Supreme Court Blocks Unfair Voter ID Laws

When a notorious Democrat advises Republicans needs must ignore. Excpet for RINOs like Boner who play right into that crap and lose.

Remember how Democrats all were saying that Romney was the perfect candidate, a moderate, they would have a hard time even opposing him? Republicans have to stop nominating establishment losers.
I met a man from Ghana once. He told me about how in his old country (You could learn from him, liberals. He did not call Ghana his "home country." He is an American citizen and is proud of it.) they had biometric technology at every single polling place in the nation. People came in, didn't give their name or address or anything, they just placed their thumb on a machine that scanned it and a ballot was printed out for them.

How is it that Apefrica can solve voter fraud with no controversy and America can't? I guess Ghana just doesn't have the same stumbling block to honest, transparent elections that we do: White guilt liberals.

And the TeaTards claim they are not racists
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?
I met a man from Ghana once. He told me about how in his old country (You could learn from him, liberals. He did not call Ghana his "home country." He is an American citizen and is proud of it.) they had biometric technology at every single polling place in the nation. People came in, didn't give their name or address or anything, they just placed their thumb on a machine that scanned it and a ballot was printed out for them.

How is it that Apefrica can solve voter fraud with no controversy and America can't? I guess Ghana just doesn't have the same stumbling block to honest, transparent elections that we do: White guilt liberals.

And the TeaTards claim they are not racists

So your standard is that if one Tea Partier is racist they all are. Does that work for liberals too? Do you only have to find one then you will agree you are all racists?
Did Mickey Mouse register to vote? Voter ID would not stop that.

And just because Mickey registered, that does not mean he actually voted. People who are paid to collect registrations will sometimes pad their registrations if they are paid by the number of people they register.

Again, Voter ID does absolutely nothing to address this.

Absentee voter fraud is the most common kind of fraud we see. Voter ID proponents love to post them some links to cases of absentee voter fraud as proof we need Voter ID, thus demonstrating that Voter ID proponents don't have two brain cells to rub together since Voter ID cannot stop absentee voter fraud.

Poll worker fraud is another kind of fraud we sometimes see. Voter ID proponents love to post them some links to cases of poll worker fraud in topics about Voter ID, thus again demonstrating that Voter ID proponents don't have two brain cells to rub together since Voter ID cannot stop poll worker fraud.

Clearly, since Voter ID does not stop the types of fraud which occur, the people behind the Voter ID movement must have some other motive. But since the rubes never, you know, think about the stupidity of their arguments since that would shatter their delusions, then they never even get close to questioning the real motives behind this movement.

Should I bother searching your posts on gun control laws?

IF voter ID laws don't prevent fraud, why are you so against them? If you come back with "hardship" be prepared to prove anyone hasn't been able to vote because of such laws.
Please, please, please search my posts on gun control laws, you idiot. I'm pro gun.

Why am I against spending taxpayer money on a completely ineffective government program which only succeeds in introducing more obstacles in our lives? Because I am a conservative, dipshit.

Old school conservative. You know what we used to called dipshits who advocated spending taxpayer money on completely ineffective government programs?


Wow, very hostile response. Did I hurt your feelings?

Next question. How much money will it cost to tell people to bring their fucking ID to vote? I mean I get it , the government will always spend money, but that's a governmental problem, a policy of bring your ID to vote could be implemented without spending a single dime and you know it.

Oh, you're too poor to afford the $5 for a new ID every 4 years? The fuck if you are, no such person exists in this country, and if they do we don't want them voting anyway because obviously they are STUPID.
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

This is where he'll claim he showed you already or start name calling like a 4th grader
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

What is the relevance of the question?
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

This is where he'll claim he showed you already or start name calling like a 4th grader

No matter how many times I tell you I don't take you seriously and I'm going to have fun with you, you can't process it, can you?

What an idiot. BTW, I said that for a question where the answer was in the post you quoted. This may shed some light on my not taking you seriously.
By the end of 2016, the political end and absolute futility will have arrived for the pretend GOP like HBH and others. Too bad to be them.
What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

This is where he'll claim he showed you already or start name calling like a 4th grader

No matter how many times I tell you I don't take you seriously and I'm going to have fun with you, you can't process it, can you?

What an idiot. BTW, I said that for a question where the answer was in the post you quoted. This may shed some light on my not taking you seriously.

Now answer Rightwinger
If Romney runs again thinking Republicans will vote for Hillary as the lesser leftist of the litter. Give it up Jammie Jake, RINOs are -or would just like to be- the death of the two party system.
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.
Where are your examples of people going to the polls and finding someone has voted under their name?

