Supreme Court Allows Federal Agents To Cut Razor Wire Texas Installed On U.S. - Mexican Border

Hard working immigrants committing the crimes American criminals missed.
Leave the Chump Change for Chico

Our American-born looters are too lazy to steal the things the invading looters are willing to steal.

They are entering illegally. This makes them invaders.

Their very first action in our nation is to break its laws.

They ought to be summarily dumped back across the border.

Not exactly.
First of all, all those south of the border, their ancestors walked across the Bearing Straits to get here, and had to have lived in the US as one time.
Second is that all the treaties that created the states of the US all recognize the rights of the indigenous to enter and leave at will.
Texas will never ever comply with a bunch of fed racketeers cutting wire to let illegals traipse through their state
Not only that, it's illegal and unconstitutional to force an elector to abide by someone else's vote.
Legal immigrants have always been welcome, they came to work and not live off of the taxpayers.
Thanks for denoting that rather enormous detail that everyone seems to be leaving out. There is an easily made connection between early European immigration to the United States and the skyrocketing of skill sets, entrepreneurial activity and cultural enrichment that it brought with it. That is not happening with the southern border. Instead we are inviting a dilution of our culture.... A downgrading of our skill set..... And a competing viewpoint that looks down on standard North American values.
The ruling does not mean you can't protect the border, but that you can't do it will dangerous razor wire hidden in water.
It's not hidden..... And there are plenty of warnings indicating that it is illegal to cross the border. There's a reason why these people are trying to sneak in.... If they didn't think they were wrong they wouldn't be trying to sneak in. So they already know they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing. What happens to them as a result of that is on them.
Not exactly.
First of all, all those south of the border, their ancestors walked across the Bearing Straits to get here, and had to have lived in the US as one time.

That’s a theory. And contrary evidence exists.
Second is that all the treaties that created the states of the US all recognize the rights of the indigenous to enter and leave at will.
Good. Prove that you’re qualified, then.

They were talking about the indigenous American Indians.
Abbott has already stated that he has declared a state of invasion and invoked the Texas Constitution which at this point overrides any federal mandates in the territory proper of Texas.

This is a long-standing pattern that should be recognized by SCOTUS.
I still think we should be arresting border agents smuggling illegals into the country in violation of the law,,

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