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Support the fast food workers

I think she was saying that she supports the workers wanting to be treated better, and that she doesn't like the way McDonald's treats their workers, so she is for the workers speaking out about it, instead of being in support of the corporation who is allegedly treating them wrong be it in pay scale or within the system of pay in which is being used in regards to them.

Snookie is trolling. She says what she thinks will get a reaction - that is the sum total of her posts.

McDonalds doesn't "treat workers" in any way. When I had the Micky Dees franchise - I treated the little parasites far better than they deserved, and a FUCK of a lot better than they treated me. (Stealing the tampons from the women's restroom? WTF) I paid good workers what I needed to keep them, the fuckers that stole everything that wasn't nailed down, I had no desire to pay more. The Peoples Republic may not let me fire anyone, but I don't have to give them hours... The stoners who snuck out any time I or my Ex wasn't watching them, the lazy mofos who wouldn't work even when we did watch them, the assholes with no respect for the store or for the product and supplies...

Yeah, cry me a fucking river...
Is everyone in the "protest" these kinds of people that you have spoken about ? If so then you definitely have a point, but I'm betting there are good people among these ranks also don't you ? Now what do you do with the good people for whom might be speaking out ?

I think all job titles should have a rating, and they should have a pay scale that suits each position in which is different than the other positions in which are found within the various task that is being placed upon the labor force, otherwise as being separated and individualized in the task levels. If, over time this concept has changed or had been taken down, and a communistic style pay system across the board was put in place (no discerning between job titles), then this may be one of the major unionizing factors among those who are complaining. If you have a fry cook who has been there a year, and he is making no more than a person whom walks in the door knowing nothing, and is placed in the same position making the same pay, then Houston we have a problem, and I think this has been a lot of what has been going on maybe. Even if a raise given is in small percentages when it is given, and the levels or positions are separated, along with the length of service also being separated by these things, then you will find that these problems would fade quickly, but still the right dial in on the pay grades, needs to be sufficient to make it all work as well.

Wish all you like. Fast food workers will never be permitted to unionize. Why? Because the very moment the franchise owner gets wind of a union movement, he or she will simply find ways to fire those workers. And even if the second step was reached, the union requests a negotiating session, the owner is under no obligation to meet with the union thugs. He can simply wait out the time and systematically terminate for cause, the entire staff.
40 or more years ago, unions had clout. Yes they could shut down businesses which refused to play ball. Today, unions have no juice. Unions are weak. And getting weaker.
You know I saw a man once, who would say anything and do anything for his company, otherwise if anyone would speak out against the wrong that may have been going on against the employee's at various times, he would step up and justify or speak on behalf of the company/ownership and/or it's management staff, and he did this for years and years, but they never gave this man a position higher than what he had (same level as the ones he knew that were being wronged), nor did they compensate him for assuming the task of keeping the employee's simmered down when they were about to get angry and unionized against the wrong doings. Now sadly this guy didn't understand how cheap of a prostitute that they figured he was, and he left there just as poor as anyone else did when they left there, so how do they do it ? How do people justify what they know is wrong, and will stand up in hopes that it will shine on them someday when they do this, but then it never shines on them in the end? They are just used sadly, and for some reason they don't know it.

The point of this post was what?
What difference does it make?
The point is any worker is free to seek employment where ever they choose.
I am so sick and tired of the notion of "oh woe is me. I can't find a job anywhere else"..

It's just an aside.

Taking on a McDonalds franchise is like selling yourself into indentured servitude. And I have a LOT of tales about employees.

No matter. It's still a conscious choice on the part of the franchisee and any person who decides to procure employment with the company.
This is not, as "noo noo" wants it be, about MC Donald's.
This is about unskilled workers who through their greed 'just want more' because they have 'problems'.

