Supreme Court Blocks Unfair Voter ID Laws

I have a vote by mail, that arrived Saturday. Theoretically anybody who has access to it can fill it out as s/he wishes and send it in. However, no one can show any significant voter fraud by vote by mail.

How would they get access to your mail?

Of course a really dedicated group could go around town and register hundreds of people who say they will vote for their candidate and put down the same address for all of them, then call them on their obamaphones to pick them up when the absentee ballots arrive.
And none of that would be prevented or caught by Voter ID.
The dumb shits are going to make everyone get government approved papers to vote, and then go blissfully onward, and completely ignore the fact that voter fraud is still happening in their states.

You don't see "Fair and Balanced" Fox News blaring stories about voter fraud still going on in Voter ID states. You ever wonder why that is?

Instead, you see them stepping just a few feet outside their studio and asking a couple of well dressed negroes who happen to be passing by if they have ID. This is Fox News' way of "proving" all negroes have IDs! I shit you not.

But not one story about Voter ID being completely ineffective at stopping fraud in Voter ID states.


"The Government Accountability Office released a report this week that said no single entity in the federal government is responsible for tracking in-person voter fraud, and that in most states, tracking voter fraud is handled by multiple agencies.

Report says government not keeping consolidated data on voter fraud
Way ahead of you. I went to the source instead of that piss rag. The Blaze. Jesus!
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

What is the relevance of the question?
It is the crux of your voter ID voter fraud.......the claim that people are going into the polls and voting under another persons name

If that is the case......where are all the people going to the polls and finding someone has already voted under their name
I have a vote by mail, that arrived Saturday. Theoretically anybody who has access to it can fill it out as s/he wishes and send it in. However, no one can show any significant voter fraud by vote by mail.

How would they get access to your mail?

Of course a really dedicated group could go around town and register hundreds of people who say they will vote for their candidate and put down the same address for all of them, then call them on their obamaphones to pick them up when the absentee ballots arrive.
And none of that would be prevented or caught by Voter ID.

It would if a person had to present ID to a state official when they registered to vote instead of a college dropout getting paid to get signatures on the street.
Here is what will help to cut down on what fraud there is:

1) Proper purging of voter registration rolls. Key word: proper. Too many purges have been done improperly and legitimate voters have been purged. If a person dies or moves, there should be a process to remove them from the registered voters list.

2) Tightening up voter registration. The success or failure of our electoral process hinges on the registration process which takes place BEFORE Election Day. This is when the bona fides of a voter should be established.

3) Proper training of poll workers. A great deal, if not all, of the alleged "ballot stuffing" at electronic voting machines is caused by ignorance on the part of poll workers, many of whom are elderly, not knowing what the hell they are doing. They are receiving poor training. "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

4) For voting precincts that are still using paper ballot systems, use the same overhead cameras to monitor poll workers that casinos use.

5) An electronic monitoring system which tracks whether or not a voter has already voted. There are already several states doing this.

Voter ID doesn't do shit to stop or prevent fraud. If you really give a fuck about the integrity of the process, stop wasting taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program. That money could be put to better use.

Also, if you think opening polls early and closing them late somehow encourages fraud, you are one of the dumbest of the dumb.
It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

This is where he'll claim he showed you already or start name calling like a 4th grader

No matter how many times I tell you I don't take you seriously and I'm going to have fun with you, you can't process it, can you?

What an idiot. BTW, I said that for a question where the answer was in the post you quoted. This may shed some light on my not taking you seriously.

Now answer Rightwinger

I asked for the relevancy of his question. I don't have to answer random questions. Sorry.

You dont understand this question: Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

Or what it has to do with the title of the thread you are in? :rofl:

This OP is doomed because of the sentence above.
What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

What is the relevance of the question?
It is the crux of your voter ID voter fraud.......the claim that people are going into the polls and voting under another persons name

If that is the case......where are all the people going to the polls and finding someone has already voted under their name

It's not the crux of my argument, and I don't care about anyone elses. Can you prove that not checking ID at airports has led to terrorist acts? That isn't how effective security procedures are created, they are created to prevent holes, not just fill holes. Why does it have to be proven how often it happens? That is an assumption on your part, and a poor one. Checking ID is no harm and all benefit. It's a no brainer,there is no reason not to.

