Supreme court rules..prayer at public meetings not a constitutional violation.

Only Fascist here is YOU. Get lost.:eusa_hand:

T, you are a neo-fascist because of your anti-democratic uber-rightwing Christian position.

Those who say religion has no place in the public forum are anti-democratic uber-left fascists.

Let's be honest with definitions.

define public forum

public forum In United States constitutional law, a public forum is a government-owned property that is open to public expression and assembly. Types[edit] Public forum[edit] A public forum, also called an open forum, is open to all expression that is protected under the First Amendment. Forum (legal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Plasma, you will to argue with SCOTUS.
If will fight the mental fascism of atheism as hard as I will the religious fascism of the far right.

Neither of the small minorities will tell the great majority what to believe.

Constitutional law and democratic majority works hand in hand on this one.
Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "today--yes, tonight--before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times."

Mark 14-30
Peter was an ass, what can I say. His throne has a decent guy sitting on at the moment however. He won't like this decision either since God is supposed to matter but not in this case. Pray away team, pray away.
Peter was faithful to all that is good when he shouldered the new church, loving the faithful, shepherding the lost back to the teachings of Christ, and disciplining those who needed correction with true justice.

Peter did not hide from his mistakes. When he was martyred, he insisted on being nailed to the cross upside down because he claimed he was unworthy to die the same as Jesus Christ. Peter was a good choice, and having him to found the church after the Resurrection has lasted a long, long time. Peter may have been humble, but when it was time to step up to the plate and lead Christianity, he did even though it cost him his life and the hatred of insecure politicians. ;)
A defender of the men in black robes, who rape children. Noted.
A 5-4 ruling? WTF you mean four justices of the supreme court think that spoken prayers violate the Constitution?
That's only because under those conditions, they do, but tradition gets a pass this time.

Tought that. I know you are upset, but . . . so be it.
Upset? It was to be expected. This country doesn't actually stand for what it says it does. That's been true since day one. And why should I be upset, they just called your God "ceremonial". He might as well be Santa Claus. Just like on the money, God doesn't actually mean anything specific. I'll bet the God of the Jews loves that concept...
That's only because under those conditions, they do, but tradition gets a pass this time.

Tought that. I know you are upset, but . . . so be it.
Upset? It was to be expected. This country doesn't actually stand for what it says it does. That's been true since day one. And why should I be upset, they just called your God "ceremonial". He might as well be Santa Claus. Just like on the money, God doesn't actually mean anything specific. I'll bet the God of the Jews loves that concept...

Doesn't matter. Think what you wish. Grown adults, within the Constitution, get to choose on these matters. This ruling affects not the public school room. Some jerk may well try challenging Santa Fe soon, but will be thrashed.
Peter was an ass, what can I say. His throne has a decent guy sitting on at the moment however. He won't like this decision either since God is supposed to matter but not in this case. Pray away team, pray away.
Peter was faithful to all that is good when he shouldered the new church, loving the faithful, shepherding the lost back to the teachings of Christ, and disciplining those who needed correction with true justice.

Peter did not hide from his mistakes. When he was martyred, he insisted on being nailed to the cross upside down because he claimed he was unworthy to die the same as Jesus Christ. Peter was a good choice, and having him to found the church after the Resurrection has lasted a long, long time. Peter may have been humble, but when it was time to step up to the plate and lead Christianity, he did even though it cost him his life and the hatred of insecure politicians. ;)
A defender of the men in black robes, who rape children. Noted.

Atheists rape children, I would assume, as well.

PMH, all humanity is flawed.
Peter was faithful to all that is good when he shouldered the new church, loving the faithful, shepherding the lost back to the teachings of Christ, and disciplining those who needed correction with true justice.

Peter did not hide from his mistakes. When he was martyred, he insisted on being nailed to the cross upside down because he claimed he was unworthy to die the same as Jesus Christ. Peter was a good choice, and having him to found the church after the Resurrection has lasted a long, long time. Peter may have been humble, but when it was time to step up to the plate and lead Christianity, he did even though it cost him his life and the hatred of insecure politicians. ;)
A defender of the men in black robes, who rape children. Noted.

Atheists rape children, I would assume, as well.

PMH, all humanity is flawed.
Yes it is, but men who takes oaths before God even moreso in this case. Their defenders have a hard time acknowledging that this evil is twice as horrific when it is done by those who claim to represent a merciful God.

If they would own up to the evil, in full, I would give them something like the benefit of the doubt. That's a lot coming from me since most never get anything of the kind, nor do they deserve to.
A defender of the men in black robes, who rape children. Noted.

Atheists rape children, I would assume, as well.

PMH, all humanity is flawed.
Yes it is, but men who takes oaths before God even moreso in this case. Their defenders have a hard time acknowledging that this evil is twice as horrific when it is done by those who claim to represent a merciful God.

If they would own up to the evil, in full, I would give them something like the benefit of the doubt. That's a lot coming from me since most never get anything of the kind, nor do they deserve to.

