Sup Court tosses GOPs racist , voter fraud inspired , “citizenship” census Q.

Illegal aliens should not be counted on the census and states should not get federal funds for them. If the citizenship question is not on the census I will not respond to the census.

That will teach them!
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .
It doe not ace out Hispanic who are citizens but those who are illegal. And they should not be counted anyway.

Even with the citizenship question, there is no way to tell an illegal from a resident alien.
Either way, you will not get an honest answer.
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .
It doe not ace out Hispanic who are citizens but those who are illegal. And they should not be counted anyway.

Even with the citizenship question, there is no way to tell an illegal from a resident alien.
Either way, you will not get an honest answer.

All that does is hurt yourself and your community.

But hey, go for it
Why would anyone who was here legally need to be intimidated?

Why don't you tell us why.
To intimidate immigrants. Duh. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Doesnt matter. The census is supposed to count both legal and illegal immigrants. And the stats show what they show.

Again, stop embarrassing yourself. You know the reaaon for the question, and you love it. Just admit it. Nobody could possibly think less of you if you do.
Why not? Frankly, they have as much of a stake in how this country is run as the rest of us.
Why should they? If they can't follow our immigration laws, doesn't it show how little they care about how the rest of the country functions?
The people already here know they don't have to do those shitty jobs. When was the last time you hung out outside the Home Depot offering to help people hang drywall when that DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look. You'd have to bust your ass, but you'd make okay money.

I was a janitor at the UGA vet school. I cleaned up after dead and dying animals and ungrateful university employees. I didn't nitpick about what job I took. I took it. Believe it or not, I had work ethic. If I can swallow my pride and work in an environment like that and do that "shitty job" per your words, then any American can.

"Shitty jobs". What nerve you have, Joe. No job is shitty if you need it badly enough. Why can't American citizens be compelled to take the undesirable jobs? I've been in that situation. I know what it feels like. Not the job I wanted, but that was the job I got. That's what put food on the table for me. It's what paid for my bills. If we can't convince American citizens to do these jobs, we are doing something terribly wrong.
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Why should they? If they can't follow our immigration laws, doesn't it show how little they care about how the rest of the country functions?

Again, most Americans break laws every day... They fudge their taxes, they speed on the road, they take stuff home from work they shouldn't. Just can't get worked up about it like you are.

I was a janitor at the UGA vet school. I cleaned up after dead and dying animals and ungrateful university employees. I didn't nitpick about what job I took. I took it. Believe it or not, I had work ethic. If I can swallow my pride and work in an environment like that and do that "shitty job" per your words, then any American can.

Yeah, but you aren't working there now, are you? How long did you last, like a week?

"Shitty jobs". What nerve you have, Joe. No job is shitty if you need it badly enough. Why can't American citizens be compelled to take the undesirable jobs? I've been in that situation. I know what it feels like. Not the job I wanted, but that was the job I got. That's what put food on the table for me. It's what paid for my bills. If we can't convince American citizens to do these jobs, we are doing something terribly wrong.

Buddy, you live on someone else's couch and that person is on government benefits. 'Oooh, I worked a shitty job for a week, aren't I special?"

Why should anyone be compelled to take a shitty job?

What we are doing terribly wrong is not making sure every American has a job that pays better than welfare. But Trump tells dumb-asses like you that the people who take the shitty jobs you don't want to work are "Stealing" from you and you buy it.
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Read more at: John F. Kennedy Quotes

Really wish a civil war would start already...20 years and counting and I don't care if I have to live on a boat and denounce my US citizenship I will be leaving for good...nutless conservatives won't do shit to save this country from the leftist nonwhite hordes so why the fuck should I stay and be miserable!?

Go on now GEEEEET!
It's all about sneaky Democrats, stockpiling illegal aliens, to use for illegal votes in the 2020.
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .
Is it racist for employers to ask citizenship status on applications? Is it racist for the DMV to ask for citizenship status with licenses and IDs?

It’s so obvious why the left is fighting this common sense census question. They want their illegal immigrant population in their sanctuary cities to count for more congressional seats and representation even though they can’t vote...just like the south wanted to count their slave populations as people even though they couldn’t vote in the 3/5s compromise. Ah, the more things change, the more they stay the same. If your against the census asking about citizenship status, then you need to stfu about gerrymandering. Does taxation without representation ring any bells for anyone?
Yeah, but you aren't working there now, are you? How long did you last, like a week?

Six months. Then they relocated and I almost committed suicide after. I know the pain of losing a job through no fault of my own. Now imagine other American citizens being denied or replaced in their jobs by people who came here illegally.

Buddy, you live on someone else's couch and that person is on government benefits. 'Oooh, I worked a shitty job for a week, aren't I special?"

Cute. Does it make you feel special to hurl judgement like that? Because in reality it makes you look like a jackass. My, aren't you special?

I tried being civil with you in this thread, I tried. But you can't seem to contain yourself. You are a bitter old man, Joe. All I will say on that front.

Why should anyone be compelled to take a shitty job?

Uh... is that a serious question?

I'm sure you can ask a Japanese national what could compel one to "take a shitty job".

It's a little known concept called "taking pride in your work." If you get paid for it, don't complain about it. You can object to working conditions if they are poor, but if you are being treated fairly as a sewer sweeper, it might be a LITERAL shitty job, but it puts food on your table and clothes on your back.

There are people in Asia right now working in Sulfur mines for pennies on the dollar per hour, cutting their lifespans in half to provide for their families. When it's people you love, that is all the compulsion you need to take a "shitty job". You don't do a job for style, you do it so you can survive.

Such sheer ignorance.
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What we are doing terribly wrong is not making sure every American has a job that pays better than welfare. But Trump tells dumb-asses like you that the people who take the shitty jobs you don't want to work are "Stealing" from you and you buy it.

So are we above doing hard work now? Is this what I'm getting?

Uh huh. You're one of those people who demand $15/hr just for an entry level job.

There are people who would be happy to do what it took to provide for their families. But they can't do that if they get shoved back in line in favor of cheap labor. Curious, why aren't you mad about that? Huh?

You'd much rather American citizens stay on welfare than make more money working some "shitty job".

Do you realize how out of touch you are, Chicago boy?

Hell, you live in a city that could use a facelift economically, but you preach all sorts of disastrous policies. More pensions, more welfare, more this, more that. Anything except addressing a very conspicuous problem.
its clear to everyone that the cheating republicans wanted to ace out Hispanics from the census count .
I LOVE it when people post with little to no knowledge of the issue

Per the ruling:

2. The Enumeration Clause permits Congress, and by extension
the Secretary, to inquire about citizenship on the census questionnaire.
That conclusion follows from Congress’s broad authority over
the census, as informed by long and consistent historical practice
that “has been open, widespread, and unchallenged since the early
days of the Republic.”

Department of Commerce v. New York, No. 18-966 | Casetext

And so, the Commerce Department --can-- ask about citizenship, so long as the requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act are met.
And since Trump has met those conditions the question will remain... That is going to burn a whole lot of retards..

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