We both know though that there is ID fraud and it's done primarily by Democrats. That's why you want to prevent stopping it. I don't want anyone to commit fraud, you want fraud as long as it benefits you.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

This is where he'll claim he showed you already or start name calling like a 4th grader

No matter how many times I tell you I don't take you seriously and I'm going to have fun with you, you can't process it, can you?

What an idiot. BTW, I said that for a question where the answer was in the post you quoted. This may shed some light on my not taking you seriously.

Now answer Rightwinger

I asked for the relevancy of his question. I don't have to answer random questions. Sorry.

You dont understand this question: Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

Or what it has to do with the title of the thread you are in? :rofl:

Google the word "relevance" since you don't know what it means. Liberals are so lazy.
We both know though that there is ID fraud and it's done primarily by Democrats.

And there it is. The unsupported desire to believe so powerful that it will deny all facts and reality itself to avoid catastrophic mental implosion.

First, this is a message board. You may come across opinions. I'd say I'm sorry that distresses you so much, but I'm not.

Second, what a flaming hypocrite to look at one unsupported accusation after another by your liberal brothers with silence from you to your reacting to this.

Third, you cut the meat from my post and ignored it because you wanted to be a dick. Congrats! It worked! You are!
Republicans shouldn't despair too much about losing on this issue in the Supreme Court, it's not a major strategic defeat, merely a tactical setback......maybe.
We both know though that there is ID fraud and it's done primarily by Democrats.

And there it is. The unsupported desire to believe so powerful that it will deny all facts and reality itself to avoid catastrophic mental implosion.

First, this is a message board. You may come across opinions. I'd say I'm sorry that distresses you so much, but I'm not.

Second, what a flaming hypocrite to look at one unsupported accusation after another by your liberal brothers with silence from you to your reacting to this.

Third, you cut the meat from my post and ignored it because you wanted to be a dick. Congrats! It worked! You are!
Oh, you mean that straw man fallacy you posted? I will be happy to quote it! I'm sorry I hurt your feelings by not repeating it.

That's why you want to prevent stopping it. I don't want anyone to commit fraud, you want fraud as long as it benefits you.

Straw Man Fallacy
What have we learned?

We have learned that Voter ID is completely ineffective against the types of fraud which occur in the US.

We have learned that Voter ID proponents will continue to post examples of those types of fraud (absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, etc.) as "evidence" of the need for Voter ID, thus proving they don't have two brain cells to rub together.

Most amusing of all, we have learned Voter ID proponents will post evidence of voter fraud in states which already have Voter ID as evidence of the need for Voter ID. This is rock solid evidence of an astounding mental blindness on their part. We're talking pathological willful stupidity here.

We have learned that Voter ID proponents will post umpteen logical fallacies to support their ridiculously ineffective Voter ID program.

Rinse, repeat.

This OP is doomed because of the sentence above.
And the proposed solution will prevent many many more legitimate voters from casting a vote than it will prevent fraud
We both know though that there is ID fraud and it's done primarily by Democrats.

And there it is. The unsupported desire to believe so powerful that it will deny all facts and reality itself to avoid catastrophic mental implosion.

First, this is a message board. You may come across opinions. I'd say I'm sorry that distresses you so much, but I'm not.

Second, what a flaming hypocrite to look at one unsupported accusation after another by your liberal brothers with silence from you to your reacting to this.

Third, you cut the meat from my post and ignored it because you wanted to be a dick. Congrats! It worked! You are!
Oh, you mean that straw man fallacy you posted? I will be happy to quote it! I'm sorry I hurt your feelings by not repeating it.

That's why you want to prevent stopping it. I don't want anyone to commit fraud, you want fraud as long as it benefits you.

Straw Man Fallacy

OK, simpleton, read your own link.

I said we both know....

A strawman would be if I said he said it and attacked it as if he had when he didn't.

What a moron, no wonder you're a government lover.

This OP is doomed because of the sentence above.
And the proposed solution will prevent many many more legitimate voters from casting a vote than it will prevent fraud

Begging the question.

How will it do that? It won't prevent anyone from casting a vote. Anyone can get a free ID in any state with voter ID laws and vote.
What have we learned?

We have learned that Voter ID is completely ineffective against the types of fraud which occur in the US.

Voter ID is very effective at preventing the fraud it was designed to prevent. People showing up at a voting station and voting as someone else. Your argument is basically that we should not have seat belts because they don't prevent people from driving drunk.

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