Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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As I have said before about the mutterings of this august body, the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court should be treated the same way Red and Green lights are treated in merely a suggestion.

There is no valid lawsuit against the gun manufacturers.

26 Families in Sandy Hook would disagree.

Slap those autopsy and crime scene photos down in front of a jury, let's see how it plays.

You focus on the guns, not the democrats who let known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of prison over and over again....these are the actual gun killers racking up 10,265 deaths a year....after they have already been captured for previous felonies and gun offenses...then your asshats let them out on bond and out of prison with insanely light prison sentences.....that is our problem......not mass public shootings.

Again, we already lock up 2 million people.... locking people up isn't a deterrent..

Funny thing. Japan only locks up 69,000 people out of a population of 120 million. Beccause they can't get guns, they don't have to worry about these things.

Oh, wait. Someone threw a grenade 10 years ago... you go with that.
You’ve done nothing but whine about rich people, Catholics and gun owners since you got here. And talking about not discussing the issue, you’re the one who brought up the totally unrelated topics of unions, rich people, Catholics and Nick Sandmann.

And how did you know I have a tiny dick?

All gun nuts have tiny dicks..

It's all kind of related, guy... if the Rich actually ran on their actual agenda, which is to cheat you out of the little money you make for doing the hard work, even the dumbest MAGA Nazi wouldn't vote for that.

But you go on about guns, god, abortion, gays and all the other bullshit that has nothing to do with their economic well-being, and MAN, do you guys go on and on.

"Hey, they just moved my job to China!"

"Never mind that, there's some dude in a dress!!!!"

40 years, you dumbasses have been falling for this...
There’s no reason to think Sandmann’s group should have known this. They were waiting for their bus and they were not demonstrating and had not petitioned to demonstrate. So they would have had no idea who these people were. They likely did not even know who the group of ranting black guys were.

Hey, funny thing... If I don't know who people are or why they are there, I don't engage them... Not these LCB's... they started getting into taunting arguments.

Um, no, not at the Lincoln Memorial they were not. The March For Life rally took place on the National Mall at least a full mile from the Lincoln Memorial. The boys were at the Lincoln Memorial to wait for their bus AFTER the march.

Oh, they took some time off from being Misogynistic Assholes... that makes it okay, then.

The boy had mental problems and there is no indication that Nancy was crazy.

I did some looking around and read about six or seven articles on the incident and nowhere did I see any neighbor testimony that Nancy Lanza was a nutcase.

Then you aren't reading the right articles...

Adam Lanza’s Mother Was a Gun Enthusiast, Friends Say

Ms. Lanza’s fascination with guns became an important focus of attention on Saturday as investigators tried to determine what caused Mr. Lanza to carry out one of the worst massacres in the nation’s history.

Ms. Lanza, 52, had gone through a divorce in 2008 and was described by friends as social and generous to strangers, but also high-strung, as if she were holding herself together.
As I have said before about the mutterings of this august body, the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court should be treated the same way Red and Green lights are treated in merely a suggestion.

There is no valid lawsuit against the gun manufacturers.

26 Families in Sandy Hook would disagree.

Slap those autopsy and crime scene photos down in front of a jury, let's see how it plays.

You focus on the guns, not the democrats who let known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of prison over and over again....these are the actual gun killers racking up 10,265 deaths a year....after they have already been captured for previous felonies and gun offenses...then your asshats let them out on bond and out of prison with insanely light prison sentences.....that is our problem......not mass public shootings.

Again, we already lock up 2 million people.... locking people up isn't a deterrent..

Funny thing. Japan only locks up 69,000 people out of a population of 120 million. Beccause they can't get guns, they don't have to worry about these things.

Oh, wait. Someone threw a grenade 10 years ago... you go with that.

Slap those autopsy and crime scene photos down in front of a jury, let's see how it plays.

Yes....let's allow emotion to over ride truth and justice....since Remington didn't shoot anyone and do anything wrong...but sure let's take their money simply because you can manipulate families.....typical left wing asshat.

Again, we already lock up 2 million people.... locking people up isn't a deterrent..

