Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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The manufacturer's rules pertain only to how to sell the product to garner sales. It is not within the purview of the manufacturer to dictate who to sell to anyway. That responsibility falls to the state or federal government. It is understood by both the seller and the manufacturer that the seller will abide by state and federal law and conduct the proper background checks and whatnot. Once again, point not made.

Your opinion on the culpability of the manufacturer is irrelevant. The law is the law and by law, only the dealer is ultimately responsible to sell the product responsibly direct to the customer.

One more time- when you put a military grade weapon on the civilian market and link it's ownership to "Manliness", you are making a statement about the kind of person you want to get it.

The AR-15 is not military grade, it only looks like it is. That's why people buy them. Also, they can market the damn thing any way they want, provided it's not false advertising.

The AR-15 is no different from any other semiautomatic rifle such as .22s, M1As, M14s and the like. Each of these rifles can fire just as fast and do just as much damage, if not more, as the AR. But they don't look like military weapons so you ignore them.

When you are selling not a hunting weapons but a military weapon based on the fears of a Nancy Lanza (who again, was nuts) you are making a decision.

Nuts or no, Nancy Lanza's not the one who killed people with it.

You make much of Nancy Lanza's supposed craziness and you've vilified everyone except the one person who pulled the trigger. Why is that? Why do you have this irrational need to condemn the entire village for the acts of the town drunk? It's what you did with rich people, you did it with Sandmann and Catholics and you're doing it now.

The Jury will look at those crime scene photos, and that will be pretty much the end of that case. Personally, I wish every time an NRA stooge gets on TV, they split screen him with those crime scene photos...

Of course you do.

I had to tell you twice that I don't own a Bible because you don't pay attention to what you read and you have this insane mantra repeating in your head: "Bibles, guns, queers and darkies. Bibles, guns, queers and darkies. Bibles, guns...". So forgive me if I don't respond to this idiocy.

Whatever, I've made my point.

Um, no, you haven't. The only point you've made is that you hate rich people so much you'll blame them for anything and everything.

Without fear, the GOP would have nothing.

Look who's talking. You're afraid of a gun that just looks like a military weapon.

This from a guy who blames entire groups of people for the acts of a few. You peddle so much fear and hate that the KKK would probably love to hire you for public relations and propaganda. You're a hate group all by yourself.

Given your hatred of Catholics, I'd say you're the one with religious fears.

Yes, I do worry you guys will try to impose a theocracy on the rest of us....

Who's "you guys"? As I told you twice already, I'm an atheist. The last thing I want is a theocracy. Just can't let that narrative go, can you?

like when Mike Pence threw that poor Indian woman in prison after she had a miscarriage.

She had the miscarriage because she tried to abort her own child. Dumbass.

Isn't that precisely what pro-gun control advocates are after? I don't know what Obama had to say on the matter but it's well known by everyone that candidates like O'Rourke want to take AR-15 type firearms. And you and I both know that if that happens, handguns are next; "Well, we've come this far, might as well take the next step." Once they get their foot in the door they won't stop. You know this as well as I do.

You talk like this is a bad thing. I can't think of a good reason why your average citizen should own a gun, must less one like the AR-15, which was designed for battlefields.

No one asked you to come up with a reason so, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
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The AR-15 is not military grade, it only looks like it is. That's why people buy them. Also, they can market the damn thing any way they want, provided it's not false advertising.

The AR-15 is no different from any other semiautomatic rifle such as .22s, M1As, M14s and the like. Each of these rifles can fire just as fast and do just as much damage, if not more, as the AR. But they don't look like military weapons so you ignore them.

Dude, it's the same weapon as the M16 with a stop to keep it firing full auto. Same ammo, same range, same firepower.

When you are selling not a hunting weapons but a military weapon based on the fears of a Nancy Lanza (who again, was nuts) you are making a decision.

Nuts or no, Nancy Lanza's not the one who killed people with it.

