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Support the fast food workers

Someone should advise this Board's lolberals that a corporation (or any capitalist company, business or enterprise) is SUPPOSED to make money.

Somebody should inform them that "profit" is NOT a dirty word.

Here's a fun fact.

McDonalds and GM and Exxon are all in the EXACT same business.

That's not a mistake or a typo or anything like that. It is a factually correct (totally correct) assertion.
Salaries so high eh ? Nope that hasn't been a problem at all, because people are making in many cases what they were making years ago in these stale waged environment's, but the greedy have no end to their wants, so instead of going out and finding or diversifying to get more business, they instead turn inward to steel the money and job positions of their workers (place one working where two once worked, otherwise a worker working two positions for one salary as one worker), and many other scheming scams that have been tried. How come the ownerships and management staffs can unionize, but the employee's can no longer do it ?

That's all OK eh ?

One of any business's major bills is salaries.
Please note, a business isn't there to service the workers, it's there to make money for the owners/management/shareholders.
If you don't like your minimum wage job and want more (is that greedy?), go out and diversify or start a business?
Ah, but you'll have a problem. You'll find the greedy workers who put nothing into your business, want a fat chunk of cash but none of the risk you put in.
I like how you all love to speak in terms of separation or how it should be separate, where as the employee is somehow separated from the ownership or managing staffs as is found within the family circle, in which is something that once existed within a company, and also in which should (imho) always operate like family in these companies just like they once did. Companies should include all as a cohesive fighting unit in order to get the job done, then celebrate as a unit would together afterwards, but the employee's are now like the Cinderella story, just kept out of sight and hidden in their abuse eh ? Think about it and think about your words as they are read back by you, then come again ?
Is everyone in the "protest" these kinds of people that you have spoken about ?

No, those in the "protest" are professional union agitators.

Actual fast food workers are either high school / college kids, or illegal aliens.

If so then you definitely have a point, but I'm betting there are good people among these ranks also don't you ? Now what do you do with the good people for whom might be speaking out ?

Read for content.

First thing I said is that I paid the good employees what ever I needed to, to keep them. There ARE McDonalds workers making $20 an hour. They are the ones that EARN that amount.

Of course you do, because you think you should be paid according to what you need and want, not based on what you contribute. The union mentality is always one of mindless bureaucracy, where the worthless are shielded by the productive.

You think the one who calls in sick 3 days a week, who is late from every break, who vanishes during every rush, who half-asses every job, should be paid just as much as the one who shows up for every shift, who is always on time, properly dressed, and completes tasks with a smile. You well illustrate why unions are a cancer.

Job titles are bullshit. People should be compensated based on their contribution to the grown and profitability of the organization.

If, over time this concept has changed or had been taken down, and a communistic style pay system across the board was put in place (no discerning between job titles), then this may be one of the major unionizing factors among those who are complaining. If you have a fry cook who has been there a year, and he is making no more than a person whom walks in the door knowing nothing, and is placed in the same position making the same pay, then Houston we have a problem, and I think this has been a lot of what has been going on maybe.

Then go somewhere else. Seriously, you SEIU people have no clue. I used to snipe the better workers from Wendys all the time. In-N-Out sniped my best people. HOW do you think I would snag a counter or drive through worker in the first pace? (If they are on fries, it means they aren't worth a shit in the first place.)

That's right, I would offer them more money. In the area I was in, the drones might stay, but the best cycled through from Burger King's roach infested shit hole, to Wendys, then McDonalds, and up to the top at In-N-Out.

Even if a raise given is in small percentages when it is given, and the levels or positions are separated, along with the length of service also being separated by these things, then you will find that these problems would fade quickly, but still the right dial in on the pay grades, needs to be sufficient to make it all work as well.

Look dude, I can hook you up to get a franchise, then you can pay your people whatever you want.

But funny, you union goons never seem interested, you only want to tell US what we should pay....

Now you just trumped your own scatter brained intelligence, and this by speaking so much until you fell into your own trap in which I have emboldened above showing your response to, because in no way could you have gotten what I said out of what you just said in reply to what I said, because it in no way fits.

