Supreme Court Blocks Unfair Voter ID Laws

So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

The Supreme Court apparently doesn't see it that way.

Justice Stevens:
"It remains true, however, that flagrant examples of such fraud in other parts of the country have been documented throughout this Nation's history by respected historians and journalists, that occasional examples have surfaced in recent years, and that Indiana's own experience with fraudulent voting in the 2003 Democratic primary for East Chicago Mayor - though perpetrated using absentee ballots and not in-person fraud - demonstrate that not only is the risk of voter fraud real but that it could affect the outcome of a close election."

The burdens that are relevant to the issue before us are those imposed on persons who are eligible to vote but do not possess a current photo identification that complies with the requirements of SEA 483.16The fact that most voters already possess a valid driver's license, or some other form of acceptable identification, would not save the statute under our reasoning in Harper, if the State required voters to pay a tax or a fee to obtain a new photo identification. But just as other States provide free voter registration cards, the photo identification cards issued by Indiana's BMV are also free. For most voters who need them, the inconvenience of making a trip to the BMV, gathering the required documents, and posing for a photograph surely does not qualify as a substantial burden on the right to vote, or even represent a significant increase over the usual burdens of voting.

Justice Stevens, joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kennedy, found no showing of an undue burden on various voters who challenged the voter ID law on its face. Justices Scalia, Thomas and Alito would have upheld the law on the broader ground that it imposed the same requirements equally on all voters. Both opinions give great weight to the state interest in ensuring that only eligible voters cast ballots. Justice Souter, joined by Justices Breyer and Ginsburg, dissented. - Indiana Voter ID challenge
So you two dumbasses support voter fraud?

What voter fraud?
Voter ID does not prevent or stop the types of voter fraud which actually occur. I.e., it does not stop voting in multiple voting precincts, it does not stop absentee ballot fraud, it does not stop poll workers altering or "losing" ballots. Such types of fraud have continued unabated in Voter ID states.

Thank you for playing.

If technology allows smart phones to use a fingerprint to authenticate and identify a user to unlock a phone as a security feature, the same electronic technology can be used in conjunction with an electronic ballot or electronic poling station. If this same government can throw away taxpayer money to provide those who can't afford it a cell phone for free, and our government feels justified in mandating everyone carry health care, this is not a big stretch for our Federal Government to follow,

Thank you for playing.
“There is not way people can function without an ID Can't buy your prescription without one You can't drive without one Can't cash a check without one Some items require ID People have been arrested for failure to produce an ID.”

As already correctly noted, this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no Constitutional right to buy a prescription, drive a car, or cash a check.

There is, however, a Constitutional right to vote. And when the state creates an undue burden to the fundamental right to vote, such as 'voter ID' laws, absent a rational basis, objective, documented evidence in support, and pursuant to a proper legislative end, the courts are going to invalidate such laws.

However the Constitution does specifically give an individual the right to bear arms. Yet they must provide a valid ID as well as a background check. Is there an undue burden behind that constitutional right? What's good for one, is just as good for the other. Try to tell me again where this fallacy of an undue burden is again?
I'm old school conservative. Back when a real conservative was the smartest person in the room. Do you know what we used to call people who advocated spending taxpayer dollars on a a completely ineffective government program to solve problems they blew way out of proportion, and which only managed to place more obstacles in our lives?


Voter ID doesn't work but gun laws do


obviously, you're mistake no one has ever been harmed with a gun because of ALL those wonderful gun laws.
Now watch Republicans scream about a politicized Supreme Court.

Democratic Effort Boosted as Courts Block Voter ID Laws - Bloomberg
Explain how in the hell does having to show an ID to vote prevent anyone from voting that legally can vote?
And if it was your intention to vote that election cycle you should have already registered

If you don't have a suitable ID, or if the government specifically targets your ID so that it can't be used for voting, then you can't vote. Take....Texas. They no longer accept Student ID as valid identification for voting, despite the identification being issued by the State of Texas. But they now accept a gun license for voting. Why? They don't want students voting. And they do want gun owners voting.

There is virtually no in person voter fraud, the only kind of fraud that voter ID could possibly prevent. In the last 10 years Texas could find 2, that's right 2 cases of in person voter fraud that their voter ID laws could prevent. And please note that this is a state that has no problem with roughly 4% innocence rate in executions.

To get a student ID one must show a valid government issued photo identification. In other words, your point doesn't make any sense.

If you have to have a valid government ID to get a student ID, why deny Student ID as valid for voting?

