Supreme court rules..prayer at public meetings not a constitutional violation.

The majority (i.e., not the 4 usual suspect whack-a-doo liberal justices) got it right.

That prayer (like the ceremonial prayers to start sessions of Congress) does NOT mandate that anybody be a believer, it does not mandate any official religion nor does it prohibit anybody's free exercise of their own religions (or their own non-religious inclinations).

Clearly, it does not violate the First Amendment religion clauses, therefore.

It doesn't violate anything, because it doesn't really mean anything. Congrats, you just made an invocation to the Eternal Being into a preview before the movie starts. Time to get that popcorn before the real deal begins but oddly enough, when I read the Bible, God seems to believe that he is the real deal? Good thing the court knows better eh?
"Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;......"

Looks like the leftists' agenda to prohibit the free exercise thereof, just received a setback.


Note to disgruntled liberals: Just think of it as a "reasonable restriction" on the part of the 1st amendment that mentions religion.

There, feel better now? :D
There is nothing wrong with our politicians being reminded every now and again there are bigger things than them.

Not that they listen...

Where things go awry is when we see things like what we see in this topic, where some self-righteous ninnies mistakenly believe God is on their side of the political aisle.
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I'm only a third of the way through the decision, it's 80 pages, but I can tell you this, whatever the majority faith in your town, you need only have invocations by that faith. It requires no other faiths to be given even equal access. So Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Satanists by chance, make hay while the sun shines. The court approves of you having no other faiths represented. This could become very entertaining.
There is nothing wrong with our politicians being reminded every now and again there are bigger things than them.

Not that they listen...

Where things go awry is when we see things like what we see in this topic, where some self-righteous ninnies mistakenly believe God is on their side of the political aisle.
Everyone thinks God is on their side, that's kind of the problem.
That pretty well sums up Religion in America actually.

I wonder if they know, according to Yeshua, that they've already received their reward for such "acts"?

I respect people's personal choice on that issue.

But the Hand of God has been so obvious and so powerful in my life, I couldn't deny Him if I wanted to.

In this country you aren't required to.

But I think the day is coming when that will change. The bible foretells it, and what I see confirms it.

irrelevant to the topic
If you are Christian, you cannot separate the two. We are our faith, and we are allowed to reference it, no matter who we are. If we aren't allowed, we will reference it anyway, and whoever is attempting to silence us will have to kill us, and it still won't work.

Until now, America has embraced that, and for that reason we've been the freest, most admired, most blessed, country on the face of the earth, and in the history of mankind.

We're losing that now, and it's because people refuse to embrace the premise of liberty anymore...and because people are rejecting the Christian god, which is so obviously superior to any other false God. It's pathetic that people are willing to destroy themselves, if in doing so they can destroy other people and spit on God. Those two things are so important to them, they're willing to sacrifice the well being of everybody.


preachy Allie is one of my faves. You can literally smell the bullshit through the computer.

BTW you sound like a terrorist
When you tell people that the state should prevent them from publicly owning their religion, based on your belief that good Christians hide to pray, then you are convicting them.

OK, I understand.

Then you are fine with Muslims, Jews, Gaiians, etc. opening public meetings with prayer.
These "prayers are ceremonial" or are civil religion.

Anti-religious fascists think the ruling will go too far, and the pro-religious fascists wil think the ruling did not go far enough.

I am using 'fascism' as I think Carl Herman defines it in an article in

Look in any textbook or encyclopedia and compare US policy (not rhetoric) to the definitions of fascism and constitutional republic. I’ll explain it here, but check my work. If at the end of your consideration, you agree that the United States of America is now a fascist state, please speak-up about it. Also, consider the policy requests at the end of the article. American fascism: by political definition the US is now fascist, not a constitutional republic - Los Angeles LA County Nonpartisan |

Only Fascist here is YOU. Get lost.:eusa_hand:

T, you are a neo-fascist because of your anti-democratic uber-rightwing Christian position.

Those who say religion has no place in the public forum are anti-democratic uber-left fascists.

Let's be honest with definitions.

define public forum
There is nothing in this decision that is new or significant concerning Establishment Clause jurisprudence, as it addressed only this specific case pursuant to Marsh. Indeed, the challengers were in fact not seeking to end the prayers before the start of the session, but to make the prayers more inclusive:

[T]he challengers here were not seeking to end the practice altogether but to require more diverse, ecumenical prayers in public meetings.

After describing the Court’s 1983 decision in Marsh v. Chambers, which upheld prayers in the Nebraska legislature, [Justice Kennedy] declares that “Marsh controls the Court’s decision today.”

Courts remain free to review the pattern of prayers over time to determine whether they comport with the tradition of solemn, respectful prayer approved in Marsh, or whether coercion is a real and substantial likelihood, he says.

A ?view? from the Court: A divided ruling on prayer, but no fireworks : SCOTUSblog

Consequently, citizens remain at liberty to challenge such practices in other jurisdictions, and if found to be in conflict with Marsh, invalidated.

Moreover, the prayers in question in this case do not seek to promote religion nor is there an excessive entanglement of religion and government; and although the secular purpose of the prayers is dubious, there is no clear evidence that the intent is not secular overall, given no further references are made to prayer once the sessions begin.
There is nothing wrong with our politicians being reminded every now and again there are bigger things than them.

