Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

oh we dont have to make anything up. All we have to do is wait till the first muslim group want exempt from something because of their faith because they dont like a current law.

It will happen, and you will flip you mind because of it, and i will laugh my ass off at you people. Once again you are too busy thinking short term win to even consider the long term affects.

this is why you people are dangerous.

And so what? If someone is a devout Muslim, no law should infringe upon their right to practice Islam.

If a woman voluntary chooses to live in submission as a devout Muslim --- that's her choice.

because our laws trump your faith.
your faith does not give you blanket to do whatever you want. Scotus just welcomed chaos to the land....
Enjoy the win people....its going to be fun

Except that the 1st Amendment says they don't.
What sort of cascade do you foresee?

It's all about precedent. It's the same reason I hate Obamacare. This ruling sets a present that can cause a further grief. How many other religions, both new and old, will now start claiming exemptions from certain business laws based on the grounds of "religious freedom".

Hell, all I have to do is get whatever religion I can dream up acknowledged by the state, and I can ignore whatever business laws I fucking want.

What I don't get is why the Court will respect the freedom of an employer to choose insurance coverage (or not) for their employees for religious reasons, but not for personal conscience. Does claiming "the man in the sky told me" make our decisions untouchable?

The freedom of religion wasn't established to give religious people special privileges and exemptions. It was established to prevent government persecution of religions. To be clear, I do think the contraceptive mandate is a violation of religious freedom, but more importantly, it's a violation of general freedom and should be struck down for everyone, not just those who subscribe to a government recognized religion.

The part you don't get is that this was decided on personal conscious.

Libs losing double. It's a good day.

Doesn't that mean that Obamacare gets tossed onto the scrap heap?

It does not. It means that Hobby Lobby etc will have to sign the same thing that the Little Sisters of the Poor do.

Also worth noting that this is yet another time that the law was NOT found to be unconstitutional. The court merely interpreted existing legislation (1993 RFRA) as being in conflict with it.

Little Sister doesn't have to sign anything.
Doesn't that mean that Obamacare gets tossed onto the scrap heap?

It does not. It means that Hobby Lobby etc will have to sign the same thing that the Little Sisters of the Poor do.

Also worth noting that this is yet another time that the law was NOT found to be unconstitutional. The court merely interpreted existing legislation (1993 RFRA) as being in conflict with it.

Little Sister doesn't have to sign anything.

Yet. Pending a ruling. However, the majority opinion in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby repeatedly references the ESBA 700 form as the least restrictive means of accomplishing the government's compelling interest, so the handwriting is on the wall, so to speak.
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It does not. It means that Hobby Lobby etc will have to sign the same thing that the Little Sisters of the Poor do.

Also worth noting that this is yet another time that the law was NOT found to be unconstitutional. The court merely interpreted existing legislation (1993 RFRA) as being in conflict with it.

Little Sister doesn't have to sign anything.

Yet. Pending a ruling. However, the majority opinion in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby repeatedly references the ESBA 700 form as the least restrictive means of accomplishing the government's compelling interest, so the handwriting is on the wall, so to speak.

Except Little Sisters isn't a for profit corporation, and their objection is to signing that form, so keep deluding yourself.

By the way, weren't you one of the people that said that SCOTUS would never rule for Hobby Lobby, even after I explained, in detail, why they would? Funny how they ruled exactly they way I argued they would, isn't it?
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Should of been 9-0 in favor of Hobby Lobby family. If you think otherwise then you want totalitarianism.
A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

that was the governments position in the hobby lobby case

the government felt it was okay for a corp to stop

providing insurance for their employees

and pay the fine instead of

having first amendment rights
For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

Well that's good, because it prevents conception. Which is why you have to take within 48-72 hrs.
But conception can begin within 30 how can taking a pill 48-72 hours prevent conception?

HowStuffWorks "From Sex to Conception"

The fastest sperm can get to a fallopian tube is about 30 minutes, meaning that the quickest conception could occur following sex is in the half-hour range [source: WebMD]. This means that, following sex, the egg could be fertilized before you've gotten up to get a drink of water.

Conception can occur as many as five days after sex or possibly longer, as strong, healthy sperm can survive for about that many days (and perhaps even longer) in the supportive environment of the fallopian tubes as they wait for an egg to be released, if one isn't already present [source: Harms].
Jarhead, IF THE EGG IS PRESENT, in the 30 minutes the fastest sperm can make it to the egg, and it is strong enough to penetrate and fertilize the egg... and the fertilized egg, makes it to the Uterus and manages to attach itself...before the woman takes Plan B, or even after a certain amount of time after taking the plan B, then the woman becomes Pregnant, and Plan B, simply does not does NOTHING to an implanted uterine does NOTHING to end the pregnancy if the pregnancy has taken place.