This is where he'll claim he showed you already or start name calling like a 4th grader

No matter how many times I tell you I don't take you seriously and I'm going to have fun with you, you can't process it, can you?

What an idiot. BTW, I said that for a question where the answer was in the post you quoted. This may shed some light on my not taking you seriously.

Now answer Rightwinger

I asked for the relevancy of his question. I don't have to answer random questions. Sorry.
How is it that Apefrica can solve voter fraud with no controversy and America can't?

Not only did you feel the need to post racist tripe, you compounded your retardation by assuming Voter ID, (or even dumber, fingerprint scanning) "can solve voter fraud" despite it having been demonstrated time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again that it does not.
The dumb shits are going to make everyone get government approved papers to vote, and then go blissfully onward, and completely ignore the fact that voter fraud is still happening in their states.

You don't see "Fair and Balanced" Fox News blaring stories about voter fraud still going on in Voter ID states. You ever wonder why that is?

Instead, you see them stepping just a few feet outside their studio and asking a couple of well dressed negroes who happen to be passing by if they have ID. This is Fox News' way of "proving" all negroes have IDs! I shit you not.

But not one story about Voter ID being completely ineffective at stopping fraud in Voter ID states.


The GAO, with unlimited government funding, could find no conclusive way to verify voter fraud and a brilliant partisan hack like you can. Absolutely amazing
The dumb shits are going to make everyone get government approved papers to vote, and then go blissfully onward, and completely ignore the fact that voter fraud is still happening in their states.

You don't see "Fair and Balanced" Fox News blaring stories about voter fraud still going on in Voter ID states. You ever wonder why that is?

Instead, you see them stepping just a few feet outside their studio and asking a couple of well dressed negroes who happen to be passing by if they have ID. This is Fox News' way of "proving" all negroes have IDs! I shit you not.

But not one story about Voter ID being completely ineffective at stopping fraud in Voter ID states.


The GAO, with unlimited government funding, could find no conclusive way to verify voter fraud and a brilliant partisan hack like you can. Absolutely amazing
I see you could not sum up enough wattage to figure out why in-person voter fraud is so rare. I am not surprised.
The dumb shits are going to make everyone get government approved papers to vote, and then go blissfully onward, and completely ignore the fact that voter fraud is still happening in their states.

You don't see "Fair and Balanced" Fox News blaring stories about voter fraud still going on in Voter ID states. You ever wonder why that is?

Instead, you see them stepping just a few feet outside their studio and asking a couple of well dressed negroes who happen to be passing by if they have ID. This is Fox News' way of "proving" all negroes have IDs! I shit you not.

But not one story about Voter ID being completely ineffective at stopping fraud in Voter ID states.


"The Government Accountability Office released a report this week that said no single entity in the federal government is responsible for tracking in-person voter fraud, and that in most states, tracking voter fraud is handled by multiple agencies.
If one reads the source GAO report cited in the hack source TooTall got his quote from, one finds the GAO determined that in-person voter fraud, despite the difficulty of gathering the data, is rare.

The results of a nationwide study:
No significant
indicators of voter
impersonation fraud
in the 2012 general
I have a vote by mail, that arrived Saturday. Theoretically anybody who has access to it can fill it out as s/he wishes and send it in. However, no one can show any significant voter fraud by vote by mail.

How would they get access to your mail?

Of course a really dedicated group could go around town and register hundreds of people who say they will vote for their candidate and put down the same address for all of them, then call them on their obamaphones to pick them up when the absentee ballots arrive.
Again, if one exerts oneself with about 30 seconds of thought, one quickly realizes why in-person voter fraud is so rare in the U.S.

If it was rampant, it would be quite evident. It is precisely because it is so rare that it is difficult to find significant statistics for it.

Now stop and actually put some thought into it. It is blazingly obvious why it is not rampant.
The dumb shits are going to make everyone get government approved papers to vote, and then go blissfully onward, and completely ignore the fact that voter fraud is still happening in their states.

You don't see "Fair and Balanced" Fox News blaring stories about voter fraud still going on in Voter ID states. You ever wonder why that is?

Instead, you see them stepping just a few feet outside their studio and asking a couple of well dressed negroes who happen to be passing by if they have ID. This is Fox News' way of "proving" all negroes have IDs! I shit you not.

But not one story about Voter ID being completely ineffective at stopping fraud in Voter ID states.


"The Government Accountability Office released a report this week that said no single entity in the federal government is responsible for tracking in-person voter fraud, and that in most states, tracking voter fraud is handled by multiple agencies.

Report says government not keeping consolidated data on voter fraud

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