Moron, it isn't the locking up that is the issue, it is democrats letting them back out that is the issue....the revolving door policy they have that let's known, repeat gun offenders back on the streets, those are the ones doing all of the gun crime and murder in this country.
You’ve done nothing but whine about rich people, Catholics and gun owners since you got here. And talking about not discussing the issue, you’re the one who brought up the totally unrelated topics of unions, rich people, Catholics and Nick Sandmann.

And how did you know I have a tiny dick?

All gun nuts have tiny dicks..

It's all kind of related, guy... if the Rich actually ran on their actual agenda, which is to cheat you out of the little money you make for doing the hard work, even the dumbest MAGA Nazi wouldn't vote for that.

But you go on about guns, god, abortion, gays and all the other bullshit that has nothing to do with their economic well-being, and MAN, do you guys go on and on.

"Hey, they just moved my job to China!"

"Never mind that, there's some dude in a dress!!!!"

40 years, you dumbasses have been falling for this...

All gun nuts have tiny dicks..

And here we have the problem......that statement is called Projection....

Psychological projection - Wikipedia

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1]
Yes....let's allow emotion to over ride truth and justice....since Remington didn't shoot anyone and do anything wrong...but sure let's take their money simply because you can manipulate families.....typical left wing asshat.

Uh, they did do something wrong. They marketed a very dangerous product to a mentally unstable woman. Tragedy ensued.

Let's see their internal marketing documents... kind of like they did when they sued the tobacco industry, and they figured out that when they used cartoon characters to sell cigarettes, they really were marketing to kids.

Moron, it isn't the locking up that is the issue, it is democrats letting them back out that is the issue....the revolving door policy they have that let's known, repeat gun offenders back on the streets, those are the ones doing all of the gun crime and murder in this country.

Actually, most gun deaths are domestic violence... not "crime".
Yes....let's allow emotion to over ride truth and justice....since Remington didn't shoot anyone and do anything wrong...but sure let's take their money simply because you can manipulate families.....typical left wing asshat.

Uh, they did do something wrong. They marketed a very dangerous product to a mentally unstable woman. Tragedy ensued.

Let's see their internal marketing documents... kind of like they did when they sued the tobacco industry, and they figured out that when they used cartoon characters to sell cigarettes, they really were marketing to kids.

Moron, it isn't the locking up that is the issue, it is democrats letting them back out that is the issue....the revolving door policy they have that let's known, repeat gun offenders back on the streets, those are the ones doing all of the gun crime and murder in this country.

Actually, most gun deaths are domestic violence... not "crime".

most gun deaths are domestic violence... not "crime"

Wrong, asshat.....first, link to that statistic, and second, those who kill their spouse are majority criminals as a career or lifestyle, normal people do not kill each other. The problem that we have isn't normal people who own guns for self defense, hunting and sport, but democrats who continue to let repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again who then go out and commit gun crimes and murder...that is our problem, and when you asshats focus on law abiding people, you allow the democrats to keep letting the real gun criminals out of jail and prison.
Yes....let's allow emotion to over ride truth and justice....since Remington didn't shoot anyone and do anything wrong...but sure let's take their money simply because you can manipulate families.....typical left wing asshat.

Uh, they did do something wrong. They marketed a very dangerous product to a mentally unstable woman. Tragedy ensued.

Let's see their internal marketing documents... kind of like they did when they sued the tobacco industry, and they figured out that when they used cartoon characters to sell cigarettes, they really were marketing to kids.

Moron, it isn't the locking up that is the issue, it is democrats letting them back out that is the issue....the revolving door policy they have that let's known, repeat gun offenders back on the streets, those are the ones doing all of the gun crime and murder in this country.

Actually, most gun deaths are domestic violence... not "crime".

Hey....dumb ass...where exactly did the shooter see Remington advertising? Did he even see any advertising for any guns? You moron........I follow guns and I have never seen any Remington advertising, you dumb ass...
Wrong, asshat.....first, link to that statistic, and second, those who kill their spouse are majority criminals as a career or lifestyle, normal people do not kill each other. The problem that we have isn't normal people who own guns for self defense, hunting and sport, but democrats who continue to let repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again who then go out and commit gun crimes and murder...that is our problem, and when you asshats focus on law abiding people, you allow the democrats to keep letting the real gun criminals out of jail and prison.