Especially, and this is kinda important......there is virtually no in person voter fraud for voter ID laws to prevent. What's next for Texas...unicorn leash laws?

I don't know why one would deny student ID as valid for voting but it's hard to say that students are dissuaded to vote since they must have a government ID to get a student ID. Unicorn leash laws would be required if there were "virtually" no unicorns. "Virtually" means that there ARE unicorns. One can not wonder if you are referring to undocumented unicorns, unicorns with felony records or other kinds of unicorns that tend to vote democrat.

There's a very good reason for denying student ID for voter identification. A student can live in one state and go to school in another. He can use his student ID to vote in the state where he goes to school and a driver's license to vote where he lives (where his parents live, that is).

Absentee ballot voter fraud. Voter ID wouldn't have touch it.

Which is exactly my point.

Apparently you think blacks are too stupid to apply for a voter ID!

Apparently I think in person voter fraud is virtually non-existent. Making voter ID a solution in search of a problem.

Of course everyone knows that, but Republicans like to pretend any way.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations
Will the court ever decide that no one needs ID to get Obamacare? Being it's the law and EVERYONE has to get healthcare, shouldn't they immediately require all citizens to hold a valid ID? Seriously, no one has a choice anymore if they follow our laws. Has anyone on the left expressed outrage that Obamacare mandates that people must have insurance and that to get it they must have IDs? Where are the cries of racism?

The only time the left bitches is when a law would prevent cheating. We all know that is the real reason behind fighting voter ID laws.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that voting is the only process in this country that is free of corruption?

The real cheating goes on with absentee ballots and millions of unused legal ballots across the country that are issued because of motor voter registration. We need to end motor voter and have people register themselves. Eliminate the ballots that can be used illegally because of all the people who are legally registered, but don't vote. And those votes will never be discovered unless you actually poll all voters who cast a ballot and ask if they actually voted themselves.
Clementine, no election fraud of any note exists. And you fallacy of false comparison highlights the extreme between voice and need..

Why don't we admit that and say yet the process of election is so important that an ID should be provided in some form or fashion.
Clementine, no election fraud of any note exists. And you fallacy of false comparison highlights the extreme between voice and need..

Why don't we admit that and say yet the process of election is so important that an ID should be provided in some form or fashion.
You know more than Justice Stevens? He is quoted in believing such occurrences is proven to exist. Give it up there bud.
Of any note? Go ahead and post a solid source that identifies such fraud and that it is significant. I am always willing to learn.
Voter fraud is almost non-existent.

Shut up already.

What does "almost non-existent" mean? Is that like being almost pregnant? If one believes that every vote should count, then "almost every vote counting" is not satisfactory.

Yes, there is a difference, and you know it. It's a misdemeanor to take a man's rake from his yard; felonies result when you steal his truck and boat.

Please, since I want to learn, give me solid, incontrovertible evidence that significant voter fraud has occurred.
Voter fraud is almost non-existent.

Shut up already.

What does "almost non-existent" mean? Is that like being almost pregnant? If one believes that every vote should count, then "almost every vote counting" is not satisfactory.

Yes, there is a difference, and you know it. It's a misdemeanor to take a man's rake from his yard; felonies result when you steal his truck and boat.

Please, since I want to learn, give me solid, incontrovertible evidence that significant voter fraud has occurred.

Jake - it's a good thing that you want to learn. BUT some people are just not reachable or teachable with words little fella ... maybe a picture will help ....

Show us major, significant voter fraud, greenbean snow, or leave the discussion to your betters, please.
Two hours later and nothing about major voter fraud.

The lesser ones have recognized they can't argue the point.
Two hours later and nothing about major voter fraud.

The lesser ones have recognized they can't argue the point.

Nobody really knows according to the GAO.

"The Government Accountability Office released a report this week that said no single entity in the federal government is responsible for tracking in-person voter fraud, and that in most states, tracking voter fraud is handled by multiple agencies.

GAO said these facts make it very difficult to examine how often people try to claim someone else’s identify at the polls.

At the state level, responsibility often falls between local and county officials to track voter fraud, which makes it hard to break down state-level data. Additionally, local efforts to track fraud are not necessarily reported back up to the states."

Report says government not keeping consolidated data on voter fraud
So there is no record of major voter fraud.

Yet we want to rush out crush any major voter fraud without knowing if there is any major voter fraud.

This type of reasoning underline Progressive right wing use of big government to crush civil liberties.

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