Supreme Court Allows Federal Agents To Cut Razor Wire Texas Installed On U.S. - Mexican Border

I think perhaps the best part of this ruling so far has been watching the MAGA freaks go after ACB.
Abbott has already stated that he has declared a state of invasion and invoked the Texas Constitution which at this point overrides any federal mandates in the territory proper of Texas.

This is a long-standing pattern that should be recognized by SCOTUS.

It won't be. Border security is a Federal concern, and if Abbot was really concerned about the "dangers" of undocumented asylum seekers, he wouldn't be shipping them off to other states.
I still think we should be arresting border agents smuggling illegals into the country in violation of the law,,
Well when it comes to that....we're going to have a big problem. But yes it does appear as though the Border patrol has been co-opted not to protect the border but to specifically protect illegal immigration. From what I have heard and read voices inside of the Border patrol have praised Abbott for helping them get their job done.

The only naysayers appear to be the open boarder advocates who hide behind the guise of protecting the border while at the same time eliminating the border.

I have a better solution. Eliminate all payroll taxes and go over to straight consumption taxes. In such a scenario The revenues would be directly correlated to the number of people living here. Anyone who bought a gallon of milk would be a legal citizen deserving of representation. But they won't do that because that's not what they want.

The ruling does not mean you can't protect the border, but that you can't do it will dangerous razor wire hidden in water.
It's a great deterrent. The more Mexicans that die while crossing will cause others to stay in Mexico.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed Border Patrol agents to cut razor wire that Texas installed on the U.S.-Mexico border, while a lawsuit over the wire continues.

The justices, by a 5-4 vote, granted an emergency appeal from the Biden administration, which has been in an escalating standoff at the border with Texas and had objected to an appellate ruling in favor of the state.

The concertina wire along roughly 30 miles (48 kilometers) of the Rio Grande near the border city of Eagle Pass is part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s broader fight with the administration over immigration enforcement.
They went to far , like they did with their abortion law. The whole reason Roe vs Wade came into being was because the Texas abortion law was so egregious. These nitwits managed to make Roe vs Wade go away and what's the first thing they do is pass an even more egregious abortion law. Here we go again.

They went to far , like they did with their abortion law. The whole reason Roe vs Wade came into being was because the Texas abortion law was so egregious. These nitwits managed to make Roe vs Wade go away and what's the first thing they do is pass an even more egregious abortion law. Here we go again.
Nah.... It never should have been a federal rule It's always been a state's issue. Trying to enforce it through the federal government is just plain stupid. Ergo we reached a ridiculous point where the federal government was being used to crush the personal consciences of people who wanted nothing to do with the abortion process threatening them with fines and jail. That's what went too far and that's why Roe v Wade got overturned.
So, you do fear being replaced by an illegal. Sucks to be you. But I am sure you can find another burger place to drop fires at if that happens.
unlike you most of our concern is the crimes they comitt like child sex trafficing,,,

but you go ahead and make it about replacement since thats your cult talking point,,
150 years ago, they said that about the Irish
100 years ago, they said that about the Germans and Italians
50 years ago, they said that about the Poles.

They are following a legal procedure. They are presenting themselves at a port of entry and requesting asylum, which our laws allow for.

Again, this is patently false. Illegals are costing us far more than they are contributing.

Are you for one-world government? No borders? What is the goal of allowing anyone and everyone to just walk across our borders? How is it sustainable? Why don’t your beloved European countries do the same? Do you think they would allow anyone to walk across their border and get housing and healthcare?

Let’s be honest here. Even Democrats were for border security not long ago. What they have determined is that they can get more potential voters into the country, if not directly, simply by increasing census numbers, thus potentially increasing representation, as these people gravitate towards sanctuary cities.

I might also add that as dim-witted peons fall for the Democratic rhetoric, our enemies are taking advantage and sending people over in droves. Only brainwashed, gullible fools can’t see what is going. Don’t kid yourself, the Democratic leadership knows exactly what is going on and they are complicit. Useful idiots…all of you that vote for current Democrats., particularly Biden.
So, you do fear being replaced by an illegal. Sucks to be you. But I am sure you can find another burger place to drop fires at if that happens.

There is much more to it than being replaced. How do we pay healthcare for the world? How is allowing anyone and everyone to cross our border sustainable? I don’t think you have thought this through.
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There is much more to it than being replaced. How do we pay healthcare for the world? How is allowing anyone and everyone to cross our border sustainable? I don’t think you have thought this through.

It is not sustainable, but it is what the people we elect as leaders want, so it happens. Not even Trump for all his talk slowed down illegal immigration, between 2017 and 2019 the number of illegal border crossing more than doubled. The only thing that slowed it for a little while was COVID in 2020.
Well when it comes to that....we're going to have a big problem. But yes it does appear as though the Border patrol has been co-opted not to protect the border but to specifically protect illegal immigration. From what I have heard and read voices inside of the Border patrol have praised Abbott for helping them get their job done.

Actually, the Border Patrol has always been corrupt, which is how the drugs get in. They aren't being snuck in with little kids; they just drive a truck up to the border post guarded by a guy who takes bribes and gives him a wad of cash. Just like they did with Cocaine and pot in decades past.

The only naysayers appear to be the open boarder advocates who hide behind the guise of protecting the border while at the same time eliminating the border.
That sounds a little paranoid. The problem with the border is that it has always been ignored. We were actually better off with an unguarded border, where a wetback would come up here for a few months, earn some money and go home. But the more we squeeze, the bigger mess we make.

We made it harder to cross the border so the illegals would cross one time and stay. We started cracking down on workplace requirements, so now they are all crying asylum to get green cards.