You make much of Nancy Lanza's supposed craziness and you've vilified everyone except the one person who pulled the trigger. Why is that? Why do you have this irrational need to condemn the entire village for the acts of the town drunk? It's what you did with rich people, you did it with Sandmann and Catholics and you're doing it now.

Sandmann is a little smirking Catholic Bastard. If I disrespected a vet the way he did, my WWII vet Dad would have slapped my ass into a new zip code.

$6000 a year apparently doesn't buy good manners when it comes to promoting your whacko religious agenda.

But back to the point about Crazy Nancy. She gave him birth. She raised him. She exposed him to daily crazy, showed him how to use guns, let him play violent video games all day... and then surprise, surprise, he turned out to be what she spent 20 years making.

Look who's talking. You're afraid of a gun that just looks like a military weapon.

I carried an M16 for 11 years... not afraid of it. I'm afraid of people like Adam Lanza having access to them.

This from a guy who blames entire groups of people for the acts of a few. You peddle so much fear and hate that the KKK would probably love to hire you for public relations and propaganda. You're a hate group all by yourself.

The rich have shown they are good with killing the whole fucking planet as long as they can make a short term profit. I consider hate for them to be a survival instinct.

She had the miscarriage because she tried to abort her own child. Dumbass.

Which she had every legal right to do. Pence and the religious nutters tried to make it a crime.

No one asked you to come up with a reason so, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Doesn't matter. You guys could tighten up who has guns and keep them out of the hands of the crazies, you just refuse to do so.
Um, no, you haven't. The only point you've made is that you hate rich people so much you'll blame them for anything and everything.
This from a guy who blames entire groups of people for the acts of a few. You peddle so much fear and hate that the KKK would probably love to hire you for public relations and propaganda. You're a hate group all by yourself.

It's like I said before.

We've only directly heard bits and pieces of his side of he story, but it's clear enough where JoeB131 is coming from. He thinks someone who's wealthy wronged him, so he hates all wealthy people. He thinks a Catholic wronged him, so he hates all Catholics. He thinks a Mormon wronged him, so he hates all Mormons. He thinks a conservative wronged him, so he hates all conservatives.

Pretty much, he hates all of humanity, because he perceives that some small subset of humanity has wronged him. He's wallowed so deeply in it, that hatred and evil and madness are all that he knows.

I have no doubt that if we knew the whole story, we'd see that whatever wrongs he thinks he's suffered have been the result of his own bad choices, but the idea of taking responsibility for himself is anathema to him.

The sort of stuff we hear from him is no different from what I have heard from a few other people, to which I've had the misfortune of being close enough to have a better view of their true situations, and of their own role in creating the problems for themselves that they blame on others.
The AR-15 is not military grade, it only looks like it is. That's why people buy them. Also, they can market the damn thing any way they want, provided it's not false advertising.

The AR-15 is no different from any other semiautomatic rifle such as .22s, M1As, M14s and the like. Each of these rifles can fire just as fast and do just as much damage, if not more, as the AR. But they don't look like military weapons so you ignore them.

Dude, it's the same weapon as the M16 with a stop to keep it firing full auto. Same ammo, same range, same firepower.

But not the same fire rate. The fire rate of an AR-15 is no faster than a Berretta 9mm pistol.

When you are selling not a hunting weapons but a military weapon based on the fears of a Nancy Lanza (who again, was nuts) you are making a decision.

Nuts or no, Nancy Lanza's not the one who killed people with it.

You make much of Nancy Lanza's supposed craziness and you've vilified everyone except the one person who pulled the trigger. Why is that? Why do you have this irrational need to condemn the entire village for the acts of the town drunk? It's what you did with rich people, you did it with Sandmann and Catholics and you're doing it now.

Sandmann is a little smirking Catholic Bastard. If I disrespected a vet the way he did, my WWII vet Dad would have slapped my ass into a new zip code.

$6000 a year apparently doesn't buy good manners when it comes to promoting your whacko religious agenda.

So what is it you hate the most about Sandmann: Being white? Being Catholic? Being conservative? Being pro-life? Being affluent? Or all of the above? I just don't buy that a smirk alone - especially when Phillips is the one who approached him in the first place - brought on this level of contempt.

