Supreme Court Allows Semi Automatic Gun Ban

Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".

Did you get that "data" when you went to your bathroom and squatted for a while???

Of course, "mass murders" will never be completely eliminated....BUT, the carnage in New Town and Orlando have shown us that a military style of weapon manufactured ONLY for the purpose of killing many, many people in the shortest amount of time, should NEVER be so easily purchased.

Orlando happened because a Muslim dedicated to ISIS did not like Gays. Had he not had guns, SEE BOSTON MARATHON ATTACK. You people cannot accept the fact that Muslims have no tolerance for Gays. Deal with it.
This is all about conjecture because we haven't tried banning guns and enforcing decent laws yet.

Try looking up gun statutes by state and reading them. The first section of the statute is all about exclusions and exceptions to previous laws which neutralize and neuter the statute. That is why our current gun laws don't work

Yeah.....but France did.......and they lost 140 to fully automatic weapons that are completely illegal there...and they can't keep them out of the hands of criminals or terrorists........

So you can name one mass shooting in France Now start with April 1999, Littleton, Colorado and post the list

Hey twit......they don't shoot people as often.....that is their culture, not access to guns....I just gave you a list of links with fucking quotes that show how easy it is to get fully automatic weapons in access to guns isn't the reason they aren't shooting people.....

And that is changing......they are just now starting to have their culture change.......

Our non-gun murder rate is higher than their total murder rate too........moron.

Don't give me that "culture" shit. Dead is dead regardless of your culture. Our culture is such that American men are tools of the NRA. They have been sold a bill of goods that if they don't own a gun they are pussies. So welcome to The Club, pussy

Wrong asswipe....Britain banned and confiscated their guns.....and their gun crime and gun murder rate did not change....this was after the Dunblane shootings....

So no......confiscating guns had nothing to do with their level of gun murder or gun crime.....their thugs do not use guns to murder people as often as ours do.......

And Mexican thugs in Mexico murder even more people with guns even though they have extreme gun control there....

Yeah your right, the cartel members in Mexico have been know to roll into little towns shooting up the place and abusing the people who have no police protection or guns to protect themselves.
What scares you about it?

the noise?

it's black and ugly?

They kill?
the reason to have the law is for the blatant greed and stupidity displayed by those who need an automatic weapon and their unstable addiction they are unable control.


Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.


Seriously? people would get carpotunnel syndrome from reloading their revolvers. seems inhumane to me
What scares you about it?

the noise?

it's black and ugly?

They kill?
the reason to have the law is for the blatant greed and stupidity displayed by those who need an automatic weapon and their unstable addiction they are unable control.


Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.


that looked like an assault weapon to me
the reason to have the law is for the blatant greed and stupidity displayed by those who need an automatic weapon and their unstable addiction they are unable control.


Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.


that looked like an assault weapon to me

that looked like an assault weapon to me

and you did noticed he began reloading one round at a time ... so whats your problem ?

Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.


that looked like an assault weapon to me

that looked like an assault weapon to me

and you did noticed he began reloading one round at a time ... so whats your problem ?


No problem, I just always liked that clip
The Minneapolis mass killer used a handgun. No assault weapon.

The Oak Creek, Wisconsin, Sikh temple mass killer used a handgun. No assault weapon.

The Oikos University mass killer used a handgun. No assault weapon.

The Seal Beach mass killer used three handguns. No assault weapon.

The Tucson, Arizona mass killer who shot Gabby Giffords used a handgun. No assault weapon.
then make all firearms bolt or lever action, 6 round capacity non detachable magazine for both public (police) and private use - the right to bear arms.

Fuck that. The public has the right to buy semi-automatic weapons. These are the best kind for self defence, especially for novices.
Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?
And pump shotguns cause a hell of a lot of damage, as do bolt rifles, as the guy in the Texas Tower demonstrated.
Another idiotic solution by a self proclaimed expert.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?

confiscate and destroy them.

5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.


Let's lock up Stalinist turds like you in re-education camps until you learn what the Bill of Rights means.
Was that supposed to make sense?
Was that supposed to make sense?

it makes no sense to cater to people who feel they need an assault rifle when there is no logical reason for them to be made available, the same as with hand grenades.


The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?
And pump shotguns cause a hell of a lot of damage, as do bolt rifles, as the guy in the Texas Tower demonstrated.
Another idiotic solution by a self proclaimed expert.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?

confiscate and destroy them.

