who masterminded the slaughter of over 70 tourists............

Do you really believe any one listens to them any more? After they licked Obama's boots and flew over to try to save Morsi for him every conservative I know kicked them to the side of the street.


Morsi is gone - sentenced to death. The time you go back to Morsi was the elected President of Egypt. Did you want Obama to support a coup of a democratically elected leader. Morsi did himself in. Good riddance. Nobody from the US licked Morsi's boots. Your imagination is running wild.
Egypt hasn't changed, just went from one kind of despot to another.

The current Egyptian government is even more authoritarian and pro-Sharia than the Muslim brotherhood - Egypt is more like Saudi Arabia now.

Would you like to back that up?
Egypt Germany Press al-Sisi on Rights Violations Human Rights Watch
The joint letter was from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Front Line Defenders, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, and the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT). The organizations said that Germany should continue to freeze transfers of arms and security-related items that can be used for repression until Egypt investigates and brings to justice the security forces responsible for unlawful killings of hundreds of protesters. This should include security forces involved in the killing of more than 1,000 protesters in a single day while closing down two protest sites in Cairo in August 2014.

“German authorities are well aware of the terrible human rights situation in Egypt today,” said Wenzel Michalski, Germany director at Human Rights Watch. “Chancellor Merkel should speak out against Egyptian government policies like shutting down peaceful protests and mass arrests solely for alleged sympathy with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The organizations called attention to a pair of May 16, 2015 court rulings that recommended the death penalty for 122 people, including former President Mohamed Morsy, the noted academic Emad Shahin, and many other Muslim Brotherhood officials. These rulings followed others that, according to the Egyptian Observatory for Rights and Freedoms, convicted 2,381 political dissidents during the first three months of the year. The rulings sentenced 194 people to death and 312 to life in prison. Amnesty International found that Egyptian courts have issued more than 742 death sentences since al-Sisi engineered Morsy’s ouster in July 2013 after unfair trials, some before military courts.

At Least 2 600 Killed After Ouster Of Egypt s Islamist President Morsi Rights Group Says
CAIRO (AP) — At least 2,600 people were killed in violence in the 18 months after the military overthrew Egypt's president in 2013, nearly half of them supporters of the Islamist leader, the head of a state-sanctioned rights body said Sunday.

Mohammed Fayeq, head of the National Council for Human Rights, told reporters that the 2,600 included 700 policemen and 550 civilians who were killed in the period between June 30, 2013 and Dec. 31, 2014.

The council is a nominally independent group sanctioned by the government. It has no judicial or law enforcement powers.
Definitely worse than under Mubarak, and well on its way to becoming the next Saudi Arabia.

Oh for crying freaking out loud of course the NCHR was bitching about the Muslim Brotherhood "cleansing".

Nominally independent group kiss my ass. Why don't you get back to me and let me know how many churches have had their members dragged and killed from their services today under Sisi 'mkay?

You don't seem to understand the Muslim Brotherhood at all. Many murderers were taken out quickly and silently after they had slaughtered so many Egyptians.
Ok for those that want to win the trip to Hawaii with the clear answer on what sent average Egyptians completely over the edge with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood............................................

Drum roll..............................................................

Morsi decided to put in place a new governor.......................................

Drum roll............................................................

In Luxor...................................................................

Drum roll...................................................................

The man who masterminded the slaughter of over 70 tourists............

That's what you get for regime change.

If Mubarak had remained, and America hadn't abandoned him to the Muslim Brotherhood, this mess would have never happened.

Now you get the best of both worlds, with terrorists running rampant, journalists under siege, tourism lagging, a crap economy, and executions.

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