And corporations through their greed, just want more because they have appetites and insane addictions that constitute even more of a problem, along with the blood suckers in the upper echelon that leave them thinking that they have to miss-treat their employee's below in the process of fulfilling their addictions along with their wants in their lives who are up above, meanwhile destroying opportunity below, and destroying the structured systems in which we had built over the years, while also abandoning ethical and moral grounds in dealing with employee's as they should still be dealt with all along.
You know I saw a man once, who would say anything and do anything for his company, otherwise if anyone would speak out against the wrong that may have been going on against the employee's at various times, he would step up and justify or speak on behalf of the company/ownership and/or it's management staff, and he did this for years and years, but they never gave this man a position higher than what he had (same level as the ones he knew that were being wronged), nor did they compensate him for assuming the task of keeping the employee's simmered down when they were about to get angry and unionized against the wrong doings. Now sadly this guy didn't understand how cheap of a prostitute that they figured he was, and he left there just as poor as anyone else did when they left there, so how do they do it ? How do people justify what they know is wrong, and will stand up in hopes that it will shine on them someday when they do this, but then it never shines on them in the end? They are just used sadly, and for some reason they don't know it.

The point of this post was what?
If you can't apply it, then I can't help you apply it.
Snookie is trolling. She says what she thinks will get a reaction - that is the sum total of her posts.

McDonalds doesn't "treat workers" in any way. When I had the Micky Dees franchise - I treated the little parasites far better than they deserved, and a FUCK of a lot better than they treated me. (Stealing the tampons from the women's restroom? WTF) I paid good workers what I needed to keep them, the fuckers that stole everything that wasn't nailed down, I had no desire to pay more. The Peoples Republic may not let me fire anyone, but I don't have to give them hours... The stoners who snuck out any time I or my Ex wasn't watching them, the lazy mofos who wouldn't work even when we did watch them, the assholes with no respect for the store or for the product and supplies...

Yeah, cry me a fucking river...
Is everyone in the "protest" these kinds of people that you have spoken about ? If so then you definitely have a point, but I'm betting there are good people among these ranks also don't you ? Now what do you do with the good people for whom might be speaking out ?

I think all job titles should have a rating, and they should have a pay scale that suits each position in which is different than the other positions in which are found within the various task that is being placed upon the labor force, otherwise as being separated and individualized in the task levels. If, over time this concept has changed or had been taken down, and a communistic style pay system across the board was put in place (no discerning between job titles), then this may be one of the major unionizing factors among those who are complaining. If you have a fry cook who has been there a year, and he is making no more than a person whom walks in the door knowing nothing, and is placed in the same position making the same pay, then Houston we have a problem, and I think this has been a lot of what has been going on maybe. Even if a raise given is in small percentages when it is given, and the levels or positions are separated, along with the length of service also being separated by these things, then you will find that these problems would fade quickly, but still the right dial in on the pay grades, needs to be sufficient to make it all work as well.

Wish all you like. Fast food workers will never be permitted to unionize. Why? Because the very moment the franchise owner gets wind of a union movement, he or she will simply find ways to fire those workers. And even if the second step was reached, the union requests a negotiating session, the owner is under no obligation to meet with the union thugs. He can simply wait out the time and systematically terminate for cause, the entire staff.
40 or more years ago, unions had clout. Yes they could shut down businesses which refused to play ball. Today, unions have no juice. Unions are weak. And getting weaker.
No hope for the employee ever negotiating again in these circumstances, and that's what the ultimate goal was all along eh ? So sad.
^ idiot left off the question mark.

Anyway, the answer is clear.

You, Stoopie. You "care."

You are about as smart as a grain of sand in your vagina, and it bugs you that others see how much of a void you are.

Now, back ON topic:

McDonalds is a corporation which is very much entitled to place its own interests (maximizing profits) over the "demands" of its workers, at least to the extent that such rational business decisions are allowed in our society.

The present "demands" of the low-skill workers is absolutely comical and absurd. $15.00 per hour for the menial mindless unskilled shit THEY do?

They will price themselves out of the market. If not robotics, then other workers who will be more or less happy to earn half as much for such unskilled work.

You, Stoopie, need to practice what they are taught to say, "You want fries with that?" It could help get you gainfully employed.

Who draws the lines as to what is allowed in our (you said OUR), society ?

Is it that these people whom want to be treated more fair are all low skilled workers, or is it that some have been loyal employee's for quite some time now ?