But back to the point about Crazy Nancy. She gave him birth. She raised him. She exposed him to daily crazy, showed him how to use guns, let him play violent video games all day... and then surprise, surprise, he turned out to be what she spent 20 years making.

Blah blah blah. You have no fucking clue what went on in that house between them.

Look who's talking. You're afraid of a gun that just looks like a military weapon.

I carried an M16 for 11 years... not afraid of it. I'm afraid of people like Adam Lanza having access to them.

I'm afraid of certain people having driver's licenses. So what?

This from a guy who blames entire groups of people for the acts of a few. You peddle so much fear and hate that the KKK would probably love to hire you for public relations and propaganda. You're a hate group all by yourself.

The rich have shown they are good with killing the whole fucking planet as long as they can make a short term profit. I consider hate for them to be a survival instinct.

Is hating Catholic kids a survival tool?

She had the miscarriage because she tried to abort her own child. Dumbass.

Which she had every legal right to do. Pence and the religious nutters tried to make it a crime.

And Lanza had every legal right to own an AR-15. You and the other anti-gun nutters are trying to make it a crime.

No one asked you to come up with a reason so, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Doesn't matter. You guys could tighten up who has guns and keep them out of the hands of the crazies, you just refuse to do so.

And you could tighten up and recognize people are responsible for their own actions but you refuse to do so.
This manufacturer deliberately marketed a product that was dangerous when used as intended.

What it's intended for is irrelevant. Until someone uses it to kill, it won't kill anyone. The atom bomb was made to kill people but it hasn't killed anyone in seventy four years.

The violence implied in its marketing campaign serves to highlight this fact.

These kinds of firearms are marketed to men who think it makes them more of a man. That's it.

This lawsuit aside, it is a fact that there is no legitimate use of this product.

If it's legitimate - and it is - then someone has a use for it.

You and people like you don't have a problem with the gun, you have a problem with the type of people who buy them.

A product is judged by analysis of whether it is safe when it is used for its intended purpose. The high degree of danger to the public posed by this product far outweighs the supposed importance of catering to the sexual "needs" of a small number of people with psychological problems.
The point is this: laws ‘banning’ AR 15s simply won’t work; just as useless is the notion of ‘mandatory buy backs’ – such measures are fundamentally bad law, represent unwarranted government excess and overreach, and are likely un-Constitutional.

The use of tort law is also misguided; even if the suit against Remington is successful, it won’t do anything to eliminate rifles and carbines already in possession of gunowners, and other manufacturers will continue to sell AR 15s.

This doesn’t mean we’re helpless to address the problem of gun crime and violence, it’s simply a matter of fact that ‘banning’ or ‘confiscating’ AR 15s is not a solution.
It's like I said before.

We've only directly heard bits and pieces of his side of he story, but it's clear enough where JoeB131 is coming from. He thinks someone who's wealthy wronged him, so he hates all wealthy people. He thinks a Catholic wronged him, so he hates all Catholics. He thinks a Mormon wronged him, so he hates all Mormons. He thinks a conservative wronged him, so he hates all conservatives.

I do love how I live in your head, Mormon Bob, but you have it all wrong.

Naw, some Mormons did wrong me, but that's fine.... I really didn't know much about your fucked up cult and the fucked up things they believe and their fucked up history of child abuse. When I found out, though, it explained why those guys had no moral core.

As for Catholics, I grew up Catholic. I saw all the fucked up hypocrisy throughout my childhood. You know, how the Bible says "No Graven Images" and they have Churches full of statues to their imaginary saints. Also, all the priests were as creepy as hell and you never wanted to be in a room alone with one.

I have no doubt that if we knew the whole story, we'd see that whatever wrongs he thinks he's suffered have been the result of his own bad choices, but the idea of taking responsibility for himself is anathema to him.

