Supreme Court Screws Disabled Vets

That is not how I read it and not how Mark Joseph Stern (long time reporter and follower of Supreme Court rulings for Slate Magazine read it either. I could be biased. I almost always land on the side of Veteran, military servicemen & women, and military retirees. You should also, Sergeant, at least in my opinion.
the court ruled on the legality of deadlines and not when the deadline should be that is up to congress the President and the VA.

This Court is a disaster. Barrett was the driving force behind this decision but all three "liberal" Justices joined in it
I have friends whose PTSD did not manifest until years after their service. I just had a sendoff for a friend who is checking into a residential facility for his PTSD. He was discharged almost 20 years ago and has spent the past two decades in total chaos. He's been homeless, in and out of jails, and addicted to drugs and alcohol. It wasn't until his last time in jail that one of the corrections officers recognized his problem and hooked him up with a VA program.

I'm literally the last friend he has.

If anyone deserves retroactive disability, it's this guy.
I have friends whose PTSD did not manifest until years after their service. I just had a sendoff for a friend who is checking into a residential facility for his PTSD. He was discharged almost 20 years ago and has spent the past two decades in total chaos. He's been homeless, in and out of jails, and addicted to drugs and alcohol. It wasn't until his last time in jail that one of the corrections officers recognized his problem and hooked him up with a VA program.

I'm literally the last friend he has.

If anyone deserves retroactive disability, it's this guy.
And many more like him
Well, here's what's going on. The court didn't screw anyone, they ruled on the Constitutionality of a law
They sure as shit did.
you need to have Congress rewrite it

It is the responsibility of congress.
A GOP Congress that doesn't give a shit about Vets? A GOP Congress that fought the Burn Pit Bill tooth and nail and lied about it?

Yea. Good luck
the court ruled on the legality of deadlines and not when the deadline should be that is up to congress the President and the VA.
That is not how the laws or amendments to the constitution read.
As Law&Crime has thoroughly explained before under slightly different contexts, the date of the U.S. presidential election is codified in federal statutes. 3 U.S.C. § 1 sets the date as follows: “The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President.” Similarly, 2 U.S.C. § 7 sets the date for the election of U.S. senators and representatives on the same day. In other words, the date cannot be changed without Congress changing the laws which set the date. The Senate is controlled by Republicans; the House is controlled by Democrats. It is unlikely the parties would come to a compromise which would allow the election date to be moved.
As Law&Crime (and others) have also duly noted, the president’s term of office ends “at noon on the 20th day of January . . . and the terms of their successors shall then begin.” That language is straight out of the 20th Amendment, and neither Trump nor Congress alone can change that.

So basically you have two months from the election to contest before the swearing in ceremony of the President elected. After the recounts, and court cases lost repeatedly, whether by lack of any credible evidence (as seemed to be the case) or really shitty republican representation in the courts, including the Supreme Court, lawyer making good sound bites on FOX and various courthouse steps, but folding like cheap suits in front of judges, including Republican judges and even republican judges appointed by Trump, not to mention the Supreme court packed by Trump, the Republicans ran out the clock. Case Closed.
They sure as shit did.

A GOP Congress that doesn't give a shit about Vets? A GOP Congress that fought the Burn Pit Bill tooth and nail and lied about it?

Yea. Good luck
The democrats had the House for years and didn't touch this. Why is it now that nothing's changed you want to rant about Republicans (as if I didn't already know)?
The democrats had the House for years and didn't touch this
Didn't need to until this Court.

Oh and Republicans have had the House many times for many years since Vietnam
Didn't need to until this Court.

Oh and Republicans have had the House many times for many years since Vietnam
It was a unanimous court decision. When they ALL agree on something like this, it's a slam dunk that they got the legalities right. You know, you still haven't shown where their decision was wrong. You're just mad and spouting off inanities.

The bottom line is, you really don't have a leg to stand on when you're ranting about Republicans.
It was a unanimous court decision. When they ALL agree on something like this, it's a slam dunk that they got the legalities right. You know, you still haven't shown where their decision was wrong. You're just mad and spouting off inanities.

The bottom line is, you really don't have a leg to stand on when you're ranting about Republicans.
I don't give a shit . They unanimously decided to screw Vets

And not one single Republican is bothered by usual
I am a disabled vet, along with a number of others here. Why would we want to screw Vets? BTW, most of the vets I know despise frigging civilians who never served
So you got your bennies and fuck the rest of your buddies huh?

This Court is a disaster. Barrett was the driving force behind this decision but all three "liberal" Justices joined in it

You'd think they'd AUTOMATICALLY get their thing, they shouldn't have to apply for it.

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