Supreme Court Blocks Unfair Voter ID Laws

Pretty ironic ruling since you need a photo I.D. to visit the Supreme court and every other freaking federal building.
The Texas judge was particularly accurate and brutal with his honesty.

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law - NBC News
U.S. District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos wrote in an opinion released Thursday evening that “There has been a clear and disturbing pattern of discrimination in the name of combatting voter fraud in Texas,” and that the state hadn’t demonstrated that such fraud was widespread.

Gonzales said the evidence showed the proponents of the law “were motivated, at the very least in part, because of and not merely in spite of the voter ID law’s detrimental effects on the African-American and Hispanic electorate.”

Gee, I'm sure it was an 'objective decision' on the Judge's part. And, the Judge is female, not male.

United States District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos was nominated by President Barack Obama on January 26, 2011, to a seat vacated by Judge Hayden Wilson Head, Jr.

Southern District of Texas Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos appointed United States District Judge

Apparently, she doesn't want much info out there on her political affiliations, either.

Project Vote Smart - The Voter s Self Defense System

Political Experience
  • No political experience information on file.
Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees
  • No caucus information on file.
Religious, Civic, and other Memberships
  • No organizational membership information on file.
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So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

Yes even Canada has voter ID laws, much of Europe has voter ID laws. Even a lot of those Arab nations have voter ID laws. The US is in the handful of Industrialized nations that does not have any voter ID laws. Good news for you far left drones is that most (if not all) third world nations have ZERO voter ID laws.

The far left wants to regulate and control everything except voting and Pot..
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Funny to watch Republicans pretend as though they are all about fundamental fairness and not at all interested in disenfranchising people they disagree with. Fucking hilarious.

Riddle me this.

I'm a law abiding gun owner who served over 20 years in the military, what is fair about making ME provide ID and waiting 7 days to buy a gun just because some OTHER people commit crimes with guns?
Obamacare is the law and everyone must obey or pay a fine and maybe even go to jail. Obamacare requires that everyone have an ID to enroll. So, since everyone will have an ID (since everyone is supposed to be covered), the argument that it's too hard for some to get doesn't fly. If people aren't smart enough to sign up for healthcare, then they aren't smart enough to vote anyway.

Of course, illegal aliens do vote and we all know it, but since they appear to be legally registered (since you can't check status of anyone these days) their votes appear to be legit.

How about we just end motor voter registration and have everyone who intends to vote re-register to make sure that millions of ballots for people who never vote won't get used anyway.
Of course, illegal aliens do vote and we all know it, but since they appear to be legally registered (since you can't check status of anyone these days) their votes appear to be legit.

....which, of course, voter ID laws do nothing to prevent.
It's easy to get an ID here in Texas. They're cheap and are good for a long time. They're also available from your local La Raza rep and alien smuggler. In LA you can buy ID's and SS number all day long at a park just a block or two from City Hall.

Requiring an ID doesn't prevent anybody from voting. It's a ridiculous claim.
It's easy to get an ID here in Texas. They're cheap and are good for a long time. They're also available from your local La Raza rep and alien smuggler. In LA you can buy ID's and SS number all day long at a park just a block or two from City Hall.

Requiring an ID doesn't prevent anybody from voting. It's a ridiculous claim.

That's why 1070 was such a bust.

Any college kid can get ID to drink. Why would the racists believe drug cartels can't do the same thing and do it a lot better?
It's easy to get an ID here in Texas. They're cheap and are good for a long time. They're also available from your local La Raza rep and alien smuggler. In LA you can buy ID's and SS number all day long at a park just a block or two from City Hall.

Requiring an ID doesn't prevent anybody from voting. It's a ridiculous claim.

That's why 1070 was such a bust.

Any college kid can get ID to drink. Why would the racists believe drug cartels can't do the same thing and do it a lot better?

Well, I don't have any idea why you and the racist Democrats are so opposed to requiring an ID. Obviously it doesn't prevent anybody from voting and thus doesn't discriminate against minorities.
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

I'm not sure what different types of voter fraud have to do with common sense voter ID laws. I'm also not sure what you mean by stating that voter ID states leave other fraudulent forms of voting "unabated". Are you suggesting that voter ID states don't have laws against other types of voter fraud? Are you suggesting that voter ID states don't investigate voter fraud? Do you have any information to buttress your argument?
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

I'm not sure what different types of voter fraud have to do with common sense voter ID laws. I'm also not sure what you mean by stating that voter ID states leave other fraudulent forms of voting "unabated". Are you suggesting that voter ID states don't have laws against other types of voter fraud? Are you suggesting that voter ID states don't investigate voter fraud? Do you have any information to buttress your argument?

They will have run back to their Hive's media outlets to find out how they should to respond to these points, and get back to you. My guess is 'yur a raycist!' will be the gist of their responses.
Now watch Republicans scream about a politicized Supreme Court.

Democratic Effort Boosted as Courts Block Voter ID Laws - Bloomberg
Explain how in the hell does having to show an ID to vote prevent anyone from voting that legally can vote?
And if it was your intention to vote that election cycle you should have already registered

If you don't have a suitable ID, or if the government specifically targets your ID so that it can't be used for voting, then you can't vote. Take....Texas. They no longer accept Student ID as valid identification for voting, despite the identification being issued by the State of Texas. But they now accept a gun license for voting. Why? They don't want students voting. And they do want gun owners voting.

There is virtually no in person voter fraud, the only kind of fraud that voter ID could possibly prevent. In the last 10 years Texas could find 2, that's right 2 cases of in person voter fraud that their voter ID laws could prevent. And please note that this is a state that has no problem with roughly 4% innocence rate in executions.

To get a student ID one must show a valid government issued photo identification. In other words, your point doesn't make any sense.
Now watch Republicans scream about a politicized Supreme Court.

Democratic Effort Boosted as Courts Block Voter ID Laws - Bloomberg
Explain how in the hell does having to show an ID to vote prevent anyone from voting that legally can vote?
And if it was your intention to vote that election cycle you should have already registered

If you don't have a suitable ID, or if the government specifically targets your ID so that it can't be used for voting, then you can't vote. Take....Texas. They no longer accept Student ID as valid identification for voting, despite the identification being issued by the State of Texas. But they now accept a gun license for voting. Why? They don't want students voting. And they do want gun owners voting.

There is virtually no in person voter fraud, the only kind of fraud that voter ID could possibly prevent. In the last 10 years Texas could find 2, that's right 2 cases of in person voter fraud that their voter ID laws could prevent. And please note that this is a state that has no problem with roughly 4% innocence rate in executions.

To get a student ID one must show a valid government issued photo identification. In other words, your point doesn't make any sense.

If you have to have a valid government ID to get a student ID, why deny Student ID as valid for voting?

Especially, and this is kinda important......there is virtually no in person voter fraud for voter ID laws to prevent. What's next for Texas...unicorn leash laws?
Democrats are the party that in precinct after precinct after precinct claim absentee ballots from our combat troops overseas are invalid for some ephemeral reason or another, or that they "got there too late" to be counted. Democrat poll officials know that 90% of America's combat troops vote Republican, so their ballots are an "inconvenient truth" for Al Gore supporters and the like, and in that particular presidential election, thousands never got counted, especially in New York and Florida.

If the democrats are that sissified and despicable that they'd deny the very people fighting for human rights their own human rights, like the right to vote, then just how low do you think the party that enshrines cowardice, race-baiting, hatred, and legalized child molestation would go to steal any election? Send 4000 troops off to "fight Ebola" so hopefully they'll all die and their votes won't get counted next month either? There, you're getting the idea.

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