Super Bowl Halftime Farce

It's the accusation in any way that destroys people. Good or not so good.
So the gossip is Alicia Key's husband is a bitch for allowing Usher to put his hands all over her the way he did. When the person said this I thought "maybe the husband knows he's a fagala and so didn't care". It's all a performance.
I didn't watch the Super Bowl and I sure as hell was not interested in the Negro performers.

However, to comment on your valid point about the cell phones. People nowadays would rather record something on their stupid cell phones than experience it first hand.

People are obsessed with these stupid phones. The one I have is used the same as when I had the house phone. If the caller is not on my contact list I don't answer answer it. I don't use it for recreational purposes. I don't walk around with it in my hand all the time. I don't talk on it in public.

Just think of how pathetic it is to see a 300 lbs diabetes inflicted welfare Negro woman walking around a grocery store loudly blabbering silly ass shit on her Obamaphone.

Or go to see your doctor and there is some Illegal asshole sitting in the waiting room speaking on their Obamaphone in that filthy ass obnoxious Spanish in a loud voice.
You were doing OK until you got to "filthy ass obnoxious Spanish".
But yeah, people shouldn't talk too loud on cell phones (in any language). What really bugs me are the ones who look at their cell phone while they're driving. I once got hit by a car by somebody doing that.
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You were doing OK until you got to "filthy ass obnoxious Spanish"

That doesn't trump the unfairness of one team getting a touchdown from moving the ball 5 yards, whie the oter teams tpouchdowns come fro 75 yards of offense.

The rule should be that yes, the ball gets turned over to whoever recovers the fumble, but then, that team should get possession on their own 25 yard line, same as would be on a touchback.

A touchdown is too important to be allowed to come from luck, It should be earned, from a lot of offensive play.
I don't agree with that. That's like saying it's not fair for someone to win the Olympic 100-meter dash because Ussain Bolt tripped. IOW, there has to be an element of surprise and risk to make the game exciting, to have a team snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat at the last moment. Both teams played under the same set of rules, and both knew what it meant if they fumbled deep in their own territory. Would we deny a cornerback a touchdown for picking off a poorly thrown pass and running it back?
I am sorry but that language is obnoxious to an English speaking Southerner like myself. Of course we also think Yankees speak an obnoxious dialect.
I'm an English speaking southerner too. But I'm 50% Danish, 1/4 Italian, and 1/4 Mexican. I remember when i was a kid, I hated the sound of Spanish (like Ricky Ricardo on the I Love Lucy show). Then I lived with my Mexican grandmother in Villahermosa, Tabasco in south Mexico for 3 years, and I slowly learned to speak Spanish. When you understand the words and the structure, and you speak it yourself, it is actually a rather pleasant and artistic language, similar to French, Italian, and Latin, as long as they don't jabber it too fast.

One of the reasons many Americans resent hearing Spanish, is because it is so often spoken by illegal alien invaders to this country, many of them wetbacks from Mexico. And yes, many of those Mexican migrants ARE "rapists" just like Trump said. He was right.
I don't agree with that. That's like saying it's not fair for someone to win the Olympic 100-meter dash because Ussain Bolt tripped. IOW, there has to be an element of surprise and risk to make the game exciting, to have a team snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat at the last moment. Both teams played under the same set of rules, and both knew what it meant if they fumbled deep in their own territory. Would we deny a cornerback a touchdown for picking off a poorly thrown pass and running it back?
OK. Agree/disagree. That's what makes the world go round.
I am sorry but that language is obnoxious to an English speaking Southerner like myself. Of course we also think Yankees speak an obnoxious dialect.
We love the southern dialect I'm surprised more comedians don't come from the south. Just the way they talk is hilarious. But yall do sound dumb you have to know that right?

It's why you never hear a southern dialect on national news. It's always midwestern like the way normal people talk in Michigan. And yall know what I mean because I hear most people in Florida speak normal. Except the white trash. The don't speak southern they just speak white trash. Poor grammar. You know who I mean. White people who sort of try to talk black.
I'm an English speaking southerner too. But I'm 50% Danish, 1/4 Italian, and 1/4 Mexican. I remember when i was a kid, I hated the sound of Spanish (like Ricky Ricardo on the I Love Lucy show). Then I lived with my Mexican grandmother in Villahermosa, Tabasco in south Mexico for 3 years, and I slowly learned to speak Spanish. When you understand the words and the structure, and you speak it yourself, it is actually a rather pleasant and artistic language, similar to French, Italian, and Latin, as long as they don't jabber it too fast.

One of the reasons many Americans resent hearing Spanish, is because it is so often spoken by illegal alien invaders to this country, many of them wetbacks from Mexico. And yes, many of those Mexican migrants ARE "rapists" just like Trump said. He was right.
Then why do they even tell people with British accents to go back to their own country?

Spanish is sexy. America needs a shot of latin infusion. Just like we benefited musically from blacks. Sorry Lawrence Welk your days are over. It's funny how Americano's can't roll their r's.

P.S. Us whites came and invaded this land and didn't give a fuck what the indians said about it. Why should south American people care what you think today?

You know who I wish discriminated against people with Latino accents? American illegal employers.
What is the correlation here with the quote about ""filthy ass obnoxious Spanish" ? :dunno:
None. I posted that picture because that Republican guy you are talking to said these things

1. 300 lbs diabetes inflicted welfare Negro woman

2. not interested in the Negro performers.