No, guy. You see, the thing is, you assume that there must be "more to the story" because I hurt your wittle feelings pointing out stuff about your cult you don't like. You really don't ever dispute things I say about your fucked up little cult. I mean, you get angry when I point out that Joseph Smith fucked more children than Roman Polanski did, but you can't really dispute it.
But not the same fire rate. The fire rate of an AR-15 is no faster than a Berretta 9mm pistol.

It's fire rate was fast enough where Adam Lanza could slaughter 26 people in less than a few minutes.

So what is it you hate the most about Sandmann: Being white? Being Catholic? Being conservative? Being pro-life? Being affluent? Or all of the above? I just don't buy that a smirk alone - especially when Phillips is the one who approached him in the first place - brought on this level of contempt.

Well, yeah, being smirking little bastard who disrespected a vet and wants to impose draconian rules on women.. that makes him worthy of contempt. But instead of actually owning up and saying, "Yeah, my behavior was bad", his douchebag parents immediately hired PR people and lawyers to make him look like the victim. Punk.

Blah blah blah. You have no fucking clue what went on in that house between them.

Um, yeah, we know quite a lot about what was going on in that house, from her Ex, from neighbors, etc.

Is hating Catholic kids a survival tool?

When the smirking little bastards want to impose theocracy on us, yeah! You see, again, the Rich couldn't pull off what they pull off without the dumb assholes who want to impose their backwards superstition on the rest of us.

And Lanza had every legal right to own an AR-15. You and the other anti-gun nutters are trying to make it a crime.

Yes, I want to make it a crime to own a weapon of mass killing.

And you could tighten up and recognize people are responsible for their own actions but you refuse to do so.

Actually, I doubt Adam would have been found guilty had he lived. He was so mentally retarded he might have gotten off on a diminished capacity defense. The fact that he had access to this weapon (thanks to Crazy Mom) was the problem.

More to the point, I look at what we all have to put up with because of your Gun Fetish. Active Shooter Drills. Metal Detectors. Trigger happy Cops armed like soldiers. Kids having to have clear backpacks to go to school to make sure little Timmy isn't packing. 270 BILLION in economic losses every year. 33,000 deaths. 70,000 injuries.
The manufacturer's rules pertain only to how to sell the product to garner sales. It is not within the purview of the manufacturer to dictate who to sell to anyway. That responsibility falls to the state or federal government. It is understood by both the seller and the manufacturer that the seller will abide by state and federal law and conduct the proper background checks and whatnot. Once again, point not made.

Your opinion on the culpability of the manufacturer is irrelevant. The law is the law and by law, only the dealer is ultimately responsible to sell the product responsibly direct to the customer.

One more time- when you put a military grade weapon on the civilian market and link it's ownership to "Manliness", you are making a statement about the kind of person you want to get it. When you are selling not a hunting weapons but a military weapon based on the fears of a Nancy Lanza (who again, was nuts) you are making a decision.

The Jury will look at those crime scene photos, and that will be pretty much the end of that case. Personally, I wish every time an NRA stooge gets on TV, they split screen him with those crime scene photos...

I had to tell you twice that I don't own a Bible because you don't pay attention to what you read and you have this insane mantra repeating in your head: "Bibles, guns, queers and darkies. Bibles, guns, queers and darkies. Bibles, guns...". So forgive me if I don't respond to this idiocy.

Whatever, I've made my point. Without fear, the GOP would have nothing.

Given your hatred of Catholics, I'd say you're the one with religious fears.

Yes, I do worry you guys will try to impose a theocracy on the rest of us.... like when Mike Pence threw that poor Indian woman in prison after she had a miscarriage.

Isn't that precisely what pro-gun control advocates are after? I don't know what Obama had to say on the matter but it's well known by everyone that candidates like O'Rourke want to take AR-15 type firearms. And you and I both know that if that happens, handguns are next; "Well, we've come this far, might as well take the next step." Once they get their foot in the door they won't stop. You know this as well as I do.

You talk like this is a bad thing. I can't think of a good reason why your average citizen should own a gun, must less one like the AR-15, which was designed for battlefields.