My wife worked part time at McDonald's back in 2002, and she said to me that it was one hellish job in which she was doing there, and she actually came home with the grease scars on her arms to prove it. She didn't stay there long as the pay wasn't that good and the work was Hell, so she told me she was going to look for a better part time job than that, and she found one at a grocery store. She felt for the employee's that stayed there, because they couldn't leave like she did at the time, but hopefully they got out later she said. Nothing wrong with hard work, just as long as people are being compensated properly for it is the way I look at it, and the company on it, where as if you want to be a fry cook, then it should come at a this idea that people just because they are low skilled so called individuals, they should all get the same pay regardless of their duties ? That is completely insane thinking, and actually it is a communist style thinking as well. Each job should be rated, and a job rating placed by better pay than a table wiper (or) if you work at the window where the action is fast and tough, then there should be a rating for that position as well. Corporations love communist pay systems, and it seems there are those here whom protect that concept of communistic style pay systems in which have no scales at all, and recognizes no diversity in job rating at all.

Define "more fair"..
Look, the job and pay for said job are what they are.
The best way for anyone to move on from low skill low pay work is to improve their skills.
"She felt for the employee's that stayed there, because they couldn't leave"..
Oh really? Who was preventing them from quitting?
" Nothing wrong with hard work, just as long as people are being compensated properly for it"....
Define 'compensated properly'..
People who dig ditches by hand work hard. People who cut up chickens in a processing plant work hard. And?....
"this idea that people just because they are low skilled so called individuals, they should all get the same pay regardless of their duties ? That is completely insane thinking, and actually it is a communist style thinking as well. Each job should be rated, and a job rating placed by better pay than a table wiper (or) if you work at the window where the action is fast and tough, then there should be a rating for that position as well. Corporations love communist pay systems, "...
Corporations? ( liberal pro labor buzz term)..Umm, you have it wrong...
What you described abopve is how unions negotiate pay packages. With unions, accurately described as 'labor collectives' everyone under the contract gets paid the same. There is no merit pay for exemplary work or achievement. Creativity and innovation are frowned upon. Workers often come down on fellow workers who "get the job done too quickly" or out perform others in the group.

Many factors can keep people from quitting when they might want to, even the problem of limited opportunity as is found in a sad state of affairs in the economy which could be based on mobility and/or a geographical harder hit area lived in, than say an area that is not as hard hit by economic woes as the other. Now we are talking about low wage individuals (that are not animals or scum just because of), and so when you have this situation, it's harder for the employee to keep enough money in a build up of savings in order to finally move maybe, otherwise if they can into another area for better opportunity or to use it to better their opportunities in other ways (bettering their education maybe or getting a better car to go farther if have to and etc.).
It's just an aside.

Taking on a McDonalds franchise is like selling yourself into indentured servitude. And I have a LOT of tales about employees.

No matter. It's still a conscious choice on the part of the franchisee and any person who decides to procure employment with the company.
This is not, as "noo noo" wants it be, about MC Donald's.
This is about unskilled workers who through their greed 'just want more' because they have 'problems'.

And corporations through their greed, just want more because they have appetites and insane addictions that constitute even more of a problem, along with the blood suckers in the upper echelon that leave them thinking that they have to miss-treat their employee's below in the process of fulfilling their addictions along with their wants in their lives who are up above, meanwhile destroying opportunity below, and destroying the structured systems in which we had built over the years, while also abandoning ethical and moral grounds in dealing with employee's as they should still be dealt with all along.

Oh please stop whining.
Your FAIL here is that the business owner is the one taking all the risk.
As for the rest of your post..Purely emotional non thinking pro labor talking points.
The marketplace decides wage levels. That is achieved through the supply vs demand for workers in certain levels. Also the level of skill and education of the worker and the requirements for the job.
The other FAIL on your part is the ignorance of the concept of CHOICE. If a worker believes they are being mistreated at their job, they should leave. If they stay, they may hold no one to blame but themselves.
You know I saw a man once, who would say anything and do anything for his company, otherwise if anyone would speak out against the wrong that may have been going on against the employee's at various times, he would step up and justify or speak on behalf of the company/ownership and/or it's management staff, and he did this for years and years, but they never gave this man a position higher than what he had (same level as the ones he knew that were being wronged), nor did they compensate him for assuming the task of keeping the employee's simmered down when they were about to get angry and unionized against the wrong doings. Now sadly this guy didn't understand how cheap of a prostitute that they figured he was, and he left there just as poor as anyone else did when they left there, so how do they do it ? How do people justify what they know is wrong, and will stand up in hopes that it will shine on them someday when they do this, but then it never shines on them in the end? They are just used sadly, and for some reason they don't know it.