You like creating words to place into other peoples mouths, and then turning around and answering those very words you created out of thin air maybe ? Why don't you just have a conversation with yourself, and then let us all know who won the conversation, because by what you had done above, it appears you don't need anyone else to debate or conversate with, as you do quite well creating the whole thing up on your own.
Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.


How simple is that, boycott those companies and be done with them.
Went into a subway today, but it's not representative of the entire corporation and other locals, so one has to be careful on the use of the boycotting trigger, but anyway I waited in line for I know 10 minutes and still wasn't asked what I wanted yet, so I just turned and walked out just like I came in. Now I won't go back there for a while, because they not only did this to me today, but I had talked to others who had experienced the same problem with that store. Yes it's time that people get smart and boycott stores in which they know have a management and/or a service staff/employee problem.
So your choice is a paycheck. See how easy it is.

I choose the paycheque because at the moment, I have no choice. That doesn't mean I believe we should screw the customers because someone can't be bothered putting decent staff on.

You can quit, you have a choice, your why to quit, is smaller than you why to stay.
You don't know her or her circumstances, so how can you just tell someone what to do if you don't know anything about them or their circumstances in life ? How about the company somehow reconnecting with it's valued employee's, for whom just might help them avoid the coming storm that may arrive unaware upon them all (the whole company) ? I have seen companies with their heads in the sand, focusing on greed, and not instead upon structure and sound thinking for a long future, and so guess what ? They went out of business, and the employee's sadly were dragged down with them.
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Yes, they want to make money - but they also have customers, and that is the basis of their business. No customers equals no profit.

If you think its okay to work for a business that purposefully short staffs itself constantly to avoid paying a few extra dollars to an employee, and having customers wait up to ten minutes for a cheeseburger, that is great - but we don't like running around like headless chooks trying to do a dozen things at once, and being expected to ignore a waiting customer.

It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.

We'd gladly tell people not to visit the establishment but if we speak a word of of line, guess what? No job.
Then go work elsewhere. Simple.
Many factors can keep people from quitting when they might want to, even the problem of limited opportunity as is found in a sad state of affairs in the economy which could be based on mobility and/or a geographical harder hit area lived in, than say an area that is not as hard hit by economic woes as the other. Now we are talking about low wage individuals (that are not animals or scum just because of), and so when you have this situation, it's harder for the employee to keep enough money in a build up of savings in order to finally move maybe, otherwise if they can into another area for better opportunity or to use it to better their opportunities in other ways (bettering their education maybe or getting a better car to go farther if have to and etc.).

That's very nice...A list of excuses.
So, because certain people feel 'trapped' they should have the temerity to go to their boss and demand more money per hour because they 'can't support their kids' or 'pay the rent'....Or one of a dozen or so excuses they use to extort more form their employees.
And their boss shouldn't understand their circumstances so well either, that he teams up with others in industry, as so to take advantage of Americans while they are down and out... The excuse finding and makings is a two way street. Seems like you only know one way, and that is the only street that you ride down. So sad..

Want some cheese to go with that whine?
It is one thing to want to make a profit, its another thing to deliberately leave yourself short staffed because you are too stingy to pay another employee to work.

Or the salaries are too high so it's better not to have the extra staff as, if there is no profit, there's no point running the business.
Salaries so high eh ? Nope that hasn't been a problem at all, because people are making in many cases what they were making years ago in these stale waged environment's, but the greedy have no end to their wants, so instead of going out and finding or diversifying to get more business, they instead turn inward to steel the money and job positions of their workers (place one working where two once worked, otherwise a worker working two positions for one salary as one worker), and many other scheming scams that have been tried. How come the ownerships and management staffs can unionize, but the employee's can no longer do it ?

That's all OK eh ?
The names of these management and owners unions please?
Is everyone in the "protest" these kinds of people that you have spoken about ?

No, those in the "protest" are professional union agitators.

Actual fast food workers are either high school / college kids, or illegal aliens.

Read for content.

First thing I said is that I paid the good employees what ever I needed to, to keep them. There ARE McDonalds workers making $20 an hour. They are the ones that EARN that amount.

Of course you do, because you think you should be paid according to what you need and want, not based on what you contribute. The union mentality is always one of mindless bureaucracy, where the worthless are shielded by the productive.

