Zone1 Sunny Hostin Believes That Jesus Christ Would Lead A Pride Parade

Paul was an amazing apostle. He's my favorite author in the Bible. His clarity of thought reminds me of James Madison's writings. Or vice versa, I guess.

But you don't get to be a buffet Christian. If you accept homos are bad, then you must accept that jerking off is just as bad. Paul said so.

And you must accept stealing, adultery, false witness are the worst since Jesus specifically mentioned these things. Which means Donald Trump is far worse than homos.

So if you go around bashing gays, and then suckle Trump's balls, you should know that Jesus probably disliked hypocrites the most of all sinners.

All caught up now?
Nope. Were Paul's writings Scripture or not?
Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher) and taught the Torah (OT) laws.
He said the Torah was perfect and unchanging.
The Torah law Jesus taught the people says:
Leviticus 18:22:
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13:
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.
(by put to death, meant stoning)
Donald Trump made use of the government permissiveness of divorce. It wasn't just Donald Trump who nodded acceptance of divorce--the majority of society was nodding acceptance. The majority of society also nodded acceptance of sex outside of marriage.
That is absolutely correct.

Long before gays came along asking to get married, people like Rush Limbaugh (4 marriages), adulterer Newt Gingrigh (3 marriages), adulterer Donald Trump (3 marriages) and many, many millions of others were destroying holy matrimony.

Heck, even the dumb hypocritical bitch who would not sign a government marriage license for two gays has been married FIVE TIMES.

And all the Holy Rollers turned out to wave their crosses and sanctify her martyrdom.

What a sickening display of rank hypocrisy. How DO they stand their own stench?
You have it backwards.

To ban a behavior or practice, you have to demonstrate what harm it causes society.
No, I do not have it backwards. I am asking how divorce, sex outside of marriage, or practicing homosexuality uplifts society. There is no reason why society has to be content to live in the dregs on the basis it is good enough and harms no one. Good enough never is. All three of the above cause pain somewhere, and shrugging it off as an acceptable amount of pain does not address the issue.
Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher) and taught the Torah (OT) laws.
He said the Torah was perfect and unchanging.
The Torah law Jesus taught the people says:
Leviticus 18:22:
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13:
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.
(by put to death, meant stoning)

Leviticus 11:9-12​

9 These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers—that you may eat. 10 But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you. 11 They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination. 12 Whatever in the water does not have fins or scales—that shall be an abomination to you.
Heck, even wearing the wrong kind of fabric was an abomination worthy of stoning in the Old Testament!
My point is sex is for marriage and marriage is a man and a woman, Jesus said so.
Lie of omission.

In the chapter where Jesus said a man and woman join together, he was being asked about divorce. Jesus said NOPE! The man and woman are bound together for life.

It's funny how conveniently you all forget that part and forget the context.

I am being kind when I say you forget. We both know you are actually ignorant of what the Bible says.
Long before gays came along asking to get married, people like Rush Limbaugh (4 marriages), adulterer Newt Gingrigh (3 marriages), adulterer Donald Trump (3 marriages) and many, many millions of others were destroying holy matrimony.
How many divorced people have you turned your back on and thrown out of your life? How many businesses do you boycott based on some of the employees being divorced? Is politics the only business where divorce is condemned? Or, should we refuse to watch any television program or movie that uses someone who is divorced?
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Eating shellfish. ABOMINATION!

Wearing mixed fabrics. ABOMINATION!

Smoking poles. ABOMINATION!

Eating some tasty bacon. ABOMINATION!
How many divorced people have you turned your back on and thrown out of your life? How many businesses do you boycott based on some of the employees being divorced? Is politics the only business where divorce is condemned? Or, should we refuse to watch any television program or movie that uses someone who is divorced?
Outstanding questions.

How come I have never heard of a Bible-compliant bakery turning away people getting married for the second, third, fourth, etc. time?

No, I do not have it backwards. I am asking how divorce, sex outside of marriage, or practicing homosexuality uplifts society. There is no reason why society has to be content to live in the dregs on the basis it is good enough and harms no one. Good enough never is. All three of the above cause pain somewhere, and shrugging it off as an acceptable amount of pain does not address the issue.
Of all the problems facing America today, I cannot think of a single one caused by homos.
Lie of omission.

In the chapter where Jesus said a man and woman join together, he was being asked about divorce. Jesus said NOPE! The man and woman are bound together for life.

It's funny how conveniently you all forget that part and forget the context.

I am being kind when I say you forget. We both know you are actually ignorant of what the Bible says.
So where does Jesus say marriage can be two people of the same sex?
Heck, even wearing the wrong kind of fabric was an abomination worthy of stoning in the Old Testament!
Incorrect Poindexter
According to Torah law (OT) there were only a few abominations (sin's) that a person could be stoned for committing.
Wearing the wrong fabric, or eating the wrong kind of fish, fowl, or animal, wasn't a stoning (death penalty) offense.
No, I do not have it backwards. I am asking how divorce, sex outside of marriage, or practicing homosexuality uplifts society. There is no reason why society has to be content to live in the dregs on the basis it is good enough and harms no one. Good enough never is. All three of the above cause pain somewhere, and shrugging it off as an acceptable amount of pain does not address the issue.
I can answer that. If you value living in a free society where liberty is promoted and oppression is discouraged then allowing people to love who they want, when they want and how they want is a beneficial thing.
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