Child abuse is terrible, whether by atheists or by priests. I agree that organized rings of pedophiliacs include secret groups, and I well imagine that includes secret groups of atheist child abusers as well.
Tought that. I know you are upset, but . . . so be it.
Upset? It was to be expected. This country doesn't actually stand for what it says it does. That's been true since day one. And why should I be upset, they just called your God "ceremonial". He might as well be Santa Claus. Just like on the money, God doesn't actually mean anything specific. I'll bet the God of the Jews loves that concept...

Doesn't matter. Think what you wish. Grown adults, within the Constitution, get to choose on these matters. This ruling affects not the public school room. Some jerk may well try challenging Santa Fe soon, but will be thrashed.

If I was a godly man, I would like for my God to mean more than what the SC just defined him as, ceremonial. I suspect the God of the OT would agree. He didn't take kindly to those who attempted to placate him.
We are in a world of hurt when four members of the supreme court side with the opinion of a former justice who was a former KKK member. Justice Hugo Black turned the Constitution on it's ear when he created the modern version of "separation of church/state" without of shred of Constitutional evidence to support his bigoted opinion. The 1st Amendment prevents the "state" from interfering in the lawful expression of religion. It doesn't give the "state" the right to prevent the lawful expression of religious freedom. The freaking hypocrites in government freely expressed their religious freedom with an invocation by a government employed chaplain and they erected a government sponsored Christmas tree for all the world to see while they prevented ordinary Americans from enjoying the same freedoms.
Atheists rape children, I would assume, as well.

PMH, all humanity is flawed.
Yes it is, but men who takes oaths before God even moreso in this case. Their defenders have a hard time acknowledging that this evil is twice as horrific when it is done by those who claim to represent a merciful God.

If they would own up to the evil, in full, I would give them something like the benefit of the doubt. That's a lot coming from me since most never get anything of the kind, nor do they deserve to.

Child abuse is terrible, whether by atheists or by priests. I agree that organized rings of pedophiliacs include secret groups, and I well imagine that includes secret groups of atheist child abusers as well.
When you can acknowledge the very large group within the Catholic Church, give me a ring, that I won't kiss.
Yes it is, but men who takes oaths before God even moreso in this case. Their defenders have a hard time acknowledging that this evil is twice as horrific when it is done by those who claim to represent a merciful God.

If they would own up to the evil, in full, I would give them something like the benefit of the doubt. That's a lot coming from me since most never get anything of the kind, nor do they deserve to.

Child abuse is terrible, whether by atheists or by priests. I agree that organized rings of pedophiliacs include secret groups, and I well imagine that includes secret groups of atheist child abusers as well.
When you can acknowledge the very large group within the Catholic Church, give me a ring, that I won't kiss.

No one is denying the horror of that, PMH. And no one is denying the horror of the rings, religious or atheist or homo or hetero, who are doing it.
Child abuse is terrible, whether by atheists or by priests. I agree that organized rings of pedophiliacs include secret groups, and I well imagine that includes secret groups of atheist child abusers as well.
When you can acknowledge the very large group within the Catholic Church, give me a ring, that I won't kiss.

No one is denying the horror of that, PMH. And no one is denying the horror of the rings, religious or atheist or homo or hetero, who are doing it.
Well I don't have groups of Atheists paying out hundreds of millions of dollars to children molested and raped over the last 50 years while their Church looked the other way and moved the rapists from one parish to another now do I?
Told ya so:

The court, in a 5-to-4 ruling today, said those prayers don't violate the Constitution -- even if they routinely emphasize Christianity -- as long as there's no effort to proselytize or to denigrate non-Christians. Justice Anthony Kennedy said the prayers are ceremonial, and in keeping with the nation's traditions. He wrote that they are designed to "acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent," and not to "exclude or coerce nonbelievers."

A sad day for the anti-Christian fascists indeed.

High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

It just pisses some people off that this Nation was founded by Christians.
Told ya so:

The court, in a 5-to-4 ruling today, said those prayers don't violate the Constitution -- even if they routinely emphasize Christianity -- as long as there's no effort to proselytize or to denigrate non-Christians. Justice Anthony Kennedy said the prayers are ceremonial, and in keeping with the nation's traditions. He wrote that they are designed to "acknowledge religious leaders and the institutions they represent," and not to "exclude or coerce nonbelievers."

A sad day for the anti-Christian fascists indeed.

High court ruling favors prayer at council meeting -

It just pisses some people off that this Nation was founded by Christians.
It pisses the Christians off that they didn't found a Christian nation even more, and that it was founded by Liberals.
Child abuse is terrible, whether by atheists or by priests. I agree that organized rings of pedophiliacs include secret groups, and I well imagine that includes secret groups of atheist child abusers as well.

How about the group that venerates and idolizes a known teen predator? Would that also be "terrible"? Just curious where you draw the line... Weird that Kennedy was part of the assenting Justices.
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Child abuse is terrible, whether by atheists or by priests. I agree that organized rings of pedophiliacs include secret groups, and I well imagine that includes secret groups of atheist child abusers as well.

How about the group that venerates and idolizes a known teen predator? Would that also be "terrible"? Just curious where you draw the line... Weird that Kennedy was part of the assenting Justices.

You know that you and I do not support child abuse of any kind.

Your concern is with LGBT while not looking at other predator groupings of heteroes.

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