Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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This manufacturer deliberately marketed a product that was dangerous when used as intended. The violence implied in its marketing campaign serves to highlight this fact.

This lawsuit aside, it is a fact that there is no legitimate use of this product.

"...marketed a product that was dangerous ..."

Even a product such as one you are in dire need of, an encyclopedia,could be dangerous if it fell on you, you dunce.

There are only three possible reasons to sue a manufacturer.....

design flaw, but guns work as designed...

production flaw, ....put together wrong, or broken....also not the case

or marketing flaw...a claim that it does something that it doesn't do.

None more black mark against the vaunted agency called the Supreme Court.

"Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
November 15th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Acme Forks & Knives was trying to block a lawsuit brought against them by the obese community. The lawsuit suggested that the company's utensils were deadly tools that caused people to become overweight.

The Supreme Court has blocked the company's attempt to block the lawsuit, paving the way for victims of heart disease and other diet-related ailments to sue Acme.

"Finally---the big forks and knives lobby will be held accountable for contributing to heart disease and obesity, the leading causes of death among American adults," said a spokesperson for the oppressed obese community. "No human action leads to these deaths. It is entirely on the sentient utensils used to carry out the mass eating events."

"Blood is on their hands!" protesters cried. "Fight the corporate fork and knife lobby!"

Lawyers for the plaintiffs in these lawsuits have presented evidence that Acme Forks & Knives have marketed their utensils to the obese, specifically encouraging them to shovel a bunch of food in their mouths. They also said it was dangerous and irresponsible for the company to market a "fully automatic assault spork" that can shove "300 rounds of chili" into your face in under 10 seconds.

"Nobody needs that kind of forkpower," said one lawyer. "We will get justice for the obvious cause of this epidemic of deaths: the guys who make the utensils."
Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
This manufacturer deliberately marketed a product that was dangerous when used as intended. The violence implied in its marketing campaign serves to highlight this fact.

This lawsuit aside, it is a fact that there is no legitimate use of this product.

"...marketed a product that was dangerous ..."

Even a product such as one you are in dire need of, an encyclopedia,could be dangerous if it fell on you, you dunce.

There are only three possible reasons to sue a manufacturer.....

design flaw, but guns work as designed...

production flaw, ....put together wrong, or broken....also not the case

or marketing flaw...a claim that it does something that it doesn't do.

None more black mark against the vaunted agency called the Supreme Court.

"Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
November 15th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Acme Forks & Knives was trying to block a lawsuit brought against them by the obese community. The lawsuit suggested that the company's utensils were deadly tools that caused people to become overweight.

The Supreme Court has blocked the company's attempt to block the lawsuit, paving the way for victims of heart disease and other diet-related ailments to sue Acme.

"Finally---the big forks and knives lobby will be held accountable for contributing to heart disease and obesity, the leading causes of death among American adults," said a spokesperson for the oppressed obese community. "No human action leads to these deaths. It is entirely on the sentient utensils used to carry out the mass eating events."

"Blood is on their hands!" protesters cried. "Fight the corporate fork and knife lobby!"

Lawyers for the plaintiffs in these lawsuits have presented evidence that Acme Forks & Knives have marketed their utensils to the obese, specifically encouraging them to shovel a bunch of food in their mouths. They also said it was dangerous and irresponsible for the company to market a "fully automatic assault spork" that can shove "300 rounds of chili" into your face in under 10 seconds.

"Nobody needs that kind of forkpower," said one lawyer. "We will get justice for the obvious cause of this epidemic of deaths: the guys who make the utensils."
Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer

PoliticalChic....stirring it up again....

First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Yes, how dare that darkie walk towards a privileged white LCB!!! Doesn't he know his place.

“Darkies” have nothing to do with this.

I saw the video. WHat I saw was a smirking little Catholic bastard disrespecting a vet.

1.) Sandmann didn’t know phillips was a vet and had no way of knowing. You know this.
2.) Being a vet doesn’t give you license to get in someone’s face unprovoked.
3.) Sandmann wasn’t smirking (smiling) until Phillips got in his face.

Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?

Nope... he had a DD214. That makes him a vet.

Did Phillips present his DD214 to Sandmann so that Sandmann would know that Phillips had the right to beat his drum in his face?