The point of this post was what?
If you can't apply it, then I can't help you apply it.
That was a rhetorical question...The post makes zero sense.
Is everyone in the "protest" these kinds of people that you have spoken about ? If so then you definitely have a point, but I'm betting there are good people among these ranks also don't you ? Now what do you do with the good people for whom might be speaking out ?

I think all job titles should have a rating, and they should have a pay scale that suits each position in which is different than the other positions in which are found within the various task that is being placed upon the labor force, otherwise as being separated and individualized in the task levels. If, over time this concept has changed or had been taken down, and a communistic style pay system across the board was put in place (no discerning between job titles), then this may be one of the major unionizing factors among those who are complaining. If you have a fry cook who has been there a year, and he is making no more than a person whom walks in the door knowing nothing, and is placed in the same position making the same pay, then Houston we have a problem, and I think this has been a lot of what has been going on maybe. Even if a raise given is in small percentages when it is given, and the levels or positions are separated, along with the length of service also being separated by these things, then you will find that these problems would fade quickly, but still the right dial in on the pay grades, needs to be sufficient to make it all work as well.

Wish all you like. Fast food workers will never be permitted to unionize. Why? Because the very moment the franchise owner gets wind of a union movement, he or she will simply find ways to fire those workers. And even if the second step was reached, the union requests a negotiating session, the owner is under no obligation to meet with the union thugs. He can simply wait out the time and systematically terminate for cause, the entire staff.
40 or more years ago, unions had clout. Yes they could shut down businesses which refused to play ball. Today, unions have no juice. Unions are weak. And getting weaker.
No hope for the employee ever negotiating again in these circumstances, and that's what the ultimate goal was all along eh ? So sad.
There is no 'goal'...Only reality.
Unions are no longer wanted. The fact that only 6.6% of US private sector workers are members of labor collectives indicates that.
Each prospective employee has the right and the ability to negotiate all they like.
This is done during the interview process.
I support the workers, I don't support the business. McDonalds are bastards to work for, only in it for their own interests.

OMG! A business that wants to make money.

You should work for one that wants to lose money, see how well that goes.

Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.
Who draws the lines as to what is allowed in our (you said OUR), society ?

Is it that these people whom want to be treated more fair are all low skilled workers, or is it that some have been loyal employee's for quite some time now ?

My wife worked part time at McDonald's back in 2002, and she said to me that it was one hellish job in which she was doing there, and she actually came home with the grease scars on her arms to prove it. She didn't stay there long as the pay wasn't that good and the work was Hell, so she told me she was going to look for a better part time job than that, and she found one at a grocery store. She felt for the employee's that stayed there, because they couldn't leave like she did at the time, but hopefully they got out later she said. Nothing wrong with hard work, just as long as people are being compensated properly for it is the way I look at it, and the company on it, where as if you want to be a fry cook, then it should come at a this idea that people just because they are low skilled so called individuals, they should all get the same pay regardless of their duties ? That is completely insane thinking, and actually it is a communist style thinking as well. Each job should be rated, and a job rating placed by better pay than a table wiper (or) if you work at the window where the action is fast and tough, then there should be a rating for that position as well. Corporations love communist pay systems, and it seems there are those here whom protect that concept of communistic style pay systems in which have no scales at all, and recognizes no diversity in job rating at all.

