Sup Court tosses GOPs racist , voter fraud inspired , “citizenship” census Q.

So are we above doing hard work now? Is this what I'm getting?

Uh huh. You're one of those people who demand $15/hr just for an entry level job.

There are people who would be happy to do what it took to provide for their families. But they can't do that if they get shoved back in line in favor of cheap labor. Curious, why aren't you mad about that? Huh?

You can't provide for a family on 7.85 an hour, that's the point.

No one would want to wash dishes or pick lettuce for that amount anyway.

That's why we have undocumented workers.

You'd much rather American citizens stay on welfare than make more money working some "shitty job".

I'd rather have every American making a living wage, and the rich give up their dressage horses. But since we both know that isn't going to happen, that the rich actually NEED unemployment to scare the rest of us into line, I accept we need welfare to keep people from rioting.

Hell, you live in a city that could use a facelift economically, but you preach all sorts of disastrous policies. More pensions, more welfare, more this, more that. Anything except addressing a very conspicuous problem.

Chicago is the most vibrant city in the Midwest... Compared to Cleveland, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Detroit. We have lots of business and lots of new construction. What used to be poor neighborhoods in the city are now "gentrifying". You really need to know what you are talking about.
Six months. Then they relocated and I almost committed suicide after. I know the pain of losing a job through no fault of my own. Now imagine other American citizens being denied or replaced in their jobs by people who came here illegally.

Again, I remember that a bunch of us offered you a lot of suggestions on how to improve your situation, and you had an excuse for every last one of them.

Cute. Does it make you feel special to hurl judgement like that? Because in reality it makes you look like a jackass. My, aren't you special?

I tried being civil with you in this thread, I tried. But you can't seem to contain yourself. You are a bitter old man, Joe. All I will say on that front.

Dude, you lasted six months. And I'm betting that was probably the longest stint of actual employment you've ever had.

Yeah, I kind of cast judgement on you because if the REpublicans ever got their way, you'd be up shit creek. No more benefits, they'd be giving all that money to rich people. What amazes me is that people like you keep voting for something that would make things worse for yourself.

Now, being an old man, my first job ever was working in a Pizza Place in 1978. Nasty abusive Italian Immigrants. My next job after that was working as a busboy washing dishes. What I learned from those two jobs is I didn't want to be doing shitty jobs all my life. So I went to college, and I joined the Army. I've been knocked down a bunch of times in my career, from a company lying to us about their plan to close our location to someone not liking a tone of one of my emails. And you know what, each time, I've gotten back up.

What I didn't do is look for someone in worse shape than I am and try to blame HIM for my problems. This is what makes you MAGA types so fucking annoying. You are angry, maybe you have a right to be. But your anger is misdirected at people who are often worse off than you are.

I'm sure you can ask a Japanese national what could compel one to "take a shitty job".

It's a little known concept called "taking pride in your work." If you get paid for it, don't complain about it. You can object to working conditions if they are poor, but if you are being treated fairly as a sewer sweeper, it might be a LITERAL shitty job, but it puts food on your table and clothes on your back.

Uh, guy, the Japanese have strong unions and unemployment never gets over 5% because they have a concept that everyone should have a job. (They are also a xenophobic society and don't allow immigration, just to be fair.)

There are people in Asia right now working in Sulfur mines for pennies on the dollar per hour, cutting their lifespans in half to provide for their families. When it's people you love, that is all the compulsion you need to take a "shitty job". You don't do a job for style, you do it so you can survive.

Such sheer ignorance.

This coming from a guy who admits he had a mental breakdown after working a place six months.

Here's the thing.. most of those Asian countries where they are literally killing their workers, aren't free countries like ours. (Or at least free like we used to be.)

Do you think the reason why undocumented workers take shitty jobs is because they love their families?

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