And Pence wants to make it a crime to kill your own child. So what?

fetuses aren't children.... Once we start giving civil rights to spooge, we are going to have all sorts of problems.

Don’t we have all sorts of problems already?

Essentially, a non-viable fetus will have more rights than the woman it is inside.

Phillips and Sandmann were both “non-viable” fetuses at one time. Then they were both born and now Phillips has the right to get in someone’s face unprovoked but Sandmann doesn’t have right to smile about it.

Get back to me when you properly blame Phillips for initiating the confrontation with Sandmann.

Philip's Group had reserved the area for their event. The LCB's walked over from their event, (where they were bravely telling women what to do with their own bodies) and started harrassing them.

1) Some of the Covington kids (Sandmann wasn’t even with this group) wandered over to hear what the Black Israelites were ranting about and never even interacted with Phillips and his group.
2) The Covington group that had wandered over had already returned to the main group when Phillips approached them.
3) No one has suggested Phillips and his group had no right to be there.
4) The Covington kids were saying nothing about abortion. They went to their pro-life seminar and had come back to wait for their bus. Having seen the video, you know this too which makes you a liar.
5) The reason for the Covington kids being in D.C. is irrelevant.

Maybe they do and maybe they don’t. But YOU don’t know and in any case, you’re biased because he did what he did with an AR-15.

Hey. let's take your logic to it's extreme. I personally didn't witness World War II. Therefore, it must not have happened. I mean, just because I heard about it from other people who were there didn't mean it happened.

You’ve heard from people that were at the Lincoln memorial and personally watched the video that clearly showed Phillips approaching and initiating the confrontation with Sandmann but you chose to ignore all of it. So no, I’m not buying your interpretation of the Lanzas’ relationship.

We had a boatload of witnesses that saw Crazy Nancy's behavior, and worse, her teaching her kid to be what he became.

You’ve proven yourself incapable or unwilling to interpret videos accurately so I am viewing pretty much everything you have to say on the matter with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Some will ask why you engage joe...since he is obviously hate filled, ill informed and has no wisdom...

For me, I still engage him because I find a lot of information when I go looking for ways to show what a fool he is.....he is a sad person, I feel sorry for him, and I actually do wish him the best, may he one day learn enough to know the truth.

Also....just like a boxer punches a bag filled with sand to improve his skills, that is what it is like debating improve your skills, but sadly, it remains just a bag of sand....
Great news. The gun industry has been irresponsible in selling weapons for mass killing to the public. Hopefully they will be soon paying for it.

Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

The Supreme Court has denied Remington Arms Co.'s bid to block a lawsuit filed by families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook school massacre. The families say Remington should be held liable, as the maker of the AR-15-style rifle used in the 2012 killings.

And you are an idiot....where did Remington have any culpability in what happened, you doofus.

What you asshats don't understand, is these companies are the gateway......if you can sue a gun maker for the illegal use of their product, car makers, booze makers, computer makers are all next in moron.
I guess they need to make rifles that jam a lot. Or maybe design triggers that can sense crazy, and refuse to operate.
This manufacturer deliberately marketed a product that was dangerous when used as intended. The violence implied in its marketing campaign serves to highlight this fact.

This lawsuit aside, it is a fact that there is no legitimate use of this product.

"...marketed a product that was dangerous ..."

Even a product such as one you are in dire need of, an encyclopedia,could be dangerous if it fell on you, you dunce.

There are only three possible reasons to sue a manufacturer.....

design flaw, but guns work as designed...

production flaw, ....put together wrong, or broken....also not the case

or marketing flaw...a claim that it does something that it doesn't do.

None more black mark against the vaunted agency called the Supreme Court.

"Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
November 15th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Acme Forks & Knives was trying to block a lawsuit brought against them by the obese community. The lawsuit suggested that the company's utensils were deadly tools that caused people to become overweight.

The Supreme Court has blocked the company's attempt to block the lawsuit, paving the way for victims of heart disease and other diet-related ailments to sue Acme.

"Finally---the big forks and knives lobby will be held accountable for contributing to heart disease and obesity, the leading causes of death among American adults," said a spokesperson for the oppressed obese community. "No human action leads to these deaths. It is entirely on the sentient utensils used to carry out the mass eating events."