I have a better solution. Eliminate all payroll taxes and go over to straight consumption taxes. In such a scenario The revenues would be directly correlated to the number of people living here. Anyone who bought a gallon of milk would be a legal citizen deserving of representation. But they won't do that because that's not what they want.

The problem with consumption taxes is that they harm the poor more than the rich, when taxes should be about wealth restribution. We need to increase taxes on the wealthy and make those fuckers pay their fair share.

Nah.... It never should have been a federal rule It's always been a state's issue. Trying to enforce it through the federal government is just plain stupid. Ergo we reached a ridiculous point where the federal government was being used to crush the personal consciences of people who wanted nothing to do with the abortion process threatening them with fines and jail. That's what went too far and that's why Roe v Wade got overturned.

Um, what the fuck are you talking about? Federal funds have never been used for abortion due to a bizarre law called the Hyde Amendment (written by fat hypocrite and Catholic Fanatic Henry Hyde, who used to be my Congressman.) The reason why SCOTUS passed Roe was because the laws on the books were being regularly ignored by women and their doctors. They were passed when abortion was still a very dangerous procedure in the days before antibiotics. Nobody back then thought Fetuses were babies. (Because they aren't.)
Again, this is patently false. Illegals are costing us far more than they are contributing.
Nope. They are doing the jobs you rednecks don't want to do.

Which is why you see them working as landscapers, cleaning dishes, and tending to the yuppie larva at all the public parks.

Are you for one-world government? No borders? What is the goal of allowing anyone and everyone to just walk across our borders? How is it sustainable? Why don’t your beloved European countries do the same? Do you think they would allow anyone to walk across their border and get housing and healthcare?

Actually, the European countries have much more liberal immigration laws than we have, especially within the European Union. And they have universal healthcare, which means they spend less than we do, and have better results.

Let’s be honest here. Even Democrats were for border security not long ago. What they have determined is that they can get more potential voters into the country, if not directly, simply by increasing census numbers, thus potentially increasing representation, as these people gravitate towards sanctuary cities.

What do you consider "not long ago." Not long ago, George W. Bush proposed the Kennedy-McCain bill that would have toughened border security and given the 11 million illegals here at the time a path to citizenship.

The real problem here isn't that we have a swarm of Mexicans, because Mexico has advanced economically enough to where they really don't need to come here for work. The current problem is asylum seekers from Central and South America, who have a legal right to claim asylum, but because Trump broke the asylum system, there's a four year wait to get a hearing.

I might also add that as dim-witted peons fall for the Democratic rhetoric, our enemies are taking advantage and sending people over in droves. Only brainwashed, gullible fools can’t see what is going. Don’t kid yourself, the Democratic leadership knows exactly what is going on and they are complicit. Useful idiots…all of you that vote for current Democrats., particularly Biden.
Again, immigrants are a net plus for the country, not a net minus.

Yeah, you are just a lot.

New FAIR Cost Study: Illegal Immigration Now Costs American Taxpayers At Least $151 Billion a Year

The problem with consumption taxes is that they harm the poor more than the rich, when taxes should be about wealth restribution. We need to increase taxes on the wealthy and make those fuckers pay their fair share.

Taxes aren't about wealth distribution you Socialist boob.

Nope. They are doing the jobs you rednecks don't want to do.

Which is why you see them working as landscapers, cleaning dishes, and tending to the yuppie larva at all the public parks.

Sure, some of them are working, but they still draw more from the system on average than they provide.

Let me give you a hint, if idiots like Biden would stop creating an entitlement mentality by giving away money and telling them they don't have to pay their student debt, more of them would be willing to work these lower paying jobs. The reason immigrants are willing is because the country from which they came didn't have these kind of entitlements so their work ethic is far better. Democrats are, in short, ruining our country by creating a lazy, entitled populous.

Us "rednecks" that are much more successful than you can afford to pay a little more for help if we need to.

Actually, the European countries have much more liberal immigration laws than we have, especially within the European Union. And they have universal healthcare, which means they spend less than we do, and have better results.

Boy how that is changing. They are a little slow, but they are starting to realize just how untenable the position really is. Democrats are REALLY slow, so it takes them even longer to catch on.

The real problem here isn't that we have a swarm of Mexicans, because Mexico has advanced economically enough to where they really don't need to come here for work. The current problem is asylum seekers from Central and South America, who have a legal right to claim asylum, but because Trump broke the asylum system, there's a four year wait to get a hearing.

Sure, it is all Trump's fault. You just aren't very smart.
Yeah, you are just a lot.

Taxes aren't about wealth distribution you Socialist boob.
Sure they are. They should be, too.
Sure, some of them are working, but they still draw more from the system on average than they provide.

Let me give you a hint, if idiots like Biden would stop creating an entitlement mentality by giving away money and telling them they don't have to pay their student debt, more of them would be willing to work these lower paying jobs. The reason immigrants are willing is because the country from which they came didn't have these kind of entitlements so their work ethic is far better. Democrats are, in short, ruining our country by creating a lazy, entitled populous.

Most entitlements go to middle class white people... you don't complain about that.

Us "rednecks" that are much more successful than you can afford to pay a little more for help if we need to.

If you rednecks were worth a damn, I wouldn't get weekly offers to relocate.

I spent a week in Florida... outside the theme parks, it was kind of depressing. More homeless than I saw in Chicago.

Boy how that is changing. They are a little slow, but they are starting to realize just how untenable the position really is. Democrats are REALLY slow, so it takes them even longer to catch on.

Not at all. You guys keep saying this stuff about universal health care or gun control, but the Europeans have this worked out. We don't.

Sure, it is all Trump's fault. You just aren't very smart.
This was. Trump put Human Reptile Stephen Miller in charge of the project, and he screwed it up.


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