5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

The Fifth AMendment says:
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

So you're going to compensate all those gun owners for their property?
In any case you'd have to find the guns, which will quickly disappear.
People are so stupid.
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have you ever look at human history....when only the government has rifles, the people eventually suffer.

Look at Germany



The Armenian genocide...

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide can only happen to unarmed people.........that Europe failed to learn that lesson after the Holocaust shows how stupid they are....
The reason we need to have rifles....because the police and military have them...

all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?
And pump shotguns cause a hell of a lot of damage, as do bolt rifles, as the guy in the Texas Tower demonstrated.
Another idiotic solution by a self proclaimed expert.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?

confiscate and destroy them.

5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

accommodations would be made for the gun owners for a period of time -

eventually the law would be enforced: 5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.
For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum

The brain dead left says this while still fighting to keep our southern border open. You people really are kool-aid swillers
all public (police) and private firearms to be bolt or lever action, 6 round max. capacity non detachable magazine - the military would be prohibited from using any weapons against the civilian population.

it is time for sane 2nd amendment legislation.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?
And pump shotguns cause a hell of a lot of damage, as do bolt rifles, as the guy in the Texas Tower demonstrated.
Another idiotic solution by a self proclaimed expert.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?

confiscate and destroy them.

5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

accommodations would be made for the gun owners for a period of time -

eventually the law would be enforced: 5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.
That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.

lever or bolt action, 6 round max capacity non detachable magazine both public (police) and private firearms - is not disarming anyone.

is what this is all about.

For the second year in a row the supreme court refused to reverse a ban on assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Banning weapons works.

When was the last time anyone used a Thompson machine gun or had one? They were banned in the 1930s.

When as the last time anyone used a fully automatic weapon? They were banned in the 80s, ronald reagan signed the ban.

Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.

Roberts' S.Ct. upholds 2 states assault rifle ban in News Forum
What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?
And pump shotguns cause a hell of a lot of damage, as do bolt rifles, as the guy in the Texas Tower demonstrated.
Another idiotic solution by a self proclaimed expert.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?

confiscate and destroy them.

5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

accommodations would be made for the gun owners for a period of time -

eventually the law would be enforced: 5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.
That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.

lever or bolt action, 6 round max capacity non detachable magazine both public (police) and private firearms - is not disarming anyone.

is what this is all about.

WIll never happen
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".

There's a country down under... you might have heard of it... Australia...

They proved it does work.

So, fail you.
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".

There's a country down under... you might have heard of it... Australia...

They proved it does work.

So, fail you.
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".

There's a country down under... you might have heard of it... Australia...

They proved it does work.

So, fail you.
Culture. Problem is a heart problem, not a gun problem.
You wouldn't be walking in downtown Detroit at night even if you knew no one had guns.
What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?
And pump shotguns cause a hell of a lot of damage, as do bolt rifles, as the guy in the Texas Tower demonstrated.
Another idiotic solution by a self proclaimed expert.

What do you plan to do about the 200M guns already in circulation that don't fall into those categories?

confiscate and destroy them.

5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

Millions would die if confiscation was tried. Shit for brains

accommodations would be made for the gun owners for a period of time -

eventually the law would be enforced: 5 years - $10,000 fine first offense ... no parole.

That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.
That would do nothing to remove guns from criminals although it would disarm many law abiding citizens. Which is really what this is about.

lever or bolt action, 6 round max capacity non detachable magazine both public (police) and private firearms - is not disarming anyone.

is what this is all about.


Now can you guarantee that criminals would promise pinky swear to carry only those arms, just like the rest of us?
Now if we can get all those weapons banned nation wide we will see the mass murders decrease and eventually stop.
Wow. You really drank the anti-gun piss. Mass murders will not decrease, much less stop, if you ban "assault weapons".
It would take a lot more than banning assault weapons to stop mass killing in the US. It's a step in right direction but a very small step. These weapons are becoming the weapon of choice for mass killing because that is exactly what they were designed to do. They were not made for hunting, the shooting range, or home protection. They were made to kill people and lots of them.
Wrong. Here is the ad for the original AR15, the Colt SP1 from 1963.
Libs get pwned so easily.
The AR-15 was developed for and marketed to military services starting in about 1959. A few years later they began selling a semi-automatic model to the public. The AR-15 was certainly not designed to sell to hunters, however arms manufactures will sell any military weapon for civilian use wherever there is a market and it is legal to do so.

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