"Blood is on their hands!" protesters cried. "Fight the corporate fork and knife lobby!"

Lawyers for the plaintiffs in these lawsuits have presented evidence that Acme Forks & Knives have marketed their utensils to the obese, specifically encouraging them to shovel a bunch of food in their mouths. They also said it was dangerous and irresponsible for the company to market a "fully automatic assault spork" that can shove "300 rounds of chili" into your face in under 10 seconds.

"Nobody needs that kind of forkpower," said one lawyer. "We will get justice for the obvious cause of this epidemic of deaths: the guys who make the utensils."
Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer

PoliticalChic....stirring it up again....


We really need give credit to the Babylon Bee, pointing out the absurdity of the Supreme Court allowing the suit against a gun manufacturer.
First, Phillips approached Sandmann. If you saw the video then you know this which makes you a hypocrite. Second, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a vet. You know this too.

Yes, how dare that darkie walk towards a privileged white LCB!!! Doesn't he know his place.

“Darkies” have nothing to do with this.

I saw the video. WHat I saw was a smirking little Catholic bastard disrespecting a vet.

1.) Sandmann didn’t know phillips was a vet and had no way of knowing. You know this.
2.) Being a vet doesn’t give you license to get in someone’s face unprovoked.
3.) Sandmann wasn’t smirking (smiling) until Phillips got in his face.

Didn't Mr. Phillips' claim to be a veteran turn out to be a lie, or at least a significant exaggeration?

Nope... he had a DD214. That makes him a vet.

Did Phillips present his DD214 to Sandmann so that Sandmann would know that Phillips had the right to beat his drum in his face?

And Pence wants to make it a crime to kill your own child. So what?

fetuses aren't children.... Once we start giving civil rights to spooge, we are going to have all sorts of problems.

Don’t we have all sorts of problems already?

Essentially, a non-viable fetus will have more rights than the woman it is inside.

Phillips and Sandmann were both “non-viable” fetuses at one time. Then they were both born and now Phillips has the right to get in someone’s face unprovoked but Sandmann doesn’t have right to smile about it.

Get back to me when you properly blame Phillips for initiating the confrontation with Sandmann.

Philip's Group had reserved the area for their event. The LCB's walked over from their event, (where they were bravely telling women what to do with their own bodies) and started harrassing them.

1) Some of the Covington kids (Sandmann wasn’t even with this group) wandered over to hear what the Black Israelites were ranting about and never even interacted with Phillips and his group.
2) The Covington group that had wandered over had already returned to the main group when Phillips approached them.
3) No one has suggested Phillips and his group had no right to be there.
4) The Covington kids were saying nothing about abortion. They went to their pro-life seminar and had come back to wait for their bus. Having seen the video, you know this too which makes you a liar.
5) The reason for the Covington kids being in D.C. is irrelevant.

Maybe they do and maybe they don’t. But YOU don’t know and in any case, you’re biased because he did what he did with an AR-15.

Hey. let's take your logic to it's extreme. I personally didn't witness World War II. Therefore, it must not have happened. I mean, just because I heard about it from other people who were there didn't mean it happened.

You’ve heard from people that were at the Lincoln memorial and personally watched the video that clearly showed Phillips approaching and initiating the confrontation with Sandmann but you chose to ignore all of it. So no, I’m not buying your interpretation of the Lanzas’ relationship.

We had a boatload of witnesses that saw Crazy Nancy's behavior, and worse, her teaching her kid to be what he became.

You’ve proven yourself incapable or unwilling to interpret videos accurately so I am viewing pretty much everything you have to say on the matter with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Some will ask why you engage joe...since he is obviously hate filled, ill informed and has no wisdom...

For me, I still engage him because I find a lot of information when I go looking for ways to show what a fool he is.....he is a sad person, I feel sorry for him, and I actually do wish him the best, may he one day learn enough to know the truth.

Also....just like a boxer punches a bag filled with sand to improve his skills, that is what it is like debating improve your skills, but sadly, it remains just a bag of sand....

I must confess that I enjoy the shit out of it. I love turning his own arguments back on him and every time he says “Darkies” or “Little Catholic bastards”, he just reveals his own prejudices.
1.) Sandmann didn’t know phillips was a vet and had no way of knowing. You know this.
2.) Being a vet doesn’t give you license to get in someone’s face unprovoked.
3.) Sandmann wasn’t smirking (smiling) until Phillips got in his face.