One more time the AR-15 is not a military grade, military anything, weapon. It is no different from any other civilian, semi-automatic rifle.

Yes..... playing on the emotions of a jury to get a payout from someone who did not commit a crime is a classic trick of shysters around the country.
But not the same fire rate. The fire rate of an AR-15 is no faster than a Berretta 9mm pistol.

It's fire rate was fast enough where Adam Lanza could slaughter 26 people in less than a few minutes.

So what is it you hate the most about Sandmann: Being white? Being Catholic? Being conservative? Being pro-life? Being affluent? Or all of the above? I just don't buy that a smirk alone - especially when Phillips is the one who approached him in the first place - brought on this level of contempt.

Well, yeah, being smirking little bastard who disrespected a vet and wants to impose draconian rules on women.. that makes him worthy of contempt. But instead of actually owning up and saying, "Yeah, my behavior was bad", his douchebag parents immediately hired PR people and lawyers to make him look like the victim. Punk.

Blah blah blah. You have no fucking clue what went on in that house between them.

Um, yeah, we know quite a lot about what was going on in that house, from her Ex, from neighbors, etc.

Is hating Catholic kids a survival tool?

When the smirking little bastards want to impose theocracy on us, yeah! You see, again, the Rich couldn't pull off what they pull off without the dumb assholes who want to impose their backwards superstition on the rest of us.

And Lanza had every legal right to own an AR-15. You and the other anti-gun nutters are trying to make it a crime.

Yes, I want to make it a crime to own a weapon of mass killing.

And you could tighten up and recognize people are responsible for their own actions but you refuse to do so.

Actually, I doubt Adam would have been found guilty had he lived. He was so mentally retarded he might have gotten off on a diminished capacity defense. The fact that he had access to this weapon (thanks to Crazy Mom) was the problem.

More to the point, I look at what we all have to put up with because of your Gun Fetish. Active Shooter Drills. Metal Detectors. Trigger happy Cops armed like soldiers. Kids having to have clear backpacks to go to school to make sure little Timmy isn't packing. 270 BILLION in economic losses every year. 33,000 deaths. 70,000 injuries.

Number of people in the country.....over 320 million people.

Number of AR-15 rifles in the country in private hands..... over 18 million.

Number of mass public shootings in 2018...... 12. Total killed....93. Number killed with AR-15 rifles in mass public shootings, under 39.

Total killed by cars in 2017..... over 38,000.

Total killed by knives in 2018.... 1,515.

Total killed by clubs.... 443

And you include suicides in your number because if you don't, you can't get a number high enough to make people even think about caring.......

actual number of gun murder in 2018.... 10,265.....the majority of these victims are criminals not normal people.

Suicide by gun in 2017? Over 20,000.

Meanwhile.....Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives......according to the Centers for Disease Control......

And the lives saved? And the money saved? By armed citizens?

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.


Annual Defensive Gun Use Savings Dwarf Study's "Gun Violence" Costs - The Truth About Guns

I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.
It’s one of the antis’ favorite tricks: cost benefit analysis omitting the benefit side of the equation. So what are the financial benefits of firearm ownership to society? Read on . . .
In my post Dennis Henigan on Chardon: Clockwork Edition, I did an analysis of how many lives were saved annually in Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs). I used extremely conservative numbers. Now I am going to use some less conservative ones.
How can we get a dollar figure from 1.88 million defensive gun uses per year? Never fear, faithful reader, we can count on the .gov to calculate everything.
According to the AZ state government, in February of 2008 a human life was worth $6.5 million. Going to the Inflation Calculator and punching in the numbers gives us a present value of $6.93 million.
So figuring that the average DGU saves one half of a person’s life—as “gun violence” predominantly affects younger demographics—that gives us $3.465 million per half life.
Putting this all together, we find that the monetary benefit of guns (by way of DGUs) is roughly $1.02 trillion per year. That’s trillion. With a ‘T’.
I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.
When compared to the (inflation adjusted from 2002) $127.5 billion ‘cost’ of gun violence calculated by by our Ludwig-Cook buddies, guns save a little more than eight times what they “cost.”
Which, I might add, is completely irrelevant since “the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil, and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility.”
So even taking Motherboard’s own total and multiplying it by 100, the benefits to society of civilian gun ownership dwarf the associated costs.

