Supreme Court Decisions Expected Today


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Rumblings are that the SCOTUS may announce rulings on major cases today. Among them are the student loan forgiveness program (which is an overreach of Biden’s executive power) and the Affirmative Action cases (which currently allow for admission goals to be set according to race). Also closely watched is the LBGQ case in which a private business owner does not want to provide his/her service to gays.

I suggest that each of these cases are so important in their own right that we have separate threads for them, but for now, this serves as notice that the decisions may be imminent.

The Supreme Court will continue its campaign to strip individual rights
The OP mentioned the Xiden loan forgiveness program, Affirmative Action...which of those is an individual right?

The OP also mentioned "LBGQ case in which a private business owner does not want to provide his/her service to gays." - how should the court rule on those cases to ensure they don't strip individual rights? Should they strip the individual rights of the business owners?
The OP mentioned the Xiden loan forgiveness program, Affirmative Action...which of those is an individual right?

The OP also mentioned "LBGQ case in which a private business owner does not want to provide his/her service to gays." - how should the court rule on those cases to ensure they don't strip individual rights? Should they strip the individual rights of the business owners?
None of those strip individual rights. In fact, they PROTECT individual rights. Why should an Asian - an individual - have to meet higher admissions standards because he belongs to the Asian race? Why should car mechanics and secretaries - also individuals - be forced to pay off the loans of college-educated professors? And why should a website designer - running a business as an individual - be forced to design a site for an organization that violates his religious beliefs?

Rightwinger just says stuff to be obnoxious,
The Supreme Court will continue its campaign to strip individual rights
None of those strip individual rights. In fact, they PROTECT individual rights. Why should an Asian - an individual - have to meet higher admissions standards because he belongs to the Asian race? Why should car mechanics and secretaries - also individuals - be forced to pay off the loans of college-educated professors? And why should a website designer - running a business as an individual - be forced to design a site for an organization that violates his religious beliefs?

Rightwinger just says stuff to be obnoxious,
oh you give him too much credit…i think he just parrots demafasict propaganda
He worked for the federal government. He’s very typical of what is populating our agencies.

It is well known in my line of work that incompetency, with few exceptions, should be expected when dealing with employees of a government agency. In addition, that incompetency is typically inversely proportional to their pay grade. Many government employees matriculate to higher positions to which they are not qualified based on nothing more than seniority or some quota that must be met rather than work ethic or skillset.
Just announced….it will be another day or two before the major decisions are released. Pretty sure it will be before we head into the Holiday weekend.
It is well known in my line of work that incompetency, with few exceptions, should be expected when dealing with employees of a government agency. In addition, that incompetency is typically inversely proportional to their pay grade. Many government employees matriculate to higher positions to which they are not qualified based on nothing more than seniority or some quota that must be met rather than work ethic or skillset.
What I’ve found around here is that incompetent people are hired at pretty high levels, and then they outsource the actual work to those in the private industry. I myself was requisitioned by someone I know in the government to do a good chunk of her work. I declined.
The OP also mentioned "LBGQ case in which a private business owner does not want to provide his/her service to gays." - how should the court rule on those cases to ensure they don't strip individual rights? Should they strip the individual rights of the business owners?

A business is not a person.
The owner is free to hate gays.

But if his business is open to the public, it must accommodate the whole public

”We don’t serve Negroes” is no longer allowed
A business is not a person.
The owner is free to hate gays.

But if his business is open to the public, it must accommodate the whole public

”We don’t serve Negroes” is no longer allowed
actually a business can be a person or a group of people

this case isn’t about negroes
A business is not a person.
The owner is free to hate gays.

But if his business is open to the public, it must accommodate the whole public

”We don’t serve Negroes” is no longer allowed
Then what about the business that kicked Sarah Huckabee out of the restaurant, along with her kids?

As a business owner, I was always free to decline, or “fire,” to accept clients.
actually a business can be a person or a group of people

this case isn’t about negroes

Negroes set the principle for a business being able to discriminate

Just because you hate blacks, doesn’t mean you can refuse service
Same goes for gays or Muslims or Mexicans
Then what about the business that kicked Sarah Huckabee out of the restaurant, along with her kids?

As a business owner, I was always free to decline, or “fire,” to accept clients.
Sarah Huckabee is not a protected group
actually a business can be a person or a group of people

this case isn’t about negroes
The gays can just find a website designer that WILL serve them, and stop making a big deal about it.

When I was growing up, the nearby country club didn’t accept Jews. So what did Jews do? We formed our OWN country club. (My own family didn’t join. My dad thought country club membership promoted snobbery.)
The OP mentioned the Xiden loan forgiveness program, Affirmative Action...which of those is an individual right?

The OP also mentioned "LBGQ case in which a private business owner does not want to provide his/her service to gays." - how should the court rule on those cases to ensure they don't strip individual rights? Should they strip the individual rights of the business owners?

Neither are a right.

Student loan forgiveness is no right. If they have a right to get their student loan forgiven then I have the right for my car payment and mortgage to be forgiven because I also knowingly and willingly read, understood and signed a document agreeing to pay back the money I agreed to borrow.

There is no right to get a job or be admitted to a school based purely on my skin color. We're supposed to have laws against racism and that is the very definition of racism when you say "I will accept only X amount of people with one skin color" because that also means you won't accept X amount of people without that skin color. If you get a job or get into a school it should be based solely on merit, experience, ambition, intelligence, etc. Telling everyone they have to be responsible and make their own way and not give special treatment is fair and equal.

If a business doesn't want to work with someone then that's their decision. Like the cake place that didn't want to make a cake for a gay wedding, if they don't want the money they can make that decision. The gays can go somewhere else. A business is an extension of the owners and they can dictate their own principals. Of course that's aside from state, city, federal, essential services like electric, they have to serve everyone.

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