It was a demonstration by a Native American Veterans group and they had reserved the space. LCB should have known.

Don’t we have all sorts of problems already?

Not the kind we'd have if you turn America into the Live Action version of "A Handmaid's Tale", no.

4) The Covington kids were saying nothing about abortion. They went to their pro-life seminar and had come back to wait for their bus. Having seen the video, you know this too which makes you a liar.

Um, they were there to protest Roe v. Wade.

Phillips and Sandmann were both “non-viable” fetuses at one time. Then they were both born and now Phillips has the right to get in someone’s face unprovoked but Sandmann doesn’t have right to smile about it.

Sure, he has the right to smile about it... just keep in mind, he looks like a little entitled asshole when he does. That's what he's upset about, that when he sat their smirking like a little entitled asshole, he looked bad on national TV. "Mommy, Daddy, let's call the PR guys and lawyers to make me look less like an asshole!"

You’ve heard from people that were at the Lincoln memorial and personally watched the video that clearly showed Phillips approaching and initiating the confrontation with Sandmann but you chose to ignore all of it. So no, I’m not buying your interpretation of the Lanzas’ relationship.

Uh, what I saw were a bunch of Little Entitled Catholic Bastards harassing a veteran.. That's why he walked over.

You’ve proven yourself incapable or unwilling to interpret videos accurately so I am viewing pretty much everything you have to say on the matter with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Yeah... here's the thing... Crazy Nancy left her guns out in the open and her kid took them and shot her with them.. so that was the nature of their relationship.

She raised a monster and it turned on her.
"Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
November 15th, 2019

Were they designed to get people to overeat and marketed to people with eating disorders?


If the Utensil companies acted like the Gun Industry..

Here's the real problem you guys have... Most of the rest of us are sick and tired of living with your fetish....

We're tired of metal detectors, security guards, active shooter drills, security doors and all the other crap we deal with because we never know when one of you go off.
I must confess that I enjoy the shit out of it. I love turning his own arguments back on him and every time he says “Darkies” or “Little Catholic bastards”, he just reveals his own prejudices.

Really, I always consider it a victory when you guys whine about me, instead of discussing the issue... We have you, DickTinyGuy and Mormon Bob all whining in this thread about what a meany I am because I don't accept a few assholes getting rich inflicting carnage.

Let the gun manufacturers pay out a few big settlements, you'll be amazed how fast they take a sharpie to the Second Amendment.
"Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
November 15th, 2019

Were they designed to get people to overeat and marketed to people with eating disorders?

View attachment 290778
If the Utensil companies acted like the Gun Industry..

Here's the real problem you guys have... Most of the rest of us are sick and tired of living with your fetish....

We're tired of metal detectors, security guards, active shooter drills, security doors and all the other crap we deal with because we never know when one of you go off.

The over reaction by asshats like you to one of the most rare forms of gun violence is what is scare children to get are sick....

600 million guns in private hands.....over 18.6 million people carrying guns legally in this country.....

Number of mass public shootings in 2018? 12.

Total killed....93.

Total killed on bicycles.... 345.

total killed by cars? over 38,000.

Total killed by lawn mowers....75 every year....
Some will ask why you engage joe...since he is obviously hate filled, ill informed and has no wisdom...

For me, I still engage him because I find a lot of information when I go looking for ways to show what a fool he is.....he is a sad person, I feel sorry for him, and I actually do wish him the best, may he one day learn enough to know the truth.

Also....just like a boxer punches a bag filled with sand to improve his skills, that is what it is like debating improve your skills, but sadly, it remains just a bag of sand....

Really, again, you spend so much time whining about me, and when cornered, you just flood the pages with NRA Talking Points and numbers that are absurd, like more people drowning than getting shot.

It would seem to me that if you were GOOD at this, you'd provide accurate numbers to bolster your points, instead of obvious bullshit.
Some will ask why you engage joe...since he is obviously hate filled, ill informed and has no wisdom...

For me, I still engage him because I find a lot of information when I go looking for ways to show what a fool he is.....he is a sad person, I feel sorry for him, and I actually do wish him the best, may he one day learn enough to know the truth.