Well, let's start with the obvious, that 2/3rd of gun deaths are suicides... .

but for the one third that remain.


32% of murder victims are family, and 51% are known to their murderers. Only 5% are some stranger shooting you.

The problem is, some person who uses a gun for sport is going to have a bad day and shoot his spouse over an argument.

Oh, here's a great local story..

Man Who Killed Wife Over Coffee Pot Fight Gets 16 Years

BARRINGTON, IL — A 69-year-old Barrington man who fatally shot his wife after a "stupid argument" over a coffee pot being left on has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. Larry Lotz was convicted in August of second-degree murder in connection with the Jan. 14, 2016, shooting of his wife, Karen Lotz.

Lake County prosecutors said Lotz shot his wife after the two got into a fight. The fight, prosecutors said, was sparked after Karen Lotz began nagging her husband for leaving the coffee maker on. In a recorded interrogation, Lotz told Barrington police officers that he tried to hide from his wife in his office above the garage, but she followed him there and unlocked the door.
Hey....dumb ass...where exactly did the shooter see Remington advertising? Did he even see any advertising for any guns? You moron........I follow guns and I have never seen any Remington advertising, you dumb ass...

Wrong, asshat.....first, link to that statistic, and second, those who kill their spouse are majority criminals as a career or lifestyle, normal people do not kill each other. The problem that we have isn't normal people who own guns for self defense, hunting and sport, but democrats who continue to let repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again who then go out and commit gun crimes and murder...that is our problem, and when you asshats focus on law abiding people, you allow the democrats to keep letting the real gun criminals out of jail and prison.

Well, let's start with the obvious, that 2/3rd of gun deaths are suicides... .

but for the one third that remain.


32% of murder victims are family, and 51% are known to their murderers. Only 5% are some stranger shooting you.

The problem is, some person who uses a gun for sport is going to have a bad day and shoot his spouse over an argument.

Oh, here's a great local story..

Man Who Killed Wife Over Coffee Pot Fight Gets 16 Years

BARRINGTON, IL — A 69-year-old Barrington man who fatally shot his wife after a "stupid argument" over a coffee pot being left on has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. Larry Lotz was convicted in August of second-degree murder in connection with the Jan. 14, 2016, shooting of his wife, Karen Lotz.

Lake County prosecutors said Lotz shot his wife after the two got into a fight. The fight, prosecutors said, was sparked after Karen Lotz began nagging her husband for leaving the coffee maker on. In a recorded interrogation, Lotz told Barrington police officers that he tried to hide from his wife in his office above the garage, but she followed him there and unlocked the door.

Moron....the "Known" category includes rival gang members who shoot gang members from other doofus......

And that story....doesn't say anything about the people involved or their history, you doofus......

In domestic murder drugs, alcohol and previous criminal activity are the problem, not the gun, you moron.

The Criminology of Firearms

In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

Why don't gun bans work? Because they rely on voluntary compliance by gun-using criminals. Prohibitionists never see this absurdity because they deceive themselves into thinking that, as Katherine Christoffel has said: "[M]ost shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for home protection."

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."


Zimring has nevertheless remained a firm advocate of gun bans. But actual research has produced an unbroken record of recantations by criminologists who once agreed with Zimring. In the late 1970's the US Department of Justice (DOJ) funded and tasked the University of Massachusetts' Social and Demographic Research Institute to review and evaluate the entire extant literature on gun control in the US and elsewhere.

The Institute's resulting report observed: "It is commonly hypothesized that much criminal violence, especially homicide, occurs simply because the means of lethal violence (firearms) are readily at hand, and, thus, that much homicide would not occur were firearms generally less available. There is no persuasive evidence that supports this view." (emphasis added)

That evaluation's authors — Professors James Wright, Peter Rossi and Kathleen Daly — subsequently published a commercial version of their report to which they added their personal recantation:

