Super Bowl Commercials

The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

I laughed so hard at that Jeep ad after hearing about it. It’s on YouTube, total cringe, the comment section is hilarious.

Commie Springsteen pretending to be a cowboy with a church behind him, while showing “fly over country” on a map.

And what was with the ReeEEee-United States with a Commie Red Star? What happened to northern Michigan and Wisconsin? I guess we’re giving that to China or Canada?

View attachment 454613

Yep, America hater version of united America.....Sieg Heil!
The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

I laughed so hard at that Jeep ad after hearing about it. It’s on YouTube, total cringe, the comment section is hilarious.

Commie Springsteen pretending to be a cowboy with a church behind him, while showing “fly over country” on a map.

And what was with the ReeEEee-United States with a Commie Red Star? What happened to northern Michigan and Wisconsin? I guess we’re giving that to China or Canada?

View attachment 454613

Their commercials are as full of nonsensical bullshit as their politics is ... :thup:


The people on the coast are willing to meet in the middle. That seems to be task too tall for Trumpublicans.

The People in the Middle don't care what you say with your bullshit ... We are already in the Middle.
Any nonsense you or they may want to add to that, is why you aren't in the Middle.

They don't need to tell us what they are willing to do ... The ignorant twats just need to start getting to it ... :thup:

Gee, what a good start. We may be ignorant twats, but at least we didn't buy The Big Lie and the endless firehose of conspiracy theories. ;)

The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

The People in the Middle know where the Middle is ... And it ain't on either coast ... :thup:


The people on the coast are willing to meet in the middle. That seems to be task too tall for Trumpublicans.

They are? What are they willing to give up?
Gee, what a good start. We may be ignorant twats, but at least we didn't buy The Big Lie and the endless firehose of conspiracy theories. ;)


That's all you have to offer ... How pathetic.
Thanks for the reminder of how everything you believe and have to offer is nothing but fringe nonsense ... :thup:

The people on the coast are willing to meet in the middle. That seems to be task too tall for Trumpublicans.

The People in the Middle don't care what you say with your bullshit ... We are already in the Middle.
Any nonsense you or they may want to add to that, is why you aren't in the Middle.

They don't need to tell us what they are willing to do ... The ignorant twats just need to start getting to it ... :thup:

Gee, what a good start. We may be ignorant twats, but at least we didn't buy The Big Lie and the endless firehose of conspiracy theories. ;)

Making fun of what we bought? Really? Hahahahahahaha
Gee, what a good start. We may be ignorant twats, but at least we didn't buy The Big Lie and the endless firehose of conspiracy theories. ;)

That's all you have to offer ... How pathetic.
Thanks for the reminder of how everything you believe and have to offer is nothing but fringe nonsense ... :thup:


Donald and Q-Kooks have scrambled your brain. There is hope though - Uncle Joe will pull you out of your hole of disinformation. Either that, or you can slither back under your rock.
The Jeep one was hilarious with Comrade Springsteen lecturing Americans about ReeEEee-Uniting under Xiden, after his four years of calling us Nazis. It was especially hilarious to see him dressed up as a cowboy and putting a church behind him.

I can just imagine the kool-aid haired land whales and limp-wristed homos sitting around a boardroom table dreaming that idea up. “We can have Bruce Springsteen wearing one of those racist cowboy hats, with one of those bigot buildings behind him, and show a map with fly-over country, and oh my gawd, they will totally buy into it and want to buy a Jeep”.
WTF was Jeep thinking using Springsteen who threw his support for Biden when Biden want to eliminate vehicles from all Federal trails, Jeep is spitting in the face of their main customers.
It took me a minute to realize the old geezer was Sprinsteen
Gee, what a good start. We may be ignorant twats, but at least we didn't buy The Big Lie and the endless firehose of conspiracy theories. ;)

That's all you have to offer ... How pathetic.
Thanks for the reminder of how everything you believe and have to offer is nothing but fringe nonsense ... :thup:


Donald and Q-Kooks have scrambled your brain. There is hope though - Uncle Joe will pull you out of your hole of disinformation. Either that, or you can slither back under your rock.
Pinochijoe will do nothing unless Gepetto manipulates his strings.....
Donald and Q-Kooks have scrambled your brain. There is hope though - Uncle Joe will pull you out of your hole of disinformation. Either that, or you can slither back under your rock.

We're in the Middle ... Don't need your advice on how to get there.
We don't care if your ignorant ass stays as far away as possible, because you have nothing to offer that benefits the Middle ... :thup:

Honestly there were only 2 companies that had traditional SB type commercial they were Doritos and Paramount Streaming Services all the others were simply propaganda and sometimes you were ard pressed to know what product they were hyping
Donald and Q-Kooks have scrambled your brain. There is hope though - Uncle Joe will pull you out of your hole of disinformation. Either that, or you can slither back under your rock.