No, guy. You see, the thing is, you assume that there must be "more to the story" because I hurt your wittle feelings pointing out stuff about your cult you don't like. You really don't ever dispute things I say about your fucked up little cult. I mean, you get angry when I point out that Joseph Smith fucked more children than Roman Polanski did, but you can't really dispute it.

Among all your other issues, you have a rather extreme, extravagantly-exaggerated sense of your own significance. You somehow imagine that by repeatedly reciting a few absurd lies, that no sane person will ever believe, that you can hurt me or make me angry.

You have no idea just how pathetic and insignificant you are, have always been, and will always be.

“Thou hast not half the power to do me harm
As I have to be hurt. O gull! O dolt
As ignorant as dirt! thou hast done a deed…“

—Shakespeare - Othello
I can't read his drivel anymore. Might as well have a parrot in a cage.
But not the same fire rate. The fire rate of an AR-15 is no faster than a Berretta 9mm pistol.

It's fire rate was fast enough where Adam Lanza could slaughter 26 people in less than a few minutes.

It’s still no faster than a Berretta.

So what is it you hate the most about Sandmann: Being white? Being Catholic? Being conservative? Being pro-life? Being affluent? Or all of the above? I just don't buy that a smirk alone - especially when Phillips is the one who approached him in the first place - brought on this level of contempt.

Well, yeah, being smirking little bastard who disrespected a vet and wants to impose draconian rules on women.. that makes him worthy of contempt. But instead of actually owning up and saying, "Yeah, my behavior was bad", his douchebag parents immediately hired PR people and lawyers to make him look like the victim. Punk.

First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Blah blah blah. You have no fucking clue what went on in that house between them.

Um, yeah, we know quite a lot about what was going on in that house, from her Ex, from neighbors, etc.

Maybe they do and maybe they don’t. But YOU don’t know and in any case, you’re biased because he did what he did with an AR-15.

Is hating Catholic kids a survival tool?

When the smirking little bastards want to impose theocracy on us, yeah! You see, again, the Rich couldn't pull off what they pull off without the dumb assholes who want to impose their backwards superstition on the rest of us.

Just how many smirking Catholics bastards are there?

And Lanza had every legal right to own an AR-15. You and the other anti-gun nutters are trying to make it a crime.

Yes, I want to make it a crime to own a weapon of mass killing.

And Pence wants to make it a crime to kill your own child. So what?

And you could tighten up and recognize people are responsible for their own actions but you refuse to do so.

Actually, I doubt Adam would have been found guilty had he lived. He was so mentally retarded he might have gotten off on a diminished capacity defense. The fact that he had access to this weapon (thanks to Crazy Mom) was the problem.

Get back to me when you properly blame Phillips for initiating the confrontation with Sandmann.

More to the point, I look at what we all have to put up with because of your Gun Fetish. Active Shooter Drills. Metal Detectors. Trigger happy Cops armed like soldiers. Kids having to have clear backpacks to go to school to make sure little Timmy isn't packing. 270 BILLION in economic losses every year. 33,000 deaths. 70,000 injuries.

I don’t own an AR-15 and I have one handgun and three hunting rifles that I haven’t used in about thirteen years. Hardly a fetish.

Your motor vehicle fetish does more damage and takes far more lives.
Well, yeah, being smirking little bastard who disrespected a vet and wants to impose draconian rules on women.. that makes him worthy of contempt.

First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?
But not the same fire rate. The fire rate of an AR-15 is no faster than a Berretta 9mm pistol.

It's fire rate was fast enough where Adam Lanza could slaughter 26 people in less than a few minutes.