The progressive's indictment of American firearms policy is well known and is one that both the senior authors of this study once shared. This indictment includes the following particulars: (1) Guns are involved in an astonishing number of crimes in this country. (2) In other countries with stricter firearms laws and fewer guns in private hands, gun crime is rare ... (4) Many families acquire a gun because they feel the need to protect themselves; eventually, they end up shooting one another. (5) If there were fewer guns around, there would obviously be less crime ... The more deeply we explored the empirical implications of this indictment, the less plausible it has become. (emphasis, parentheses added)
Wrong, asshat.....first, link to that statistic, and second, those who kill their spouse are majority criminals as a career or lifestyle, normal people do not kill each other. The problem that we have isn't normal people who own guns for self defense, hunting and sport, but democrats who continue to let repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again who then go out and commit gun crimes and murder...that is our problem, and when you asshats focus on law abiding people, you allow the democrats to keep letting the real gun criminals out of jail and prison.

Well, let's start with the obvious, that 2/3rd of gun deaths are suicides... .

but for the one third that remain.


32% of murder victims are family, and 51% are known to their murderers. Only 5% are some stranger shooting you.

The problem is, some person who uses a gun for sport is going to have a bad day and shoot his spouse over an argument.

Oh, here's a great local story..

Man Who Killed Wife Over Coffee Pot Fight Gets 16 Years

BARRINGTON, IL — A 69-year-old Barrington man who fatally shot his wife after a "stupid argument" over a coffee pot being left on has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. Larry Lotz was convicted in August of second-degree murder in connection with the Jan. 14, 2016, shooting of his wife, Karen Lotz.

Lake County prosecutors said Lotz shot his wife after the two got into a fight. The fight, prosecutors said, was sparked after Karen Lotz began nagging her husband for leaving the coffee maker on. In a recorded interrogation, Lotz told Barrington police officers that he tried to hide from his wife in his office above the garage, but she followed him there and unlocked the door.


Public Health and Gun Control --- A Review (Part II: Gun Violence and Constitutional Issues) | Hacienda Publishing

Another favorite view of the gun control, public health establishment is the myth propounded by Dr. Mark Rosenberg, former head of the NCIPC of the CDC, who has written: "Most of the perpetrators of violence are not criminals by trade or profession. Indeed, in the area of domestic violence, most of the perpetrators are never accused of any crime. The victims and perpetrators are ourselves --- ordinary citizens, students, professionals, and even public health workers."(6)

That statement is contradicted by available data, government data. The fact is that the typical murderer has had a prior criminal history of at least six years with four felony arrests in his record before he finally commits murder.

(17) The FBI statistics reveal that 75 percent of all violent crimes for any locality are committed by six percent of hardened criminals and repeat offenders.(18)

Less than 2 percent of crimes committed with firearms are carried out by licensed (e.g., concealed carry permit holders) law-abiding citizens.(11)

Violent crimes continue to be a problem in the inner cities with gangs involved in the drug trade. Crimes in rural areas for both blacks and whites, despite the preponderance of guns in this setting, remain low.(11,19)

Gun availability does not cause crime. Prohibitionist government policies and gun control (rather than crime control) exacerbates the problem by making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, their families, and their property. In fact, there was a modest increase in both homicide and suicide after prohibition and passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968.(20)
Wrong, asshat.....first, link to that statistic, and second, those who kill their spouse are majority criminals as a career or lifestyle, normal people do not kill each other. The problem that we have isn't normal people who own guns for self defense, hunting and sport, but democrats who continue to let repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again who then go out and commit gun crimes and murder...that is our problem, and when you asshats focus on law abiding people, you allow the democrats to keep letting the real gun criminals out of jail and prison.

Well, let's start with the obvious, that 2/3rd of gun deaths are suicides... .

but for the one third that remain.


32% of murder victims are family, and 51% are known to their murderers. Only 5% are some stranger shooting you.

The problem is, some person who uses a gun for sport is going to have a bad day and shoot his spouse over an argument.

Oh, here's a great local story..

Man Who Killed Wife Over Coffee Pot Fight Gets 16 Years

BARRINGTON, IL — A 69-year-old Barrington man who fatally shot his wife after a "stupid argument" over a coffee pot being left on has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. Larry Lotz was convicted in August of second-degree murder in connection with the Jan. 14, 2016, shooting of his wife, Karen Lotz.