How would negro men and fat women like the Thomas' going to vote GOP knowing this is how Republicans talk about blacks?
I'm an English speaking southerner too. But I'm 50% Danish, 1/4 Italian, and 1/4 Mexican. I remember when i was a kid, I hated the sound of Spanish (like Ricky Ricardo on the I Love Lucy show). Then I lived with my Mexican grandmother in Villahermosa, Tabasco in south Mexico for 3 years, and I slowly learned to speak Spanish. When you understand the words and the structure, and you speak it yourself, it is actually a rather pleasant and artistic language, similar to French, Italian, and Latin, as long as they don't jabber it too fast.

One of the reasons many Americans resent hearing Spanish, is because it is so often spoken by illegal alien invaders to this country, many of them wetbacks from Mexico. And yes, many of those Mexican migrants ARE "rapists" just like Trump said. He was right.
The two things that irks me when I hear Spanish spoken in public.

It is a loud almost harsh language. I very seldom hear it spoken softly. Obnoxious as hell.

This is an English speaking country. It is like the little shitheads are disrespecting this county by not speaking our national language.
You know who I wish discriminated against people with Latino accents? American illegal employers.
We have has a law against hiring illegal aliens since 1986 (Simpson-Mazzoli) That IRCA law has never really ben able ti b enforced. Problem is form one word > "knowingly"

Illegal aliens are experts in hiding their illegal status.Many of them have false documentation that looks identical to the legit. Employers simply cant ascertain that illegal aliens are that. Over the years so many court cases have been lost or dropped because of insufficient evidence, that the courts long ago stopped reviewing these cases. The statistical record just doesn't lend support for them.
You have not shown how anything I said is hypocritical or ignorant. Are you OK with 2 whites participating in halftime shows over the past 5 years, as opposing to well over 100 blacks ?

Wanna show us YOUR hypocrisy ?
I’m ok with the NFL doing whatever they want during half time. Don’t see it as racist at all. The majority of NFL players are black and the league has taken racism issues under their wing.

For you to call an all black performance racist while not doing the same with an all white performance… that’s ignorant and hypocritical. I don’t need to show more, you’ve shown enough
The two things that irks me when I hear Spanish spoken in public.

It is a loud almost harsh language. I very seldom hear it spoken softly. Obnoxious as hell.

This is an English speaking country. It is like the little shitheads are disrespecting this county by not speaking our national language.
I agree that English is our national language, and it is what should be spoken in stores too, Now in Walmart, we have Spanish-speaking migrants who can't speak English. If you need to ask somebody where a certain item is located, if you cant speak Spanish, you're out of luck. This is wrong.
I’m ok with the NFL doing whatever they want during half time. Don’t see it as racist at all. The majority of NFL players are black and the league has taken racism issues under their wing.

For you to call an all black performance racist while not doing the same with an all white performance… that’s ignorant and hypocritical. I don’t need to show more, you’ve shown enough
Affirmative Action discrimination is how the majority of NFL players got to be black, and that is racist too. They have taken racism "under their wing"

I've already addressed your all white performance, and you showed your clear-cut racism when you said this >>
’m ok with the NFL doing whatever they want during half time. Don’t see it as racist at all.
So you're "OK" with 2 white Super Bowl halftime performers in 5 years, while there were about 200 non-whites. That's like the way liberals like you see Affirmative Action. You see see it as > it's "OK" to racially discriminate, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. HYPOCRITE.
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Affirmative Action discrimination is how the majority of NFL players got to be black, and that is racist too. They have taken racism "under their wing"

I've already addressed your all white performance, and you showed your clear-cut racism when you said this >>
If you think my comment was racist then you don’t understand what the word means. AA had nothing to do with black players being in the league. Players get drafted and started because of performance. To claim otherwise further shows off your ignorance
The two things that irks me when I hear Spanish spoken in public.

It is a loud almost harsh language. I very seldom hear it spoken softly. Obnoxious as hell.

This is an English speaking country. It is like the little shitheads are disrespecting this county by not speaking our national language.
You sound ignorant. I'm Greek. When we get together we talk Greek. And yes we are talking about you.
We have has a law against hiring illegal aliens since 1986 (Simpson-Mazzoli) That IRCA law has never really ben able ti b enforced. Problem is form one word > "knowingly"

Illegal aliens are experts in hiding their illegal status.Many of them have false documentation that looks identical to the legit. Employers simply cant ascertain that illegal aliens are that. Over the years so many court cases have been lost or dropped because of insufficient evidence, that the courts long ago stopped reviewing these cases. The statistical record just doesn't lend support for them.
Just excuses. If it's that easy for them to blend in, then there is nothing we can do about the invasion my friend. You can build a wall but will you tell people from south America and Mexico they can't come in for a visit? Just like we go there and to Canada?

So we are helpless to stop them because their counterfit documents are flawless. Got it. LOL
Did anybody watching the the Super Bowl notice the audience behind the singers in the halftime show ? There were literally tens of thousands of cell phones lit up among that blacked out area.
Rather than watch the racist all-black halftime show, fans in the stands went straight to their cell phones.

I was rather intrigued by all of the syncopated flashing lights in the stands during the wide shots. They could not be Bic lighters but had to be electronically triggered lights, so I wondered if they handed something out by seat assignment or had visitors there look up a web app that flashed their cellphone screens as they spent on average about 2-3 dollars PER SECOND to attend the show?

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