So what is it you hate the most about Sandmann: Being white? Being Catholic? Being conservative? Being pro-life? Being affluent? Or all of the above? I just don't buy that a smirk alone - especially when Phillips is the one who approached him in the first place - brought on this level of contempt.

Well, yeah, being smirking little bastard who disrespected a vet and wants to impose draconian rules on women.. that makes him worthy of contempt. But instead of actually owning up and saying, "Yeah, my behavior was bad", his douchebag parents immediately hired PR people and lawyers to make him look like the victim. Punk.

Blah blah blah. You have no fucking clue what went on in that house between them.

Um, yeah, we know quite a lot about what was going on in that house, from her Ex, from neighbors, etc.

Is hating Catholic kids a survival tool?

When the smirking little bastards want to impose theocracy on us, yeah! You see, again, the Rich couldn't pull off what they pull off without the dumb assholes who want to impose their backwards superstition on the rest of us.

And Lanza had every legal right to own an AR-15. You and the other anti-gun nutters are trying to make it a crime.

Yes, I want to make it a crime to own a weapon of mass killing.

And you could tighten up and recognize people are responsible for their own actions but you refuse to do so.

Actually, I doubt Adam would have been found guilty had he lived. He was so mentally retarded he might have gotten off on a diminished capacity defense. The fact that he had access to this weapon (thanks to Crazy Mom) was the problem.

More to the point, I look at what we all have to put up with because of your Gun Fetish. Active Shooter Drills. Metal Detectors. Trigger happy Cops armed like soldiers. Kids having to have clear backpacks to go to school to make sure little Timmy isn't packing. 270 BILLION in economic losses every year. 33,000 deaths. 70,000 injuries.

It's fire rate was fast enough where Adam Lanza could slaughter 26 people in less than a few minutes.

Moron, he picked the smallest children as targets so he could have used a bolt action rifle and killed just as many children.... he could have used a pump action shotgun you moron...

The shooter at the Russian Polytechnik school shooting used a pump action, 5 shot, tube fed shotgun to kill 20 adults and injure 40 this same gun would have been able to kill even more helpless moron.
Well, yeah, being smirking little bastard who disrespected a vet and wants to impose draconian rules on women.. that makes him worthy of contempt.

First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?

I think he implied that he was a Vietnam vet. He served at that time but never went there.
Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?

I think he implied that he was a Vietnam vet. He served at that time but never went there.

Here we go…

In reality, Phillips served from June 1972 to May 1976 in the Marine Corps Reserve, a service spokeswoman, Yvonne Carlock, said Wednesday. He spent much of his enlistment in California, did not deploy and left the service as a private after disciplinary issues. From October 1972 to February 1973, he was classified as an antitank missileman, a kind of infantryman, Carlock said. He then became a refrigerator technician for the majority of his service.

So he never went to war, never went to Vietnam, served as a refrigerator repairman, until he was kicked out after four years, for disciplinary reasons. Never achieved any higher rank than Private.
Among all your other issues, you have a rather extreme, extravagantly-exaggerated sense of your own significance. You somehow imagine that by repeatedly reciting a few absurd lies, that no sane person will ever believe, that you can hurt me or make me angry.

Dude, you come pre-angry... the world rejects your superstitions, and you are clearly angry about it.

But I do enjoy living in your head, rent free... you can always find lots of space in a Mormon's head, the Brainwashing scrubs out everything.
Here we go…

In reality, Phillips served from June 1972 to May 1976 in the Marine Corps Reserve, a service spokeswoman, Yvonne Carlock, said Wednesday. He spent much of his enlistment in California, did not deploy and left the service as a private after disciplinary issues. From October 1972 to February 1973, he was classified as an antitank missileman, a kind of infantryman, Carlock said. He then became a refrigerator technician for the majority of his service.
So he never went to war, never went to Vietnam, served as a refrigerator repairman, until he was kicked out after four years, for disciplinary reasons. Never achieved any higher rank than Private.

And.... so what? Here's the thing. He was drafted by a country that essentially put his people in a concentration camp, and still served.