Not that they listen...

Where things go awry is when we see things like what we see in this topic, where some self-righteous ninnies mistakenly believe God is on their side of the political aisle.
Everyone thinks God is on their side, that's kind of the problem.

I kinda think I'm on God's side.
I guess I'm not as self indulged as you are. :eusa_whistle:
There is nothing wrong with our politicians being reminded every now and again there are bigger things than them.

Not that they listen...

Where things go awry is when we see things like what we see in this topic, where some self-righteous ninnies mistakenly believe God is on their side of the political aisle.
Everyone thinks God is on their side, that's kind of the problem.

I kinda think I'm on God's side.
I guess I'm not as self indulged as you are. :eusa_whistle:
Terrific. There are very few of you. I actually think that religion, especially with a personal god, is for fools, slaves, and children, but if you are going to classify God as ceremonial, the God of the First Commandment that is, I wouldn't want to be you if he turns out to be real. He's not generous of such things. Pillar of salt time eh?
Everyone thinks God is on their side, that's kind of the problem.

I kinda think I'm on God's side.
I guess I'm not as self indulged as you are. :eusa_whistle:
Terrific. There are very few of you. I actually think that religion, especially with a personal god, is for fools, slaves, and children, but if you are going to classify God as ceremonial, the God of the First Commandment that is, I wouldn't want to be you if he turns out to be real. He's not generous of such things. Pillar of salt time eh?

There are fewer of you, true story.
Like I said, you're self indulged.
There is nothing in this decision that is new or significant concerning Establishment Clause jurisprudence, as it addressed only this specific case pursuant to Marsh. Indeed, the challengers were in fact not seeking to end the prayers before the start of the session, but to make the prayers more inclusive:

[T]he challengers here were not seeking to end the practice altogether but to require more diverse, ecumenical prayers in public meetings.

After describing the Court’s 1983 decision in Marsh v. Chambers, which upheld prayers in the Nebraska legislature, [Justice Kennedy] declares that “Marsh controls the Court’s decision today.”

Courts remain free to review the pattern of prayers over time to determine whether they comport with the tradition of solemn, respectful prayer approved in Marsh, or whether coercion is a real and substantial likelihood, he says.

A ?view? from the Court: A divided ruling on prayer, but no fireworks : SCOTUSblog

Consequently, citizens remain at liberty to challenge such practices in other jurisdictions, and if found to be in conflict with Marsh, invalidated.

Moreover, the prayers in question in this case do not seek to promote religion nor is there an excessive entanglement of religion and government; and although the secular purpose of the prayers is dubious, there is no clear evidence that the intent is not secular overall, given no further references are made to prayer once the sessions begin.
Read the dissents. There's a whole lot of Jesus is Lord and came to save your hell-bound soul goin' on. Al'lah, are you listening?
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Everyone thinks God is on their side, that's kind of the problem.

I kinda think I'm on God's side.
I guess I'm not as self indulged as you are. :eusa_whistle:
Terrific. There are very few of you. I actually think that religion, especially with a personal god, is for fools, slaves, and children, but if you are going to classify God as ceremonial, the God of the First Commandment that is, I wouldn't want to be you if he turns out to be real. He's not generous of such things. Pillar of salt time eh?

Again, your ignorance of all things "Biblical" continues to rear it's ugly head. :cuckoo:
I kinda think I'm on God's side.
I guess I'm not as self indulged as you are. :eusa_whistle:
Terrific. There are very few of you. I actually think that religion, especially with a personal god, is for fools, slaves, and children, but if you are going to classify God as ceremonial, the God of the First Commandment that is, I wouldn't want to be you if he turns out to be real. He's not generous of such things. Pillar of salt time eh?

There are fewer of you, true story.
Like I said, you're self indulged.
Not at all. I'm free of religious nonsense. I don't fear death and seek to avoid it. That makes it easy to live without Easter Buddies or Santa Christs.
Terrific. There are very few of you. I actually think that religion, especially with a personal god, is for fools, slaves, and children, but if you are going to classify God as ceremonial, the God of the First Commandment that is, I wouldn't want to be you if he turns out to be real. He's not generous of such things. Pillar of salt time eh?

There are fewer of you, true story.
Like I said, you're self indulged.
Not at all. I'm free of religious nonsense. I don't fear death and seek to avoid it. That makes it easy to live without Easter Buddies or Santa Christs.

Truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "today--yes, tonight--before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times."

Mark 14-30
I kinda think I'm on God's side.
I guess I'm not as self indulged as you are. :eusa_whistle:
Terrific. There are very few of you. I actually think that religion, especially with a personal god, is for fools, slaves, and children, but if you are going to classify God as ceremonial, the God of the First Commandment that is, I wouldn't want to be you if he turns out to be real. He's not generous of such things. Pillar of salt time eh?

Again, your ignorance of all things "Biblical" continues to rear it's ugly head. :cuckoo:
You misunderstand. I rejected Christianity, and Judaism ,and Islam, because I studied the faiths and read the Holy Books, not because I didn't.

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