Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

Health care isn't a "private" thing ...

Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.
Health care isn't a "private" thing ...

Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

So, if my health isn't my own, private, concern - I ask again, "What is?"

The extent of your enthusiasm for government intervention is astonishing. Is there anything, any crevice of your body, you won't welcome Big Brother into?
Hey liberhoids! suck it


Yes, five old men just told the women of America that their employers can dictate what they do with their Lady Parts.

This is a great day for Conservatives.

It tells working women what is in store for them if the GOP ever gets back into power.

Not only this, but did you know Hobby Lobby doesn't give food to it's female and person of color employees? Employers and this rogue supreme court, primarily white virginal men who live in their mother's basements, can literally dictate whether these people live or starve.
Hey liberhoids! suck it


Yes, five old men just told the women of America that their employers can dictate what they do with their Lady Parts.

This is a great day for Conservatives.

It tells working women what is in store for them if the GOP ever gets back into power.

Not only this, but did you know Hobby Lobby doesn't give food to it's female and person of color employees? Employers and this rogue supreme court, primarily white virginal men who live in their mother's basements, can literally dictate whether these people live or starve.

Oh... the humanity!
Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

So, if my health isn't my own, private, concern - I ask again, "What is?"

Technically? In this country? Not very much. Maybe your cell phone.

The extent of your enthusiasm for government intervention is astonishing. Is there anything, any crevice of your body, you won't welcome Big Brother into?

Your enthusiasm for vulgarity aside, maybe you should start thinking about more "private" digs.

That way if you have a heart attack or can "privately" figure out what to do.
Hey liberhoids! suck it


Yes, five old men just told the women of America that their employers can dictate what they do with their Lady Parts.

This is a great day for Conservatives.

It tells working women what is in store for them if the GOP ever gets back into power.

Not only this, but did you know Hobby Lobby doesn't give food to it's female and person of color employees? Employers and this rogue supreme court, primarily white virginal men who live in their mother's basements, can literally dictate whether these people live or starve.

Wow, that was probably the most retarded thing I've seen in this thread.

Here's the thing. Hobby Lobby isn't 'giving" health insurance to its employees. It's employees are EARNING healthy insurance by providing value to the company.
Hey liberhoids! suck it


Yes, five old men just told the women of America that their employers can dictate what they do with their Lady Parts.

This is a great day for Conservatives.

It tells working women what is in store for them if the GOP ever gets back into power.

Yeah, this is all the GOP's fault.

Doing your parrot act again Joe?

Let's look at this rationally. Nobody is having their rights taken away. Female employees at Hobby Lobby still have the right to contraception through their insurance. It's just a few specific drugs won't be paid for. They have to get them on their own. They can still get birth control pills through their insurance.

But like the lie that Bush cut taxes only for the rich, this one will be the Democrat's talking-point on their imaginary war on women. They will lie, and they will continue to use stooges like Joe to spread their lies.
The extent of your enthusiasm for government intervention is astonishing. Is there anything, any crevice of your body, you won't welcome Big Brother into?

Your enthusiasm for vulgarity aside, maybe you should start thinking about more "private" digs.

That way if you have a heart attack or can "privately" figure out what to do.

Heh... I'll take that as a 'no'.
Health care isn't a "private" thing ...

Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

I don't know about you but I would rather have a doctor treat be who was compensated to the extent his skills warrant.

Just as little league has been screwed up by all the moms who think little Johnny who sucks balls deserves a trophy too, now we think our Doctors should be on a level playing field.

Everyone is on an even keel

Screw that

Health care isn't a "private" thing ...

Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

The problems that you are so spun up about could have been fixed with a one page law.

Health insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to persons with pre-existing conditions

Health insurance companies may not longer include maximum lifetime payments in any policies

Health insurance companies must charge the same premium to all polciy holders.

There, three sentences fixed all the problems. But instead we got a 2000 page piece of shit bill, passed by dems only, that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world.
Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

The problems that you are so spun up about could have been fixed with a one page law.

Health insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to persons with pre-existing conditions

Health insurance companies may not longer include maximum lifetime payments in any policies

Health insurance companies must charge the same premium to all polciy holders.

There, three sentences fixed all the problems. But instead we got a 2000 page piece of shit bill, passed by dems only, that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world.

one more sentence, Health insurance companies may compete across state lines.

and maybe this one too. malpractice awards are limited to 250K.
Wow... really? What is?

I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

The problems that you are so spun up about could have been fixed with a one page law.

Health insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to persons with pre-existing conditions

Health insurance companies may not longer include maximum lifetime payments in any policies

Health insurance companies must charge the same premium to all polciy holders.