We're in the Middle ... Don't need your advice on how to get there.
We don't care if your ignorant ass stays as far away as possible, because you have nothing to offer that benefits the Middle ... :thup:


Dude, you are NOT "in the middle". But I did enjoy your post about sports ;-)
The Jeep one was hilarious with Comrade Springsteen lecturing Americans about ReeEEee-Uniting under Xiden, after his four years of calling us Nazis. It was especially hilarious to see him dressed up as a cowboy and putting a church behind him.

I can just imagine the kool-aid haired land whales and limp-wristed homos sitting around a boardroom table dreaming that idea up. “We can have Bruce Springsteen wearing one of those racist cowboy hats, with one of those bigot buildings behind him, and show a map with fly-over country, and oh my gawd, they will totally buy into it and want to buy a Jeep”.
Left Wing entertainers loath the people and system that made them rich and famous.
They have expressed it through out our entertainment.
It's going to be hard for them to take back now.
The sad thing is that they have normalized left wing hate using our public school systems, TV shows and commercials.

I'm not. . . . entirely convinced. . . that's true. Well, about the first part. But yes, popular culture, and the school systems have definitely normalized materialism and selling out. It has definitely become the, "thing to do."

If you read Bernay's landmark work, "propaganda," and understand that the government and corporate intel agencies have long infiltrated Hollywood since at least the time of the OSS. . . these celebs, I am pretty sure are approached by the establishment.

They are probably given a choice, either play ball, or? Your career goes no where. It really doesn't matter what they believe personally.

This is called "selling out."

All folks do it to a greater or lesser degree at some point in their life. You make choices for financial security, and to advance in your career, that might go against your personal ethics. IN every career, in every profession, there are conflicts with greater morality and ethics of the universal truth. Even now, during this pandemic, I see many scientists and medical professionals having to make that choice. They know good nutrition and the basics of immunology to not support much of the bullshit we are hearing on this COVID scam, but they either toe the line, or they will be pushed out of many of the billionaire funded professional organizations that will enable them to find jobs at hospitals and clinics.

Some don't see it, some do. Some believe only in fame and fortune, so making these choices is easier for them. . . i.e., selling out, is not problem.

Others, choose integrity and truth, and see the dystopian future we will trod if brave souls do not stand up for what is right.
The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important in its message. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

And it made the trumpanzees cry. That's a plus.

It was ignorant.

Nope....but it's a plus that it made the orange cultists clutch their pearls.
The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important in its message. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

And it made the trumpanzees cry. That's a plus.

It was ignorant.

Nope....but it's a plus that it made the orange cultists clutch their pearls.

Sure it was ignorant that's why you and your ilk are still dribbling over it like a bunch of loons.
The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

The People in the Middle know where the Middle is ... And it ain't on either coast ... :thup:


The people on the coast are willing to meet in the middle. That seems to be task too tall for Trumpublicans.

They are? What are they willing to give up?

Why should they give anything up? An opinion maybe. Opinions can change with proper dialogue.
Not that that would ever happen here in USMB mind ya ;)
What are you willing to give up?
Dude, you are NOT "in the middle". But I did enjoy your post about sports ;-)

The middle isn't about President Trump or President Biden ... Or any of your other fucking nonsense
It's the same thing as the "sports post" you mentioned.

I'm watching the field, each player, where they are, and what threats or opportunities they present.
You are reading the field, getting faked out by the low hanging fruit, and lunging at opportunities.
Those opportunities, produce little of substance, and won't get you across home plate if you are looking for the middle.

I am in the middle ... It's just that your blinders don't apply to me ... :thup:

The Will Ferrell ad for EV's was funny, but Springsteen and Jeep stole the show. This ad was beautifully written and filmed and important. I was struck with the starkness of the landscape. Almost no people in the ad. Just Bruce and his haunting voice and message. Everyone is home - retreating to their corners on the Facebooks and the USMBs, the chapel is empty, and no one seems to be interested in Meeting in the Middle.

24 million hits on the Tubers in around 12 hours - Amazing

The People in the Middle know where the Middle is ... And it ain't on either coast ... :thup:


The people on the coast are willing to meet in the middle. That seems to be task too tall for Trumpublicans.

They are? What are they willing to give up?

Why should they give anything up? An opinion maybe. Opinions can change with proper dialogue.
Not that that would ever happen here in USMB mind ya ;)
What are you willing to give up?

You said, "The people on the coast are willing to meet in the middle". That means they're willing to compromise, to give up something they want in order to get something else that they want. So, again, what are they willing to give up? Because if there is nothing or they don't think they need to give anything up, they're certainly NOT willing to meet in the middle. Must all be democrats.

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