Supreme Court Allows Semi Automatic Gun Ban

Laws can be enacted and abolished, just like the '94 assault weapons ban.

So how about we try the laws that most sane gun owners support like rigid background checks and waiting periods, as well as keeping guns out of the hands of people that are on terrorist watch lists. If they don't do any good then repeal them.

Seems Republicans are gleeful about 'repealing Obamacare' if they were to win the White House but gun laws in their minds are absolutes and cannot be changed. Reality is otherwise but conservatives operate on emotion so they only see the worst in everything.
Laws can be enacted and abolished, just like the '94 assault weapons ban.

So how about we try the laws that most sane gun owners support like rigid background checks and waiting periods, as well as keeping guns out of the hands of people that are on terrorist watch lists. If they don't do any good then repeal them.

Seems Republicans are gleeful about 'repealing Obamacare' if they were to win the White House but gun laws in their minds are absolutes and cannot be changed. Reality is otherwise but conservatives operate on emotion so they only see the worst in everything.

we have rigid background checks...they are gotten around by criminals who use people with clean records to buy the guns for them...

if by "rigid" you mean universal background checks......1) it would not have stopped any of the mass shootings in this country and 2) they are gotten around the same way as current, federally mandated background checks are....straw buyers or stealing the guns...

so....any other pointless laws you want to enact...?

and we already have mandatory waiting periods twit.

And how would terrorist watch lists have stopped any of our mass shootings..ever.....

And terrorists in France...on government terrorist watch lists, got fully automatic weapons easily.....

Again, any other useless gun control laws you want to pass....?

And of course there is the No Fly/ No Buy watch list bait and think gun bans would only be for those on the list.....Pelosi said it would be for anyone under FBI investigation....the old anti gunner bait and switch....
This is all about conjecture because we haven't tried banning guns and enforcing decent laws yet.

Try looking up gun statutes by state and reading them. The first section of the statute is all about exclusions and exceptions to previous laws which neutralize and neuter the statute. That is why our current gun laws don't work

Yeah.....but France did.......and they lost 140 to fully automatic weapons that are completely illegal there...and they can't keep them out of the hands of criminals or terrorists........

So you can name one mass shooting in France. Now start with April 1999, Littleton, Colorado and post the list through Orlando

They did already. See NYTimes link in post #180.
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Laws can be enacted and abolished, just like the '94 assault weapons ban.

So how about we try the laws that most sane gun owners support like rigid background checks and waiting periods, as well as keeping guns out of the hands of people that are on terrorist watch lists. If they don't do any good then repeal them.

Seems Republicans are gleeful about 'repealing Obamacare' if they were to win the White House but gun laws in their minds are absolutes and cannot be changed. Reality is otherwise but conservatives operate on emotion so they only see the worst in everything.

The problem is gun grabbers don't stop there. In NYC I can't even get Revolver without waiting 3-6 months and paying $1000, and that is just to keep it in my apartment. It is a de facto ban, put in place by people who want to make it as difficult as possible for a person to get a firearm, regardless of their legal rights to one.

When things like that are gone, then I will trust gun control idiots enough to TALK about any new control measures.

Until then, go pound sand.
And yet the Left has yet to show where the last Assault Weapon Ban stopped Mass Shootings or the fact that many do not even know you can still buy automatic weapons...

Hmmm, yeah the left has room to write about the right stupidity on issues...

For the last fucking time.....NO ONE is stating that mass shootings would never happen if a ban was one is stating that (only right wing nitwits keep on harping on that moronic scenario).....

Our purpose is to CURB some of these mass shootings, and make it a bit more difficult for terrorists, like the one in Orlando, to simply walk into a gun shop and LEGALLY buying a weapon that killed 49 and injured 100 more.

No, by all means go back and write posts about how the left wants to disarm and confiscate everyone's deer rifles.

49 dead - 53 injured, get it right.
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".
It would take a lot more than banning assault weapons to stop mass killing in the US. It's a step in right direction but a very small step. These weapons are becoming the weapon of choice for mass killing because that is exactly what they were designed to do. They were not made for hunting, the shooting range, or home protection. They were made to kill people and lots of them.
Laws can be enacted and abolished, just like the '94 assault weapons ban.

So how about we try the laws that most sane gun owners support like rigid background checks and waiting periods, as well as keeping guns out of the hands of people that are on terrorist watch lists. If they don't do any good then repeal them.

Seems Republicans are gleeful about 'repealing Obamacare' if they were to win the White House but gun laws in their minds are absolutes and cannot be changed. Reality is otherwise but conservatives operate on emotion so they only see the worst in everything.

