Super Bowl Halftime Farce

If you think my comment was racist then you don’t understand what the word means. AA had nothing to do with black players being in the league. Players get drafted and started because of performance. To claim otherwise further shows off your ignorance
Bullshit. There have been multiple confessions from owners over the years admitting to having Affirmative Action guidelines, in who they hired. Same with th NBA. Nothing new there.
Just excuses. If it's that easy for them to blend in, then there is nothing we can do about the invasion my friend. You can build a wall but will you tell people from south America and Mexico they can't come in for a visit? Just like we go there and to Canada?

So we are helpless to stop them because their counterfit documents are flawless. Got it. LOL
You got it, and you got it right (for a change)
That doesn't trump the unfairness of one team getting a touchdown from moving the ball 5 yards, whie the oter teams tpouchdowns come fro 75 yards of offense.

The rule should be that yes, the ball gets turned over to whoever recovers the fumble, but then, that team should get possession on their own 25 yard line, same as would be on a touchback.

A touchdown is too important to be allowed to come from luck, It should be earned, from a lot of offensive play.

The fumble didn't just happen. The defense CAUSED it. Defense wins championships.

I bet you wouldn't want the rules to change if it was your team recovering the fumble.
That doesn't trump the unfairness of one team getting a touchdown from moving the ball 5 yards, whie the oter teams tpouchdowns come fro 75 yards of offense.

The rule should be that yes, the ball gets turned over to whoever recovers the fumble, but then, that team should get possession on their own 25 yard line, same as would be on a touchback.

A touchdown is too important to be allowed to come from luck, It should be earned, from a lot of offensive play.
Your understanding of football is on par with your understanding of politics…. Comical
Their job is to win. They draft and field the best players they can do get that goal.
Oh yeah, sure!
Just like the VA hospitals hire the best they can get right ?
That's why 99% of their employees are non-white, right ?
Come to think of it, I have never seen a Mexican-American working in the Tampa, FL VA hospital, or in the NFL (except Tom Flores). What's up with THAT ?
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Oh yeah, sure!
Just like the VA hospitals hire the best they can get right ?
That's why 99% of their employees are non-white, right ?
Come to think of it, I have never seen a Mexican-American working in the Tampa, FL VA hospital, or in the NFL (except Tom Flores). What's up with THAT ?

Don't know about Florida, but in Atlanta they are mostly white. Especially the doctors.
Their job is to win. They draft and field the best players they can do get that goal.
Si why is that not the basis for all others, Hire the best and brightest but if you are a corporation you have quotas you have to meet..
Oh yeah, sure!
Just like the VA hospitals hire the best they can get right ?
That's why 99% of their employees are non-white, right ?
Come to think of it, I have never seen a Mexican-American working in the Tampa, FL VA hospital, or in the NFL (except Tom Flores). What's up with THAT ?
Back to the subject please. We are talking about NFL players. Try again
It wasn't my cup of tea so I skipped it.

Considering that tickets to the SB this year end up costing patrons between $10,000 to $50,000 per seat, funny that all they ever come up with for half time music is teeny bopper crap rap rigga garbage better suited to those people's kids just getting out of school instead.

For that kind of money, the least they could deliver is The Who, Moody Blues or Yes doing a full side of an album!
Show HOW, or shut up.

And you re invited to answer this question too >> Are you OK with 2 whites participating in halftime shows over the past 5 years, as opposed to well over 100 blacks ?

That is easy.

In a dozen posts in this thread you complain about the show. You never once say the music was bad. You just don't like the color of the performers.
Super Bowl act.jpg
In a dozen posts in this thread you complain about the show. You never once say the music was bad. You just don't like the color of the performers.

No, WB, the music was bad. But since no one else has stepped in to expatiate the matter and you are apparently too obtuse to admit it yourself out of white liberal guilt, let me speak for the OP to guess what he is really just trying to point out more succinctly:


2024 - Usher (Black) (after singing the "Black national anthem")
2023 - Rihanna (Black) (after singing the "Black national anthem")
2022 - Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, Mary Blige, Kendrick Lamar (Black, Black, Black, Black)
2021 - The Weeknd (Black)
2020 - Shakira, Jen Lopez, Bad Bunny, J Balvin (Latino, Latino, Latino, Latino)
2019 - Maroon Five (White), Travis Scott, Big Boi (Black, Black)

So you see, you really have to go back FIVE YEARS since the SB actually FEATURED white people! And at that, both of their guests were black. Since then, they've had four Latino artists and seven more black artists. Now they are singing a black national anthem. And yes, they squeezed 1-2 biological Caucasians in there as guests who were trying their best to ACT black. Worse, all of this crap is mostly rap and street trash music that few adult white people even like.