Lake County prosecutors said Lotz shot his wife after the two got into a fight. The fight, prosecutors said, was sparked after Karen Lotz began nagging her husband for leaving the coffee maker on. In a recorded interrogation, Lotz told Barrington police officers that he tried to hide from his wife in his office above the garage, but she followed him there and unlocked the door.


Most murder victims in big cities have criminal record - WND

A review of murder statistics across America shows that in many large cities, up to 90 percent of the victims have criminal records.
The report concludes that “of the 2011 homicide victims, 77 percent (66) had a least one prior arrest and of the known 2011 homicide suspects 90 percent (74) had at least one prior arrest.”

In early 2012, after pressure put on the police by murder victims’ families in New Orleans, the police department stopped revealing whether or not the murder victim had a prior record.


Though data is no longer published in Baltimore, USA Today reported in 2007 that 91 percent of the then-205 murder victims in the city between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2007, had criminal records.
Wrong, asshat.....first, link to that statistic, and second, those who kill their spouse are majority criminals as a career or lifestyle, normal people do not kill each other. The problem that we have isn't normal people who own guns for self defense, hunting and sport, but democrats who continue to let repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again who then go out and commit gun crimes and murder...that is our problem, and when you asshats focus on law abiding people, you allow the democrats to keep letting the real gun criminals out of jail and prison.

Well, let's start with the obvious, that 2/3rd of gun deaths are suicides... .

but for the one third that remain.


32% of murder victims are family, and 51% are known to their murderers. Only 5% are some stranger shooting you.

The problem is, some person who uses a gun for sport is going to have a bad day and shoot his spouse over an argument.

Oh, here's a great local story..

Man Who Killed Wife Over Coffee Pot Fight Gets 16 Years

BARRINGTON, IL — A 69-year-old Barrington man who fatally shot his wife after a "stupid argument" over a coffee pot being left on has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. Larry Lotz was convicted in August of second-degree murder in connection with the Jan. 14, 2016, shooting of his wife, Karen Lotz.

Lake County prosecutors said Lotz shot his wife after the two got into a fight. The fight, prosecutors said, was sparked after Karen Lotz began nagging her husband for leaving the coffee maker on. In a recorded interrogation, Lotz told Barrington police officers that he tried to hide from his wife in his office above the garage, but she followed him there and unlocked the door. have no idea what you are talking about...

Public Health Pot Shots

this article goes at kellerman extensively and his crap research.....and here is some work on who actually kills people...

These and other studies funded by the CDC focus on the presence or absence of guns, rather than the characteristics of the people who use them. Indeed, the CDC's Rosenberg claims in the journalEducational Horizons that murderers are "ourselves--ordinary citizens, professionals, even health care workers": people who kill only because a gun happens to be available. Yet if there is one fact that has been incontestably established by homicide studies, it's that murderers are not ordinary gun owners but extreme aberrants whose life histories include drug abuse, serious accidents, felonies, and irrational violence.

Unlike "ourselves," roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have significant criminal records, averaging an adult criminal career of six or more years with four major felonies.

Access to juvenile records would almost certainly show that the criminal careers of murderers stretch back into their adolescence. In Murder in America (1994), the criminologists Ronald W. Holmes and Stephen T. Holmes report that murderers generally "have histories of committing personal violence in childhood, against other children, siblings, and small animals." Murderers who don't have criminal records usually have histories of psychiatric treatment or domestic violence that did not lead to arrest.

Contrary to the impression fostered by Rosenberg and other opponents of gun ownership, the term "acquaintance homicide" does not mean killings that stem from ordinary family or neighborhood arguments. Typical acquaintance homicides include: an abusive man eventually killing a woman he has repeatedly assaulted; a drug user killing a dealer (or vice versa) in a robbery attempt; and gang members, drug dealers, and other criminals killing each other for reasons of economic rivalry or personal pique.

According to a 1993 article in the Journal of Trauma, 80 percent of murders in Washington, D.C., are related to the drug trade, while "84% of [Philadelphia murder] victims in 1990 had antemortem drug use or criminal history."

A 1994 article in The New England Journal of Medicinereported that 71 percent of Los Angeles children and adolescents injured in drive-by shootings "were documented members of violent street gangs." And University of North Carolina-Charlotte criminal justice scholars Richard Lumb and Paul C. Friday report that 71 percent of adult gunshot wound victims in Charlotte have criminal records.