You think the one who calls in sick 3 days a week, who is late from every break, who vanishes during every rush, who half-asses every job, should be paid just as much as the one who shows up for every shift, who is always on time, properly dressed, and completes tasks with a smile. You well illustrate why unions are a cancer.

Job titles are bullshit. People should be compensated based on their contribution to the grown and profitability of the organization.

Then go somewhere else. Seriously, you SEIU people have no clue. I used to snipe the better workers from Wendys all the time. In-N-Out sniped my best people. HOW do you think I would snag a counter or drive through worker in the first pace? (If they are on fries, it means they aren't worth a shit in the first place.)

That's right, I would offer them more money. In the area I was in, the drones might stay, but the best cycled through from Burger King's roach infested shit hole, to Wendys, then McDonalds, and up to the top at In-N-Out.

Even if a raise given is in small percentages when it is given, and the levels or positions are separated, along with the length of service also being separated by these things, then you will find that these problems would fade quickly, but still the right dial in on the pay grades, needs to be sufficient to make it all work as well.

Look dude, I can hook you up to get a franchise, then you can pay your people whatever you want.

But funny, you union goons never seem interested, you only want to tell US what we should pay....

Now you just trumped your own scatter brained intelligence, and this by speaking so much until you fell into your own trap in which I have emboldened above showing your response to, because in no way could you have gotten what I said out of what you just said in reply to what I said, because it in no way fits.

You like creating words to place into other peoples mouths, and then turning around and answering those very words you created out of thin air maybe ? Why don't you just have a conversation with yourself, and then let us all know who won the conversation, because by what you had done above, it appears you don't need anyone else to debate or conversate with, as you do quite well creating the whole thing up on your own.

You do tend to babble.
I like how you all love to speak in terms of separation or how it should be separate, where as the employee is somehow separated from the ownership or managing staffs as is found within the family circle, in which is something that once existed within a company, and also in which should (imho) always operate like family in these companies just like they once did.

When your toilet stops up and you have to hire a plumber, do you have him stay for dinner? Do you look at his asking rate, and pay double?

Or do you just demand of others what you will not do yourself?

Companies should include all as a cohesive fighting unit in order to get the job done, then celebrate as a unit would together afterwards, but the employee's are now like the Cinderella story, just kept out of sight and hidden in their abuse eh ? Think about it and think about your words as they are read back by you, then come again ?

Employees in a company are no different than your gardener, your pool boy, or the house keeper. You are paying them for a service. You pay an agreed upon amount - that's how grown ups do things. You union goons are a bunch of little children thinking that the company is daddy and should care for you.
Went into a subway today, but it's not representative of the entire corporation and other locals, so one has to be careful on the use of the boycotting trigger, but anyway I waited in line for I know 10 minutes and still wasn't asked what I wanted yet, so I just turned and walked out just like I came in. Now I won't go back there for a while, because they not only did this to me today, but I had talked to others who had experienced the same problem with that store. Yes it's time that people get smart and boycott stores in which they know have a management and/or a service staff/employee problem.

I hope you left the money for the sandwich, even though you left. After all, you demand that employers not pay in return for getting something, that they should pay because of need. That subway failed to provide you service is no different than employees who fail to meet job standards - who you demand should be paid anyway...
Now you just trumped your own scatter brained intelligence,

Of course I did, because um, uh, WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE..

and this by speaking so much until you fell into your own trap in which I have emboldened above showing your response to, because in no way could you have gotten what I said out of what you just said in reply to what I said, because it in no way fits.

That is precisely your demand, that fast food workers NEED more than they are paid, so owners of McDonalds franchises should be forced to pay $15 an hour.

Of course we ALL know that what you spew is utter bullshit - you want to force Unions on fast food, in hopes of looting the profits of McDonalds, et al, to fund your own pension.

You like creating words to place into other peoples mouths, and then turning around and answering those very words you created out of thin air maybe ? Why don't you just have a conversation with yourself, and then let us all know who won the conversation, because by what you had done above, it appears you don't need anyone else to debate or conversate with, as you do quite well creating the whole thing up on your own.

