Supreme Court Allows Federal Agents To Cut Razor Wire Texas Installed On U.S. - Mexican Border

Doesn't worry me a bit. This country was built on immigration and immigration makes us stronger. My dad was an immigrant, and my wife is an immigrant.

What we need is a series of immigration reforms, to make the process run smoother.

1) Stricter enforcement of hiring laws, so the people (mostly white) who hire illegals pay a price for doing so. Not just the farmer or the sweatshop owner, but the rich yuppies who hire a nanny ("Lupe is just like a member of the family, that's why we don't pay her taxes!"), or the jackass who hires a truckload of undocumented laborers outside the Home Depot when his DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joana made it look. let's put the hypocrisy of white people on the spot. You are against illegal immigration, but you are happy to reap the benefits of it.

2) Convert the Social Security Card into a biometric national ID Card, so when the punch in your number, they get your picture and thumbprint.

3) Sufficiently staff asylum and immigration courts so it doesn't take four years to get a hearing on whether or not you face the real threat of persecution in your country of origin.

4) Create a "guest-worker" program like Germany to meet the valid needs for unskilled labor in this country.

5) Get rid of by country quotas. This might have been a good idea in 1965, but it makes little sense now.
You forgot the word legal in front of immigration, but you knew that didn't you!
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U.S. — In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that it's now illegal for the Texas National Guard to guard Texas or the nation.
"Using the National Guard to guard the nation is an egregious misuse of the National Guard," wrote Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sided with the majority. "When the federal government has decreed that the nation not be guarded so that millions of illegal immigrants will swarm the border and settle in cities across the nation to swing the 2024 presidential election for Biden, states have no right to disobey that decree by guarding their states."
As a result of the ruling, Texas is being ordered to open its border completely and let millions of people flood the state and the rest of the country until everything Americans hold dear is left a smoldering ruin. "It's the compassionate thing to do," said Jackson.
At publishing time, the government had asked the National Guard to return to its normal task of fighting endless foreign wars.

I just you so-called "Pro-Life" so-called "Christians" love killing people are just wanting a better life. You people really just cherry pick what parts of the so-called "Pro"-Life Movment" you want and ignore the rest. Especially when it come to people of another or another religion.
I just you so-called "Pro-Life" so-called "Christians" love killing people are just wanting a better life. You people really just cherry pick what parts of the so-called "Pro"-Life Movment" you want and ignore the rest. Especially when it come to people of another or another religion.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

So the brown people are coming here to kill us all?

You people are so much damn fun! :beer:

No, it isn't "brown" people specifically, but to not think that people who intend to do harm to the US are walking across our border is naïve at best.
You naively believe that Russian Loving Orange Shit Gibbon is some how as if by magic win in November. Naive much?

How can anyone that supports our sovereignty be ok with the open border policy of this administration? Oh wait, I know, most Democrats couldn't care less about our sovereignty.
How can anyone that supports our sovereignty be ok with the open border policy of this administration? Oh wait, I know, most Democrats couldn't care less about our sovereignty.

So, your all about the "Right To Life" until you don't. Murdering children is fine by you. Sieg Heil.
So, your all about the "Right To Life" until you don't. Murdering children is fine by you. Sieg Heil.

Who said anything about murdering children? The US can't take every person in the world who feels they they need a better life. It is not possible if we wish to maintain a country. We most certainly can't just allow anyone and everyone from around the world to just walk across our border and into our cities and hospitals. That should be common sense.
Who said anything about murdering children? The US can't take every person in the world who feels they they need a better life. It is not possible if we wish to maintain a country. We most certainly can't just allow anyone and everyone from around the world to just walk across our border and into our cities and hospitals. That should be common sense.

You did when you wrote, "Protecting Our Sovereignty", if children are killed you do not care. There is no open border except in the very vacant space between your ears. YOU do not care who dies. That includes children. Protect our sovereignty, for like Blute and Boden SS Bullhit.

ReNaziKlans voted down a spending proposal that would enhanced border security, hiire more border security officers and then went to the border bitch how Mr. Biden is doing nothing. This whole is drama created a Do-Nothing ReNaziKlan Caucus who refuses govern.
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No, it isn't "brown" people specifically, but to not think that people who intend to do harm to the US are walking across our border is naïve at best.

You did when you wrote, "Protecting Our Sovereignty", if children are killed you do not care. There is no open border except in the very vacant space between your ears. YOU do not care who dies. That includes children. Protect our sovereignty, for like Blute and Boden SS Bullhit.

ReNaziKlans voted down a spending proposal that would enhanced border security, hiire more border security officers and then went to the border bitch how Mr. Biden is doing nothing. This whole is drama created a Do-Nothing ReNaziKlan Caucus who refuses govern.

You are a typical left-wing, uninformed, idealistic fool. Biden, or should I say his handlers, don't want to secure our border.
OK, so the SC has recently ruled against Texas at least temporarily in their fight with the federal government over the border. I assume that lefties are extremely happy about this decision. So, I'm asking those lefties who are happy with the decision, are you glad that the border is back open again? Do you want tens of thousands of asylum seekers crossing into our country every single day?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed Border Patrol agents to cut razor wire that Texas installed on the U.S.-Mexico border, while a lawsuit over the wire continues.

The justices, by a 5-4 vote, granted an emergency appeal from the Biden administration, which has been in an escalating standoff at the border with Texas and had objected to an appellate ruling in favor of the state.

The concertina wire along roughly 30 miles (48 kilometers) of the Rio Grande near the border city of Eagle Pass is part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s broader fight with the administration over immigration enforcement.

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