PLan B is the same hormone in all birth control pills, only a stronger dose, and does the precise same things as BC Pills, not 1 single thing is different from what BC pills if you are against Plan B for any reason, you must equally be against normal birth control pills in order to be example the Catholic Church's standing is against BOTH plan B and birth control pills....
Most birth control pills are "combination pills" containing a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during the monthly cycle). A woman cannot get pregnant if she doesn't ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized. The Pill also works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any eggs that may have been released. The hormones in the Pill can also sometimes affect the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.
The bold part is what the Catholics are against, thus against birth control Pills, and also against plan b for the same bold portion....

The BC pills and Plan B work the exact same way...there is no difference between the two.

BTW, plan B is MOST effective IF taken within 24 hours.

when taken at 72 hours it is only 89% affective because the pregnancy may already have taken place earlier and Plan B does nothing if the woman is prevents pregnancy, only if pregnancy hasn't occurred yet.


AND there are quite a few women like me, who released eggs monthly, who's husband's sperm fertilized those eggs, which made it to the uterus, but for various reasons, never ''attached'', thus my womb, and others, are barren...(unless other modern day procedures work)

.just because an egg is fertilized, doesn't mean a woman is automatically pregnant (or a child is in the making)...

From natural causes (and not through Pill taking), not all fertilized eggs make it to me, I Know! :(
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A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

that was the governments position in the hobby lobby case

the government felt it was okay for a corp to stop

providing insurance for their employees

and pay the fine instead of

having first amendment rights

Hobby lobby pays a min of $14.00 per hour.

Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby hikes minimum wage to $14 an hour for full-time hourly employees | News OK
A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

that was the governments position in the hobby lobby case

the government felt it was okay for a corp to stop

providing insurance for their employees

and pay the fine instead of

having first amendment rights

Hobby lobby pays a min of $14.00 per hour.

Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby hikes minimum wage to $14 an hour for full-time hourly employees | News OK

i dont know for sure if they do out here maybe
They just opened up here and a few people I know went to apply for a job there, and they hired one of them, but they did not have any full time positions opened, they only hired people as part timers, so they did not have to pay the $14 an hour, to all the part timers they hired...the one person that did take the part time position, is hoping that she can some day be able to turn the part time job in to a full time position...I wish her could be that this is their modus operandi....start everyone as a part timer, and those who perform well can eventually get a full time position?
Still not one single liberal female who has stepped up and stated she has no access to birth control, etc..

NOT ONE- That's because they would be a fucking liar.. This entire meltdown from the Leftists is nothing more than a frenzy over not being allowed to trash the US Constitution and trample on religious freedom.
Dear [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] [MENTION=20709]JFK_USA[/MENTION] [MENTION=20704]Nosmo King[/MENTION]:
This is why conservatives/Constitutionalists argue to keep

Health care inherently involves PERSONAL choices and beliefs,
not just abortion and reproductive health choices,
but POLITICAL BELIEFS about govt role and relationship between people/states

we would NOT HAVE SUCH conflicts (with blood transfusions, which
tests to pay for, etc etc.) if these decisions remain PRIVATE


This is the same problem with suing over textbooks in public schools
The whole issue could be AVOIDED by NOT FORCING school curricula
under "ONE PUBLIC POLICY" -- let each district decide for themselves if they can't agree statewide.
NOT "ONE GLOBAL POLICY" when people have different beliefs.

We never solved that problem of conflicts over religious beliefs
under public schools, and now it's multiplied with personal, religious
and political beliefs about health care REQUIRED under a federal policy.

Do you SEE why people protested this being under Federal Govt?
it was to AVOID these implications that cannot be avoided
because people inherently have their own beliefs about health care
and treatment, personal choices and policies, and the role of govt getting involved.

What a huge mess. This is why those conflicts should have been
addressed BEFORE passing any such bill. The systems would have to be separated by party BEFORE this, not wait until afterwards to find out which areas cause conflict.
there are too many.

Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.

Health care isn't a "private" thing in that everyone in this country will require it at one point or another. And this country, constitutionally, is responsible for the well being of it's citizens. What SHOULD be out of health care is religion.

This was an extremely dangerous ruling and deals a blow to the Constitutional concept of separation of church and state. And assigning personhood to corporate entities bodes badly for the country as a whole.

Very badly.

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