Nonsense, the basis of the demand for $15 an hour is the "need" of the employees.
Who said anything about short staffing?...
You guys are using that as your next attempt at spin.
Guess what? If you believe the establishment is screwing their employees, then don't patronize the establishment. That is a CHOICE.


How simple is that, boycott those companies and be done with them.
Went into a subway today, but it's not representative of the entire corporation and other locals, so one has to be careful on the use of the boycotting trigger, but anyway I waited in line for I know 10 minutes and still wasn't asked what I wanted yet, so I just turned and walked out just like I came in. Now I won't go back there for a while, because they not only did this to me today, but I had talked to others who had experienced the same problem with that store. Yes it's time that people get smart and boycott stores in which they know have a management and/or a service staff/employee problem.

Yes, well, I love Subway's food, but that being said, there are several Subways in town that I won't frequent. No matter how much franchises try to standardize their products and services, they can't totally eliminate the human factor.

I'm an advocate of voting with your pocketbook, but that's not the same as deciding that someone's business needs to be destroyed and wiped away just because I don't like them.
When your toilet stops up and you have to hire a plumber, do you have him stay for dinner?

What's wrong with asking a plumber to dinner ?

Do you look at his asking rate, and pay double?
If I tip someone is that a problem, because I have done this before, and people have tipped me beyond my asking rate in the past also, so what's your point ?

Or do you just demand of others what you will not do yourself?

I never demand of others what I won't do myself, again what's your point ?

Employees in a company are no different than your gardener, your pool boy, or the house keeper. You are paying them for a service. You pay an agreed upon amount - that's how grown ups do things. You union goons are a bunch of little children thinking that the company is daddy and should care for you.
Not care for me as in take care of me after work, but at least respect me while I am there.

Problem is, is that you are mixing in something that makes no sense as to how you just played this, because there is a difference in someone being an independent contractor/operator/service provider, as is opposed to companies that work hundreds of employee's who are being mistreated maybe.

I would have no reason to interfere with the man or woman whom comes to my residence to perform a service for me, otherwise to then pry into their business about what they make or how their circumstances are at their company off the cuff, unless they want to tell me about it because they are distraught maybe about it all, and so they just begin laying it on my shoulders trying to get it off of theirs in which I would comment just like I am here in many ways.

I might suggest something in the way of help if I can (give them other names of companies or refer them if I think they are telling the truth), because I may at that point become aware that the person might be working for a no good company in life, and for whom I need to speak out against or may even boycott if the situation is bad enough.
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Went into a subway today, but it's not representative of the entire corporation and other locals, so one has to be careful on the use of the boycotting trigger, but anyway I waited in line for I know 10 minutes and still wasn't asked what I wanted yet, so I just turned and walked out just like I came in. Now I won't go back there for a while, because they not only did this to me today, but I had talked to others who had experienced the same problem with that store. Yes it's time that people get smart and boycott stores in which they know have a management and/or a service staff/employee problem.

I hope you left the money for the sandwich, even though you left. After all, you demand that employers not pay in return for getting something, that they should pay because of need. That subway failed to provide you service is no different than employees who fail to meet job standards - who you demand should be paid anyway...
Putting words into someone's mouth again I see... I never have said that I think employee's should be compensated if they don't do the job or if they are lax on the job. Are you crazy or something ?

How simple is that, boycott those companies and be done with them.
Went into a subway today, but it's not representative of the entire corporation and other locals, so one has to be careful on the use of the boycotting trigger, but anyway I waited in line for I know 10 minutes and still wasn't asked what I wanted yet, so I just turned and walked out just like I came in. Now I won't go back there for a while, because they not only did this to me today, but I had talked to others who had experienced the same problem with that store. Yes it's time that people get smart and boycott stores in which they know have a management and/or a service staff/employee problem.

Yes, well, I love Subway's food, but that being said, there are several Subways in town that I won't frequent. No matter how much franchises try to standardize their products and services, they can't totally eliminate the human factor.

I'm an advocate of voting with your pocketbook, but that's not the same as deciding that someone's business needs to be destroyed and wiped away just because I don't like them.

My, aren't you special?:eusa_angel:

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