Supreme Court Blocks Unfair Voter ID Laws

So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.

but I thought this was about stopping voter fraud? How does an ID stop that?
I'm old school conservative. Back when a real conservative was the smartest person in the room. Do you know what we used to call people who advocated spending taxpayer dollars on a a completely ineffective government program to solve problems they blew way out of proportion, and which only managed to place more obstacles in our lives?


You're full-of-shit is what you are... and apparently grammatically challenged as well.
The dumb shits are going to make everyone get government approved papers to vote, and then go blissfully onward, and completely ignore the fact that voter fraud is still happening in their states.

You don't see "Fair and Balanced" Fox News blaring stories about voter fraud still going on in Voter ID states. You ever wonder why that is?

Instead, you see them stepping just a few feet outside their studio and asking a couple of well dressed negroes who happen to be passing by if they have ID. This is Fox News' way of "proving" all negroes have IDs! I shit you not.

But not one story about Voter ID being completely ineffective at stopping fraud in Voter ID states.


"The Government Accountability Office released a report this week that said no single entity in the federal government is responsible for tracking in-person voter fraud, and that in most states, tracking voter fraud is handled by multiple agencies.
I'm old school conservative. Back when a real conservative was the smartest person in the room. Do you know what we used to call people who advocated spending taxpayer dollars on a a completely ineffective government program to solve problems they blew way out of proportion, and which only managed to place more obstacles in our lives?


Is that what you used to call them? Now apparently you call them "old school conservative."
It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.

but I thought this was about stopping voter fraud? How does an ID stop that?

Read the post you quoted, moron.

All your responses when asked for proof are the same. No proof, more name calling
I have a vote by mail, that arrived Saturday. Theoretically anybody who has access to it can fill it out as s/he wishes and send it in. However, no one can show any significant voter fraud by vote by mail.

Pity there no Obama stamps whose back side you could lick before mailing!

Since you cannot support the far right's idiocy on this subject, you attack me. OK.
I have a vote by mail, that arrived Saturday. Theoretically anybody who has access to it can fill it out as s/he wishes and send it in. However, no one can show any significant voter fraud by vote by mail.

Yes, "arrived" at your address. Someone could pretend to be you if they have access to your mail at your house and you don't go vote yourself.

On the other hand, without ID anyone can show up and claim to be you and vote for you. Like they did when a guy said he was Eric Holder and they gave him a ballot.

Yet you can show no significant voter fraud, either by mail or other ways.

Guys, the millennials know the far right wants to tighten voting rules because it has no votes to spare at all. So instead of reaching out to voters, you folks try to disenfranchise them

Once again, as always, the GOP must sincerely reach out to women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

The bells toll for the far right.
It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.

but I thought this was about stopping voter fraud? How does an ID stop that?

Read the post you quoted, moron.

All your responses when asked for proof are the same. No proof, more name calling

The answer to the question you asked was in the post you quoted when you asked it, dumb ass. And at what point after I told you I don't take you seriously so I'm going to have fun with you did you figure out I don't take you seriously and I am going to have fun with you? Oh yeah, you haven't figured it out yet.

So did you read your question and the quote you included with the answer to your question yet?
If anything, this thread shows the far right is a Progressive right wing movement wanting government to do for them that which they can't do on their own: take power.
And the majority of the voters are having fun with Kaz, because the person cannot be taken seriously.
I have a vote by mail, that arrived Saturday. Theoretically anybody who has access to it can fill it out as s/he wishes and send it in. However, no one can show any significant voter fraud by vote by mail.

Yes, "arrived" at your address. Someone could pretend to be you if they have access to your mail at your house and you don't go vote yourself.

On the other hand, without ID anyone can show up and claim to be you and vote for you. Like they did when a guy said he was Eric Holder and they gave him a ballot.

Yet you can show no significant voter fraud, either by mail or other ways.

Guys, the millennials know the far right wants to tighten voting rules because it has no votes to spare at all. So instead of reaching out to voters, you folks try to disenfranchise them

Once again, as always, the GOP must sincerely reach out to women, Hispanics, and other minorities.

The bells toll for the far right.

LOL, they want to disenfranchise people from voting for other people? That's a disenfranchisement worth doing...
And the majority of the voters are having fun with Kaz, because the person cannot be taken seriously.

What a shallow post, you are showing who is not to be taken seriously.

Do you ever wonder why most of the "thank you" and "agree" that you get are from leftists liberals? Why do you suppose that is, Jake?

As for Voter ID, why do you have to show your ID to cash a check?
The only time the left bitches is when a law would prevent cheating.

As has been made abundantly clear time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again, Voter ID does not prevent cheating.

Thank you for playing.

Main point is that Obamacare requires everyone to have an ID since you need one to sign up for health care insurance and the law says that EVERYONE must sign up. Since they've done that, the left can now stop claiming that it's racist to expect people to get an ID. That is my main complaint with their objections. The left insists that too many people are unable to obtain an ID and then they support legislation that forces people to have an ID.

Also, can you cite any studies that seriously looked at the connection with IDs and voting? Personally, I believe most cheating goes on using unclaimed legal ballots. The only thing you can check is whether a registered voter is legal or not, but there is no way to know who used the legal ballot to cast a vote. No one has checked the most likely method of cheating, though it would be a very time consuming venture. Millions have never bothered going to the polls, yet they are registered because of motor voter. When we had so many places with over 100% of voter turnout, you know something is terribly wrong. You can bet that if Romney had received 100% OR MORE of votes in any given district, a full scale investigation would have been launched. Funny how things get swept under the rug because it was a Dem.
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kaz, the shallow positing is from you and others who cannot point out "right there, see it?" any major voter fraud. Do that, and I am with you. But if you can't, I won't support closing down voting registrations on suggested, unproven flaws.
It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.

but I thought this was about stopping voter fraud? How does an ID stop that?

Read the post you quoted, moron.

All your responses when asked for proof are the same. No proof, more name calling

The answer to the question you asked was in the post you quoted when you asked it, dumb ass. And at what point after I told you I don't take you seriously so I'm going to have fun with you did you figure out I don't take you seriously and I am going to have fun with you? Oh yeah, you haven't figured it out yet.

So did you read your question and the quote you included with the answer to your question yet?

Translation: I cant answer your question so I'm going full troll. I hope no one notices
It does make sure that when someone goes to the polling station they are who they say they are.

Try cashing a check for $10 without an ID. Try getting on an airplane. Try driving a car. Try buying a six pack.

but I thought this was about stopping voter fraud? How does an ID stop that?

Read the post you quoted, moron.

All your responses when asked for proof are the same. No proof, more name calling

The answer to the question you asked was in the post you quoted when you asked it, dumb ass. And at what point after I told you I don't take you seriously so I'm going to have fun with you did you figure out I don't take you seriously and I am going to have fun with you? Oh yeah, you haven't figured it out yet.

So did you read your question and the quote you included with the answer to your question yet?

Translation: I cant answer your question so I'm going full troll. I hope no one notices

The answer to your question was in the post you quoted. I've told you that three times now. How stupid are you?

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