Now, before you go off on your white liberal guilt rationalization trip about my "racism" and "insecurity" and letting others have a shot and sharing, and more BS about not being afraid of other races and people different from you, let me predicate the conversation right here by assuaging your concerns because THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE AT ALL.

Again, if I may anticipate the OP and what others are complaining about, it is the obvious, undeniable fact of what is really going on here that your white liberal guilt doesn't allow you to see:
  • The slow introduction of black culture as the "cool" thing to be.
  • The centralization of black people and black culture over what used to be America.
Or do you think it is just an "accident" that 12 of the last 14 artists at the SB have all been non-whites? And at that, ALL of the music has been black or at least black-influenced? These are social infusions thrust upon us by the far left counterculture essentially replacing white people but you're just too dense to get it. If this were not the case, then we would find on average about a THIRD of the artists being non-Caucasian, not 86%. I don't mind at all a variety of musics and artists from all venues, but this is ridiculous. And I didn't even bother going back farther in history.

The point here is that folks (the majority of us by far) are just sick and tired of having race shoved down OUR throats. There is racism here but not by the people on this thread. Worse, we are regularly told by blacks with glee at how they LOOK FORWARD TO REPLACING US!

Smell the coffee fool. Worse, if left to their designs, once these people "take over" as the majority, if you think they will cut you the same opportunities and breaks, you are sadly mistaken. Once they are done literally stealing your country and culture from you right out from under your feet while you finger yourself telling you what a good, tolerant, broad-minded liberal you are, life in America will be hell on Earth for White people in terms of opportunities and treatment. Mark. My. Words. Dipshit.
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No, WB, the music was bad. But since no one else has stepped in to expatiate the matter and you are apparently too obtuse to admit it yourself out of white liberal guilt, let me speak for the OP to guess what he is really just trying to point out more succinctly:


2024 - Usher (Black) (after singing the "Black national anthem")
2023 - Rihanna (Black) (after singing the "Black national anthem")
2022 - Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, Mary Blige, Kendrick Lamar (Black, Black, Black, Black)
2021 - The Weeknd (Black)
2020 - Shakira, Jen Lopez, Bad Bunny, J Balvin (Latino, Latino, Latino, Latino)
2019 - Maroon Five (White), Travis Scott, Big Boi (Black, Black)

So you see, you really have to go back FIVE YEARS since the SB actually FEATURED white people! And at that, both of their guests were black. Since then, they've had four Latino artists and seven more black artists. Now they are singing a black national anthem. And yes, they squeezed 1-2 biological Caucasians in there as guests who were trying their best to ACT black. Worse, all of this crap is mostly rap and street trash music that few adult white people even like.

Now, before you go off on your white liberal guilt rationalization trip about my "racism" and "insecurity" and letting others have a shot and sharing, and more BS about not being afraid of other races and people different from you, let me predicate the conversation right here by assuaging your concerns because THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE AT ALL.

Again, if I may anticipate the OP and what others are complaining about, it is the obvious, undeniable fact of what is really going on here that your white liberal guilt doesn't allow you to see:
  • The slow introduction of black culture as the "cool" thing to be.
  • The centralization of black people and black culture over what used to be America.
Or do you think it is just an "accident" that 12 of the last 14 artists at the SB have all been non-whites? And at that, ALL of the music has been black or at least black-influenced? These are social infusions thrust upon us by the far left counterculture essentially replacing white people but you're just too dense to get it. If this were not the case, then we would find on average about a THIRD of the artists being non-Caucasian, not 86%. I don't mind at all a variety of musics and artists from all venues, but this is ridiculous. And I didn't even bother going back farther in history.

The point here is that folks (the majority of us by far) are just sick and tired of having race shoved down OUR throats. There is racism here but not by the people on this thread. Worse, we are regularly told by blacks with glee at how they LOOK FORWARD TO REPLACING US!

Smell the coffee fool. Worse, if left to their designs, once these people "take over" as the majority, if you think they will cut you the same opportunities and breaks, you are sadly mistaken. Once they are done literally stealing your country and culture from you right out from under your feet while you finger yourself telling you what a good, tolerant, broad-minded liberal you are, life in America will be hell on Earth for White people in terms of opportunities and treatment. Mark. My. Words. Dipshit.

GOP Victim Card.jpg
I hated that the Chiefs got LUCKY, and recovered a weird fumble DEEP in 49er territory.
Then had to go a whole 5 yards to score a touchdown.
They should change the rule on those things.
They won using the same exact play that they won the SB with last year.

Next, the KC Chefs get so drunk they can barely walk during the Super Bowl parade.

"SHOTS FIRED.....SHOTS FIRED"......don't mention the fact that illegals shot up the end of the parade

This just in, ignore everything in the news.....focus on the shooting in KC.

Listen to the NFL Network coverage. Listen to how sad their woke-ass talking-heads feel about another meaningless shooting till next year until the next SB.

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