Supreme Court signals support for Arizona immigration law provision

What a Historical GREAT SCOTUS this could be if it shoots down BOTH ObamaCare on valid Constitutional grounds AND the insidious and idiotic effort of the Federal Government to prevent a State from DOING what it is plainly authorized to do.
If you don't take illegal immigration seriously then I can't take that person seriously. Illegal immigration affects Education, Health care, jobs, taxes and many other things. Not a single meaningful area does mass illegal immigration give us a positive gain.
What a Historical GREAT SCOTUS this could be if it shoots down BOTH ObamaCare on valid Constitutional grounds AND the insidious and idiotic effort of the Federal Government to prevent a State from DOING what it is plainly authorized to do.

A much needed shot in the arm for the 9th and 10th Amendments...
Politically, Obama gets a huge boost if the law is upheld. Could lock up the election because Romney is doomed without 3 times the hispanic vote he's currently polling at. know...

if Obama's lawyer just had a teleprompter....
Mitt Romney: It makes sense to use a TelePrompter - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

the man who seems to have bested Santorum and Gingrich in the race for the GOP presidential nomination doesn't see what's so wrong with using a TelePrompter. In a video leaked to by a disgruntled (and now fired) Fox News employee known as the "Fox Mole," the presumptive nominee is shown chatting with Sean Hannity before going on air. After producers inform Hannity there is a script for the segment - which Hannity will read off a "prompter" - the two men mock Mr. Obama for using a TelePrompter, with Hannity saying, "I think Obama sleeps with his."

But the two then sing the praises of the device in keeping a candidate from saying something he might regret.

"It does make some sense though" to use a teleprompter, Romney tells Hannity. "I do understand."

He adds: "It keeps you from saying something you don't mean, you get the message out precisely the way you want to get the message out." Romney says he has used a TelePrompter "maybe five times" in the campaign. Romney in recent months has tended to use a teleprompter for most major speeches.

"It's smart," Hannity agrees. "You're right. You don't want to make a mistake. I'll tell you, they're out to just eviscerate anybody who makes a mistake."
Last edited: know...

if Obama's lawyer just had a teleprompter....
Mitt Romney: It makes sense to use a TelePrompter - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

the man who seems to have bested Santorum and Gingrich in the race for the GOP presidential nomination doesn't see what's so wrong with using a TelePrompter. In a video leaked to by a disgruntled (and now fired) Fox News employee known as the "Fox Mole," the presumptive nominee is shown chatting with Sean Hannity before going on air. After producers inform Hannity there is a script for the segment - which Hannity will read off a "prompter" - the two men mock Mr. Obama for using a TelePrompter, with Hannity saying, "I think Obama sleeps with his."

But the two then sing the praises of the device in keeping a candidate from saying something he might regret.

"It does make some sense though" to use a teleprompter, Romney tells Hannity. "I do understand."

He adds: "It keeps you from saying something you don't mean, you get the message out precisely the way you want to get the message out." Romney says he has used a TelePrompter "maybe five times" in the campaign. Romney in recent months has tended to use a teleprompter for most major speeches.

"It's smart," Hannity agrees. "You're right. You don't want to make a mistake. I'll tell you, they're out to just eviscerate anybody who makes a mistake."

Yes, those who speak out of both sides of their mouths should use teleprompters.
Supreme Court signals support for Arizona immigration law provision

As I noted in the other thread about this, republicans and conservatives better hope not.

What’s interesting is it’s as if the Court wants the law to stand to allow pending civil rights violations lawsuits to proceed:

Arizona SB 1070
I absolutely hope the SCOTUS does the right thing.

That would mean scuttling the undue efforts of the Obama Administration in this regard.
Anybody still think Obama got great grades in law school?

He did not. Like his LSAT scores, and those grades at Columbia University, they are secrets more secure than Iranian nuclear development. We do know, however, he graduated without honors, which is telling, since most minorities will do so with even modest effort.

It is also telling he never talks about his Columbia associations. Not one friend does he mention, and he and his wife never play up the President of the Harvard Law Review bit. After all, that position usually leads to clerk at the Supreme Court, a position Obama was not offered.

He was most definitely a product of the silver spoon of affirmative action.
Must be the talking point aren't out yet on the Supreme Court huh?

Somebody wipe up all that drool please.
Good for the SCOTUS.

Supreme Court signals support for Arizona immigration law provision | Fox News

The Supreme Court signaled Wednesday that it might uphold a key element of Arizona's immigration law, as justices across the board suggested the state has a serious problem on its hands and should have some level of sovereignty to address illegal immigration.

The justices appeared to ready to allow a provision requiring police officers to check the immigration status of people they think are in the U.S. illegally.

The justices strongly suggested Wednesday they are not buying the Obama administration's argument that the state exceeded its authority, with Chief Justice John Roberts at one point saying he doesn't think the federal government even wants to know how many illegal immigrants are in the country.

"You can see it's not selling very well," Justice Sonia Sotomayor told Obama administration Solicitor General Donald Verrilli.

Two of the key statutes, which have been blocked and will be at issue in Wednesday's arguments, are provisions to bar illegal immigrants from seeking a job and to require law enforcement to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally in the course of a routine stop.
If you are here illegally, you should NOT be able to get a job. PERIOD.

Supreme Court strikes down most of Arizona immigration law, upholds key provision | Fox News

The Supreme Court has struck down most of the controversial Arizona immigration law, but upheld a key provision.

The provision that was upheld requires state and local police officers, during routine stops, to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect could be in the country illegally.

Other provisions, though, were struck down.
good for SCOTUS on this part.

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