There, three sentences fixed all the problems. But instead we got a 2000 page piece of shit bill, passed by dems only, that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world.

Because you have to design a mechanism for paying for those things. That's what the insurance mandate does, pays for all those goodies. You have to get young, healthy people in the pool as well as the people with pre-existing conditions. Duh.
I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

The problems that you are so spun up about could have been fixed with a one page law.

Health insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to persons with pre-existing conditions

Health insurance companies may not longer include maximum lifetime payments in any policies

Health insurance companies must charge the same premium to all polciy holders.

There, three sentences fixed all the problems. But instead we got a 2000 page piece of shit bill, passed by dems only, that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world.

one more sentence, Health insurance companies may compete across state lines.

and maybe this one too. malpractice awards are limited to 250K.

Ah, so you aren't actually aware what is in the Affordable Care Act either. It's okay, a lot of Americans are very ignorant of what the law does...thanks Fox.

Insurance firms in each state are protected from interstate competition by the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act (1945), which grants states the right to regulate health plans within their borders. Large employers who self-insure are exempt from these state regulations. [...]

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590), Section 1333 permits states to form health care choice inter-state compacts and allow insurers to sell policies in any state participating in the compact. Two or more states may enter into compacts under which one or more insurance plans may be offered in the such states, subject to the laws and regulations of the state in which it was written.

The insurer would remain subject to the market conduct, unfair trade practices, network adequacy, consumer protection, and dispute resolution standards of any state in which the insurance was sold, be licensed in each state, and notify consumers that it was not otherwise subject to the laws of the selling state. HHS would have to approve interstate insurance sales, certifying that the coverage would be as least as comprehensive as that sold through the exchange, provide coverage and cost-sharing protections at least as affordable and cover at least as many residents as coverage under Title I, and not increase the federal deficit.1​

Hey liberhoids! suck it


Yes, five old men just told the women of America that their employers can dictate what they do with their Lady Parts.

This is a great day for Conservatives.

It tells working women what is in store for them if the GOP ever gets back into power.

You are one person with very little knowledge of the facts, Joe.
You need to spin the truth to create a lie. Well done.

There are 16 choices a woman can make regarding what birth control pill she wants when working for Hobby Lobby.

Educate yourself for once in your life.

Choices? Drugs are prescribed dumbass. If you're unfortunate enough to need what isn't covered, now you're paying out of pocket since the owners of the company have a problem with your uterus.
I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

The problems that you are so spun up about could have been fixed with a one page law.

Health insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to persons with pre-existing conditions

Health insurance companies may not longer include maximum lifetime payments in any policies

Health insurance companies must charge the same premium to all polciy holders.

There, three sentences fixed all the problems. But instead we got a 2000 page piece of shit bill, passed by dems only, that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world.

Because you have to design a mechanism for paying for those things. That's what the insurance mandate does, pays for all those goodies. You have to get young, healthy people in the pool as well as the people with pre-existing conditions. Duh.

Wrong, you spread the total cost over all of the people who buy policies. Thats the way insurance works.

The government cannot mandate that everyone buy insurance. If you choose to be uninsured then you accept the risks that go with that decision. If you are unable to pay for insurance then medicaid is there for you.

There was no healthcare crisis in the USA before obozocare. It was nothing but a lib attempt to take over 1/6 of the US economy and to ram more socialism up our collective asses.
I'm sorry, but what?

What's private about health care?

At some point you and everyone else will enter into socialized medicine. Well that is if you live long enough.

That's part of the problem with ObamaCare. It still depends on "private", profit driven organizations to provide it to young people.

Prior to ObamaCare, however, these corporate entities could boot you for a variety of reasons when it came time to use them.

Additionally they had all sorts of mechanisms in place to protect their profits, like life time caps.

This court decision allows a new direction for corporations to take to cut costs.

A "Religious" one.

The problems that you are so spun up about could have been fixed with a one page law.

Health insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to persons with pre-existing conditions

Health insurance companies may not longer include maximum lifetime payments in any policies

Health insurance companies must charge the same premium to all polciy holders.

There, three sentences fixed all the problems. But instead we got a 2000 page piece of shit bill, passed by dems only, that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world.

Because you have to design a mechanism for paying for those things. That's what the insurance mandate does, pays for all those goodies. You have to get young, healthy people in the pool as well as the people with pre-existing conditions. Duh.

Translation: it screws people who dont want, don't need, and can't afford insurance to subsidize people who are unwilling to pay. Transferring wealth from the younger generation to the older generation, all through a coercive scheme that gets worse and worse with every month.
By next year the American people will be begging for repeal of Obamacare.

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