Supreme Court issues shocking 5-4 ruling

So people get to violate TX laws because they are not citizens?

Texas laws are invalid, there’s nothing to ‘violate’; immigration law is the sole purview of Congress, and the executive branch alone has the authority to enforce Federal immigration law, not the states.

It comes as no surprise that conservatives are truly this ignorant.
Why is the GOP preventing military aid by the US to the Ukraine?

The GOP’s stance on providing military aid to Ukraine has been a topic of debate. Here are some key points:

  1. Senator Ron Johnson’s Argument:
  2. House Republican Opposition:
  3. Ambivalence on Russia:
  4. Tying Aid to Other Policy Goals:

The GOP is aiding the Russians in the war with Ukraine.
You're not understanding that the US is in Debt to the tune of $34T, so we are paying more in interest than we are for Defense.

The simple answer is that the US needs to cut spending, the sooner the better. Let the fucking EU pay to keep the Russians from

invading their countries. Most of the NATO nations are in arrears and expect the US to keep paying the fare. That's over.

Texas laws are invalid, there’s nothing to ‘violate’; immigration law is the sole purview of Congress, and the executive branch alone has the authority to enforce Federal immigration law, not the states.

It comes as no surprise that conservatives are truly this ignorant.
Wait, so every state should remove their signs at their borders?
So, we are not actually prepared for invasions. Thank you Biden for this shit.

It isn’t an ‘invasion’ – that’s a lie contrived by the racist, bigoted right.

And President Biden can only enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress.

The situation at the southern border and with immigration in general is the fault of Congress – Republicans in particular who oppose comprehensive immigration reform.

It isn’t an ‘invasion’ – that’s a lie contrived by the racist, bigoted right.

And President Biden can only enforce the immigration laws passed by Congress.

The situation at the southern border and with immigration in general is the fault of Congress – Republicans in particular who oppose comprehensive immigration reform.
You can fool Democrats. But you know very well we already have immigration laws that have long been in force. Biden simply does not obey the laws.
You can fool Democrats. But you know very well we already have immigration laws that have long been in force. Biden simply does not obey the laws.
Republicans scuttled an immigration bill for purely partisan reasons, to deny President Biden a win.

Indeed, Republicans don’t want to address the border or immigration; the racist, bigoted right wants to keep immigration an issue to keep the base frightened, ignorant, and going to the polls.
This is amazing. TX is the location of the Border in question. So TX law applies. So why did the Supreme Court not side with TX?

Because the US Constitution and Federal Law supersedes state law in issues where the federal government is responsible for protecting our boarders. The fact that Texas thinks the federal government is doing a terrible job is not relevant. Far more important is upholding the line of responsibility between states and the federal government. If a state can usurp federal responsibility in protecting our borders then why not managing foreign relations, maintaining a standing army, declaring war, coining money, etc.
Because the US Constitution and Federal Law supersedes state law in issues where the federal government is responsible for protecting our boarders. The fact that Texas thinks the federal government is doing a terrible job is not relevant. Far more important is upholding the line of responsibility between states and the federal government. If a state can usurp federal responsibility in protecting our borders then why not managing foreign relations, declaring war, coining money, etc.
We can deal with your plethora of excuses some other time. So on the border. It happens to be the border of TX. When Biden refuses to do his job, and TX will, then sorry to say it has to be TX.
We can deal with your plethora of excuses some other time. So on the border. It happens to be the border of TX. When Biden refuses to do his job, and TX will, then sorry to say it has to be TX.
And it is also the border of the United States and the US has the responsibility to protect it. Texas can protect the boarder but they can not deny federal agents access. The court ordered Texas to allow federal border agents access to the state's border with Mexico.
You're not understanding that the US is in Debt to the tune of $34T, so we are paying more in interest than we are for Defense.

The simple answer is that the US needs to cut spending, the sooner the better. Let the fucking EU pay to keep the Russians from

invading their countries. Most of the NATO nations are in arrears and expect the US to keep paying the fare. That's over.
Debt is no excuse. Isolationism is no more the answer than it was in the 1930s.

And we should uphold NATO because it means we fight over there instead of here if it comes push to shove.

The GOP are cowards and traitors.
And it is also the border of the United States and the US has the responsibility to protect it. Texas can protect the boarder but they can not deny federal agents access. The court ordered Texas to allow federal border agents access to the state's border with Mexico.
Where the Biden team intends to welcome the illegals there. But TX thwarts that by a new fence behind the old one.
Republicans scuttled an immigration bill for purely partisan reasons, to deny President Biden a win.

Indeed, Republicans don’t want to address the border or immigration; the racist, bigoted right wants to keep immigration an issue to keep the base frightened, ignorant, and going to the polls.
Wrong, It was Democrats that scuttled to date HR2. This was passed in 2023. And read in the Senate.
Supremacy clause bob.

Look it up.
The Constitution is only as binding as our trust in the justice system. Once these kinds of decisions become common - a perfect example was when Robert's court refused to rule on the evidence of the theft in 2020 - then it's just a matter of time until SCOTUS will be routinely ignored by the states...

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