Define "more fair"..
Look, the job and pay for said job are what they are.
The best way for anyone to move on from low skill low pay work is to improve their skills.
"She felt for the employee's that stayed there, because they couldn't leave"..
Oh really? Who was preventing them from quitting?
" Nothing wrong with hard work, just as long as people are being compensated properly for it"....
Define 'compensated properly'..
People who dig ditches by hand work hard. People who cut up chickens in a processing plant work hard. And?....
"this idea that people just because they are low skilled so called individuals, they should all get the same pay regardless of their duties ? That is completely insane thinking, and actually it is a communist style thinking as well. Each job should be rated, and a job rating placed by better pay than a table wiper (or) if you work at the window where the action is fast and tough, then there should be a rating for that position as well. Corporations love communist pay systems, "...
Corporations? ( liberal pro labor buzz term)..Umm, you have it wrong...
What you described abopve is how unions negotiate pay packages. With unions, accurately described as 'labor collectives' everyone under the contract gets paid the same. There is no merit pay for exemplary work or achievement. Creativity and innovation are frowned upon. Workers often come down on fellow workers who "get the job done too quickly" or out perform others in the group.

Many factors can keep people from quitting when they might want to, even the problem of limited opportunity as is found in a sad state of affairs in the economy which could be based on mobility and/or a geographical harder hit area lived in, than say an area that is not as hard hit by economic woes as the other. Now we are talking about low wage individuals (that are not animals or scum just because of), and so when you have this situation, it's harder for the employee to keep enough money in a build up of savings in order to finally move maybe, otherwise if they can into another area for better opportunity or to use it to better their opportunities in other ways (bettering their education maybe or getting a better car to go farther if have to and etc.).

That's very nice...A list of excuses.
So, because certain people feel 'trapped' they should have the temerity to go to their boss and demand more money per hour because they 'can't support their kids' or 'pay the rent'....Or one of a dozen or so excuses they use to extort more form their employees.
I support the workers, I don't support the business. McDonalds are bastards to work for, only in it for their own interests.

OMG! A business that wants to make money.

You should work for one that wants to lose money, see how well that goes.

Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Looks like more fast food drama.
I support the workers, I don't support the business. McDonalds are bastards to work for, only in it for their own interests.

OMG! A business that wants to make money.

You should work for one that wants to lose money, see how well that goes.

Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.
OMG! A business that wants to make money.

You should work for one that wants to lose money, see how well that goes.

Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.


How simple is that, boycott those companies and be done with them.
OMG! A business that wants to make money.

You should work for one that wants to lose money, see how well that goes.

Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.

We'd gladly tell people not to visit the establishment but if we speak a word of of line, guess what? No job.
Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.

We'd gladly tell people not to visit the establishment but if we speak a word of of line, guess what? No job.

So your choice is a paycheck. See how easy it is.
Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.

We'd gladly tell people not to visit the establishment but if we speak a word of of line, guess what? No job.

So your choice is a paycheck. See how easy it is.

I choose the paycheque because at the moment, I have no choice. That doesn't mean I believe we should screw the customers because someone can't be bothered putting decent staff on.
How is it that all these Progressives are going wild for these fast food workers, but they absolutely hate and abhor waiters at catering halls?


That said, you do earn a living wage even with your reduced hours. If you've got a living wage and you don't owe anyone homage for it (union, politician, activist group) then you are useless and perhaps dangerous.

That's the funny part of this living wage argument. What are the liberals going to do if they can get what they want on their own now that they have what they want? This is the lament of the union shills. They want payback for everyone that the Monday before last off, but they couldn't force anyone to actually do anything.

Take a look at the plan proffered by Pheonixops:

How much are they going to lose by cutting back on "parties and business" vs. complying with Obamacare mandates? I think I saw you state that they hire "outside companies" to provide waiters? If so, maybe you and the veteran staff can go down to the county offices in Riverhead and start your own company and let the Watermill Inn (a nice place, been to two weddings there, we always called the "Smithtown Bypass" plain old 347) hire your "veteran waiter company" to do the work for the originals hours you were working? That would sound like a "win, win" to me, they aren't burdened with employees, you would have to maintain an office where you kept your "waiter supplies, etc., and deal with getting or not getting health insurance on your own.

It's a good starting point. Turn a negative situation into an opportunity!
We'd gladly tell people not to visit the establishment but if we speak a word of of line, guess what? No job.

So your choice is a paycheck. See how easy it is.

I choose the paycheque because at the moment, I have no choice. That doesn't mean I believe we should screw the customers because someone can't be bothered putting decent staff on.

You can quit, you have a choice, your why to quit, is smaller than you why to stay.

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