The problem is gun grabbers don't stop there. In NYC I can't even get Revolver without waiting 3-6 months and paying $1000, and that is just to keep it in my apartment. It is a de facto ban, put in place by people who want to make it as difficult as possible for a person to get a firearm, regardless of their legal rights to one.

When things like that are gone, then I will trust gun control idiots enough to TALK about any new control measures.

Until then, go pound sand.

If we get a real Supreme Court that needs to be challenged under the 14th is not different from when the democrats used Poll Taxes and Literacy tests to keep blacks from voting....
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".
It would take a lot more than banning assault weapons to stop mass killing in the US. It's a step in right direction but a very small step. These weapons are becoming the weapon of choice for mass killing because that is exactly what they were designed to do. They were not made for hunting, the shooting range, or home protection. They were made to kill people and lots of them.

No...they are becoming popular because of twits like you saying they are so deadly, and because they are in every video game shooter that comes out now......that is why they are so popular......

If you guys want them to stop using them....have your minions in the media make them look bad......make them the Miley Cyrus of guns and they will move on to other guns.....
And yet the Left has yet to show where the last Assault Weapon Ban stopped Mass Shootings or the fact that many do not even know you can still buy automatic weapons...

Hmmm, yeah the left has room to write about the right stupidity on issues...

For the last fucking time.....NO ONE is stating that mass shootings would never happen if a ban was one is stating that (only right wing nitwits keep on harping on that moronic scenario).....

Our purpose is to CURB some of these mass shootings, and make it a bit more difficult for terrorists, like the one in Orlando, to simply walk into a gun shop and LEGALLY buying a weapon that killed 49 and injured 100 more.

No, by all means go back and write posts about how the left wants to disarm and confiscate everyone's deer rifles.

Do you realize how stupid you are?

The killer was a U.S. born citizen which grants him the protection of the U.S. Constitution and did not become a terrorist until the night he killed all those people.

Now what is so fucking funny is the fact the FBI was alerted that he bought a firearm and they did nothing to flag him, but hey let ignore the FBI mistake as usual and blame the average citizen.

Also those like you believe you can't buy automatic weapons when in reality you can, but of course your Fascist News Station told you something else so you cling to the false idea all automatic weapons are banned but they are not.

As you pointed out the fact is Mass Shootings will happen and the Assault Weapon Ban is just there to make you feel safe when the reality is it does little to nothing to stop mass shootings or terrorism.

So go ahead pass that law and the next Mass Shooting is your fault along with the next terrorist attack!

Remember Criminals and Terrorists obey laws, well that is what some of you on the left believe for some damn reason!

I remember my father blathering about this in the 70s. And since then we have a whole lot more guns and guess what? A whole lot of mass shootings. Because the 2nd amendment has been distorted beyond belief and the NRA has your balls in a box in D.C.

Tell you what you and all those that want your assault weapon ban need to do is tell your own political party to do their job first seeing Pelosi has stated the assault weapon ban will not happen.

Also you need to ask yourself why in 2013 Senate Democrats voted against the Senate Version of the Assault Weapon Ban?

( There were four senators that sided with the GOP on this issue )

Then finally President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi had 2009 to 2011 to pass another Assault Weapon Ban and did not, and only after losing the House has the Democratic Party try to pass the ban again knowing it will not pass and why?

Wedge issue in another election year!

So look at your own political party and ask why they failed you in the past and stop asking the opposition party to pass a bill that will get them elected out of office!

You assume I am a Democrat? Because I want to live in a country without mass murder? What kind of a fucking idiot are you to make such assumptions? Oh yeah you're another right wing idiot.
No he should thank President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for not passing the Assault Weapon Ban that you want back when they had the power to do so.

In other words, its ONLY up to democrats in office to impose SANITY on gun ownership.....Thanks for the admission.

Oh, is that what they did from 2009 to 2011?

Also you have yet to explain why Democrats in the Senate refuse to support their own party wish in 2013 to past another Assault Weapon Ban?

I find it funny how you ignore those two fucking things like the typical partisan whore that you are!

So let me say again you are fucking retarded and like the OP'er don't know shit except what your political party tells you and even then you get it wrong!
And yet the Left has yet to show where the last Assault Weapon Ban stopped Mass Shootings or the fact that many do not even know you can still buy automatic weapons...

Hmmm, yeah the left has room to write about the right stupidity on issues...

For the last fucking time.....NO ONE is stating that mass shootings would never happen if a ban was one is stating that (only right wing nitwits keep on harping on that moronic scenario).....

Our purpose is to CURB some of these mass shootings, and make it a bit more difficult for terrorists, like the one in Orlando, to simply walk into a gun shop and LEGALLY buying a weapon that killed 49 and injured 100 more.

No, by all means go back and write posts about how the left wants to disarm and confiscate everyone's deer rifles.

Do you realize how stupid you are?