Also....just like a boxer punches a bag filled with sand to improve his skills, that is what it is like debating improve your skills, but sadly, it remains just a bag of sand....

Really, again, you spend so much time whining about me, and when cornered, you just flood the pages with NRA Talking Points and numbers that are absurd, like more people drowning than getting shot.

It would seem to me that if you were GOOD at this, you'd provide accurate numbers to bolster your points, instead of obvious bullshit.

Lying again....

Nothing I post is from the NRA, you know that, but you say it anyway......

Actual numbers from the Centers for Disease Control show you are wrong, and you don't know what you are talking about.
The over reaction by asshats like you to one of the most rare forms of gun violence is what is scare children to get are sick....

600 million guns in private hands.....over 18.6 million people carrying guns legally in this country.....

Number of mass public shootings in 2018? 12.

Total killed....93.

Total killed on bicycles.... 345.

total killed by cars? over 38,000.

Total killed by lawn mowers....75 every year....

See, you just proved my fucking point.


Children should be horrified.

There have been 45 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS this year. Just shootings in Schools.

School shootings list 2019 - CNN

Here's the thing. Toro and Craftsman aren't marketing lawnmowers to crazy people.

Someone at Remington looked at Crazy Nancy Lanza and said, "Yup, that lady totally needs enough guns to fight off the Zombies."
Lying again....

Nothing I post is from the NRA, you know that, but you say it anyway......

Actual numbers from the Centers for Disease Control show you are wrong, and you don't know what you are talking about.

Look, guy, you can flood the page with NRA Spooge all day, but most sensible people look at the carnage in this country and say "enough".
"Supreme Court Allows Victims Of Heart Disease, Obesity To Sue Utensil Manufacturer
November 15th, 2019

Were they designed to get people to overeat and marketed to people with eating disorders?

View attachment 290778
If the Utensil companies acted like the Gun Industry..

Here's the real problem you guys have... Most of the rest of us are sick and tired of living with your fetish....

We're tired of metal detectors, security guards, active shooter drills, security doors and all the other crap we deal with because we never know when one of you go off.

There are only three possible reasons to sue a manufacturer.....

design flaw, but guns work as designed...

production flaw, ....put together wrong, or broken....also not the case

or marketing flaw...a claim that it does something that it doesn't do.

None more black mark against the vaunted agency called the Supreme Court.

As I have said before about the mutterings of this august body, the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court should be treated the same way Red and Green lights are treated in merely a suggestion.

There is no valid lawsuit against the gun manufacturers.
Here's the thing. Toro and Craftsman aren't marketing lawnmowers to crazy people.

Someone at Remington looked at Crazy Nancy Lanza and said, "Yup, that lady totally needs enough guns to fight off the Zombies."

Remington and other gunsmiths aren't marketing to crazy people either. There are no ads for firearms in Psychology Today, Remington has never sponsored Homosexual Rights fairs, and even on things like Facebook and Google. If you start shopping for Haldol and straight jackets, gun ads will NOT start popping up.
1.) Sandmann didn’t know phillips was a vet and had no way of knowing. You know this.
2.) Being a vet doesn’t give you license to get in someone’s face unprovoked.
3.) Sandmann wasn’t smirking (smiling) until Phillips got in his face.

It was a demonstration by a Native American Veterans group and they had reserved the space. LCB should have known.

There’s no reason to think Sandmann’s group should have known this. They were waiting for their bus and they were not demonstrating and had not petitioned to demonstrate. So they would have had no idea who these people were. They likely did not even know who the group of ranting black guys were.

Don’t we have all sorts of problems already?

Not the kind we'd have if you turn America into the Live Action version of "A Handmaid's Tale", no.

No, you just want a society built on eugenics and where unwanted children are discarded.

4) The Covington kids were saying nothing about abortion. They went to their pro-life seminar and had come back to wait for their bus. Having seen the video, you know this too which makes you a liar.

Um, they were there to protest Roe v. Wade.

Um, no, not at the Lincoln Memorial they were not. The March For Life rally took place on the National Mall at least a full mile from the Lincoln Memorial. The boys were at the Lincoln Memorial to wait for their bus AFTER the march.