Meanwhile, all the fat, affluent rich kids like Cheney, Limbaugh, Bush, Quayle, Trump found ways to avoid military service.

YOu see, I have this great plan for peace. We have a universal draft, no exceptions... And then we take the children of the rich and the politicians and put them in an elite airborne unit that is the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.
First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Yes, how dare that darkie walk towards a privileged white LCB!!! Doesn't he know his place.

I saw the video. WHat I saw was a smirking little Catholic bastard disrespecting a vet.

Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?

Nope... he had a DD214. That makes him a vet.

And Pence wants to make it a crime to kill your own child. So what?

fetuses aren't children.... Once we start giving civil rights to spooge, we are going to have all sorts of problems.

Essentially, a non-viable fetus will have more rights than the woman it is inside.

Get back to me when you properly blame Phillips for initiating the confrontation with Sandmann.

Philip's Group had reserved the area for their event. The LCB's walked over from their event, (where they were bravely telling women what to do with their own bodies) and started harrassing them.

Maybe they do and maybe they don’t. But YOU don’t know and in any case, you’re biased because he did what he did with an AR-15.

Hey. let's take your logic to it's extreme. I personally didn't witness World War II. Therefore, it must not have happened. I mean, just because I heard about it from other people who were there didn't mean it happened.

We had a boatload of witnesses that saw Crazy Nancy's behavior, and worse, her teaching her kid to be what he became.
First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Yes, how dare that darkie walk towards a privileged white LCB!!! Doesn't he know his place.

“Darkies” have nothing to do with this.

I saw the video. WHat I saw was a smirking little Catholic bastard disrespecting a vet.

1.) Sandmann didn’t know phillips was a vet and had no way of knowing. You know this.
2.) Being a vet doesn’t give you license to get in someone’s face unprovoked.
3.) Sandmann wasn’t smirking (smiling) until Phillips got in his face.

Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?

Nope... he had a DD214. That makes him a vet.

Did Phillips present his DD214 to Sandmann so that Sandmann would know that Phillips had the right to beat his drum in his face?

And Pence wants to make it a crime to kill your own child. So what?

fetuses aren't children.... Once we start giving civil rights to spooge, we are going to have all sorts of problems.

Don’t we have all sorts of problems already?

Essentially, a non-viable fetus will have more rights than the woman it is inside.

Phillips and Sandmann were both “non-viable” fetuses at one time. Then they were both born and now Phillips has the right to get in someone’s face unprovoked but Sandmann doesn’t have right to smile about it.

Get back to me when you properly blame Phillips for initiating the confrontation with Sandmann.

Philip's Group had reserved the area for their event. The LCB's walked over from their event, (where they were bravely telling women what to do with their own bodies) and started harrassing them.

1) Some of the Covington kids (Sandmann wasn’t even with this group) wandered over to hear what the Black Israelites were ranting about and never even interacted with Phillips and his group.
2) The Covington group that had wandered over had already returned to the main group when Phillips approached them.
3) No one has suggested Phillips and his group had no right to be there.
4) The Covington kids were saying nothing about abortion. They went to their pro-life seminar and had come back to wait for their bus. Having seen the video, you know this too which makes you a liar.
5) The reason for the Covington kids being in D.C. is irrelevant.

Maybe they do and maybe they don’t. But YOU don’t know and in any case, you’re biased because he did what he did with an AR-15.

Hey. let's take your logic to it's extreme. I personally didn't witness World War II. Therefore, it must not have happened. I mean, just because I heard about it from other people who were there didn't mean it happened.

You’ve heard from people that were at the Lincoln memorial and personally watched the video that clearly showed Phillips approaching and initiating the confrontation with Sandmann but you chose to ignore all of it. So no, I’m not buying your interpretation of the Lanzas’ relationship.

We had a boatload of witnesses that saw Crazy Nancy's behavior, and worse, her teaching her kid to be what he became.

You’ve proven yourself incapable or unwilling to interpret videos accurately so I am viewing pretty much everything you have to say on the matter with a healthy dose of skepticism.
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