The killer was a U.S. born citizen which grants him the protection of the U.S. Constitution and did not become a terrorist until the night he killed all those people.

Now what is so fucking funny is the fact the FBI was alerted that he bought a firearm and they did nothing to flag him, but hey let ignore the FBI mistake as usual and blame the average citizen.

Also those like you believe you can't buy automatic weapons when in reality you can, but of course your Fascist News Station told you something else so you cling to the false idea all automatic weapons are banned but they are not.

As you pointed out the fact is Mass Shootings will happen and the Assault Weapon Ban is just there to make you feel safe when the reality is it does little to nothing to stop mass shootings or terrorism.

So go ahead pass that law and the next Mass Shooting is your fault along with the next terrorist attack!

Remember Criminals and Terrorists obey laws, well that is what some of you on the left believe for some damn reason!

I can see that with slow-witted folks like yourself, nuances must mean desserts at IHOP.

Let me make it real simple.......

If that bastard in Orlando wanted to thank someone for the ease in his purchase of such a deadly weapon...Would he thank me or you?

No he should thank President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for not passing the Assault Weapon Ban that you want back when they had the power to do so.

Now seeing you're calling me slow-witted then explain to me how fucking retarded are you?

You suck the cum right off the tip of the President Dick while agreeing with his bullshit as usual!

The fact is the Assault Weapon Ban would have not stopped the Orlando killer and also you can thank the FBI for not doing their job because he could have been flagged but assholes like you would have been upset had the killer been because then you would have accused them of profiling a possible terrorist suspect!

Now remember you voted for those like Obama, Reid and Pelosi and yet you excuse them daily for failing you and the people of Orlando so thanks asshole for supporting those that only care about the death of people in a election year!

Goddamn you really know how to blather. If you were really sure of what you think you could put it in 25 words or less. You don't know anything about his voting record either fucking idiot
Newtown, guns acquired illegally, Columbine, guns acquired illegally, San Bernardino, guns acquired illegally, yep, would be nice if criminals followed gun control laws, but what can I say, they didn't, go figure.

Too dumb to respond to......Just go back and ask a grown up IF the guns in those incidents were acquired "illegally".

Newtown, killed his mother to get them, ILLEGAL. Columbine, shooters were too young to possess weapons, ILLEGAL. San Bernardino, neighbor purchased the guns, straw purchase, ILLEGAL. Any more questions dumb ass?
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And yet the Left has yet to show where the last Assault Weapon Ban stopped Mass Shootings or the fact that many do not even know you can still buy automatic weapons...

Hmmm, yeah the left has room to write about the right stupidity on issues...

For the last fucking time.....NO ONE is stating that mass shootings would never happen if a ban was one is stating that (only right wing nitwits keep on harping on that moronic scenario).....

Our purpose is to CURB some of these mass shootings, and make it a bit more difficult for terrorists, like the one in Orlando, to simply walk into a gun shop and LEGALLY buying a weapon that killed 49 and injured 100 more.

No, by all means go back and write posts about how the left wants to disarm and confiscate everyone's deer rifles.

Do you realize how stupid you are?

The killer was a U.S. born citizen which grants him the protection of the U.S. Constitution and did not become a terrorist until the night he killed all those people.

Now what is so fucking funny is the fact the FBI was alerted that he bought a firearm and they did nothing to flag him, but hey let ignore the FBI mistake as usual and blame the average citizen.

Also those like you believe you can't buy automatic weapons when in reality you can, but of course your Fascist News Station told you something else so you cling to the false idea all automatic weapons are banned but they are not.

As you pointed out the fact is Mass Shootings will happen and the Assault Weapon Ban is just there to make you feel safe when the reality is it does little to nothing to stop mass shootings or terrorism.

So go ahead pass that law and the next Mass Shooting is your fault along with the next terrorist attack!

Remember Criminals and Terrorists obey laws, well that is what some of you on the left believe for some damn reason!

I remember my father blathering about this in the 70s. And since then we have a whole lot more guns and guess what? A whole lot of mass shootings. Because the 2nd amendment has been distorted beyond belief and the NRA has your balls in a box in D.C.

Tell you what you and all those that want your assault weapon ban need to do is tell your own political party to do their job first seeing Pelosi has stated the assault weapon ban will not happen.

Also you need to ask yourself why in 2013 Senate Democrats voted against the Senate Version of the Assault Weapon Ban?

( There were four senators that sided with the GOP on this issue )

Then finally President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi had 2009 to 2011 to pass another Assault Weapon Ban and did not, and only after losing the House has the Democratic Party try to pass the ban again knowing it will not pass and why?

Wedge issue in another election year!

So look at your own political party and ask why they failed you in the past and stop asking the opposition party to pass a bill that will get them elected out of office!