Phillips and Sandmann were both “non-viable” fetuses at one time. Then they were both born and now Phillips has the right to get in someone’s face unprovoked but Sandmann doesn’t have right to smile about it.

Sure, he has the right to smile about it... just keep in mind, he looks like a little entitled asshole when he does. That's what he's upset about, that when he sat their smirking like a little entitled asshole, he looked bad on national TV. "Mommy, Daddy, let's call the PR guys and lawyers to make me look less like an asshole!"

You already had a deep hatred for “Little Catholic bastards” so your objectivity was compromised from the start.

You’ve heard from people that were at the Lincoln memorial and personally watched the video that clearly showed Phillips approaching and initiating the confrontation with Sandmann but you chose to ignore all of it. So no, I’m not buying your interpretation of the Lanzas’ relationship.

Uh, what I saw were a bunch of Little Entitled Catholic Bastards harassing a veteran.. That's why he walked over.

Uh, no, you did not and that is not the reason he walked over.

Phillips himself said that the reason he walked over was to de-escalate what he saw as a brewing confrontation between them and the Black Israelites. He later contradicted himself and said he was trying to get up the memorial steps, which is clear from the video that he had plenty of space to do so. So even though most of what he said was horseshit, at no time did he ever say or even imply that the Covington kids approached or harassed him.

You’ve proven yourself incapable or unwilling to interpret videos accurately so I am viewing pretty much everything you have to say on the matter with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Yeah... here's the thing... Crazy Nancy left her guns out in the open and her kid took them and shot her with them.. so that was the nature of their relationship.

She raised a monster and it turned on her.

The boy had mental problems and there is no indication that Nancy was crazy.

I did some looking around and read about six or seven articles on the incident and nowhere did I see any neighbor testimony that Nancy Lanza was a nutcase.

You’re going to have to provide links to back this up, otherwise I’m chalking it up to your bias and hatred against gun owners.
I must confess that I enjoy the shit out of it. I love turning his own arguments back on him and every time he says “Darkies” or “Little Catholic bastards”, he just reveals his own prejudices.

Really, I always consider it a victory when you guys whine about me, instead of discussing the issue... We have you, DickTinyGuy and Mormon Bob all whining in this thread about what a meany I am because I don't accept a few assholes getting rich inflicting carnage.

You’ve done nothing but whine about rich people, Catholics and gun owners since you got here. And talking about not discussing the issue, you’re the one who brought up the totally unrelated topics of unions, rich people, Catholics and Nick Sandmann.

And how did you know I have a tiny dick?

Let the gun manufacturers pay out a few big settlements, you'll be amazed how fast they take a sharpie to the Second Amendment.

Think about this: Why would gun manufacturers want to change the one thing that guarantees them sales?
Last edited:
The over reaction by asshats like you to one of the most rare forms of gun violence is what is scare children to get are sick....

600 million guns in private hands.....over 18.6 million people carrying guns legally in this country.....

Number of mass public shootings in 2018? 12.

Total killed....93.

Total killed on bicycles.... 345.

total killed by cars? over 38,000.

Total killed by lawn mowers....75 every year....

See, you just proved my fucking point.


Children should be horrified.

There have been 45 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS this year. Just shootings in Schools.

School shootings list 2019 - CNN

Here's the thing. Toro and Craftsman aren't marketing lawnmowers to crazy people.

Someone at Remington looked at Crazy Nancy Lanza and said, "Yup, that lady totally needs enough guns to fight off the Zombies."

There have not been 45 school shootings you lying sack of crap. Total number of mass public shootings to date....2019.... 8......none of them have been schools.

US mass shootings, 1982-2019: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total 2018.....12... two school shootings.

You lying asshats on the anti-gun side show with every post that you can't be trusted with our Rights.
Lying again....

Nothing I post is from the NRA, you know that, but you say it anyway......

Actual numbers from the Centers for Disease Control show you are wrong, and you don't know what you are talking about.

Look, guy, you can flood the page with NRA Spooge all day, but most sensible people look at the carnage in this country and say "enough".

You focus on the guns, not the democrats who let known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of prison over and over again....these are the actual gun killers racking up 10,265 deaths a year....after they have already been captured for previous felonies and gun offenses...then your asshats let them out on bond and out of prison with insanely light prison sentences.....that is our problem......not mass public shootings.
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