Supreme Court to take up Obamacare contraception case


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
After Obama lied to the Catholic Church to get their buy in for Obamacare, he pulls the bait and switch. More Christian persecution from Obama. He is evil as they come, and very well could be the anti-christ. The Bishops have already said the church will not comply.

Religious freedom is paramount in this country. What a country, forced to pay for contraception and abortions. What a monumental cluster on all levels.

Obama is a disgrace not worthy of speaking for real Americans


By Bill Mears, CNN Supreme Court Producer
updated 5:47 PM EST, Tue November 26, 2013

Washington (CNN) -- The high-stakes fight over implementing parts of the troubled health care reform law will move to the U.S. Supreme Court in coming months, in a dispute involving coverage for contraceptives and "religious liberty."
The justices agreed on Tuesday to review provisions in the Affordable Care Act requiring employers of a certain size to offer insurance coverage for birth control and other reproductive health services without a co-pay.
At issue is whether private companies can refuse to do so on the claim it violates their religious beliefs.

Supreme Court to take up Obamacare contraception case -
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Not only religious beliefs but political beliefs are denied equal Constitutional protection and inclusion by this ACA agenda. If Constitutionalism were formally recognized as a political religion, maybe we could establish a clear case of First Fourteenth AND Tenth Amendment violations by federal officials abusing all three branches to impose and discriminate. Ironically by the very denial of the opposing Constitutional beliefs deemed invalid, that is why this argument isnt recognized. if it were, we wouldnt have this problem. Does this require a lawsuit to defend the religious freedom to enforce the Constitution? Will that help?
I believe the ultimate ruling in this case will tell us all we need to know about the direction of the country. I think I understand the path already, but SCOTUS will prove me right or wrong. I hope I'm wrong


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