You assume I am a Democrat? Because I want to live in a country without mass murder? What kind of a fucking idiot are you to make such assumptions? Oh yeah you're another right wing idiot.

Right you're not a Democrat just like Trump is a outsider...

Also you want to live in a country without mass murder?

Well the last Assault Weapon Ban didn't stop that either!

I guess you will never get your wish you idiot!
Laws can be enacted and abolished, just like the '94 assault weapons ban.

So how about we try the laws that most sane gun owners support like rigid background checks and waiting periods, as well as keeping guns out of the hands of people that are on terrorist watch lists. If they don't do any good then repeal them.

Seems Republicans are gleeful about 'repealing Obamacare' if they were to win the White House but gun laws in their minds are absolutes and cannot be changed. Reality is otherwise but conservatives operate on emotion so they only see the worst in everything.

The problem is gun grabbers don't stop there. In NYC I can't even get Revolver without waiting 3-6 months and paying $1000, and that is just to keep it in my apartment. It is a de facto ban, put in place by people who want to make it as difficult as possible for a person to get a firearm, regardless of their legal rights to one.

When things like that are gone, then I will trust gun control idiots enough to TALK about any new control measures.

Until then, go pound sand.

If we get a real Supreme Court that needs to be challenged under the 14th is not different from when the democrats used Poll Taxes and Literacy tests to keep blacks from voting....

Same exact thing, yep. Again, lets take a "right" the left seems to love. Would they accept a 2 week waiting period and a $250 fee for an abortion?
And yet the Left has yet to show where the last Assault Weapon Ban stopped Mass Shootings or the fact that many do not even know you can still buy automatic weapons...

Hmmm, yeah the left has room to write about the right stupidity on issues...

For the last fucking time.....NO ONE is stating that mass shootings would never happen if a ban was one is stating that (only right wing nitwits keep on harping on that moronic scenario).....

Our purpose is to CURB some of these mass shootings, and make it a bit more difficult for terrorists, like the one in Orlando, to simply walk into a gun shop and LEGALLY buying a weapon that killed 49 and injured 100 more.

No, by all means go back and write posts about how the left wants to disarm and confiscate everyone's deer rifles.

Do you realize how stupid you are?

The killer was a U.S. born citizen which grants him the protection of the U.S. Constitution and did not become a terrorist until the night he killed all those people.

Now what is so fucking funny is the fact the FBI was alerted that he bought a firearm and they did nothing to flag him, but hey let ignore the FBI mistake as usual and blame the average citizen.

Also those like you believe you can't buy automatic weapons when in reality you can, but of course your Fascist News Station told you something else so you cling to the false idea all automatic weapons are banned but they are not.

As you pointed out the fact is Mass Shootings will happen and the Assault Weapon Ban is just there to make you feel safe when the reality is it does little to nothing to stop mass shootings or terrorism.

So go ahead pass that law and the next Mass Shooting is your fault along with the next terrorist attack!

Remember Criminals and Terrorists obey laws, well that is what some of you on the left believe for some damn reason!

I can see that with slow-witted folks like yourself, nuances must mean desserts at IHOP.

Let me make it real simple.......

If that bastard in Orlando wanted to thank someone for the ease in his purchase of such a deadly weapon...Would he thank me or you?

No he should thank President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for not passing the Assault Weapon Ban that you want back when they had the power to do so.

Now seeing you're calling me slow-witted then explain to me how fucking retarded are you?

You suck the cum right off the tip of the President Dick while agreeing with his bullshit as usual!

The fact is the Assault Weapon Ban would have not stopped the Orlando killer and also you can thank the FBI for not doing their job because he could have been flagged but assholes like you would have been upset had the killer been because then you would have accused them of profiling a possible terrorist suspect!

Now remember you voted for those like Obama, Reid and Pelosi and yet you excuse them daily for failing you and the people of Orlando so thanks asshole for supporting those that only care about the death of people in a election year!

Goddamn you really know how to blather. If you were really sure of what you think you could put it in 25 words or less. You don't know anything about his voting record either fucking idiot

The fucking idiot is you because you just wrote you want to live in a country without mass murder and the last assault weapon ban did not stop that.

Also seeing your response was more than 25 words then I assume you realize you're fucking retarded asshole!
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".
It would take a lot more than banning assault weapons to stop mass killing in the US. It's a step in right direction but a very small step. These weapons are becoming the weapon of choice for mass killing because that is exactly what they were designed to do. They were not made for hunting, the shooting range, or home protection. They were made to kill people and lots of them.
Wrong. Here is the ad for the original AR15, the Colt SP1 from 1963.
Libs get pwned so easily.
For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum

How many did the 911 terrorists kill with a gun? Yeah, thats what I thought. Go back to your cave.

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