Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

Homosexuality is mentioned as an abomination in the Old Testament.

Eating pork is also mentioned as an abomination in the Old Testament.

The whole point of the New Testament is that Jesus threw out the old Law of the Old Testament and brought a new covenant.

As I said above, adultery is in the top ten. So is stealing. So is false witness. So is covetousness. And Trump is guilty of all of those things in spades.

And yet you tards turn a willfully blind eye to all of it.

Your hatred of gays is not bible-based. It's just pure hatred. The very opposite of Jesus's teachings.

Just like the racists of the past who opposed interracial marriage. They waved the Bible around, too, to justify their hatred.

And you will all burn in hell for your hypocrisy.
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Since you claim you know your Bible, then you should know that I'm correct.
Right before he mentions stealing, Jesus says, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Jesus did mention stealing.

I told you idiots I know the Bible better than you.

You fake sanctimonious pricks are pulling shit out of your asses.

You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” - Mark 10:19
You got me there. Did Jesus mention that marriage is between a man and a woman?
Right before he mentions stealing, Jesus says, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Yes, Jesus is quoting the law, is he not?
"Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. The 80s were his "personal Vietnam", sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this prostitute:

"Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. The 80s were his "personal Vietnam", sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this prostitute:

Answer me this. Was Jesus quoting the law?
You got me there. Did Jesus mention that marriage is between a man and a woman?
Yes, and he mentioned it is for life.

Gay marriage would not even be such a hot button issue if the government didn't give away all kinds of cash and prizes for being married.

It has nothing to do with religion.

Some bigots are upset gays want the exact same government cash and prizes they get.

So, you know. Go ahead and bash gays, but you have to bash Trump with the exact same Bible, mm-kay?

Don't be hypocrites, kids. Jesus really especially does not like that.
Answer me this. Was Jesus quoting the law?
In the Old Testament, God said you could not get a divorce for any reason.

Amazingly, Moses was able to get God to change his mind! He was able to convince God that adultery could be cause for divorce.

Jesus recounts this in the New Testament. And that is when he said, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Not all of the Old Testament Law was canceled, obviously. The Ten Commandments still apply, including adultery, stealing, false witness, covetousness. All the shit Donald Trump revels in doing which bible-thumping Trumptards consistently turn a willfully blind eye to.

Jesus was silent on homosexuality.

Paul later put the kibosh on homosexuality and jerking off and other sins.
Yes, and he mentioned it is for life.

Gay marriage would not even be such a hot button issue if the government didn't give away all kinds of cash and prizes for being married.

It has nothing to do with religion.

Some bigots are upset gays want the exact same government cash and prizes they get.

So, you know. Go ahead and bash gays, but you have to bash Trump with the exact same Bible, mm-kay?

Don't be hypocrites, kids. Jesus really especially does not like that.
Did Jesus say marriage is between a man and a woman?
Why wouldn’t he? I could see Mr Jesus leading a great parade. It would be one hell of a party!

Yeah, but not a Pride one. With all due respect, why would He totally contradict Himself and He doesn't participate in sin hence being the only reason His sacrifice on the cross worked.
So...yeah. Jerking off is just as bad as smoking poles as far as the Bible is concerned.

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
In the Old Testament, God said you could not get a divorce for any reason.

Amazingly, Moses was able to get God to change his mind! He was able to convince God that adultery could be cause for divorce.

Jesus recounts this in the New Testament. And that is when he said, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

Not all of the Old Testament Law was canceled, obviously. The Ten Commandments still apply, including adultery, stealing, false witness, covetousness. All the shit Donald Trump revels in doing which bible-thumping Trumptards consistently turn a willfully blind eye to.

Jesus was silent on homosexuality.

Paul later put the kibosh on homosexuality and jerking off and other sins.
So Jesus never condoned homosexuality. Paul said everything he wrote he got from the Lord and James said Paul's writings were Scripture. You obviously know that I'm correct because you're a Bible scholar.
So Jesus never condoned homosexuality. Paul said everything he wrote he got from the Lord and James said Paul's writings were Scripture. You obviously know that I'm correct because you're a Bible scholar.

The topic was about Jesus and gays.

Jesus never said a word about gays. It's amazing how many fools think he did. I've had to embarrass countless Trumptards on this forum over this issue.

Which only proves they use the bible to justify their hatred without ever opening it.

Pretty sick, eh?

The topic was about Jesus and gays.

Jesus never said a word about gays. It's amazing how many fools think he did. I've had to embarrass countless Trumptards on this forum over this issue.

Which only proves they use the bible to justify their hatred without ever opening it.

Pretty sick, eh?
You failed to address my points. Am I correct or not?
Yeah, but not a Pride one. With all due respect, why would He totally contradict Himself and He doesn't participate in sin hence being the only reason His sacrifice on the cross worked.
I don’t believe Jesus would say being gay is a sin… and I don’t believe it is a sin. It’s who many people are as God made them. The sin part wreaks of a man made ploy
So, you know. Go ahead and bash gays, but you have to bash Trump with the exact same Bible, mm-kay?
We don't have to bash anyone. It is a matter of government permissions vs the ideals for society.

Donald Trump made use of the government permissiveness of divorce. It wasn't just Donald Trump who nodded acceptance of divorce--the majority of society was nodding acceptance. The majority of society also nodded acceptance of sex outside of marriage.

No one is answering:
  • What is the greater good divorce brings to society?
  • What is the greater good sex outside marriage brings to society?
  • What is the greater good homosexual practices bring to society?
No one addresses the good any of these bring to society as a whole. Instead, they argue that the above will make us a better society just by accepting a lower standard of Biblical/traditional sexual mores. How does divorce, sex outside of marriage, and homosexuality bless society? What do they contribute that betters society?
We don't have to bash anyone. It is a matter of government permissions vs the ideals for society.

Donald Trump made use of the government permissiveness of divorce. It wasn't just Donald Trump who nodded acceptance of divorce--the majority of society was nodding acceptance. The majority of society also nodded acceptance of sex outside of marriage.

No one is answering:
  • What is the greater good divorce brings to society?
  • What is the greater good sex outside marriage brings to society?
  • What is the greater good homosexual practices bring to society?
No one addresses the good any of these bring to society as a whole. Instead, they argue that the above will make us a better society just by accepting a lower standard of Biblical/traditional sexual mores. How does divorce, sex outside of marriage, and homosexuality bless society? What do they contribute that betters society?
You have it backwards.

To ban a behavior or practice, you have to demonstrate what harm it causes society.

Smoking poles hurts no one.

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