-------As the English gun control analyst Colin Greenwood has noted, in any society there are always enough guns available, legally or illegally, to arm the violent. The true determinant of violence is the number of violent people, not the availability of a particular weapon. Guns contribute to murder in the trivial sense that they help violent people kill. But owning guns does not turn responsible, law-abiding people into killers. If the general availability of guns were as important a factor in violence as the CDC implies, the vast increase in firearm ownership during the past two decades should have led to a vast increase in homicide. The CDC suggested just that in a 1989 report to Congress, where it asserted that "ince the early 1970s the year-to-year fluctuations in firearm availability has [sic] paralleled the numbers of homicides."
As I have said before about the mutterings of this august body, the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court should be treated the same way Red and Green lights are treated in merely a suggestion.

There is no valid lawsuit against the gun manufacturers.

26 Families in Sandy Hook would disagree.

Slap those autopsy and crime scene photos down in front of a jury, let's see how it plays.

You focus on the guns, not the democrats who let known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of prison over and over again....these are the actual gun killers racking up 10,265 deaths a year....after they have already been captured for previous felonies and gun offenses...then your asshats let them out on bond and out of prison with insanely light prison sentences.....that is our problem......not mass public shootings.

Again, we already lock up 2 million people.... locking people up isn't a deterrent..

Funny thing. Japan only locks up 69,000 people out of a population of 120 million. Beccause they can't get guns, they don't have to worry about these things.

Oh, wait. Someone threw a grenade 10 years ago... you go with that.

Japanese crime stats have more to do with Japanese culture. Are you saying you wish to adapt the American Culture to more closely resemble the Japanese Gaijin?
Moron....the "Known" category includes rival gang members who shoot gang members from other doofus......

And that story....doesn't say anything about the people involved or their history, you doofus......

Actually, they sounded like an old retired couple... and they live in Barrington. Even I'm barely white enough to live in Barrington.

In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

You can always tell when DickTiny is stuck, it's when he starts spooging the thread with NRA Propaganda.

Let's actually TRY gun restrictions before we say how they work.

Because every other industrialized country did that and they work, just fine. have no idea what you are talking about...

Public Health Pot Shots

this article goes at kellerman extensively and his crap research.....and here is some work on who actually kills people...

I didn't even bring up Kellerman and how you are 43 times more likely to be killed by a gun in your home than to kill a bad guy with that gun.

But it still is there. A gun in the home is more dangerous than you than the bad guys...
Japanese crime stats have more to do with Japanese culture. Are you saying you wish to adapt the American Culture to more closely resemble the Japanese Gaijin?

I'd love us to be more like Japan..


But anyway... um, no, the thing is, Japan has the good sense to not let average citizens have guns.. because they don't need them.

So while we have 14,500 gun homicides a year, they have... four.
Japanese crime stats have more to do with Japanese culture. Are you saying you wish to adapt the American Culture to more closely resemble the Japanese Gaijin?

I'd love us to be more like Japan..


But anyway... um, no, the thing is, Japan has the good sense to not let average citizens have guns.. because they don't need them.

So while we have 14,500 gun homicides a year, they have... four.

it is not the absence of guns that has led to the low crime rate. It is the cultural norm. Obedience. Subservience. Arriving at work two hours early and staying late off the clock is the norm. Shame is real. And used. To insure that people comply with the norms.

Use your Mobile Phone on a train. Many people will come forward to tell you to stop as one example.

The attitude towards those who commit a crime is not the same either. It is not that Johnny made a mistake. Johnny did not fall in with a bad crowd. Johnny shamed the entire family. The entire family deals with Johnny being bad.

And tolerance for Homosexuality is not what the official line will say.

t is not the absence of guns that leads to the low level of incarceration. It is the cultural standards. You can not simply pick out one thing and announce this is the key. It is a much bigger picture. The long history of restricting weapons from the peasants goes back to the Shogunate. When a peasant even touching a weapon was the cause for immediate death.

You can not just pick one thing. You want to be like Japan you need to take it all. Because like any item which requires assembly, you need all the parts to make it work. Not just a few.
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